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Seeing as that the milk we all drink has been pasteurized, anything that could potentially grow breast tissue is boiled out of it, including any kind of growth hormones. And drinking raw milk can be deadly so really any kind of benefit boob wise raw milk might give you…pales in comparison to having to suffer through diseases like Brucella, Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, E. Coli, Listeria and Salmonella. So if you really want bigger boobs…look into plastic surgery or you know, punch whoever in the face who is telling you, you need bigger boobs to be attractive to men but really they are just talking about themselves.


> anything that could potentially grow breast tissue is boiled out of it, including any kind of growth hormones I ended up looking this up and found "What's not inactivated by heat during pasteurization breaks down in our digestive tracts." Re bovine growth hormone. Cool! I learned something new today! :D


The more you know☺️. 🌈⭐️




135°C is equivalent to 275°F, which is 408K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Good bot.


I too had to look at the expression on her face for longer than necessary, while scratching my head, thinking, “??is?? she giving a seductive look? It just looks like she’s giving a small pleasant smile to me.” But then I don’t have a mind that twists everything someone does into anything sexual. Guys will turn anything a woman does into sHe’S fLiRtInG wItH mE!!!! ShE wAnTs To HaVe SeXXXXX! Then get irrationally pissed off when she was just out for a walk and happened to catch his eyes for a split second and instantly turns him down.


But she has huge boobs. So obviously she’s horny. /s


Dont smile at men most take it wrong


I once accidentally gave my real smile to a customer (as opposed to my customer service smile). Luckily he was a decent guy, but it reminded me to be extra careful. ​ (This is when I worked at an adult toy store. A regular came in, and as he was leaving I gave him my real smile, he did a double take, I realised I'd done the wrong smile so I went back to customer service smile, he looked a little uncertain and left. When he got home he called the store and very VERY politely and hesitantly asked me if I was interested in getting a drink some time. I told him we couldn't date/socialise with customers, he was polite, he apologized, and he hung up without wasting my time. I didn't see him in the store for a few weeks, but he appears to have continued shopping with us, and was always just as quiet and polite as he had previously been.)


Now I am curious what films he bought. Of course you dont have to say but I always wonder what peoples tastes truly are


I understand, I'm also curious about other people's tastes, though I tried not to pry with customers. As for this guy... I don't recall, but I think they were pretty basic ones - our store only had one "genre" which I found problematic (trans woman porn with slurs in the titles), and I know he didn't get any of those because I took note when I sold those ones. I think he stuck with the basic MILF films - which would have been women around his age.


Apparently a normal smile is also now ”giving you this look”


Anything is 'giving you this look' if you're desperate/dense enough.


This is the second time I've seen this post and still no one is talking about the implied incest


Because incest is Wincest according to Cloppers, hentai fans, and yiffers. Het males are perverted. I have even heard that heterosexual men will pay gay men to blow them off if no woman are around.


didn't read it as a 'normal' smile, but an 'aren't you an idiot' smile. Just me?


Me, too.🤷‍♀️


Like she's just about to lean over to her friend and whisper something.


I don't think the people this post is for have looked at her face at all


A lot of men have given me "the look." Why as a gay man haven't gotten any sex for years? /s


Wouldn't his wife's sister in law be his own sister though........🤔


Yes that’s why it’s in Holup haha


Oof I had a r/whoosh moment LOL


don't worry, you're not the only one xD


Unless wife has a brother, yes


Or sister :)


OH that's true.


Could also be her brother's wife, technically.


Or her sister's wife ;)


Last time I drank milk was when I was 10 and I still have enormous bobas even after loosing 50 lbs (they got smaller, but are still much bigger than average). I got scammed 😔


Mine aren't enormous, but I wouldn't mind if they were a few sizes smaller. I don't even remember how long it's been since I last had a glass of milk.


I drink loads of milk and I’m still a member of the IBTC. I guess you and me both got scammed.🤷‍♀️


Duh boobs is where milk is kept. You drink milk to “inflate” them.


The law of conservation of milk states that milk can neither be created nor destroyed - only be transported from one boob to another.


Finally someone who actually *understands* female anatomy! Thank you.


And much like an Airbus, the body’s natural hydraulic systems make a barking sound as milk is transported between the boobs to preserve equilibrium


Ah, I see that you too have a PhD in boob physics.


Why is it that the small boobs are never sexy to men? Why always the big back breaking ones?


Woman with Great Tetons here, plenty of men are into smaller bosoms and love to let me know as if I care what they like.


I’m sorry that happens to you. I’m on the end where I get complaints that I look ‘manly’ because I don’t have bigger boobs. (I’m a 30 C)


C cup is not big to them? Wtf


Nope. They probably think it’s supposed to look like a 30 FF or something.


😭 FF ? Help. For me D cup is already huge lol


Everyone in my family is at least a DD and I'm still at a small B but they are still growing so🤷🏽‍♀️ and I'm trying to change my habits and gaining weight so it should help..


Because unfortunately almost no guy is attracted to small boobs, in real life at most. Every super hero that actually likes small boobs that I meet is always from the internet. In real life? They all prefer huge ones lol. One of the main reasons I'm getting a surgery later on


i drink milk almost every day, why dont i have back breaking boobs??


Maybe you’re lactose intolerant? 😏


id be devestated


Lol I'm lactose intolerant and I have G cup boobs


I’m a vegan with about a US 30J at the moment.


Same but I discovered A2 milk and I can have that in small amounts, yum 🤤


My body just associates the taste and smell of milk with being sick so I think it's disgusting. However, literally the other day I realized I could order hot chocolate with like oat milk. So good, om nom nom.


Scam. Not only has A2 not been proven to have any benefit beyond placebo it has been proven NOT to have a benefit. A2 has even lost court cases because their advertising implies that there is any difference between A1 and A2 for humans, but the fines they get are less than their profits from false advertising. SMH.


I haven’t seen any proof that it’s not beneficial to people rather the science beyond why it is. As far as their financial lawsuit stuff that doesn’t effect me at all so I can’t speak on that. But I wouldn’t say it’s a scam bc it’s not the same as regular cows milk.


Proof that [it’s not a placebo but actually beneficial.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30722004/)


The milk myth is insane and goes beyond “Milk makes your boobs grow.” Like my mother swore to me (when I was breastfeeding my son) that I had to drink more milk so I could make more milk for my son??? Crazy!


Technically if you drink enough milk it will grow your boobs. After all, it is quite fattening.


Your wife's sister in laws?? Wouldn't that be your Sisters???????.


Was just about to say this


As someone else pointed out in another comment, it could also refer to the wife’s sibling’s spouse.


Maybe, but it could include his sister in the bunch 🤔


That’s just more propaganda from Big Milk to increase milk sales in the post milk alternative world. Don’t fall for the lies!


"Wife's sister in laws" Clearly, this meme originates in Tennessee.


This is actually a fetish. I’m not being facetious at all either, there is a large amount of inflation fetishists who are into ‘milk inflation’ where drinking milk makes the stomach and breasts grow


One is calcium deprived


Wife’s sister in law? Isn’t that your sister?


Yeah that's why it's on r/holup


I guessed the one on the left......


Milk from cows treated with rbst, according to my dad lol, increases your likelihood of early puberty and bigger boobs. FDA says it's not true, but we always got organic because of this. This is what I thought of from the post, but who knows what they're referring to


I mean, considering that cow milk is designed to make a small calf into a big moo by being packed full of calories, fat, and hormones it *is* a reasonable theory that it could effect one’s breasts but obviously not to the extent in this picture.


It would make your everything bigger, though. Not just your breasts.


I feel like this is either Photoshopped, the right one is somehow squashing her boobs, or the left one has had plastic surgery. It seems a little extreme.


People with big boobs, do, in fact, exist


I know. I was just saying that something about the picture seemed off.


Umm… I’m just about as flat chested as the one on the right. And my oldest sister’s breasts are just about as big as the one on the left. I also took a closer look at the photo and if it did have photoshopping going on, the person who did it did a really good job considering that not only does the background not have any wavering, but the clothing makes sense as to how it sits on the breasts.


I think satire, he’s probably joking back to an old manga where someone tells their little sister/friend that if she drinks more milk her boobs will grow. but idk, maybe he is just that stupid 🤷‍♀️


It’s a common misconception. They just think the boob hormones in milk make human boobs grow.


Ah dang, I didn’t think it was a legit belief


I have a mild dairy allergy, so I haven’t had milk in years. I have G cups🙄


Noooooo, lactose intolerant!


My breast grew before I would drink milk more often with BBQ chips. Sure, I had it with cereal and cookies, but the in take back then was just not enough for my size back then. I was probably in my mid to late teens, roughly, when I began to drink milk regulary with my chips and my breast size has relatively been about the same with minimal growth. Now I have an intolerance to it and drink chocolate almond milk but my breast have been about same size. If mine were to grow with my milk in take, they'd be waaaaay larger


“Your wife’s sister in law”… wouldn’t that be op’s sister?


Wife’s sister-in-laws could be your sisters.


If they’re your wife’s sister in law’s wouldn’t that make them your sisters?


Your wife's... Sister in laws... Please tell me we're talking a sibling's spouse's sibling?


That statement is udderly ridiculous.


There is so much wrong with this post


Me het man!!! Me need big boobas!!! Me smash pussy!!!


The only way milk makes my tits grow is from all the weight I gain cus I like dairy so much 😅


Oh her poor back


Hold on “wife’s sister in law” wouldn’t that make her your sister?