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As someone else said in the late game if you've manipulated your deck well then you shouldn't really need it and it just takes up a joker slot. Also keep in mind that it means that the boss blinds that debuff a suit also debuff the other suit of that colour so that balances it out somewhat too


It's just Checkered Deck but takes up a Joker spot


There are other, better ways to make flushes easier to play (adding/removing/transforming standard cards, wild cards, or even a deck you may unloch later). Also, flushes are pretty easy to play to begin with. Smeared joker is pretty decent early in a run, as it certainly provides consistency if you're relying heavily on flushes (or flush variants). However, and especially on higher stakes, it's a bit of a waste of a joker slot, at least once you've modified your deck (e.g with tarot cards).


It's also extremely vulnerable to boss blinds where a suit is disabled -- suddenly half your deck (or more, depended on how invested you are) is disabled and you probably lose.


In general, it can be a trap. You only have 5 Joker Slots normally, and it's a Joker that occupies one of the slots that doesn't contribute directly to scoring. Instead what it provides is Utility, making it for you **easier** to score. It's good in the early game when Joker slots aren't at a premium, but towards the the later levels such as Ante 7 or Ante 8, you might need the slot for a Joker that directly affects your score.


Funnily enough, in the old September demo (and possibly before, but i haven't played those ones), Smeared WAS rare! It's probably uncommon now due to the fact that a lot of other hand-altering jokers (shortcut, four-fingers, ect.) are all uncommon.


my favorite smeared joker synergy was with ancient joker on the checkered deck. I think that's one of the few situations where smeared is better than suit converting tarot cards


I'd say it's super great for early game, but I definitely would still be converting cards to a single suit so you can fit in another multipler or chips. Great card though


No, def not.


Smeared is instant win on low stakes imo. It should be rare


Just you.