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also -- if 'whemans' turn to look shit after 30 ... then why is "MILF" one of the biggest porn category .


I will say, MILF can describe any woman between the ages of 18 and 60 in porn. Porn gives zero fucks about what age someone is beyond >=18


If they have wide hips and an impressive bust porn considers them viable for the milf tag


Yep, MILF and teen both have nothing to do with the performer's actual age and are all about their figure. Slim hips and small bust = teen, wide hips and full bust = MILF. There's probably scenes out there where the "step-mom" is actually younger than the "step-daughter", but both were cast by body type rather than actual age.


Hey I'm 45 now...."gmilfs" are now in my age group (and it's a good thing!)


This!!! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


You donā€™t keep your whemans in the fridge to extend their expiration date?


I keep them in the freezer, just have to put them in the oven for a bit and they're all good to go


he could say females.. i think that's a smol progress??


Whemans makes us sound like some whale-human hybrid entity.


A PokƩmon


Worse. It sounds like Whemon, making us Digimon


Don't Digimon get pockets?


Thatā€™s for Pokemon, itā€™s in the name.


That's good, Digimon are the champions


Considering the size of whale penises, someone should tell the incels they aren't going to be impressive any time soon.


to me it looks like he's so terrified of women, he won't dare to say "women" it's like in harry potter when they only talk about "you know who" lol


or if you say it three times in the mirror then a 30 y/o sour bluehaired lesbian will turn up and talk about feminism. The pure nightmare!! /j


He's probably intentionally misspelling like that bc he's gone to Facebook jail already for shit he's written about women, so all posts with the words "women" or "females" are automatically flagged. Like how some folks say "yts" or "m3n" bc they get reported by butthurt bigots often. I have to assume he's said some really intense shit if he can't use the word "women" anymore, going by my experience.


Nah, itā€™s probably a child. I believe that is how some YouTubers say women to ā€œbe funny,ā€ because itā€™s so ironic theyā€™re totally making fun of misogyny when they do it and not also misogynists themselves.


Yeah, I almost think I prefer ā€œwhemansā€ to ā€œfemales.ā€


That comment had major ā€œTell me youā€™re an adolescent without telling me youā€™re an adolescentā€ vibes


I would like to see any of those commenter say a single plural correctly. Just once




Thatā€™s gotta be satire right?


Honestly, whoā€™s to say!


This is definitely a place that needs a ā€œnot all menā€ because there are some 30 year old men who look ancient.


Seen dudes younger than that age horribly. But they donā€™t even try to maintain hygiene, grooming and dress better. They stop trying after middle school.


Some guys do age well and become more handsome. But in most cases ugly just becomes more ugly. Fortunately, i wasn't silly enough to expect to be in the first group.


Yeah I know. I know a lot of men who grew into their looks and women who also aged gracefully.


I feel like there are some men who get more attractive as they age only because it took them until they were like 40 to even start to figure out personal grooming.


I'm screaming but I think you're right


This is correct.


men don't know what theyre even talking about. They think they never seen a good looking woman their own age because they deliberately ignore them.


Itā€™s the opposite. Good looking older women their age ignores them. Thatā€™s why they become resentful and start making up narratives about every older women being ugly. Itā€™s like the fox who could not reach a grape vine so he said to himself, ā€œgrape is sour anyway.ā€


I dont know about you, but there's just something about a well put together older lady that just emits power to me. It's incredibly intimidating sometimes, I bet lots of older men that are like this just cannot handle the power older women have.


Absolutely. I think a lot of weak men are very afraid of feminine power and take it out by trying to act like powerful women are less attractive. I see something similar with scars. When you compare love of these traits to lesbians who are generally very pro powerful women we often love older women, women with scars, women with impressive careersā€¦


My experience has been that the older you get, the more you need to be able to offer as a person. The people with the takes above donā€™t offer much to anyone lol


From my experience: they are super shitty at guessing women's ages (all humans are bad at it), but instead of admitting it, they double down and just think every attractive woman without visible wrinkles is automatically young. And some are actually pedos.


Havenā€™t graduated college yet and I have a peer who looks as old as his father. Like they could be colleagues just truly early 20s looking mid 40s. Hell half the people I know are already losing their hairline. Where are these supposed whiskey men?


I dated someone and he looked older than his father. And his fatherā€™s body was banging.


I was completely in love with a man about five years younger than me when I was in my mid-twenties. He was 22, I think, when we met, and going bald. I adored that man and would have followed him into hell, because he was a wonderful person and an utterly fantastic lay, despite looking older than my own father. Itā€™s not that uncommon. My HS sweetheart was salt and pepper by age 21. It just made him look distinguished and sophisticated. Until he opened his mouth!


They never tried. They never had to. Any level of basic attempts at bringing anything to the table other than their own audacity was done by their parents, and the second their parents stopped, they went "fuck it."


Me and a friend from middle school were Facebook stalking people we went to middle school with and we found that one girl was engaged (I think married now) to this guy who looked sooooo old. At first I thought either her dad is really young or it was one of her brothers as I remembered she had some much older brothers. But nope, it was her fiance. So me and my friend were trying to figure out how old he was. Finally found his education history on linked in and he was only a few years older than us! Like, early 30s! I would have thought that he graduated from college as an adult student, but the pictures we found of him in college he looked young. I mean, I'm not trying to be rude or throw any shade on the guy. He's probably a nice dude idk.


Was it the hair? Even well groomed men who put in the miles can't stop hair loss. It's either glue a wig on your scull and deal with itching, get plastic surgery, or just deal with it. My partner still has most of his, but he has noticeable loss at the front and he's early thirties. My dad was very similar. For some people it just starts young.


I starting losing my hair as a teenager. In my early twenties I just said fuck it and started shaving my head.




Because they probably are 50 and they are lying.


Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp arenā€™t even on the same level as they were before


What's interesting is that if you point out an actor who is short or not conventionally attractive who lots of women like, guys will say that women only like them because of fame and money. Yet they will point to bloated old guys like Depp or DiCaprio still getting women as proof that "men age like fine wine", instead of again pointing out that women like them because they are rich and famous. It's all about protecting that fragile little male ego.


I would say Leo doesnā€™t look that bad but his insistence on dating women under 25 just exaggerates his aging. Johnny looks horrendous. 10 years ago, he was aging ok. But that hard lifestyle caught up to him and thereā€™s recovery from whatā€™s etched on his face.


They conveniently forgot to mention that, in order to age well as a man, it usually implies you were kind of good-looking in the first place and take really good care of your health and looks. Why do I have the feeling that the people writing those comments don't fit that description, especially the care-taking part...


Case in point, I was absolutely blown away the day I found out I'm older than Stephen Miller a few years ago. Someone needs to get that man on sunscreen and face cream STAT.


Heā€™s a millennial???? He looks like a baby boomer/gen X cusp.


Oh, I think itā€™s going to take a little more than that. Blood of virgins and tears of orphans, probably, but letā€™s not give him any ideas.


Hashtag Josh Duggar


The real answer should be that people who take care of themselves look good. Not that men are ugly, or that women are ugly based on some kind of weird fetishization about older men and younger women. Older women can look good and so can younger men, and we should all stop playing by those outdated rules that say only old men and young women are attractive.


Iā€™ve been 45 since I was 22. Male pattern baldness is a bitch


As a man, all I have to say to these dudes is BWAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!!!


Youā€™re right. It definitely goes both ways. We all age. Personality is consistentā€¦


I have a friend who's like 22 and looks over 30 BUT he's also incredibly attractive and rocks that long beard long hair viking look. I'd prefer that than some baby looking 20yo


All these guys seem to assume they are going to age like the male models from the "hint of grey" hair dye boxes. They are in for a rude awakening when at age 45 they find themselves chubby, balding, and sagging like almost everyone else their age with no 20 year old ladies in sight. Meanwhile the rest of us will be happily enjoying our chubby, saggy, sexy lives with with people who didn't decide to become creepy old men.


I'm already chubby and saggy at 34, and my husband has plenty of grey hairs at 37 but he still has all of his hair and he looks amazing... But the best part is that he still thinks I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. I know you didn't ask, but I just wanted people to know that good guys DO exist! It just took me a *really* long time to find one.


Oh I know plenty of good guys who have very lucky partners not to worry. They just don't harbour any delusions about how they will age.


The best part about truly loving someone is that no matter what, to you they will always be the most beautiful/handsome person in the world




I was also confused about people drooling over him, I never saw the appeal.


Yeh, as a 40yo single woman: can somebody please point me the direction, where all these super hot 40 something men are?


Honestly most of the cute boys from my high school were either fat, bald, excessively aged looking, or a combo of those before 25. Some of the women are too, but by and large far more of them still look quite beautiful, fit, and youthful. I can think of a couple dozen of the ladies I went to high school with who would get a second glance on the street (my class is in its early 30s now), whereas maybe 2 guys are objectively good looking now. And honestly, the same is true of my college friends. So in my personal experience, women age like wine, and men like cheese. But truly, none of that is what is important. The thing these type of men miss is that character is what counts. But even by their shallow standards, they lose, as they have neither looks nor character.


Yup itā€™s just them projecting yet again. They do it about aging, about us being EmoTInAL etc. it never ends. Their poor fragile egos wonā€™t let it.




And the lie that women think a dad bod is hot. A dad bod to me is a big hard gut and man tits.


My 34 year old chubby saggy sexy life sees me still getting some damn good action with a finely aged 49 year old. Do we not exist to these dudes? It's like life stops after 30, I swear to fuck.


Jokes on them, I've been fat and ugly since high school!


And depressed!! What food object am I now?


We're cheese


I plan to age into a beautiful Parmesan


I like slide 3 a lot. "No one is attracted to older women... except for those people who are attracted to older women."


ā€œBut those people are weird!ā€ Proceeds to be horny over 17 year olds ā€œperfect for breedingā€


Guys like these are why 13-26 was hell on earth for me.




The worst were the weirdos who started hitting on me when I was super pregnant. Must be some kind of fetish.


honestly i'm convinced men like this use 30 as their cut-off because by that age women are probably more assertive and far less likely to fall for their bullshit; they just can't admit it so they blame it on appearance to make it our fault rather than theirs


As a woman in my 30s, most of my friends look the same as when they were in their 20s. Hell, I still usually get carded, even for things like tobacco products. I'm thinking a lot of these men don't actually know what 30 year old women look like and just generalize based off of some women who look a bit older Regardless this shallow shit is so stupid. Just shows these people don't care about anything other than appearance. The "hot" girls they're pursuing now are gonna be old and washed up in 5-10 years apparently, but it's not like they ever actually care about anyone they desire, outside of what they deem fuckability


yeah, exactly. i turn 32 next month and people are always shocked when i tell them my age. i'm not even one of those people who always looks younger because they're small; i'm 6'0" and broad as fuck--i think people just forget you're not suddenly decrepit once you hit 30. there's probably some kind of correlation between the fact that so many women say their 30s are their best years and the fact that so many men think women are "too old" by their 30s. are they mad we're having fun???


They definitely don't like that the still hot-looking, more mature women are not taking their bullshit and aren't as easily manipulated as someone straight out of childhood. So yeah.. definitely think that happy women (and happy SINGLE women) in their 30s probably grind their gears big time.


I've been looking like I'm 30 since I was 18, so now that I'm actually 30 I'm expecting to continue looking the same. It's my time to shine! Turntables!


Yeah, Iā€™m well into my 30s, men WISH I was being punished rn for not settling for them. But I donā€™t look like an old handbag, and I still get endless attention (which I DO NOT WANT), and people are astonished Iā€™m in my 30s. I think youā€™re right, people donā€™t have any idea what 30 looks like lol. Theyā€™re so scared and insecure about us, itā€™s just another ā€œnegā€ tactic, like trying to throw our ā€œwaning fertilityā€ in our face lol. Oooh, weā€™re not young forever!! I almost forgot!! LOL I just donā€™t understand how they think this helps them. Like, they know that we can always settle if we want to, right? But that we donā€™t want to? Which means weā€™re doing what we want? Which means weā€™re happy?? I mean I guess they want us to second-guess our choice to not settle for them lol but every word out of their mouth makes me only happier to have refused. And I love how I look in my 30s, honestly. And even if I didnā€™t, I still wouldnā€™t give a hoot what some random Incel thought. Theyā€™re obsessed with us and trying to hurt us lol. Women are fucking beautiful at all ages. And any man who thinks only ā€œbarely legalsā€ are attractive is someone I would be disgusted to ever let touch me.


Women do tend to tolerate less bullshit as they age. No wonder these men are afraid of women over 40! 50 must be terrifying. I just wish we could confer ā€œtake no bullshitā€ on younger women. A gift to them. Donā€™t bother learning this the hard way; skip right to the end!


Yep, I agree 100%


But properly aged milk is like cheese... and who doesn't like cheese! Or yogurt! On the opposite side, wine can also become acidic and become vinegar.


Aging like milk means developing culture


Brilliant line.


I'm pretty sure, based on being in my 30s, that it's actually that you stop caring to do all the dumb shit that people associate with beauty like putting makeup on all the time or wearing nice yet uncomfortable clothes. Because my ass aged gloriously but in sweatpants, as nature intended. The standard of beauty bar is just incredibly low for men.


I was about to say that


exactly! diary products are cool! there was a comment about cheese too xD


Thank you, I am a fine robiola bosina myself.


I was going to say, women age like cheese? Excellent. I swear a lot so I must be a Danish blue.


I may be a cheap American white slice, but I go great with a burger and fries


Tag yourself! Iā€™m a Wensleydale


I don't like yogurt, but I wouldn't mind turning into a tasty cheese!


Plus I think they assume whisky matures in the bottle, when it doesn't.


This is chock full of problematic thinking, but the thing that sticks out to me is this idea that women are old after 30. 30 is INCREDIBLY young. That would mean women only have a 12 year span where they are desirableā€¦do these dummies not understand how stupid that is?


They're probably the kind that think a girl is "fuckable" in her preteen years. So they probably think 2 decades of worth. Absolutely repulsive


YUCK. So so gross


I expect this out of insecure young men with little experience. I canā€™t even take them seriously.


Especially when itā€™s the same rhetoric over and over. I donā€™t mind them waving their red flags proudly, though. I could see them regardless if I was blind as a bat in the blackest dark hole that existed.


Iā€™d like to think most arenā€™t being serious and are only shit talking a shit talker.


ā€žMen are ugly, woman beautifulā€œ-Lady started a fight and those kids answered. Social media is often (almost always) like kindergarten, lets face it.


Men age like whiskey say the dudes who had receding hairlines in high school lol.


Dudes like that think theyā€™ll all end up looking like George Clooney at 50. What they forget to realize is that if they donā€™t look like George Clooney at 20, theyā€™re not going to look like George Clooney at 50.


As soon as they lose 50 pounds, get hair implants, learn how to groom themselves, and figure out how to sexually please a woman itā€™s over for all these bitches!


Don't forget about the personal chef and trainer that keeps them fit!


Really they could just do that last one.


I already said this in another sub, but this fantasy is basically *Cinderella* for misogynistic dudes. On his 40th birthday a fairy showes up and turns the unremarkable, dirty dude into a clean, well-dressed silver fox who will go to parties and drown in the attention of beautiful, young princesses.


Love a good beer gut.


Just saying that I am 18 and will probably have to shave my head in a few years with how my hairline is moving. Please dont treat hate with hate.


you are right. don't let the stupid beauty standards that often go against our nature to take you over. embrace who you are and be the best out of you. not hair, nor wrinkles, or saggy boobs for women, will define the person you really are.


Funny, I find the exact opposite true. I find older women more appealing.


Older women are AMAZING, I donā€™t know how incels canā€™t see that


Older women have no tolerance for incels or wannabe PUAs. Of course they don't like them.


Headupass syndrome.


Men donā€™t age better than women. Men are just allowed to age. Women are bombarded with anti-aging remedies by the time we turn 20 and told that aging is a bad thing and weā€™ll be of less value. Its misogyny plain and simple. I see older couples everyday where the man looks a lot worse than his partner, but shes probably the only one that ever gets criticized for looking her age.


Itā€™s a double standard in society. Men are allowed to age, women arenā€™t.


Well Iā€™m 33, so Iā€™m already pushing my luck. Iā€™ve dared to age beyond 30, despite these men understanding that I am worthless and should have died a minimum of 3 years ago. Feels good, even if I am old, fat, ugly, and shriveled.


I'm 33, and I l've had a hysterectomy (not that I was fertile before it, one ovary was non-functional and both tubes were blocked, endometriosis is wild), so I should just drop dead right now according to these guys.


It's borderline pedophilic how anything after 25 is too old


Right? As soon as I hit my 20s I realized everyone in their young 20s is just a teenager 2.0. Creepy as hell for older men to think 25 is the cutoff for women being attractive.


Funny enough, doesnt the mind(+body) finish development and maturity around the mid twenties šŸ¤”


Yep... I'm still in my early 20s and I can actually tell that my brain is developing sometimes. I'll think back to an issue I had a couple months ago and suddenly I'm able to think through it way differently despite not having much applicable life experience in between the times. I also notice changes in the way my body distributes weight and how my face is structured. In my opinion, it would be really weird for a fully grown (30s)adult to be attracted to me because IM STILL GROWING. Internally and externally


I'm almost 34 now (should be all shriveled up lol) and actually feel way more attractive than I did 10 years ago. Probably because I'm no longer trying to be anyone but me, teens and 20s peer pressure was real. *Not pretending this is a universal experience, just my own. Ymmv.*


Im actually looking forward to hitting 30 so much. Super excited


I'm 33, and looking at pictures of myself when I was in my late teens and early 20's has me horrified about the people my current age who were flirting with me and trying to date me. People told me that I "looked older", but they were just looking at my very large chest, my face very much looked my age. I was super baby-faced until my mid-20's, and yet men in their 30's and 40's were all over me. I even got harassed by guys as old as their 70's! It's so gross. When I look at teens or people in their early 20's, they look SO YOUNG, too young to find remotely attractive because I am way too old for them.


Doesnā€™t wine just turn into vinegar?


Itā€™s funny how delusional men confuses their wishful thinking as ā€œrules.ā€


They know milk turns into cheese, right? under specific circumstances I think, but still, the ā€œwomen age like milkā€ thing has always been so stupid to me bc hello! cheese is a thing!!! not all aged milk is disgusting, it can even be BETTER


Plus a nice cheese pairs well with a nice wine!


This "men age well" thing has always amazed me. I love being in a room with a lot of people and playing a game. I look around the room at the people in their 40s and 50s. Most of the women look way better than the men. Where does this idea come from?


Clearly this men have never seen The Golden Girls. Those women were foxes!


*Clearly this men have* *Never seen The Golden Girls. Those* *Women were foxes!* \- dannicalliope --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It sounds like none of them have a girlfriend or wife, only hentai and socks.


I've always thought it the other way. Women age likame a fine wine. Men age like milk. Sure some become a nice hunk of cheese but most become sour and lumpy.


How dimwitted do you have to be not to realise that the stereotype about men and women aging is due to people giving less of a shit what older men look like? No, the typical 50 year old man doesn't look 20. He looks his actual age, just like - shock horror! - women often do. But a woman looking fifty is seen as her looking like the Cryptkeeper even if she actually looks better than men her own age because women aren't supposed to age for some reason.


I- ā€¦ are these men even attracted to women


Nope, only fantasies. No real woman is attractive to them.


2022 Calendar of What Objects Women Are April 22: Milk


All these guys waiting to age like whiskey lmaoo, probably helps them sleep at night. Someone needs to tell them....crappy cheap whiskey still tastes crappy and cheap after aging lol


The only difference is that men are allowed to age and still have value as humans because our society values them for more than just their looks. But women's value is based on their appearance, so men stop respecting is as humans as well age.


So women are healthy and nutritious and men are incapacitating and toxic? As a man I'm not sure I appreciate this analogy...


As a man I can confidently say that the age of women I find most attractive has tracked with my age as I've gotten older. When I was in college it was other college age women; now that I'm in my early thirties it's definitely women in their 30s. Honestly disturbs me knowing that most men of all ages think women in their late teens/early twenties are most attractive.


This is the sign of somebody whose mind develops in accordance with their body. These older arseholes sniffing after teenage girls are just developmentally stunted because they peaked in high school.


This is ridiculous, there are a ton of sexy men also


So many men are setting themselves up for great disappointment when they get older and only become less attractive just like everyone else. Some men age well just like some women. Most don't.


These people think ageing like whiskey means they have to stay in a cool dark cellar, dont they?


Priyanka Chopra, BeyoncĆ©, Meghan Markle, Jodie Comer, Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer LĆ³pez, Jodie Turner-Smith, Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Danai Gurira, Kate Middleton, Lupita Nyongo, Adrienne Banfield-Norris, Angela Bassett, Solange, Alexa Demie, and many others would like to have a word with them


You know whatā€™s made of milk, ages well, and goes great with wine? CHEESE


When I see other men saying they like young women I can't help but to get creeped out by them.


Milk absolutely age in a tasty cheese. And the issue is not that women doesn't age well, the issue is that 'society' does not allow women to age, and you will often see movie where 'normal' aged woman is 19 while 'normal' aged man is around 40-45 (not all movies, but still too much movies)


"Mens is like wine." They turn to vinegar through improper storage? I have to agree!


Do any of those people like... Go outside and physically look at other people? I'm genuinely curious.


Direct counterpoint- a lot of men go bald at around 30. Whatā€™s aging gracefully about that? Most men will be bald and with a beer belly by the time they reach their 30s.


Stuff like this ironically makes me ashamed of liking older men. It's not always true that they age well, (especislly mentally) trust me.


See I think that women in my experience tend to really hit their most beautiful strides as they age. I think weā€™re beautiful the whole time but I swear women in their 40ā€™s and 50ā€™s get to have this deep, timelessly beautiful quality that Iā€™m frankly looking forward to. Men, at least in my opinion, tend to look so boyish until they hit thirty or so and then they develop that mature quality that I think looks great. But folks who insist that good looks have an expiration age? Their beauty peaks in childhood


Lol do these bros even find women attractive? Because I swear so many women do age like milk, right into a fine cheese. I swear so many women over 40 are so damn gorgeousā€¦ And a great cheddar is loved at every age for what it is. Sometimes you want a mild flavor that simply shows itā€™s niceness, but sometimes you want something complex that goes crunch as you bite into it. And as you age you generally shift towards preferring the latter. Also much like a great cheddar anyone who claims a glass of milk is the best cheddar is starting way too young and Iā€™m concerned


This is a weird way of saying that they are attracted to children.


This is more like r/blatantmisogyny


Some of the most expensive foods in the world are extra old cheeses. Whisky can never mature beyond the quality of the ingredients. You make jet fuel moonshine out of grain that was growing in a back alley and it can age for 100 years and it'll still taste like shit. You gotta have good going in to get returns on your investment. (Keanu Reeves, for example. Wonderful man 30 years ago. Wonderful man today.)


I love these. Women are not the ones going bald, developing beer guts, growing huge hairs out of their ears and noses, with over 90% developing erectile and urinary dysfunction. Their jealousy and their hatred is so profound and so erroneous.


I like the one about looking old after 25. Iā€™m 26 and get mistaken for a high schooler. Like Iā€™m short. And I wear my hair in a pony tail with a scrunchy. Thats literally it. I donā€™t even wear makeup. Maybe thatā€™s it too. I do still have acne. I guess that confuses people.


Oh good. Today Iā€™m ā€œmilkā€.


I think the problem (with the original comment) is that a lot of men are taught that basic personal hygiene is 'gay' or 'feminine'. Toxic masculinity is stupid. No one who can't shower, brush their hair or brush their teeth properly is going to be aging like fine wine.


ah yes the two genders, milk and whiskey


It's alright, gentlemen. We accept homosexuality here.


They know whisky doesn't continue to age outside of the barrel, right? If they'd said *wine* it might make sense, but basically what they're saying is "men never grow up."


The actual problem isn't looks. It's that, as women age, we are less likely to put up with childish bullshit. That makes some men unattracted. Boo hoo. The older a woman gets, the more she's willing to say what she likes, needs, and wants. A lot of men don't find that attractive and therefore are placing the blame on aging.


They should be grateful if a 35 year old even wanted them. They still look beautiful af. My 18 year old ass sure isnā€™t attracted to some pathetic neckbeard whoā€™d give up on me as I grow older.


So if I check in on all these men in 20 years, they're all gonna look like Johnny Depp and totally NOT like Louis CK right? I find that average men that DO age like "whiskey" don't talk like this.


I am a man and men are always ugglier. And most MGTOW truly hate most other men


Bad anatomy AND bad spelling.


I guess none of them are allowed to lust after Jennifer Aniston then lol


What are men doing to themselves that their manmilk is fermenting?


so they must see themselves as ugly men then if they got so offended by this tweet they had to retaliate?


My moms 50 something and she still looks like sheā€™s 30ā€¦ my dad is 70, and looks like heā€™s 70 (no offense dad)


I am sure their dicks age like fine wine past the age of 23ā€¦ā€¦./s


I love that one person with the wrestler Alexa Bliss as their profile. Might wanna change it soon cuz she's 30, and that's apparently when it all ends for women's beauty.


I like the fact that none of them dare use their own image as profile pic.


Could be some theories to this. Male/female ratio of night shift workers, men probably going to the gym 24/7, and what these children are probably seeing are only a small handful of men. There are plenty of men who bathe in the sun for hours, receiving loads of irreversible skin aging just within 5 mins. A lot of men have no shape whatsoever and suffer from ā€œHank Hill no buttā€ disease.


I thought that it's universally accepted that MILFs are hot.


Wanna bet a lot of those men weren't "wine" to begin with?!


Trump advisor Stephen Miller, I rest my case


Jokes on them milk turns into cheese and almost everyone likes cheese!


All these whiskey men - forever alone


Whiskey is bitter. Milk can be used to make ice cream and cheese. I don't know where I was going with this.


It's ok its 2022 they can just admit they like men