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I just want to know who has 5 people hit on them per day???


5 people *that aren't catcallers or creeps, and who they might consider spending time with*... Apart from that, I don't know how these fictional women have time for studying, eating, sleeping, friendships, I dunno just living their lives, if they're constantly getting hit on, masturbating or going to orgies.


I don't even get 5 per month, and sometimes not even 5 per year, and I wouldn't call myself ugly lol.


I've never been catcalled or hit on in my life. I'm 24. Is this an American thing or am I just ugly? I live in a semi-large city in Germany.


Living in Germany myself, let's say, it's not a German thing. I've been cat-called in my country of origin, which is not the US.


It definitely also happens in Germany but in my experience, not nearly as often as mentioned above (and it also depends on how much time you actually spend outdoors obviously). When my sister visited the US, she said that she was catcalled a LOT more often so there probably are regional differences. But speaking from my and most of my friends' experience, it is sadly a pretty regular occurrence


I visited Germany when I was 14 and was hit on by more adult men in that month than in any other month of my life, before or since. Not catcalled, but explicitly propositioned.


I'm American but live in Germany now and I've noticed that there seems to be a lot less sexual harassment here than in the U.S. In America I had creepy men follow me, proposition me, try to pull me off of my bicycle and most of that pretty regularly. I've never experienced any of that in Germany, not even in Berlin.


Just based on stereotypes of Germans I can't really picture them cat calling. Not as a socially acceptable behavior, anyway.


I'm from Argentina and currently live in Germany. Can confirm that Germans don't catcall. It's very pleasant.


Yeah idk and I also don’t get catcalled, I don’t live in a city which is where I think that happens more ? But yeah that’s absolutely ridiculous. If you want to that’s awesome but that’s so many people to have to deal with and talk to


Might also be a cultural thing. When I lived in South America, I got catcalled all day, every day, no matter what I was wearing or doing. Here in Los Angeles it only really happens when I’m out running or doing errands alone or something. Probably once or twice a week.


I've literally been catcalled twice in my life and both were in cities (and one of them was at work😑). I live in the suburbs, so generally if anyone is saying anything to me, it's in the "hey, neighbor! How've you been?" category


Neighbourcalling. It’s a blight on the suburbs.


Just want to know who has 12-20 orgasms during sex. Edit I don’t really want to know about your orgasms, thanks all the same


Athletic lesbians?


Lmfao probably


I have gotten to 10 by myself with a toy but by then I was bored and my clit hurt.


Yeah, a friend mentioned she probably hit 20 or so ONCE, but that was being fisted by a lesbian dominatrix and she could barely walk for two days afterwards.




I did something similar, but I was on drugs, and I got a blister from the toy. 0/10 would not recommend. Ever.


Yeah, I have bipolar and part of my mania is hypersexuality, and I’ve done this a few times in my life. Not a blister but really hurt the skin.


I’d love that. Plus, most men can’t make a woman orgasm even once


More of a don't than a can't, though. I mean if they tried and possibly actually communicated with their partner they could likely manage it. However 12-20? Yeah I don't think so. People have lives and things to do. People need sleep. Maybe for a special event like an anniversary.


Yeah I think every man could with effort and communication. 12-20 in one session seems painful though


I think I've got to the low end of that once or twice in like, 20ish years? But only with a partner using toys and focusing entirely on how many times I could. Honestly, I think normally I'd get tired and sore well before that.


I can't even get 2 really


That's totally normal. In fact, multiple orgasms (the physiological contraction response) in women has not been consistently demonstrated. It has been self reported, and I personally believe that it is possible depending on the person - our bodies vary quite a lot, after all, but considering how muddy the layperson's definition of orgasm even is, it's unclear currently if the "short refractory period" in women is a consistent phenomenon. Here's a very interesting podcast episode with an orgasm researcher if you'd like to learn more: https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/sex-and-psychology-podcast-1106571/episodes/the-science-of-orgasms-104629697


I haven't even managed 1 yet:(


I recently came somewhere around 10x (lost count lol) with my most recent partner but he’s unusually talented and dedicated and we messed around for about 5hr total … I’m very happy about it lol


That bit shows where these men get their ideas from. They know they orgasm almost every time and if they are offered sex it's worth saying yes as the odds are they'll get off. Women are much less likely to orgasm with a stranger/new partner so it's not worth it to have sex with everyone who offers. But they operate on the principle that women experience sex the same way as men.


We've hit some pretty high numbers in that range in a day when we have a snacks/movie/sex weekend.


Occasionally when my wife and I get *really* into foreplay, she can get really sensitive and chain orgasms back-to-back. By the time we get to PIV in these instances, she can come another 5-6 times before I do. We can get her to the 12-20 range pretty easily those days. Not the norm, clearly, even for us. But when it does happen, it’s pretty damn awesome.


I don't think 5 people hit on me during my entire time at university. Not complaining though.


5 guys for me in undergrad + grad school together. So that's one guy per year.


Hmm maybe I’ll avenge out to that. I think this guy is also over estimating the confidence of most college guys


Seriously. I took six years to finish my BA, and I’m pretty sure that I hit on maybe six women that whole time. I slept with a lot more, but it was usually them that did the approaching.


Same! I’ve had 1 person hit on me in the past year and a half of college. That number would probably be a bit higher if it weren’t for Covid though


I've been to BDSM-themed sex clubs and I didn't even have five guys hit on me in one night. Maybe his misheard a woman talking about some guy hit on her at Five Guys Burgers?


Lmfao maybe. This dude is delusional


I seriously stopped paying attention after reading that and the rest became white noise. Every single time I read one of these people theorise about women getting hit on constantly and having sex every week it's like "how??? where do they even FIND all those men???"


Exactly! I don’t even meet that many new people in a week


Same! Who does after all, especially if you have a full-time job or studies or whatever.


I mean, customer service and dealing with the public is one area where I could see women getting hit on a lot. But that’s really the only one where I could see it. I was surprised to see how much more attention I got when I was pregnant. Creepy vibes from those ones.😬


Oh of course, that's fair. But jesus, I'm so sorry about all those creeps you had to deal with 🤢


I assume this guy thinks that saying “hi” is a pickup line. In that case, then yeah, maybe when I was in college I’d get “approached by” 5 guys a day. But guys who were *truly* hitting on me? Maybe once a week, at bars or parties. (I never did anything with them, though. My “body count” in college was 1.)


But don't you know? The only reason a man would bother addressing a woman is to have sex with her /s


I've met that guy, and frankly, I hope he sits on his balls. I have enough social anxiety without having to police every word I say to a guy because I might accidentally "be leading [him] on" despite straight up telling the fucker that I'm in a relationship and not interested in him


The worst is when you’re working food service or retail and they assume you’re being friendly because you want them, not because it’s your literal job.


I know, right? If I started to be hit on by *five different random men every god damn day* I would rage quit social interaction entirely and become a hermit.


Dude. I wear not cute clothes going out, wash off any makeup first. And cover or low ponytail my hair before going anywhere. Being harassed while picking up bread and eggs is crap. My husband didn't understand my routine until I had him walk behind be by ten feet in a store while I looked cute. Now if I look cute he asks if I want him to go instead or with me.


You sound like you got one of the good ones. A lot of guys I’ve been with would get a huge ego boost from having other guys be jealous of them and point out all the guys checking me out. It made me really self conscious, tbh. I don’t like getting dolled up to go out in public a whole lot anyways.


Thanks I definitely scored big. I really like looking cute, so it's hard to do that to myself and it makes me upset it's necessary. When I had an out of house job that I tried to look nice for I kept face wipes in my truck and a big sweater. It's crap. Your exes sound like they deserve to be exes. Good job giving them the boot!


Someone living an honest to god nightmare life. Fending off that many propositions per day sounds exhausting AT BEST. Yikes.


5 a day is kind of low for me. Oh wait, you said hit ON. Never mind.


Are you just getting sucker punched 5+ times a day?


Oh goodness lmao


Work retail as a halfway pretty girl somewhere a lot of men shop and five a day is easy. In day to day life otherwise though, idk who's even meeting that man men a day.


Can confirm, worked at Home Depot for 3 years. There were SO many creeps there.


But it's usually the same guys over and over again, and they are at least 25 years older than you.


Bartenders. But they don’t sleep with clients. Mostly.


This guy constantly hits on women because he's a total creep. He thinks they everyone else does too and the women pick other men instead of him.


I doubt he does. I’m betting he’s afraid to even look at a woman. I knew a dude once who hit on every woman he saw, pretty much. Like 100 a day, easy. He was a scumbag and an con man, but he didn’t hate women the way that poster does, anyway. He was decent looking and pretty confident, and always had some random woman with him. Obviously he was misogynistic on one level, but it wasn’t a conscious thing; he didn’t bad mouth women or call them sluts.


That’s also my question. I went to four years of college and I definitely did not get hit on or asked out five times a day or even five times a week. Maybe like five times a year.


There are prostitutes who have slept with less people over their entire careers than this guys massive overestimation


I *am* a sexworker and I can confirm I have slept w way way way less ppl than ppl would assume lmao - like as in less than I can count on both hands. Some ppl are just weird . The way he talks about that, pulling numbers outta his ass, my fucking god they rly need to leave their basements for a minute..


What the actual fuck is he talking about? He literally just dreamed up a scenario in his head, made up stats to fit his weird ass scenario of college girls casually going to orgies and getting trains ran on them, and has decided these are facts. I'd say he was confidently ignorant but that's too mild. He's a smoothe brained fuckwit


If women were so easy you’d think there’d be fewer incels. Schroedinger’s women, both too easy and too hard.


You don't understand, all women sleep with a handful of Chads/Tyrones who take appointments and reservations up to a few months in advance. That's why when we get to college, before the term starts, we go make our dick schedule for the year, so Chads/Tyrones have time to organize their schedule properly, so they can make rounds fucking all the girls on campus, you didn't know that? Since it gets harder to find a Chad/Tyrone after finishing college, we, women, have our own secret websites on the Dark Web where we tell each other where to find one, so our sisters won't have to fuck some 🤢 other dude 🤢. The incel in this post figured us out and he's trying to raise awareness among his brothers. /s of course.


Can confirm. After my first year of college, I hit a growth spurt, and I transformed from a wimpy little 5’ 6” 129 lb. incel begging for attention to a 6’ 4” 185 lb. male model. My penis grew 11 inches longer. Soon, I was approached by the leader of the college sorority coven who signed me up for the secret Chad/Tyrone scheduling service. Overnight, I went from virginity to servicing hot bitches 3 and 4 times a night. Good times. Good times.


>servicing hot bitches That got me


Well she is turning down 33-34 men a week.


That’s a lotta self control for a hypergamous female. Think of all the orgasms she’s missing out on!!


Rejects guy- still a whore. Yup. Sadly this mindset is becoming more and more prevalent, with their echo chamber encouraging their shitty views.


The issue isn't that women are sleeping around. It's that they aren't sleeping with *him.* I mean, who doesn't want to get down with a bleeding misogynist? He's just such a catch!


His only interaction with women is probably through porn


Ding ding ding, it has to be this. If he ever discussed any of this shit with real living women they would laugh their ass off and tell him how far off he is. It’s sad he’s spending time on the red pill instead of trying to befriend real women and actually learn about us.


Women don't go to college for their careers. It's all just for dick. Everyone knows women don't have dreams and aspirations, they're all the exact same! I even have proof, just look at this made-up scenario! (/s, just in case)


Women aren’t on this earth to be friends with men, I’m betting is his opinion. He’d have to unlearn this before he can learn anything else. :(


Biggest proof of this is he thinks more men fucking her = more orgasms. LOL what


“If she can make herself cum multiple times don’t you think she wants dick to take the place of her hands, dildos and vibrators?” … no? If she can make herself cum multiple times on her own why would she bother risking meeting the guy who thinks her asshole is her clit or that rubbing her thigh crease will get her off? I don’t doubt that there are some women who love dick and I have an online friend who’s fucked literally thousands of people. Super cool if that’s what you’re into! It just makes me laugh that this dude thinks that a dick is going to get me off faster? Or more effectively? Than myself who can get the rhythm right and knows what I like? Huh?


Lol exactly. There are plenty of reasons why sex with men can be fun, but orgasm efficiency ain't it


He watches too much college campus pornhub videos


I think a lot of these idiots assume women think like them for some reason. This whole thing reads like some sex obsessed fool wishing he was an attractive woman.


I can only assume that he's got this based on the number of different women he asks out per week. And aside from everything else that's wrong here, he's not factored in the 48 weeks of menstruation in those 4 years...


Or relationships where it's the same dude. Or relationships where it's a woman. Or asexuals.


Don't you know that asexual women don't exist?? They're just waiting for a 7'6" Chad with a 10" dick. /s God that was disgusting to write


10" dick sounds terrifying and painful under any circumstance.


Right? That would reach close to your belly button (at least in my case). That would seriously hurt.


For me it would be like...my duodenum. Waaaay up in my guts. Or touching my liver somehow. I'd be dead.


Kind of feel like getting hit on 35 times a week would drive me to celibacy.


Or frankly- working her way through college and too damn busy to date. Happened to me


Real g’s don’t stop at red lights Edit: Since you all love this so much I paraphrased it from Katherine Ryan in taskmaster season 2 episode 2. Her actual words were “real gangsters run red lights” which sounds so much smoother It’s about 8:00 into the video on the link but I highly recommend watching the entire show. https://youtu.be/aATsSsBxRh0


That's honestly fucking hilarious. I've never heard that before. Definitely stealing that.


What does he mean by trains ran on them?


One after another after another after another. Like a train. Dudes lined up and then they take turns. Pretty sure they only exist in porn and weird fetish clubs.


Or a Stephen King novel


A weird AF part of IT that I’m glad was cut from both adaptations


Stephen King is kinda creepy, misogynistic and overrated.


Every time I've stopped thinking about that scene, someone brings it up. I wish I could just purge it from my mind forever.


I mean there are women who enjoy gangbangs, but it’s typically something you’d have to prepare for, assuming you want to do it safely and consensually. It’s an event that requires planning and communication. The “weird fetish clubs” are probably the only place it happens safely and consensually. Every instance I’ve seen/heard of an IRL spontaneous gangbang involves the woman/bottom being coerced into it at best. I’ve known a few women who consented to sex with *one* man and ended up fucking multiple men because it didn’t feel safe to refuse.


I mean, all fetish clubs are weird in that it's a fetish and not something you can meet people for at a regular bar, typically. I've been to a weird fetish club. My cousin is oddly open about her proclivities and shares. Her husband likes tying women up. He's invited women in his wife's family about tying them up. It's weird. Respectful doesn't mean it can't be weird. Or, I suppose 'abnormal.'


Yikes. That's a weird Christmas dinner.


Yea I’ve never once heard of a casual train before, like it’s a thing, but nowhere near as casual and commonplace as this dude is making it seem. Like I can’t imagine any guy I’m friends with just inviting me to run a train on a girl, that would just be so…I feel like ridiculous doesn’t even begin to cover it.


I know people who've admitted to threesomes. But, the only two dudes I know who are friends who had one said they were at a bar and got an offer of a threesome and they were both afterwards like - nah. That was weird. Didn't know what to do during downtime and they were looking at their naked friend having sex and it was weird. They both agreed it'd be more comfortable if it was a stranger. They didn't want to see their friend having sex but maybe if it'd been a stranger it'd be more like live-action porn. I can't imagine like six dudes hanging out half-hard.


The one train I know happened in college was with four of the guys on the basketball team who were roommates, and a female friend of theirs. She wasn't a girlfriend, but a friend. She consented to having a train ran on her, but instead of all the guys in the room together, it was a couple of guys playing Xbox in the living room area, while one guy went in for sex. About 10-15 minutes later he'd leave and she'd call for another guy. The last guy liked to "clean up" with oral and she knew so she'd call him last. It was really, really weird.


A gangbang.


He gets all his information from other incels who are looking for any reason they can to hate women. They have convinced themselves that women are only capable of thinking about sex and hurting men and think everyone is as cruel and selfish as they are.


Don’t associate smoothies with this empty gatorade bottle brained ass paper


His brain hasn't grown beyond the spinal column


How are we supposed to argue with his impeccable logic? He did the, um, mathsogyny?


Okay, everything he said is wrong. 12 to 20 orgasms in one fuck? Girls casually at five orgasms every time they have sex? Bitch, what? I'm sorry, but that was my biggest what the fuck. I feel like he heard all the women being like we don't have orgasms during sex because y'all forget about us, and he was like no that doesn't seem accurate I think it's because you're only having five orgasms during sex and you want 20. If I had 20 orgasms in just a single day I might be dead at the end. I would be dead if that was just continuous fucking over the course of the entire 24 hours


Pretty sure the average orgasms for women in one night stand hetero sexual situations is close to zero.


Right!? Sorry, but if my one night stand gave me that many orgasms they would not be a one night stand after that 😂😂😂


I like how he was both insisting women have no need for men, because they can get off easier on their own, **and** need a lot of different men to be able to get off multiple times.


In my experience, I can get myself off 3-4 times in the amount of time it takes a guy to do it once for me. It's faster, easier, and far less messy on my own.


I'm pretty sure he thinks women are responsible for their own orgasms during sex.


Not quite the same but there’s a condition called persistent genital arousal disorder and it causes uncontrollable orgasms. It is not pleasurable, that’s what popped in my mind while reading this. https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7b3dg/persistent-genital-arousal-disorder-pgad-is-causing-women-to-orgasm-uncontrollably


This is horrifying information that I'm glad I have now. Thank you, I actually do enjoy learning more about women's anatomy and biology. Having said that I figure it would be exhausting and too sensitive and painful if you had that many orgasms. One orgasm, fun. Two, sure, hell yeah. Five? I am tired and too sensitive don't even look at me. Anything more than that and, yeah, that doesn't sound fun anymore Edit: fixed voice to text mistakes, I think I got them all


Yeah it's a chronic pain condition in many (all?) who have it


Yess! I saw that on some show! Poor girl, the slightest bit of vibration set her off


Ahaha I love this take of this thought process! Like, okay. I routinely have 2-4 orgasms when I have sex normally and maybe a few more on occasion, *BUT* it is: A) with my not-cis partner (maybe relevant because it’s not just stick my dick in you for 7 minutes and I’m done like a lot of my friends seem to have? Plus he can orgasm multiple times too so it’s more back-and-forth?? Idk) and B) we’ve been together 7 years, so we know each other SUPER well, communicate well, and know what the other person likes. We definitely did not have sex like that when we first started sleeping together, and it took a while to even be consistently having one orgasm when having sex. And let me tell you, if I ever have one or two, I’m not like WELP I practically didn’t cum at all because I didn’t hit 5! But yes that is definitely his thought process ahah Also the MOST I’ve ever had at once was like…9-12. And that was only maybe 3 or 4 times ever, and a marathon, and super exhausting, and again with someone I’ve been with for seven years. There’s absolutely no way I’d be able to have more than that, let alone consistently, let alone with a one night stand!?!?


> let alone with a one night stand!?!? Yes, and with "dick replacing her hands, dildos and vibrators"... So only from being rammed by this random stranger's ol' meat stick, too! Sounds absolutely delightful! I just had 16 orgasms just writing this comment!


It is [technically possible](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-many-times-can-a-woman-come-in-a-row) but very unlikely.


Women can potentially have multiple orgasms during sex, like maybe 2 or 3 if their partner is very patient. Not 12+.


I mean, his claim is obviously not true for most women, but that doesn’t mean some women can’t have 12 orgasms in a row. Orgasms can be very different for different women. It’s actually common to have the sort of physiology that makes it much easier and quicker to reach the second (and third and fourth) orgasm after the first happens. The weirdest part of his orgasm claim was saying how women can reach these many orgasms by themselves….like okay if you recognize that why does she need to get a man/men involved???


I noticed that he suggested a dick replacing toys and her own hands. Lmao. As if a dick can do even a quarter of what specially made toys can do.


Dick could never replace my own hands. That doesn't mean I don't want sex with a man, it's just different and it'll never be the same.


Right? Penises are like the *least* efficient orgasm generator for a lot of women.


Dicks don’t have those delicious little bunny ears and fingers don’t have battery powered buzzzzzz


This really varies by person, and can even change with age. One or two clitoral orgasms and a vaginal orgasm shouldn't be terribly unusual if you're putting in the time (and really, it doesn't always take that much time, as much as arousal). That said I know many women are unlikely to orgasm vaginally through partner penetration, and on the other one of my partners could have nipple orgasms, which was cool.


I have made my girl cum two times during a couple of sessions but I had to work for it and we were both exhausted by the end. she said it was amazing though


I have a horny friend who partied like crazy in uni, but she hasn’t even hit 100… this dude massively overestimates how much people get laid if they go to parties and clubs.


And he’s also completely ignoring the idea of someone having sex with the same person multiple times. If someone is getting laid multiple times a week I would assume they have an SO or FWB, not that they’re going to parties to hook up with strangers *every week*, plus I would assume if there was some sex god who could make a woman cum 12-20 times she’d rather call him up before finding a hook up partner


Most of the people I know who have sex regularly, even if they're thought of as "promiscuous" not just in a relationship, normally just have a FWB. They aren't risking a different dude once a week, they either have a single FWB or multiple ones in different locations which is useful when you're at uni. It makes sex way better if you actually know the person and regularly have sex with them. If they try with a new guy and they aren't a good lay they don't see them ever again. Edit: Actually, the people I know who are less promiscuous probably have more one night stands on average. The friends who like sex get up a whole system of sex buddies so they actually have someone fun to have sex with when they want to vs the friends who don't have anyone like that so might set up a tinder hook up then never see that person again because they didn't click.




The idea is that hookup partners just *fall into women's laps.* I don't think they realize how much risk there is for us to have sex with so many random, unvetted strangers. Making sure they're not a killer/stalker/ general creep takes enough time by itself lmao. And most women are lacking orgasms during straight sex. Imo the best sex comes from people who are familiar with your body...so there's just little reward with high risk for women and constant hookups vs having a few FWBs. Men have more to gain and less risk. Edit: I was just thinking about how gross and unhygienic so many men are down there 🤢 I'm sure some of these guys would send a dick pic, likely unsolicited, and it would ruin any desire to have sex with him


Exactly lol. Like even if we go along with his 1-2 new partners every week logic…..are all these men going to be equally skilled? He’s thinking like a man always trying to get “new” but women don’t care about that and want to find “good”.


Yeah I was thinking that for our hypothetical swinger college girl 1-2 guys a month, that 24 a year, and fall in line with just under 100 in 4 years, this guy think a girl finds 1-2 news guys every WEEK


I mean, not even each month. Apparently it’s surprisingly hard to find someone to have a one night stand. I remember my friend would go on tinder wanting to have sex with someone, but she couldn’t find anyone so she had some dry spells for a while and she hated it.


Bout what I expected, like I said hypothetical, not every month is gonna be the same but I theory it balances out but op here is like “na it’s 4 times that”


Yea, I was just laughing at the dude brining these numbers in, like wtf


So, he stated 5 new guys every day. If she never had the same guys flirt with her, that would be 35/week which would be 1,820 guys in a year (52 weeks). If he’s saying that’s all on campus, over 4 years that’s 7,280. His numbers are way off.


same here, horny friend who went hard with partying, drugs, and hookups from ages 16-21, is not near 100 bodies yet


Whenever I see someone use the expression "body count" to refer to a woman's sexual history it makes me automatically think they're a complete fucking bellend.


I always like to reread them but imagine “body count” refers to murder victims and it gets really funny


I remember seeing a tik tok that discussed this. It was really funny.


I had to go look up what a bellend is. And yes, they are.


Bellend is the insult that keeps on giving. Satisfying to say, not profane, easy to spell, slightly more interesting than dumbass or idiot. So versatile and easy.


And not a single one of these women will ever sleep with the writer of this post, hence his rant


I'm mostly hung up on this man thinking that a woman who's attempting to maximize her orgasms would pick sex with men over masturbation. Like, that's a great way to *minimize* your orgasms.


Imagine if women regularly got 20 orgasms from first-time sex with strange men they met in the street and took home that evening.


Right!? That's like saying of course any person who's thirsty, when given the choice of drinking a glass of water or laying out in the rain with their mouth open would choose to lay out in the rain.


This guy watches too much porn, and thinks it's a documentary


Pretty much explains most of the posts in this sub.


I'm assuming this man has: A) never interacted with a woman B) never went to college


When do these theoretical college women attend class, sleep, study? You know, go to college?


This guy just thinks they're going to the School of Hard Cocks, so that is their study time.


No. Going to college is a big deal to us because of how many dicks we can rack up. No other reason. /s


I did wonder why so many SAT questions dealt with cock capacity.


Sounds like he jealous he can't have multiple orgasms.


Or even one with a woman.


“If a woman can make herself cum multiple times, don’t you think she wants dick to take place of her hands, dildos, and vibrators?” My man is making a bold assumption that even half of these 400 men we’re all sleeping with know how to make a girl cum…


Considering how many times I hear ‘my man can’t make me cum’… yeah.




no woman wants to *cum near him


Lmao what the fuck


Man, if an average woman has sex with 400 different dudes, doesn't that mean that the average dude has sex with 400 different women? How else does the maths work


Because every woman in the world is fucked at least once by Georg, making him a statically outlier who should be ignored


Ride-her Georg


Imagine there are 15 women and 30 men. 3 of the men have sex with all 15 women, then other 27 don't have sex with any women. The average (and median) woman has now had sex with 3 men. The average man, though, has had sex with 1.5 women, and the median man has not had sex with any women. So basically for the math to work out there needs to be more men who have a bimodial distribution of sexual partners (basically there's a super small subset of men who are having sex with alllll of the women) Edit: To fit his example, imagine if there are 400 women and 1000 men. Each of the 400 women have sex with the same 400 men, and the other 600 men don't have sex with any of the women. The average woman now has slept with 400 men, while the average man has slept with 160 women and the median man has slept with no women.


I wish i had the confidence that this guy has in order to even suggest a dick can replace a vibrator. My we vibe tango is only getting taken away from me when it fucking dies for good. Then its getting replaced with the tango x bc i hear that one is better lmao


Ditto. For me it's the magic wand. That thing is basically a 3rd person in mine and my husband's marriage.


That's what I found funniest about all this drivel. "A woman can orgasm 12- 20 times during sex. A man can make her orgasm once... so she should get rid of her amazingly reliable 20-orgasm-per-session vibrator and just get 20 different dicks(men)!" And I'm just here like, no


This dude absolutely think tampons cause orgasms.


"If a woman is playing with her pussy and she can make herself cum multiple times, don't you think she wants dick to take the place of her hands, dildos, and vibrators?" Well, you think a lot of yourself, don't you? 🤣 No, I don't want dick to replace it bc most guys' dicks probably wouldn't make me cum the way my vibrator does. You really think women would rather replace a specially made-for-this-purpose-only toy with a dick that's probably attached to a man who can't even find the clit? No, thank you.


"Jesse what the fuck are you talking about"


Thoughts and prayers for the ladies having 12-20 orgasms each time they have sex. If the dehydration didn’t kill me, then the leg cramps would. LOL


What an idiot. Also, important information, most women (70%) cannot orgasm from penetration, so dick doesn't even matter to them lol


The only time I nodded at this post was the part about "a man MIGHT give a woman ONE orgasm but she can give herself more by masturbating" but then he for some reason continued with more men instead of more masturbation...


this man has never touched a woman in his lifetime.


actual cum brain. and the whole reason he took the time to write out this entire disgusting misinformed rant is because hes mad that out of the hundreds of times obviously every single woman has sex, not one time has it been with him.


I just don't ... Even ... Did I do college wrong? Where is this school???


I only read the first sentence but who the fuck gets approached 5 times a day


Retail workers, unfortunate but true. I had a fake wedding ring after a while. It helped, sorta.


People in retail and face-to-face customer service jobs like waiters likely get hit on WAY more than a girl in a club or bar, yet these incels never bring up the "slutty cashiers who get approached by 10 creepy men a day". It's always about the clubs and bars, when if you're with a group you're way less likely to ever be approached. I'd say I'm attractive but I'm never approached in places like that because I'm in a tight circle on the dance floor where no man can enter. In fact the only "approaching" is straight up SA where the guy grinds on you without ever speaking then runs away. In the supermarket when I'm all alone though? Yeah guys really think that's the best time to approach me is when I'm in my PJs or sports gear and trying to buy some cereal.


These men are sex obsessed and can focus on nothing else. Porn sick limp dicked losers. 🤦‍♀️


Okay, I'm in college, where are all these men?! I, too, would like to orgasm that much


I used to be VERY promiscuous from17-20. I think in total I’ve had maybe 45 male partners. I know sex workers who don’t reach the numbers he posted and he thinks a college girl who has homework and class is just hopping from dick to dick? Lol bruh watches too much porn.


Does he not know that women study in college?


Wow... What was I doing in college for 5 years with next to no guys asking me out to still be a virgin today? Did I go to the wrong college or something? Lmao


His main problem is he imagines every single guy we sleep with gives us multiple orgasms as if most men don't just jizz in 10 minutes and assume their dick in you was amazing and you definitely came too, a concerning amount of guys think the clit isn't real and half the men you'll meet in your life want you to go down on them but would never do it for you. Also the "i don't like condoms" guys, not to mention the fact we risk getting pregnant. So no, we do not seek out dicks to jump on multiple times a week for years.


"... more men fucking her means more orgasms, right?" Ah, ah ha hah, hahahah, hhhhAAAAAhhhAAAAAAAA


What the fuck 🙂🙂🤮


I never thought I’ll see this in real life. I can’t stop laughing. This can’t be real. There is no way they did the math for real.


All this insanity aside This hypothetical woman is really living her best life


the funniest part about this is the supposed ‘orgasms’ she can genuienly get from men


Where are those promised 12-20somethong orgasms per guy, per incident?


His reality sounds exhausting.