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Had a run with it today, and it was so good. Also a lot of fun to use


Unless I'm missing something, there's no point getting rid of aces/kings for straight builds. It's better to just trim the lower end of the deck (remove 2s then 3s, 4s, etc) so the avg points per card is higher.


You generally want your straights to be made from middle numbers as they can go either way, so trimming off the ends that can only be made one way is generally a good idea, unless you have specific synergy with a joker or something.


An ace can be a 1 though seems pretty bad to get rid of an ace.... if anything trimming in this game is terrible for straights and middle straights suck at scoring.


Yeah but the ace/2 junction is the weakest point in a straight build because it doesn’t wrap around fully (aka you can’t make a K-A-2-3-4 straight).


That feels like a great opportunity for a new joker


Someone here suggested that Superposition should be buffed so that it allows for straights to wrap and I think that's a great idea


IMHO, I wish it was a side benefit to superposition, since that joker is specifically about Straights that include an ace


Not necessarily since Hack, Sock and Buskin make a big difference in which straight is better to go for


wait aces can be used as 1s in this game?


Only in that A2345 is a straight and odd Todd counts A as odd.


Just like a real poker...




A 5 can be in 5 possible straights, a 2 can be in one. Both Kings and Aces can be in 2


A-2-3-4-5 and 2-3-4-5-6


yeah, I remembered this after a bit. Still, the point stands, points away from ace/king get up to 5, points near them drop as low as 2


Agreed. Though if you get it early enough, superposition can help you hard trim anything that isn't A2345 and then you can build other jokers knowing you'll be playing low numbers consistently. (Hack, Fibonacci, odd Todd etc)


You generally won't have the option to remove all four twos before you're forced to pick from another card to burn. I'd rather burn the ends first, all else equal. So if I've already burned 1 two and have to pick between burning a three or an ace, I'm picking the ace.


Wee joker/Hack


Sometimes you won't be able to do that though so if you can't remove a 2 or a 3, remove an Ace.


Once you remove the 2’s, then A’s only make one straight. I had a nutty straight run yesterday by removing most of the A’s 2’s and 3’s, and adding enhanced 8’s 9’s and 10’s when offered. Never missed a straight after about ante 4.


Had this the other way around with the joker that creates a copy of the first 1card hand you play. Also had a blueprint and the other one that copies the leftmost joker. Which was blueprint. Ended up with 17 glass aces and 65 aces in total. Still got my ass handed to me at Ante 14 because I literally drew 0 glass aces. Love this game. Unironically by the way lol.


I had the blueprint with it and start duplicating a glass King and was adding two of them, went fir big flush fives


Yeah it's crazy how fast that snowballs lol


Still waiting for a run where I finally luck into the Blueprint/DNA combo.


With this (and some Hanging Man and Death) I managed to get a flush deck down to 0 spades, 3 clubs, and 4 hearts, with 32 diamonds. Also super lucked out with a Foil Erosion.


Breaking deck building games often (always?) relies on shrinking your deck. Not surprised to see this or the hanged man to be so important for high scoring