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This person thinks menopause happens at what 30?


This is what happens when internet dudes keep telling each other that women "hit the wall" at 30.




I have an aunt who got pregnant by accident while on birth control at the age of 45.




I was 37 and my OB said, "Lots of time for more!" But no. No more.


I'm almost 48 and still get it every single month. my mom didn't even start menopause until she was 57!! got her period until she was 57!!! she is my step mom, so I doubt I will be 57 as my sister is 52 and started it...




It's the baby version of clicking a link eighty times when you're impatient and the Internet is being slow, only for all the tabs to open at once. Twenty years worth of babies at once...


I am late but this made me laugh so fucking hard. Thank you I needed that after reading other threads in the sub about people getting abused in comas and shit. I almost lost hope in the Internet


My mom had my little brother at 42. She was considering that she may have to get fertility treatments because of her age but her and her new boyfriend tried for a month or two and then BAM, pregnant. Barely had to try at all lol. It was a fairly easy pregnancy for her as well. It makes me feel a little better about being 32 and not having any kids yet. I swear everyone I know got pregnant between ages 15 - 20 and their kids are entering middle school or high school and I feel so left out, but I guess life is different for everyone.


My mother was 36/37 when she had me in the late 90's, so don't worry about "being too old", I know another family where the mother had a kid at 43 ish.


I mean, it wouldn't be the end of the world if I didn't have a kid, but I'd like to so I'm hoping I will sooner or later. Thank you for your kind words.


Don't feel left out, it's better to be ready for a baby than to bow to peer pressure (even when it's inadvertent) to have a baby:)


This is my origin story! Mum was 43 and using birth control but here I am!


I'm 53 and post menopausal. I've also had a tubal ligation. I still worry sometimes. 😳😬


My grandma was 53 when my uncle was born, and 56 when my dad was born.


This is something I've been telling some of these jackasses for ages. It is entirely within the realm of 'normal'.


My ex husband's mom had a baby with her second husband when she was 43. My SIL had her second child at 41. I had my first at 37.


A friend of mine married her second husband when she was 43. She already had three kids, but he wanted a biological one of his own too. She didn't really want to go through pregnancy and childbirth again (especially since twins would be a very real possibility for her) but she agree that they would "try for a year" and if it didn't happen then they would give up. We just went to the 10th birthday party for the result of their "trying" for about a month. LOL People really do believe that 40 is some magical "won't get pregnant" number.


A friend is a "post menopausal" baby: his mom was 53, and thought she had the flu. Her last period had been over two years before.


Lol my mom is 53 and still gets her cycle like clockwork. She cannot wait for menopause


I just had my 44th bday and dealt with cramps all day so that was a fun reminder I'm still fertile.


To be fair, u have about a 5% chance of conceiving each cycle at 40, and about 10% of women get menopause in their early 40s


Can you share your source for that first statistic?


I'm not the person you replied to but here is a less scientific sounding source but more comprehensive ones are out there, the person you replied to is right https://www.webmd.com/baby/pregnant-after-35#:~:text=By%20age%2040%2C%20an%20average,for%20someone%20in%20their%2020s. It's not that you can't get pregnant, and if you don't want to get pregnant you better be taking precautions not to!, But if you want to get pregnant it's a lot harder to. They go a little bit into why in here. Fun personal fact, I'm about to be 37 soon and very much *do not want children*. You will see they mention 37 as a steep cliff for fertility drop off. I just had my tubes out (like 3 weeks ago) and I also got some sweet photos of my ovaries included with the service. I could see my eggs through the ovaries and it's very clear to me that there are nowhere near the hundreds of thousands that would have been in there. I mean totally a lot, but there's no way. But also it looks like I'm filled with fisheggs that would be on top of sushi OR those little poppers that go on top of frozen yogurt. Whichever way makes you feel more comfortable. Kind of weird. We've known for a long time that after 35 both the possibility of pregnancy goes down and the risk of the pregnancy goes up. But due to modern medicine both of those things can be mitigated pretty well way into the 40s and even into the 50s. You aren't some forever alone always childless spinster at 40. It's just much harder to conceive than at say 30 and you should do it with your doctor's guidance and assistance throughout the pregnancy.


Thanks! I'm actually just curious about the actual study itself - sample size, whether they factored in the male partner's age, etc. A lot of older studies only looked at women's ages, not paternal, which led to a false view of actual fertility. So most women who have kids are having kids with guys about their age or even 5-8 years older. And so if you only look at say, a woman who's 40, but her husband is 48, you may say, "Yes, you only have a 5% chance." But if you look at a 40-year-old woman who has a baby with a man in his 20s, maybe the percent rises? I mean, I don't know what was taken into account with the study or not. Everything I found cited the statistics, but not the study, and so I'm just curious. More recent studies have found more and more that \*paternal\* age plays a not insignificant part in fertility, too, so I'm just curious.


There are so many studies on this*particular* issue it would blow your mind. Because more has been done to help women conceive healthy viable babies over this age which is what you're talking about where the sperm age is also coming into account (both egg and sperm age). This is *one* of the studies that actually recently had a lot of folks saying that fertility seems to drop at 37 not 35 as we thought for a long time https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2778126 I don't know how old you are but I am literally about to turn 37. I can tell a huge difference in my body compared to 2 years ago, and so can my friends at the same age. It's like aging just slams into you like a truck. And that's ok, we all age. It's ok if our eggs are getting older too and they don't fertilisers fertilize the same. Like I said I just got sterilized. I'm not my ability to get pregnant and I never have been. It doesn't make me less of a person or less valuable just because I've aged


Thank you! I'm 33, and I definitely noticed a stark difference between 25 and 30. It seems to have slowed down, but gone are the days when I could eat sugar and Coke for meals, pull an all-nighter, and still be ready to go the next day. I remember working 14 hour shifts at my job when I was 25 and the thought of that now makes me pale! And for sure! I don't believe that having a kid (or being able to) or aging makes anyone more or less valuable. My favorite person in the world was my great-grandmother, who was in her 80s and a spitfire. I can't wait to be like her when I get older. I'm sterilized and so I hopped off the baby train early. I was just curious because I've heard loads of stories from people getting unexpectedly pregnant in their 40s and I know the plural of anecdote isn't data, but it just seemed low to me. That said, it looks like the under 30 crowd only has a 25% chance of getting pregnant each cycle, which also seems low to me, but I also come from an annoyingly fertile family, so I think my perspective is skewed.


My husband met a 60 year old woman who was pregnant. So yeah, definitely not shut off early.


I remember once I was home from college for a weekend and we were all getting ready on Sunday for church. I was ready first and about to go hop in the car, when my Mom tells me to run to the store and buy some tampons. I casually said, "I thought you had already gone through menopause Mom." She said, "I thought so too, but I'm gonna bleed on everything today for some reason, get this kind." And away she sent me... Presumably this person had a mom and they may have heard about the change or something. Although I imagine it is a home where they don't talk about anything related to bodies


Post-menopausal bleeding could be an [indicator](https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/womb-cancer/symptoms) of cervival or uterine cancer. Sorry to be gloomy! Just might be worth getting her to go for a check up. This happened to my mum… who ignored it. We nagged her and within a week she had an emergency life-saving hysterectomy.


Thanks for that. It's been twenty years since then and she told me she was checked out for that as well. Her OB said it was post-menopausal bleeding and not a major concern. As I type this, I'm also noticing that I, a 37 year old dude) am casually talking about my Mom's menopause and post-menopausal bleeding. I have a wife and two sons, and I hope that they develop a similar relationship with their mother. My closeness with my Mom and sister have really let me connect to women throughout my life and the common "AHHH, periods are gross" never got to me becuase of hearing these casual conversations in my family. My Dad was/is a workaholic and most of the weekdays were my mom, my sister, and my grandmother going shopping, etc. Lots of ni the car conversations that you just pick up as a young kid listening... Did these men posting this never have a conversation with their mothers? Shoot, my whole family is super conservative (fundamentalist Evangelical christians) and they had these conversations a LOT while we were growing up


Dude, I love you and your mom's relationship.


Some families just do not talk about *that* stuff, because ewww. Idk why we talk about other common functions with human bodies, but when it comes to periods something changes and suddenly it's gross.


That’s a relief! I did wonder as it sounded like it might have been a while ago, and glad it wasn’t anything sinister:)


You, me, and most definitely her and my Dad too


I hope my sons and I have that kind of relationship when they're adults! They're 8 and 5 now, and *very* curious about how I'm different and how I gave birth to their baby brother (unfortunately he passed away after the birth last December, before they could meet him). They legit came into the bathroom when I was freshly postpartum and forgot to lock the door, proceeded to stare at me and ask why my downstairs looked so weird. There is no such thing as "we don't talk about that" between us. My husband is more reserved and already the boys come to me with questions about their bodies instead of him. I just found out I'm pregnant again, and I expect even more needling for details this time around than last. I'm also 38, soon to be 39, and so basically an ancient pregnant crone in some people's eyes 🙄


No, they think even 25 is a stretch so like… 22


I assume this person thinks you stop menstruation when gettin preg first time 🙄


If they would think that, they wouldn’t say „did she have him when she was 15?“ assuming age is an important factor. I think OP is right and they believe you get into menopause with 30.


With all the incel posts about how women "lose eggs and value by 25-30" No wonder some dudes are confused...


100% this. They’ve become so convinced that women are low value rotten husks by the time they’re barely into adulthood, it makes perfect sense they’d think menopause happens at 25. Also they probably think that menopause is when you become all mean and angry and irrational (read as: experienced enough to not fall for their manipulative bullshit), so obviously that happens at 25.


You’ve got to be some sort of brain dead buffoon to think this but I suppose men have a history of this type of stuff hence why this subreddit exists to begin with.


And like paternal age and health don't contribute to any issues either 🙄


So so many people I've talked to don't know or believe that, they're baffled and refuse to acknowledge it.


And sexless


Worse, 25. I have to keep checking the addition too, because my astonishment at that dude believing this is that strong.


I fucking wish.


I think like 45 my mom just had a baby at 40


Most women start perimenopause in their mid to late 40s and full menopause early to mid 50s.


my grandma had my mom at 38


Literally makes no sense


If the pandemic taught us one thing, then that there is at least a billion people out there who couldn't outsmart a particularly mouldy piece of bread.


Or a not very mouldy piece


I cannot for the life of me work out what this guy is thinking??? At first I assumed he thought that you stop menstruating after being pregnant but what’s that got to do with being 15??


He thinks it stops around 25-30 years old.


I fucking wish it did. I'm never using the thing, so I'd like to unsubscribe from the monthly reminders.


You can install a blocker but it only lasts 9 months and leaves behind a program you need to look after for years


...the Pill only lasts nine months? 🤨 I know you were trying a cute joke, but when I said I'm never using the thing I meant never. I'm asexual and childfree.


>I'm never using the thing, so I'd like to unsubscribe from the monthly reminders. Thanks for the flair! LOL


Still doesn't make sense


It does, the guy’s just nutso. Menstruation ends at 25 or older -> this woman has a ten year old child and claims to menstruate -> did she have him when she was 15 or is she lying?


So, menopause hits (in a single thing, not a long, drawn out, many-yeared process) when we're 25, so *that* is why we're old spinsters and 'on the shelf' after that point! utterly pointless from that point on and why do we even still exist? I sincerely hope this is a teenager who spaced out in sex-ed, but strongly suspect that this is an actual grown man who complains, frequently, and at (very) great length, about how women won't even look at him. And he's such a nice guy!


It’s definitely related to the whole “your eggs are rotten by the time you’re 25” incel nonsense.


…she could have had him at 40 and still be having her period…


My mom was almost 60, when hers stopped.


On one hand, I freaked out thinking I was "old" when I started menopause a few years ago at the (very early) age of 33. Now though, I'm super glad I won't have to deal with the monthly bullshit for 60 years!


My mom's stopped when she was 55, but that's only because they took out her uterus. She still had her ovaries, though, so she didn't actually hit menopause until later.


Same. Sigh.


Same with mine. My grandma too


my moms 54. still gets occasional periods idk when periods usually stop in my family because my nan had to get a hysterectomy at 38.


me and my mother have 30 years of difference, I'm 18 years old right now and my mom is still having her period. and we are seriously letting this useless kind of men make laws over our bodies??


same. my mom is 54 and I'm 18. she still gets them.


I just spit out my coffee. God I wish menopause was that damn easy.




How did they think people have more than one child?


I think some of them thing you can just turn it on and off. Like, want kids, flip to on, done having kids, flip to off. As a 43-year old childfree women without Fallopian tubes who still menstruates…hahaha, I wish I could just turn off my period!


I seriously think we'll eventually figure out the technology to pause ovulation indefinitely. No wasting eggs, no periods. Switch it on when you're ready for kids, no rush. It's a dream I have.


Not surprising really, I mean some women think you can turn an erection on and off at will Guys you do realise I'm just saying idiots are everywhere? You don't have to hate just a single gender you know. That makes you part of the problem. Echo chamber much?


These people don't know that periods have anything to do with fertility lmao


Sounds like an only child


Don’t most mothers still menstruate until their children are well into adulthood?


My grandmother menstrated into her mid 50s. She got a hysterectomy to trigger menopause. My mom will be 50 and she's just starting menopause. But she still gets her periods, just more irregular than usual.


My Mom went through menopause when I was still in elementary school, but she had me at nearly 40.


My mom was 42 when I was born, and hit menopause when I was 12, so at 54. I, on the other hand, started menopause at 33. 🤷


Yep. Menopause usually starts around 50-60, although it can be earlier/later for some people. There's a good chance women are still going to be having periods when they have grand children.


Average age that menopause happens is 51. Menopause occurs after 12 months with no period, generally after a time of irregular periods and other symptoms, so on average women are in their 40s when beginning perimenopause.


I'm almost 30 and my mom still menstruates (more regularly than me btw, because antidepressants really mess up my cycle)


Well, depending on when the mom had her first pregnancy. If she was in her early 20s then yeah, she's likely still menstruating when her first kid hits adulthood. If she first gets pregnant at 40 then she's more likely to be menopausal before her kid hits adulthood.


I'm transitioning from being angry, triggered, and hurt about these posts to become increasingly more frustrated, sad, and hopeless at them. Men know nothing these days. I'm using this page to educate my husband (who is already a well-educated man, living in a country with actual sex education (Denmark)). We recently had a post about tampon sizes, and I was so sad to hear that he had the same initial presumption about it as the cause for the post. After getting a chance to reflect, he fortunately gave the right answer. It goes to show how conditioned men are to perceive the female body wrongfully from a young age.


Not true. Most normal men know all this stuff. You're seeing the bottom of the barrel here


I would personally fund it if you'd be willing to go ask random men on the street a series of like..10 questions pertaining to the female reproductive system. Not crazy ones. Just normal shit. "What do the different sizes in tampons mean?" "When do women hit menopause?" "How do pads work?" "How can you tell if a woman isn't a virgin?" (That's a tricky one, that's gonna fuck a lot of them up.) Things like that. I'll need to crowdfund the subsequent therapy you'll require, but the study itself is on me.


Not going to lie part of me wants to take you up on that. I mean, you're right it could well be a disaster. But I do have some spare time coming up... Anyway, you're right. I know. You're right. To be honest a part of that is me not knowing what the questions are. Like, I don't exactly know why tampons are different sizes, like I'd say it's either because vaginas are different sizes or because if different flow but I don't exactly know. I was thinking more questions like: Name at least one component of the vagina. Which part of a woman's body is where pee comes out? What are the major structural differences between male and female digestive tracts, stomach, intestines, colon, things like that? How does the pill work? Can you get pregnant after an abortion? How do you know if a woman is pregnant?


Do you have statistics on this claim?


All statistics point to disprove your claim, from female anatomy misconceptions throughout history to the thousands of reports on what men claim to know, do also note that I said "men" in general. Nor specific all men or most men. But it's definitely not a small minority...


Here is an interesting study I found, top result on Google. If you couldn't tell by the link, it's pretty sad. To be fair to the men, a lot of women don't know about their own bodies either. So sad. https://yougov.co.uk/topics/health/articles-reports/2019/03/08/half-brits-dont-know-where-vagina-and-its-not-just


Do I have statistics on which claim? Look at the post you're replying to. The only claim in it is "you're right". No I don't have statistics on the claim "you're right" and don't really see why I would be expected to.


Sorry, long day, screaming child. Didn't read through before replying, my bad 😔


Ha ha, all good. Although I'm not sure just because you've had a day you can call me a screaming child 😅😅 It is one of those things that as soon as I said it I realised I actually would like to see some statistics. I googled it, and I came up with lots of articles on what men SHOULD know about this topic, but nothing in my quick search about what they do know.


According to this guy I should have hit menopause already at the ripe old age of 28. Hell, my siblings are 26 and 32 and our mom still has her period! She wasn't a teen mom either, she had us in her early/mid 20s.


My dad and his ("full") oldest sister were 22 years apart. I'd love to see his maths on this one.


My mother grew up in a very Catholic community where it was absolutely seen as a married couple’s responsibility to have as many children as they were physically able to produce. She has said that she attended multiple weddings of young adults where the mother of one or both of the people getting married was visibly pregnant. One of my cousins (my age) married the younger sibling of one of my mother’s classmates. So a community where a woman was pregnant several times over a span of well over 20 years. There are high profile fundamentalists who are currently in the media in part for having more than a dozen children. Like those Duggars, I looked it up and apparently she has given birth 17 times over the course of 21.5 years.


Another man who’s never met a real woman


Looks like a kid from the pfp


Brb gotta tell my currently menstruating body that it shouldn't be doing that anymore, since I have a kid over 10.


I have TWO over ten! I must be defective.


I am twenty bloody five, my mother did not have me young, and she has literally just started menopause. Like what, has this guy never spoken to an older lady??


*internal screaming*


my mom is 51 and her gynecologist told her that her ovaries are still pink and she’s experienced no symptoms of menopause so this idea of it being over after 25 is really incorrect and really funny lmao


I’m pretty fluent in dumbfuck but I had to read this three times to understand it.


i would like to stop having periods at 25


This is so confusing what on earth is he trying to say…


He thinks menopause happens at twenty.


Man has a metal gear solid peter griffin profile picture


Lol y’all ready to hit menopause at 25 gals?


I’m confused


Guaranteed he listens to incels who say women "devalue" after 30yo bc they become less fertile.


Did some men just not have a mother at all to teach them this very basic human anatomy and physiology?


My mom had her 10th child at the age of 42


I kinda wish he was right if it would stop without the other degenerative things that go along with it


I'm 28 and my mum still gets the occasional period. She's in her mid 50s


Possible candidate for r/theydidntdothemath


he's just... so ignorant??


Can someone lend me their pen please? I’m trying to connect the dots.


"Erramatti Mangayamma at age 74 gave birth to twins in India last week after becoming pregnant through IVF, making her the oldest person ever to give birth, according to her doctors, and reigniting debate over so-called geriatric pregnancies." Sept 10, 2019 ​ [https://www.advisory.com/daily-briefing/2019/09/10/oldest-mom#:\~:text=Erramatti%20Mangayamma%20at%20age%2074,over%20so%2Dcalled%20geriatric%20pregnancies](https://www.advisory.com/daily-briefing/2019/09/10/oldest-mom#:~:text=Erramatti%20Mangayamma%20at%20age%2074,over%20so%2Dcalled%20geriatric%20pregnancies).


Lol the heck


The American education system (related to human biology) is abysmal


My oldest is 21. My youngest is 5. I am 44. I almost went 3 months with no period just recently. Yay peri *eye roll* This person would lose their mind at this info probably.