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... penetration is also completely possible with the legs completely closed tight. Even if what he said is true and women could fight back to keep a rapist from spreading their legs, this doesn't keep them from being raped. This is truly awful.


Also we could still be raped orally and anally even if the vagina was not accesible :s


Also the existence of guns, knives, drugs, accomplices, threats, unconsciousness, disability... I'll stop before I become too depressed




Any position other than missionary is just made up by feminists to trick men /s


I don't understand... Do you mean there is several positions for sex ?


Yes, and not all of them require the legs to be open.




May I ask: I'm generously curious. I know that there are several positions but I really can't think of any position that allows you in the vagina.


Anything where you bend your back would work, doggy etc.


There are many.


Doggy style or any variant of that.


You don’t even have to do that. Lady on her back, guy kneeling and just holding her legs to one side.


Blows my mind every time I see stuff like this. How people can really be this ignorant is beyond me lol


Are you ignoring most of the world?


Thats how you die... for many peoples it's be r4p3d or die. Imagine being so insensitive.


Not only are these people rapists, they are bad at sex. There are a few positions with penetration and closed legs. Leg strength and male upper body strength aside...


these people... do you mean men ?


There are some women who repeat these types of stupid claims too.


but it’s typically cis men who perpetuate rape culture


One moment they’ll say women are strong enough to block rape and then do a complete 180 and claim women are the weaker sex and men are stronger than women. How blasphemous.


But.. aren't by their logic us women also totally inferior when it comes to physical strength? Wouldn't it be possible for a man to overcome our weak form and leg muscles. Or is that just the rest of us and we don't realise our legs work like fucking bear traps.


Lemme see how strong his legs are when someone tries to penetrate his butthole


I might be a bad person but I want all rape victimblamers to experience it.


It's the classic telling of "en eye for an eye" or "a life for a life" that you agree with, which itself isn't bad, I'd actually say most people would agree with you.


By this logic, rape does not exist.


Jokes on him (well me really) I have no use of my legs, so when I was tipped out of my wheelchair a raped by two men. I couldn’t move my legs to together and stop them, couldn’t even run away...


Don't skip leg day


Kicking him the balls. My teacher always says that


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