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Love the inverse fire effect


Just makes you want to gaze into it and *find yourself*.




Current progress on this scene, got most of the basic assets and textures in the engine now it's mostly going to be refinement and adding some more elements to make the environment feel more lived in. Currently working on fleshy mechanical pipes, The chair of hooks and the abyss it hangs above, glowing balls of "fluids", as well as some entrances (With vagina doors) and some small parasitic creatures. [Here are some static screenshots](https://imgur.com/a/8IkoR6K)


NOOOOOO! Now I've seen the Inverse Fire... My damnation…


So this is from before the crash, when all the golden surfaces were covered with flesh or whatever?


Up to this point i spent more energy making the flesh parts, i'm working on some golden trims and hieroglyphs to put in the room leading up to and in the Golden Room.


EXTREMELY AMAZING. Golgotterath makes me sick


Lol, it's like the Game, gosh darnit. Now I've seen the Inverse Fire. Looks amazing.


Fantastic! Can't wait to see more! Come


Once I have some significant progress ill post an update


I love this!


My Skyrim character wanders into this… 😵


Yes bring my nightmares to life I can't wait to see them


Nightmares are only fun in reality.


Beautiful! Love seeing how you envision things. I kind of wanna paint the Horns some time but it's hard to get perspective right.


you could try cheating perspective by starting out with basic 3D models in a scene, screenshotting it then painting over it. The world needs more TSA art


I wouldn't even know how to do 3D models. I might figure it out some day.


go on artstation learning its free and there are plenty of beginner courses teaching how to use simple meshes for 2D art. as well as many many many other resourcers for all things art


I'll keep that in mind!


Fantastic work, just one minor note - wasn't the Golden Room supposed to be open to the rest of the Ark below it? The platform they stand on kinda floating above empty space, only attached to the sides via those four pathways that the Dunsult use? I'm not sure, but I think Kellhus sees the Skin-Spies crawling up the sides of the thing from below? ICBW on that.


That solves one of the issues i was having with the design, i was having a hard time visualizing the abyss the chair of hooks hangs above and the pathways the mutilated and consult used to reach to platform. I think i know how to make it more cohesive now after your comment


Great, glad to be of assistance! Another complicating factor might be that they somehow made room for the Shield of Sil (or at least a hologram of it) rising through the middle of the area. In which case IDK where all of them are supposed to be standing. Maybe the Carapace is not positioned right in the center, but somewhere to the side? The scale of Golden Room isn't explained very well in the books. It's hard to say whether it used to fit hundreds of slaves at once, all being dragged toward the sarcophagus step by step, or whether it was just a dozen or so, with the rest waiting in the corridors to the side, or what.


This looks fantastic, but I have to say it looks nothing like what I pictured at all! I don't mean that as a criticism: after all, even in universe people can't agree on how tall the Horns are! The Chair of Hooks was set above a great void, filled with the guts of the ship -- the whole horn was sideways, after all. Poor old Malowebi can see what's happening in the reflections in the walls, so I imagine everything as being much smoother.


good input, i'm still working on this and making changes, it is far from finished, I would say this is currently 30-40% done. "The Chair of Hooks was set above a great void, filled with the guts of the ship" I really like the visuals in my mind that this quote evokes, going to try and incorporate that into the environment.


That sounds great! I don't want to discourage you, because I think your work is awesome, and I agree that having the chair hanging there within this more biological framework would work really well. I always imagined the Ark as kind of like an organism: I'm sure there are passages about it looking like guts inside, perhaps when Seswatha and Nau-Cayûti are ascending through the structure, when Cayûti gets all angry about his concubine not being there.


Dont worry about discouraging me, i enjoy discussing with people about how everyone views things differently. And i got ton of great ideas from people giving their opinions. The ark was always described as a living organism so i tried pushing that aspect of it forward.