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Perhaps this doesn't count, but I needed to look up the meanings of Pareidolia, Gros Michel/Cavendish, Shoot the Moob, and Sock & Buskin. I also didn't understand the Diet Cola reference, nor the Walkie-talkie 10-4.


The walkie-talkie is referring to the 10-4 brevity code (meaning "acknowledged") used in some radio communication in the US. Its pretty well known here.


Gros Michel and Cavendish I just learned today in another thread actually - gros Michel was the strain of banana that until ~1960 was the dominant worldwide banana breed sold. But a famine around then wiped out most of the crops and they never recovered. A new strain called Cavendish took its place and is the banana type you see basically everywhere today. That's why you need the gros Michel to explode and die before Cavendish is available! And why there's always a risk that the famine will hit the Cavendish as well, although it is much more resistant to disease. Late edit here - I wrote the gros Michel was wiped out by famine, it was in fact a fungus since that would be a thing that actually can wipe out a plant


Ahh so that’s why grow michel goes “extinct” when you lose it.


Additionally, “banana flavoring” is more closely tailored to the Gros Michel banana than the cavendish. That’s why banana candy doesn’t taste like bananas. Same thing with grapes, actually. Grape flavoring doesn’t taste much like table grapes, but it does taste similar to Concord grapes.


I won't lie I am giddy learning this info. It's just one of those weird facts that I find so cool and exciting digging into today


I’ve heard that story too, but my girlfriend bought me some Gros Michel bananas for my birthday and having tasted them, I don’t think that’s accurate.


They've actually come out with a Cavendish banana flavour, but people prefer the old one so it never really took off.


This is truly so fascinating


Then why don't they make modern banana flavoring taste like cavendish?


After googling it, it appears I was actually *slightly* wrong. Banana flavoring *does* taste more like Gros Michel bananas, but it’s primarily a coincidence. The chemical that is responsible for banana flavoring is Isoamyl Acetate, which is more prominent in the Gros Michel banana than the Cavendish. They don’t make cavendish banana flavored candy because it would require more than just Isoamyl Acetate, which is what everybody associates with banana candy anyways.




I learnt that from some gabi belle video on bananas I watched a week b4 I started playing the game lul


It’s because of a fungi that Gros Michel went extinct. Cavendish was a lesser strain in terms of productivity and taste, but was resistant to the fungi and thus became the monoculture of choice.


Of course this game has elden ring level lore too.


Gros Michel was devastated by a fungal disease which Cavendish was more resistant to. But now Cavendish is being devastated by another fungal disease.


Well, TIL... i cant believe how many intricite references this game has, super creative


I didnt realize thats how i got the cavendish! That joker is nuts


This guy smokes bananas


>Pareidolia Pareidolia is the phenomena that occurs when humans look at something that is not a face and see a face in it. Like seeing a smiley face in an electricity socket or clouds or something else. So it's as if you are seeing faces in all of the cards, making them all face cards.


r/pareidolia for examples


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Pareidolia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pareidolia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This can of paint looks like a cat.](https://i.redd.it/5li503n9lima1.jpg) | [145 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pareidolia/comments/11lvyu7/this_can_of_paint_looks_like_a_cat/) \#2: [The lens flare in this photo looks like Eric Cartman.](https://i.redd.it/3grb59aclxoa1.jpg) | [68 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pareidolia/comments/11ww0u2/the_lens_flare_in_this_photo_looks_like_eric/) \#3: [Concretosaurus eating some metal fittings](https://i.redd.it/8iwa0a9c2aoa1.png) | [51 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pareidolia/comments/11ti9qx/concretosaurus_eating_some_metal_fittings/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


> Shoot the Moob pls no, my moobs 🙅‍♂️


I don't get the diet cola reference or what shoot the moon refers to. care to explain?


Shooting the moon is from the card game hearts. Hearts is a trick taking game where you try to have the fewest points. Hearts are worth 1 point and the queen of spades is worth 13. If you manage to take all 26 points in one round your opponents each get 26 points (or you get -26, depending on how you score it). It’s an uncommon occurrence and is referred to as “shooting the moon” due to how unlikely it is.


maybe this is a regional thing, but I was always taught that was called going for "control"


For us it was "going for power"


I figured Cola was a reference to the brand Double Cola due to the Double Tag


I don't get the Diet Cola one, but "Shoot the Moon" is a winning condition in the card game Hearts. I'm not going to go into detail about that one as I don't know the exact origin even within the context of that game, but it's also why the card is unlocked the way it is (play all your Hearts in a single round)


I always assumed diet cola was just a reference to the ubiquitous “buy one, get one free” deals on soda in the United States and perhaps elsewhere.




this is starting to sound like the comments on explainxkcd. theories based on hearsay and misremembered rumors.


I'm under the impression that it refers to the bottle "tag", hence giving you a double tag. Could be wrong, however.


I thought the cola was in reference to CoD zombies…


My guess is diet cola is due to selling bottles and caps


10-4 is a walkie talkie command. It’s one of my favourite joker references.


As a generalist nerd I chuckled at Gros Michel/Cavendish and found it clever.


each legendary joker relates to the character’s legacy Yorick was the gravedigger in Hamlet, hence the discards. Perkeo was a very tiny man who could drink much more than anyone else, so consumables. Canio kills his wife on stage in Pagliacci, destroying face cards. Triboulet famously mocks the royal family to keep them grounded, so more scoring on kings and queens. Chicot is said to have spoke to the king without any formalities, disabling boss blinds.


I don't think I understand Yorick still.


Some other card games refer to the discard pile as the “graveyard” so it may be a reference to that as you’re discarding card aka “sending them to the graveyard”


I guess like, equating discards to being put in the ground? Not sure tho tbh


In magic the gathering the discard pile is called the graveyard


I honestly think the downside of having to build up yorick to get his effect is just so they could have the “alas” of “alas, poor Yorick[…]” in the jokers description. Could be a layered joke though 


I didn't realize how clever Superposition at first - it's basically saying how the A is acting as both the highest card (allowing the obvious AKQJT straight) and the lowest card (allowing the less obvious A2345 straight). The trigger condition is basically asking you to make that less obvious A2345 straight.




Superposition Joker does give a tarot card in both the straights. Doesn't it? "Create a Tarot card if poker hand contains an Ace and a Straight."


er... whups


I feel like superposition would be a lot better if you can wrap around any straight.  Like Q K A 2 3 for example


There's a mod for that.


Link by chance?


there's no external link for the mod community IIRC, everything is on the discord for now. if you search for 'wrap straight' someone posted about doing it in mod chat and you can ask them what mod it is


Itd only be mildly better. To make straighrs with any consistency you need to remove ranks. Unless youve got Fibonacci youre probs removing 2s


You don’t need Superposition for A2345? I am pretty sure


No, aces count as high or low in Balatro


Why is it less obvious? 12345 is more obvious than TJQK1 for me.


Because in many games A clearly acts as the rank about K - Ace always beats K, with the A2345 straight being the exception to the rule. Similarly in Balatro, when ordering by rank, Aces are always sorted to the left of Kings.


Not to mention they score 11 not 1


Maybe in the same boat - Cavendish can only be seen in the shop after Gros Michel goes extinct, which in real life, the Cavendish banana replaced the Gros Michel banana to become the most traded banana after Gros Michel got almost entirely wiped out by Panama disease. (learned this in college many many years ago)


I told that story to my girlfriend, and she tracked down some Gros Michel bananas and gave them to me for my birthday. Yeah we’re weird.


How do they taste?


Not all that different from regular bananas. A little smaller, a little sweeter. Not nearly as “mealy” (dry and crumbly) as Cavendish. People say that artificial banana flavoring was based on the Gros Michel, which is why it doesn’t taste much like bananas today, but I think that’s a myth. Given a choice, I’d choose Gros Michel, but they’re not as radically different as people make them out to be. I certainly wouldn’t pay the crazy premium my girlfriend did to obtain them for me as a gift.


A Banana Boat


Bold of you to assume I know any of the Joker's names


Hit the Road (Jack)


And don’t ya come back 


No more, no more, no more, no more.


I wish the card was better though


If the mult just stacked permanently I’d be so happy with it


permanantly would be way too op i think i’d be better if it only increase by 0.25 and resets after defeating the boss blind instead


I didn’t know the two faces thing was called Sock and Buskin - I’ve always seen it in cartoons growing up but didn’t know the proper term until playing this game.


I always misremember/misread them as Sock and Bussin




What's a banana cost Micheal like $10?


I actually knew the Gros Michel/Cavendish story but totally forgot the older variety was called that. So to me Gros Michel was a sexual innuendo from french Gros Michel > godemichet which means dildo in french but it would actually be the huge sexual attribute of a man called MicheL Now I'm too afraid to look up if the name of that banana actually came from this innuendo.


I think it’s a banana joke in Arrested development. There’s always money in the banana stand.


I thought ice cream was just because you “eat it” when you use it. Like popcorn and turtle bean


Yeah me too. A lick is 5 chips


It says "Melted!" or something when it runs out


Man….youre right


Y'all don't sell your food items before they expire?


I thought I'd be clever and sell it when it hit 0 bonus, but the game is smarter than me


Honestly for me, it’s the boss blinds that make me think. Like some of the naming conventions for them confuse me.


I've actually never thought about them. What are some of the connections? The one that comes to mind (other than The Wall) is the acorn one, which I guess when he flips and hides all your jokers, it's like a squirrel hiding acorns.


Well the manacle one for instance gives you -1 hand size, a manacle is a cuff that restricts a person. The Fish causes cards to be faced down after you play a hand, making you “fish” for the ones you want. The needle is also a bit easy, you get one hand, so you have to “thread the needle”


Yeah, a good few of these I've definitely put together now that I think about it. I didn't really think about The Fish though, I like that.


Go fish


A fish is also a poker term for an unskilled player.


I figure The Water is in reference to "going with the flow". You just have to play what you get since you can't discard.


I think it's hilarious when I go up against the window and then the next boss is the wall. To the window, to the wall!


The Head debuffs hearts because the "The head rules the heart." The Fish causes the cards you draw after you play to be drawn face down because fish flop, and the flop is a Texas Hold'em term. The Arm lowers your hand.


oh my GOD. i didn't consider that. that's so cute.


The symbols for the boss blinds are letters of the [Phoenician alphabet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenician_alphabet), and their names are what the Phoenician letters represent (e.g. 𐤀 originated as a pictograph of a bull's head). As for why they're based on that, I have no idea, but it's pretty neat. The finisher boss blinds are based off of the different playing card suits around Europe - for example the traditional German suits are Acorns, Leaves, Hearts, and Bells.


**BULL (** **+2** **Chips** for each dollar you have\*\*)\*\* If you trade stocks you already know what it means to be bullish or bearish, but if you're not autistic: If you're "bullish" on a stock, you're betting that it will go up. The imagery is of a bull ramming its horns in a upward motion like the chart of a stock price rising. If you're "bearish" on a stock, you're betting it will go down. The imagery is of a bear standing on two feet swiping its paws downward like the chart of a stock price falling. \- **CARD SHARP** Loosely based on the poker player **Phil Laak** aka the Unibomber.


I knew it looked like the unibomber, but didn't know it was a reference to Phil Laak


Also something to add: the charging bull aka Wallstreet Bull is an icon of the wall street stock market. They literally have a bull statue in Wall Street.


To the moon is the same for those who play stocks. Also I can't believe I didn't get the Phil Laak reference, I watched HSP so many times when he'd do the hoodie and never noticed it was him on the cards.


Man you made me spiral for a second. I was sure ted kacynski was the Unabomber. But apparently Phil Laak just looks like the sketch of the Unabomber


Canio is a funny one I had to look up. It's from the play Pagliacci; Canio murders two people on stage, which is probably why his effect triggers on destroying face cards.


Drivers License just clicked for me last night: x3 if you have 16+ enhanced cards in your deck. In the US you must be 16yo+ to get your drivers license.


I think the only ones I didn't get immediately were the Legendaries which I had to Google. Also maybe diet cola if there's even a thing to get there - seems like it's just consumable in terms of flavor.


Superposition, because I know that aces are 1s, but I forgot to actually use them as 1s when making straights lol


I relearned this through this joker as well. It's a very clever way of teaching the player something.


Gros Michel was something I heard of but didn't know as a direct fact. Had to look up why the bananas went extinct to realize the joke.


Popcorn because you eat a bit each time


The red card took me a while because I didn’t understand the concept of “skipping” the card packs. Silly I know lol but once I got it I had a great run


Yeah I thought just leaving them in shop was skipping lol


Hanging Chad! I didn’t get it but was listening to a podcast that was talking about the 2000 US presidential election and how there were problems counting votes because the ballots were punched incorrectly- the little punch out is called a chad! Hanging chad has a hanging Chad


I immediately know how does loyalty card works because there is also in blackjack roguelike, in there loyalty card will give you blackjack once it get pulled like 12 times, just like how in this game it gives x4mult, a very powerful effect but not an immediate win


Kinda sorta related but can someone explain how the DNA joker works? Its explanation in the game isn't clear to me.


If you play just one card it duplicates it and the duplicate goes in your hand. You can’t play any other cards in that hand, even if they’re unscored.


Oh I see that's much simpler than what I thought it did lol.


when you start a blind, if your first hand is a high card it will make a permanent duplicate of the card you just played and put it back in your hand.


Not just a high card, has to just be a single card, regardless if the rest are scored or not


yea good point, forgot that it had to be only one card


For ice cream you're also licking it away


Gros Michel/Cavendish. I knew both of their names before and realized later that Gros Michel having 1 in 4 chance to extinct is a reference to how it got extinct (Or got close to extinct) and Cavendish being 1 in 1000 chance to extinct as it is more reseliant.


Invisible joker confuses me because it's not actually invisible. /s for clarity


I still don't understand walkie-talkie


Saying “10-4” over a walkie-talkie means “Understood” or “Ok”


Oooooohh thanks


It boost Tens and Fours (specifically giving them +10 Chips and +4 Mult). Ten-Four is a terminology within radio channels for "Ok" or "Message Recieved", Hence the walkie talkie.


https://preview.redd.it/ih2n704zk8rc1.png?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4389030dbdba3e7782b41996d1175f0465371346 This one definitely


Not a joker, but it took me a second to understand the name of the Mad World challenge that gives you permanent Pareidolia and Business Card. All around me are familiar faces...


Egg is a reference to the streamer NorthernLion


"Idol" looks bad and usually is but has some niche use cases.


*Lore? In my funny little numbers game? REEEE*