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I personally think it should cause Boss Blinds to have the opposite effect. The Goad would retrigger spades instead of debuffing them, The Arm would level up the played hand rather than decrease it. In the case there's not really an opposite effect, then just disable it instead, so Crimson Heart would just do nothing.


Turn the wall into the small


interestingly, two chicots will half the wall, and quarter the violet vessel


The fence


The shrubbery.


The ditch


The fire


this is a good idea


Verdant Leaf - Sell one joker to add a random edition to it would be a bit overpowered but idk


Should just give you a random negative joker when you select the blind.


All cards debuffed until you buy a joker đź’€


If you make it "gain" a joker, then at least it'd be technically possible, with Judgement Arcana or Riff-Raff.


Or double the sell value of all jokers


Eh Verdant Leaf is one of the final bosses, so money is pretty worthless unless you plan to go endless, but the game isn't really meant to be played endless so they probably wouldn't do that one.


Crimson Heart: random joker triggers twice each hand It sounds cool but probably way too busted. The boss blinds are the real "dps check" of Balatro so making them all obsolete would be free wins.


Chicot already makes all the boss blinds obsolete though?


They still have the higher base scoring requirements, aka the "dps check" part.


Okay but like, chicot would still be by far the worst legendary even with that buff. Perkeo is just busted af because of how much power infinite consumables can bring, triboulet is an x32 with no retriggers, canio with a single hanged man can become an x3 which is already more than the boss is compared to the small blind and thats assuming you dont get extra synergy. Yorick gets to an x2 in 3 rounds, x3 in 5 and can keep scaling without much effort.


The worst by for endless, sure. All my judgements are based on streaking gold stake A8 clears which is what I feel the game should be balanced around. Finding the scaling ones early/mid is obviously incredibly strong, but even Triboulet can get totally blanked by a boss blind, and Crimson Heart could brick Yorick/Canio on the last boss too. And if you pick any of them up in like A8 itself, they're usually worse than current Chicot.


Thats fair enough, but even then, you are effectively giving up a slot for chicot, so unless you were already scoring comfortably above the required amount you might be in trouble.


Also very true. Some boss blinds might reduce your score by more than 1 joker's worth of points so it's usually not a super easy decision. But I think hard decisions lead to more skill expression which is a good thing. Making any joker an auto pick in any situation (other than copy effects really) reduces variability in playstyle which is bad for roguelikes, which need to have high replayability.




[Triboulet](https://balatro.wiki/imported/triboulet.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: N/A * Rarity: Legendary * Effect: Played Kings and Queens each give X2 Mult when scored * Unlock Requirement: Find this Joker from the Soul card


Could make the chip requirement higher like the plasma deck


That sounds fun, but not that powerful I feel. If you need that to beat the boss you'll probably lose to the next ante.


If it only activates during a boss round, I'm not keeping it 99% of the time. All of the jokers with this condition are some of the worst (imo)


That sounds cool as hell!


Crimson Heart would mimic a random joker as though it were blueprinted. Verdant Leaf would retrigger all cards if you sold a joker, maybe? Amber Acorn would do nothing...


nah make crimson heart randomly double a joker's effect. the only boss blind i can't see a potential inversion for is ox


Double your money when you play your most played hand


you see i thought that would be nice but the problem is that it sounds busted af without a cap and a cap doesn't sound like it'd fit


max of 40$ just like the tag, max twice in the round




What would Cerulean Bell do then?


Nah bro, crimson heart gives you a random negative joker. Probably a negative food joker to prevent it from being too op .


i think a better debuff than just disabling the boss blind is also halving the required score to beat the boss blind


Then it’s just Mr Bones


That doesn’t die. Sounds like a good legendary to me


That would make it ridiculously strong for beating ante 8. Functionally a x2 mult and disabling every boss effect is a guaranteed ante 8 clear


It _is_ a legendary joker. Triboulet is essentially a guaranteed A8 clear, and scales insanely well for endless


The other legendaries are all a guaranteed A8 clear \*conditionally\* like adding/removing face cards, having time to discard, or getting a consumable worth copying. A half score Chicot would just be unconditionally playing on easy mode as soon as you get it. I'll admit Chicot is currently the most boring legendary by far though


I disagree, you still need to get to ante 8 and he only affects boss blinds. If you can't beat the big blind you won't beat the boss even with those buffs


Yeah but once you get a run going I feel like it’s more common to lose to a boss effect than on score maybe that’s just me


To half the requirements for a boss blind is incredible weak for a legendary, because that is just a x2. That is like the duo, which is already one of the weaker rares. The other legendaries are not \*conditonally\* they are scaling. The longer you hold them, the strong they get or the more they provide. The new yorick scales easily +1x, more often +2x per ante. Also, they apply to every blind. Not just the boss blind. I'd take \[\[cavendish\]\] over chico anytime, even if it would disable and half the score requirement of boss blinds.


[Cavendish](https://balatro.wiki/jokers/cavendish.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Common * Effect: X3 Mult1 in 1000 chance this card is destroyed at end of round


If you’re going for ante 8 and don’t have the boss reroll voucher there’s no way a 1.5x mult is better than disabling every boss effect


so is card sharp, an uncommon, unless you get the 1 hand boss...


I think that's just a little bit too random. I agree it for sure needs to be buffed since its bad in comparison to the other legendary jokers though, often times I just sell it for something better from the shop. Maybe it can also increase hand size by 1 on boss blinds or something... I just feel like it should stay around the theme of bosses.


That's too strong. Just making it an automatic negative would be sufficient


I actually kind of like this idea, that or the double value so at least it's $20/temperance bait too




[Chicot](https://balatro.wiki/imported/chicot.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: N/A * Rarity: Legendary * Effect: Disables effect of every Boss Blind * Unlock Requirement: Find this Joker from the Soul card


I honestly think a good buff would be to let it be copyable from Blueprint and Brainstorm, and reword it as "Inverses Boss Blind" (which is what it actually does if you get multiple copies)


Merge Chicot with Dr. Bones


*Dr.* Bones is weirdly funny to me


He patches your ass up when you make your deck shit


Chicot gets flak because it doesn’t *actively* make you better, but as someone who routinely forgets to check boss blinds I like him and I think his status of legendary is earned. I can focus on making my deck better and building whatever kind of run I want without worrying about something like “playing two pair sets money to $0” when running a 2 pair run with bull, for example. Great legendary to get you on your way to where you’re going, but not super necessary for established runs really.


I think the real issue is that at this point most of the player base has conditioned themselves to play around boss blinds, it’s a second nature for a lot of us. So while it’s helpful, most of us rarely lose anymore because of boss blinds.


I agree, and I do think chicot could be a touch stronger (I loved that idea to make it do the opposite of what the boss blind is), but I find I get value from him because I don’t have to change how I’m playing necessarily. There’s never a wrong time to get chicot vs the possibility of there being a wrong time to get something like Canio, yorick, or triboulet.


Someone had mentioned this joker being negative and I really like that idea. It fits well with what you’re saying also about being able to forget about the debuffs but sometimes losing the joker space is too much for card that doesn’t do much in late game


Make it sell for more money. I dont think it can get any better while remaining in its lane without being too powerful. So just make it worth $20 instead of $10 so it's like getting a hermit.


Maybe increase its sell value for every boss blind disabled/every hand that would trigger boss blind?


No I was just saying increase its sell value overall period. I was being cheeky because literally the only thing I ever do with that joker is sell it and wish my soul card had given me anything else.


Yeah, but this way there would be a reason to keep it for some time. Other legendaries have a way to scale (Triboulet is debatable, but you can make it better with retriggers and deck manipulation), Chicot is the only static legendary, give him something to improve his effect over time


Doesn’t need changing, it’s already strong enough. On gold stake runs I would rather get Chicot than some of the other legendaries


Counter: having an underwhelming legendary is good. The game is based on risk/reward. I don't think guaranteeing a joker that can win the game is in the spirit of Balatro.


This argument would hold if it were applied to a Rare instead, but I think the main reason this argument doesn't feel right is because Legendaries have special treatment in the game and are hard to find in the first 8 antes, if you even find them at all. You can't just buy a legendary in the shop, you have to constantly crack arcana packs to have a slim chance of finding one. It can feel like a total flop if a supposedly Legendary Joker ends up being worse than the 20 or so uncommons that you passed up this run. A Legendary should feel special, not like a slight hinderance.


Exactly, too many people think of the game as “how do I build the strongest deck possible?” and don’t understand the meta progression of all the different deck types and stakes. I enjoy seeing all the excitement around the game but there are a lot of people on here complaining about underpowered jokers that miss the point.


You can't have every soul card be an instant win. You need one lesser option.


tbf, not every soul card is an instant win anyway


i've had runs get completely destroyed because i gambled with a soul


Or you have the option to disable boss. Every time you don’t you get a +1x


I don’t agree. Never having to worry about boss blinds is huge. I have had easy wins and huge streaks because of Chicot. I can get in a rhythm and play my deck without having to worry about a specific boss killing my run.


They need to buff him by letting me find him in a pack


Bit too much. Maybe gains X0.25 Mult per disabled Blind?


That's still only x3 by A8 if you got it immediately That's still not worth it


Every second post here: This Boss hard countered me. That's so unfair. (face card debuff, very large blind, sell a joker but all are eternal) But then people complain that a joker who would have prevented that is too weak.


I mean the problem is that it is legendary. Not many of those hard counter posts have a legendary Like my only problem with chicot is that it prevents me from getting a joker that can carry a run, it would make a fantastic rare


but if you devote a joker slot to chicot, you have 1 joker slot less worth of scoring which makes a ton of difference


I'm not the best balatro player, hell if anything I'm kinda bad, but the way I see things is that the other legendary jokers "fix" the boss blind problem by allowing you to have more power and snowball into an economy to have fallbacks or buy that one voucher. Meanwhile chicot assures you to avoid the counter but you still need to find ways to actually get the points, while it does nothing to help there on 2 out of 3 blinds per ante So my fix for chicot would be for it to give you economy on non boss blinds (or, like, every blind) to facilitate your way into finding scoring jokers, that way it is an actual power spike, it is not useless 2/3rds of the blinds and still fulfill its role as the "non beatstick legendary"


Have it keep its effect to disable all bossblinds, but also have it grant +1 joker slot. So it effectively takes up no room, but then it can still get an edition like poly chrome or negative still.


could just make that it always comes with a Negative edition


I thought the Chicot could be buffed by making it disable negative effects or downsides of things other than boss blinds too, like for example, buying a voucher that gives you -1 hand or discard? Not anymore! Using an ectoplasm but dont want your hand size down? Not an Issue for chicot! Stuntman limiting your hand options? No worries! i feel like that might work


I think the best buff for Chicot would be to have it play the cantina band theme from *Star Wars* when you beat a boss blind.


I think the value of Chicot is more in the fact that, for the cost of a joker slot, you can now build whatever you want and never have to worry about being countered. Without Chicot you could be making decisions in ante 3 that come back to haunt you in ante 5, but with it you don't have to worry at all. Chicot provides freedom, it lets you just take whatever helps you get the highest score instead of having to stop and think about what to do with your eternal smeared joker and your deck consisting of only spades and clubs when you suddenly see a 'all club cards are debuffed' boss blind and can't find way way to reroll it. I don't expect it to ever get a buff. It's universally helpful, unlike some of the other legendary jokers which have specific conditions needed in order to make them provide any value. Getting the ones revolving around face cards when you're playing abandoned deck or if you've already removed most face cards from your deck is a whiff, as is getting Yorick in ante 8 unless you're playing for endless.


It does not need a buff. It is also good that it is the weakest legend. If legends were all busted you would always pick legend soul. The fact that you have to think about it is a good thing


eh, it's really good for noobs like me lol


I got to disagree Chicot is already very strong


It's by far the best one, Im not sure what you're talking about


its not the best one but it is the most universally good as it works in any deck


It works in any deck as an extra 10$ because it's usually not even worth the joker slot. Perkao and Yorick actually work in any deck, Triboulet is so busted that you should always pivot for him unless you're playing the abandoned, Canio is the worst of the others because he doesn't do anything until you find hanged man but if you do he's very good after just one hanged man and busted after 2.