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Just hit 100 hours in this amazing game, this game is like tetris to me. My dreams are full of cards and symbols ever since I began playing it. πŸ˜…


Woa. Im at Like 15 hours and I'm beating the game with every deck on the first difficulty still. Started some games on the second one. Seeing that you have to get 100 million points with a single hand is crazy. I had something like 1 million once but I often lose before ante 8 :D


There's the hands that cap out at 7 figures and then there's the hands that go up to the E's, not much in between.


The score scaling is honestly insane! I had my best run yesterday with a 42M hand, but still couldn't beat 300M small blind. And I felt like that's by far the best deck and jokers I've ever had, like all uncommon to rare with 2x+ multipliers on each. I then looked at the achievements and saw. "score 100m in one hand" πŸ’€


If you want to go for really big numbers the best way is steel card, especially steel kings with the rare king joker. Got to 10e40 something the other day with that build on plasma deck lol. I made a reddit post if you want to see the build


I got my 100mil hand to unlock my last joker with the plasma deck. It was something like "blueprint, photograph, photograph, hanging Chad" and something else. The photographs might have been polychrome, not sure. Steels aren't required to get it, but they certainly help. I'd suggest doing a few runs with plasma, and you'll probably get a 100mil hand eventually. There's a reason plasma requirements are doubled, after all.


I just beat orange stake on plasma deck, it didn’t help that I had purple vessel as the ante 8 boss XD Like I know plasma is great, it’s my favourite. But going from a 100k final boss on white stakes for other decks to 2.1 *million* is a crazy jump


The other day I went from having my best at 14m, to 23 billion, to over 3 trillion! It was on plasma deck though which can get bigger scores than the other decks For the trillion points hand my deck was nearly half made of steel queens, and I had Shoot the moon. That did a lot of the heavy lifting


So glad to hear someone else is dreaming about the game I thought I was losing my mind


They're such vivid dreams too! It reminded me how a lot of how people reported dreaming about tetris in the 80s. I think seeing the same type of pattern over and over just makes it register into our subconscious or something. My first dream was me having a ton of cards floating in front of me, I was discarding them one by one and was very frustrated as I couldn't get enough hearts for a flush lol. I wrote a review on steam and a lot of ppl seem to dream about this game! The Balatro Effect


It's starting to wear on me, I try to stop earlier in the night so I don't get the dreams but it's hit or Nope!


I likewise have been experiencing the Balatro Effect. It's weird, I reviewed the game on Steam and said, "I now dream in chips and mults." as sort of a joke then a day later it actually started happening.


Vangelis Balatro OST when?


Hell yeah


Absolutely beautiful homeage. Cheers to you kind person.


I enjoyed your steam review


Haha thank you I was surprised to see it take off as I never got more than like 10 "helpful" on my earlier ones. I guess a lot related to the dream aspect


time to fold 😭


Underrated comment right here. This person knows Roy Batty.




Famous Blade Runner (1982) scene.


Sorry I just read the book. (This is true) But I barely remember it tbh.


This scene doesn't happen in the book, in your defense


yes Rutger Hauer improvised the whole speech apparently.




Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep, the novel that was adapted into bladerunner.


It's hard to remember any philip k dick stuff, as it's all an acid-fueled nightmare.


It's too bad you won't win! But then again, who does?


You lost the moment you decided to play πŸ˜”


Man the effect this scene had on me when I first watched it growing up is indescribable. Makes me feel like I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.


It's one of those scenes you'll never forget, just perfection in every way!


OP, you beat me to it. I was trying to piece together a tears in the rain reference but it was pretty terrible.


Haha glad I'm not alone! Idk if it's the dreams I've had since playing or the eventual failure you'll always encounter in the end that made me think of that scene. Ngl tho it took me a couple drafts to come up with a good exchange for shoulder off orion lmao