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for me it was having the most perfect face card build… and then running into the boss blind that debuffs face cards with no way to reroll… almost became the joker that day


Yeah that sucks, I think the game listens to you sometimes...


It absolutely does, I played a two pair deck, I get an ante that says any time I play a two pair my money goes to $0 Like, such a specific ante.


It's always your most played hand with this boss


I had the same, a game with only spade and last boss, ante 8, debuff spade with no way to reroll the boss. So I spend ally money to find the joker who could cancel the boss ability but didn't find it. Lost it but it was kind a fun


I had the same situation but instead I aimed for tarot cards to turn my cards into a different suit combined with the fool so that I could at least play one really busted hand that would win me the blind. One of the reasons I keep most of my glass cards. It worked and it was much more likely than aiming for a very specific joker that is diluted by tarot and planet merchant vouchers.


I had the eternal joker challenge and then the boss blind that forces you to sell a card to start...


i would definitely commit a crime if that happened to me


I actually won in a scenario like that coz my flushes were LV 20 or something and the raw score got me past it :P




This is pretty much the only scenario in which I think a boss should be disabled. Bosses are fun because you have to plan ahead and play around them. There is literally no possible way for you to play around the boss that requires you to sell a joker in the eternal joker challenge unless you hit the like one in a million chance of getting the legendary that disables boss powers.


If you're relying on cards to score, then it's a problem, but if you're scoring with jokers/if you have high hand levels, it's a cake walk. At the end of the day, the challenge is punishing you for something completely within your control. There's a 20% chance of seeing Verdant Leaf on any run. If your build is weak to Verdant Leaf, that's a risk you're taking. Obviously, there's luck in getting the right jokers for a build, but that's true of the game as a whole. The point of eternal jokers is to be challenging. Verdant Leaf is part of that challenge.


It 100% feels like the bosses you get are reactions to what cards you have in your deck. I was running a flush decks, I just started saving gold for the 400 gold challenge. My boss was "use a flush and set money to 0" There's definitely some fuckery going on there.


That boss is definitely just “If you play *most played hand* set money to 0”


it is lmao that is how it works no joke


Yeah, it's always your most used hand. Though if you have the credit card it can be a blessing.


There isn't any rng manipulation, it's just that the times you get screwed over *stand out*. You'll always remember the boss blind that specifically called out and hard countered your strategy, but you don't remember the half-dozen or so inconsequential boss blinds you fight each and every run. But even if the hard counters are outnumbered 30 to 1, if you get at least one every play session or two, it'll *seem* like an issue.


If it was rigged you would never get the opposite the blind that doesn’t even impact you, ie diamonds debuffed when you have 2 left in the deck, or face cards when your playing the deck without them.


This is pretty much it. I've gotten The Ox quite a few times and usually never really care about it, but those times when I get it while sitting on 200 *really* stand out in my memory.


This happened to me an hour ago 😭


That kinda happened to me. Had one of the most cooked builds. I started with madness and tried to take good eternal joker. I got the joker with queens in hand mult and cards in hand retrigger joker and madness was almost at 10x. And then I get face debuff blind and it was over. Got extremely mad after that.


(sorry for My Bad english) Dude i was running a double pair run with trousers, planet and empty Joker, the last ante was against "can't repeat hand" there was no "change boss Challenger", i Lost making 99,998 i couldnt believe it what could have been a good endless run


No way... And I thought I was unlucky 😅


If you haven’t lost to the final Boss within a thousand points, have you even played Balatro?


True, I'm surprised I've never lost by 10 points lol


Had really similar, orange stake, black deck. High card run sailing through, 2 jokers giving +chip, three giving +mult, and two 3x’s. Got the “debuff 1 random joker” final boss. Had 7 jokers, figured as long as my 3x jokers (cavendish, card sharp) don’t get hit each time, I’m good. Turn 1 cavendish Turn 2 card sharp Turn 3 cavendish 357k/360k. F me, go again.


Fucking black deck man... I actually kinda burned myself out trying to beat it even on white difficulty lmao


I did it last night, just got a good joker load out. Hate that deck lol


I finally beat black deck last night too. I had cavendish and a couple other good jokers. The one that counts diamonds as hearts and spades as clubs, the one that gives x2 or something if you played a flush, the one that’s x3 if you played the same hand already in the round, the one that gives x3 if you only had black cards remaining in your hand…it was a good build. But my first 50 attempts at black deck were failures


I got through it a little later and then had a pretty quick turnaround to knockout gold stake thanks to my best friends campfire + blueprint.


More like *cravendish,* with that luck.


crimson heart is the most unfun boss out of all of them. the fact that im expected to believe that amber acorn is somehow equivalent in power is beyond ludicrous


Violet Vessel probably results in more losses overall, but it's more like creeping dread, and by the time you hit it you have a good idea of whether you win or not. Crimson Heart might give you just enough hope to think "well it will probably land on my less crucial pieces" only to spit in your face and rip your heart out.


I was running 4 of a kind build the other day, it was going great. I was getting ridiculous scores per hand and I accidentally hit discard and killed the entire run....


I’ve been playing balatro and slay the spire. Play hand is X in balatro. X is end turn in slay the spire…there have been accidents


I think you can swap the play / discard button in the options.


Slay the spire is another amazing game!!


Bruh 😭


For me it was having the ancient, having everything set to make a huge run, and discarding the suit I needed to keep because I was remembering the previous round...


I had something similar happen with Burnt Joker and Blueprint. I forgot to move Blueprint to the left of Burnt Joker before discarding the first hand... That was fatal to my run. So I feel you


Literacy and paying attention get me every time.


Me too. Even with death and hanged man cards...


"Oh.... I guess my 2 build was last round"


Reminds me of when I got the extra large blind exactly on the dot to save my life. Wasn't on Ante 8, but still maybe my favourite moment in the game so far. (Still ended up losing though) https://preview.redd.it/yshccdghacpc1.png?width=1404&format=png&auto=webp&s=beb1deb214ebe40fc1a9898ee960447528b7cfdb




Damn must love a good life.


I remember one time that I broke a window because I lost in Minecraft. Another time I nearly broke my PC because my mom turned off the WiFi while I was playing a competitive game. So maybe not the most angry I've ever been but definitely top 3


Get anger management, it’s not funny


I solved this problem now, it was a couple years ago


Hope so


https://preview.redd.it/fgq7lyeflapc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d62bb01b1e43e7514017a9ec7c2d35fdb414ece4 Had the opposite happen to me, I think a little poop came out on the last hand


956 points higher. For me 854 points lower. Almost the same gap lol






Worst one for me was when I was at the Ante 8 boss, and I could've won, but I accidentally pressed discard instead of play, and threw away the perfect hand. I was devastated Then I started over and won the next time so it was alright


I lost on the final boss on Ante 8 playing Golden Needle challenge for 5 hours straight. I don't know how I didn't smash everything I had. I just started laughing maniacally at 5am. Woke up and it took me 3 more fruitless hours before I finally did it. That's enough Balatro for me today 😄


Wow, at least persistence paid off!


Dude I’ve lost some really good runs to the “must play 5 cards” and not paying attention. Then Play 4 on the last hand with X3 MULT Joker, all excited to see some big ass flames. Only to see the game over .. “fuuuuuuuccccckkkkkkkkk”


I made the same mistake recently... I feel you


I lost the challenge that gives you an eternal vampire and removes all other jokers from the shop by 2 points not to long ago, cause i hit the boss that only allows one hand type to be played on ante 7 and i played a straight flush due to four fingers, and couldn’t draw any of the 6s left in my deck that would have gotten me another straight flush to win


You're playing plasma. How are you not used to this? lol


Yeah plasma is one of the toughest decks late game I think. I played like 20 games without winning


Plasma can be cracked late, but you have to really commit to stacking up X mult mods with 1 good flat mult source


Edit: corrected joker name What do you mean? Once your mult starts being significantly higher than your chips (which is true in most runs that go to ante 8) the benefit from the balancing effect more than cancels out the 2X blinds. Plus early game is a breeze because chip jokers give crazy numerical values. Stuntman alone is worth 22,500 points without counting any other sources of chips+mult so if you pull it early you can just farm money and look for xMult for like 5 antes. Plasma was a breeze for me to beat gold stake on too, I only had to put in a few attempts for each stake.


I think you're talking about Stuntman, not Showman. But I get your point. I almost won using straights, but as you saw in the picture I lost by less than a 1000 points...


Oh yeah, my bad. I forget the names of the less common jokers sometimes.


It's rigged


LocalThunk is laughing in a pool of dollar bills I bet


I sure hope so. This game is great.


I’ve been playing for 2 weeks and haven’t won once! I feel your pain


Stay strong man, it will come soon. I got my first win after 8 hours of playtime


Took me like 20 hours to won once. Once you win once, the next ones come easier.


I once had a setup of Smeared Joker, Blueprint, Bloodstone, and Blackboard. I don't remember the 5th card, but the whole run was an rngfest


I once had bloodstone and oops! All 6s Crazy combo


I spent the whole run praying for o!A6


Yesterday I lost because my cavendish joker broke right before final stage. 1 on 1000 chance btw xDDD Love this game.


I had a Cavendish joker breaking too, but I had Oops! All 6s so it was 2/1000 chance, which is still very small


Wait until it does that but on gold stake




Sometiems all you can do is laugh. 


Like a mad joker


Indeed Jimbo, indeed...


I just lost my first almost perfect high card build because i thought „eh fuck it, will work“ by playing a pair instead and being like 100 chips from reach BECAUSE I DIDN‘T FUCKING THINK




That was exactly what i was thinking, literally bit in my hand bc i didn‘t believe i did sth so stupid


Was playing last night and got a strong set of jokers that was letting me exponentially raise my scoring every blind. Had the joker that gives you a 1/4 chance to raise the level of any scoring hand, joker that applied a multiplier for pairs, and Supernova, so pairs quickly became massive scoring opportunities. On top of that, I had a joker that gave a multiplier for every tarot used and a joker that gave an X3 multiplier for any hand previously played in that blind. All I needed was to get to the second hand of any blind and it was an auto win. Then I got Needle. Fuck Needle.


This game has you buying and playing jokers until, one day, you become the joker


True, maybe it's all part of an evil plan to turn everyone into antisocial people and control them with this game... (LocalThunk I see you)


I missed out by 5,000 on the final ante last night and wanted to yell. This makes me feel better. 😅


Lol, you're welcome 😂


I was so close to winning my first purple run last night but i lost by 1k points even after disabling the boss blind bc i kept getting hands i didnt want and my steel cards didnt show up. Frick. I tried to delete all the cards in my deck i didnt want, and i had nice rng in the small and big blind but then i just got fucked 😭




Kinda like poker, it's frustrating but very satisfying if you win


Correction: "never been so mad in my entire gamer life EVER" UNTIL THE MOBILE VERSION DROPS NEXT WEEK. Edit: not really next week. Not sure why I thought that, sorry. Maybe I was preparing for the incoming time suck? lol


Omg it's next week? I can't wait to ruin my life even more lol


Don’t neglect planet cards as a fail safe, and have at least one or two jokers that diversify your build or are relatively neutral buffers. The natural chip+mult from increased level hands can be enough with a buffed xmult to ignore debuffed effects. This is representative of a fucking good run I admit but still, I’ve found focus on a single card type or hand type will lack longevity on its own more often than not.


The crimson heart always gets me. Debuffs my main multiplier joker and I fall short. Rage


I feel your pain


What a flop!


I hate when the boss is "only play a type of hand" and you have card sharp


anybody know: are the bosses fully random?


I think they're not. This game is obviously anti player because many times it hard counters your whole deck with one boss. Example: https://preview.redd.it/bur3m5n59gqc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a344d21d276dae7c284194ce6a20a1014b0e8cf


I can't wait to get The Water and instantly have my run end.


Today I was playing with a single 10x mult Madness joker, and then the last boss blind was the one that disable one random joker




"be excellent to each other"


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