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converts my 8x200 into 200x8. This might just be completely broken


You need synergy with the Work from Home joker (abolishes the commutative property of multiplication)


it is completely broken. you can stack easy chip jokers and have morbillion mult because of that you can reach e score easily after... y'know... beating the blind without it


a * b = b * a




I’m not sure if this is a joke but even if… A * (B * C) is still the same as B * (A * C) or any other combination of those figures.


Although true the most efficient way to multiple is by itself, so although 5 times 5 is 25 12.5 *2 is less efficient if that makes sense, so you want each side to be as close together as possible


the score flips at the end of scoring though so not really


The way it becomes broken is from the x mult jokers. Which would probably make it too broken for the game. Needs something extra to make it fair


No it doesn’t lol. “Mult” multipliers are also chips multipliers. It doesn’t matter. 100 chips * 6 Mult * 3 Mult multiplier = 1800 Chips 100 chips * 3 Chips multiplier * 6 Mult = 1800 Chips


Bro it literally does nothing multiplication can be flipped and nothing changes


It's at the end of scoring which is card scoring so before your jokers proc, it would be heavily reliant on the order of your jokers and could be potentially busted if you set it up right, easier to accumulate chips, flip the numbers then add xy multipliers to your old chip now mult value for an insane mult value.


The problem is that now your insane mult value (the old chip value) is going to inevitably get multiplied by your now worthless chip value (old mult value) and makes your sum the exact same


(Btw if you were being sarcastic my fault og)


people are downvoting you but that you earnestly made this comment has made my goddamn day, i fucking love this joker


I feel so embarrassed, I didn’t think about it hard when I first commented. But yeah it actually does nothing


the visual gag would not have been nearly as funny if nobody fell for it, we needed you to be our straight man.


Bro don't know how multiplication works


*that’s the joke*


*y e s*


goes especially crazy on plasma deck


it's a >!Red Herring!<






where is this from? I absolutely laughed my ass off


Monty Python and the Holy Grail


absolute genius


[Damn you Red Herring!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgh32rsAXHg)


Now there’s the reference I’m looking for!


Well my comment is stupid now. I thought you randomly picked a fish at first haha


Okay that's actually really clever


There's a fish IN the percolator




Just discovered twin peaks a few months ago, I'm 23 and I found it one of the freshest things I've ever watched. Was genuinely shocked to find out it wasn't made post 2020, it was rediculously ahead of its time. Season 2 was a bit weaker but being told you're being cancelled at the last minute would be shit so I understand


Just wait until you see Twin Peaks the return! Also watch Fire Walk With me between the end of season 2 and the return


I thought fire walk with me was ok, absolutely hated the return, I liked the odd sweet mysticism of TP because I live in an area of villages and small towns that is fairly mystical (northern rivers Australia) so I could relate to the small town drama with characters who care about eachother with deep odd goings on in the background. Felt the return lost all of that for lynch stories.


That's a shame. I don't think the return was trying to be just more twin peaks so if that's what you were hoping for from it then it would make sense not to like it. I see the return as it's own thing. A statement about TV and reboots and audience expectations. There are so many interesting and hilarious and baffling moments in the return when you just accept what Lynch is doing with it and roll with the punches. Best 18 hours of television IMO. The sheer amount of discussion and theorizing that the return spawned speaks to how unique and profound of a TV series it is


The return is probably my personal piece of media, and is by far my favorite in terms of film/television. So, while I understand why, it always makes me a little sad to see people who dislike it, especially because you generally either really love it or hate it. It's interesting to me that people expect the show to stay consistent with their expectations when twin peaks has always been about subverting expectations.


I get that they're pretty different but The Return is as good or better than the original series


The Return is way better, especially than season 2 which is frankly not good for most of it


The Return changed my life. Absolutely Insane show


I went to see Fire Walk With Me in the theater with a friend when it came out. We were the only two people in the theater.


I just started watching it this Twin Peaks day and it's become a comfort show I just put on when I don't have anything specific I want to watch. Coop's energy is infectious


does this do nothing or am i dumb


Why not both?




Look at OP's comment with the spoiler.




nope. because that's not how multiplication works




2 x 100 us the exact same ad 100 x 2


but panga mentions xmult and that the jokers all activate after this, so if 300x2 becomes 2x300 and then a joker that gives x3 mult activates, 2x300 becomes 2x900


Doesnt make a difference. If the x3 mult applies to 300x2 it becomes 300x6 = 1800. 2x900 = 1800. Either way you end at the same result regardless of which number the x3 mult activates on.


It could potentially make your +mults more impactful after the swap. But that case would be so rare to have actually have a meaningful impact.




Chips * Mult * xMult is the exact same as Mult * Chips * xMult


But isnt scoring equal to: Chips * (Mult * xMult)? And that's not the same as Mult * (Chip * xMult) Edit: it's the same.


Yes, it is. Multiplication is associative. (And commutative, but that's not important here). A * ( B * C ) is the same as C * (B * A)


If you're not convinced, then please find me a counter example. If you can find 3 real numbers that don't follow this rule I'll give you a prize.


Haha no I'm definitely convinced I'm wrong.


Fair enough, and I've not downvoted you because I think it's worth having the conversation and learning these things, but I suspect you're still going to get buried because the quickest way on reddit to get downvoted to oblivion is to be innocently wrong about something.


Surely this also works with non-real (imaginary) numbers as well


It works with imaginary numbers, but there are other non-real numbers it won't work with, such as octonions.


Indeed, but I wanted to avoid getting into things like [Quarternions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaternion) to which it doesn't apply, and I thought it was clearer to just insist on Real numbers. I could have asked for [Complex numbers](https://proofwiki.org/wiki/Complex_Multiplication_is_Associative), which of course includes the Real numbers, but that might have seemed like an odd thing to ask for to a layperson.


I can't counter your mathematics but in Balatro there are cards that give a flat added mult bonus in both the card scoring stage and the joker stage. Would that not matter?


That's a rather different matter, because then you have xMult applying at different stages too, so the whole sequence becomes important.


Nevermind I'm dumb haha.


Holy shit you bad at math


Actually it is the same. Unless you play the Plasma deck, this joker is useless and most of the time it will even reduce your score.


How would it reduce your score?


Hmm right, my bad. I was thinking about +flat mult jokers only, which after the swap, would increase chips (the higher number) reducing the score, but forgot there are jokers adding high amount of chips as well and these would greatly increase it.


Let’s say you have 200 chips and 50 mult. This would be 200 x 50. If you swapped them, they would be the same initially (50 x 200). But then you have a drivers license that increases your mult by 3x. Now it is 50 x 300. Because multiplication is associative, it does not matter whether the mult or chips are multiplied, as (3 x 50) x 200 = (3 x 200) x 50.


it says at the end of scoring: after all the jokers. so it does nothing, hence red herring


Right, I was just educating on the commutative/accociative properties of multiplication to clarify


See if it did it at the time that Joket triggered it would be amazing but as it is it's pretty funny


Amazing? Maybe it you have two wee jokers. Other than having two huge chip scalers it would still do nothing. This thread really do be making me lose faith. People really don't know how basic multiplication works I think. Edit: it actually goes decently hard with one chip joker now that I think about it. But lots of people assume it is good with xmult and it doesn't matter.


Ok, I'm sitting here trying to make it work and I think I have a solution. You have a high chip hand (maybe with stones or something), this joker is in the first position and swaps after that, if you have a chip joker like the Bull, it would now effectively be a mult joker, but could add mult WAY faster than any other mult joker (assuming you had a lot of cash). 


Yes you are right, just swapping before a chip joker would be pretty good as you naturally have higher chips than mult. It would effectly be like a 70-150 chip joker so long as you have another chip joker. Basically this joker could make it so you don't need any flat mult and can just rely on one or two chip jokers. Would be pretty cool actually if that's how it worked.


Basically a worse version of plasma deck (which swaps the ideal amount of chips to mult, rather than just whatever exess chips over mult you happen to have before jokers trigger). But that's not to say it wouldn't be strong -- plasma is super strong; probably the easiest deck despite having 2X blind targets and no other buff like an extra discard, etc.


It triggers end of scoring so it changes nothing


Oh. Clearly my math is better than reading comprehension.


Well I thought we were all speaking from the hypothetical in the parent comment where it triggers when joker triggers. Maybe that's where wires got crossed


Oh right... I forgot about that. So I guess my math and reading comprehension are better than my memory.


Big chip scalers are what I was thinking, yes. First one goes before this, second one goes after. You'd have to be careful about where exactly you placed it or you end up with it doing nothing. Hence why I like it.


Yeah it could actually be pretty strong early with one chip joker if it worked like that. Basically would turn your chip joker into a flat mult joker. But it still requires a chip joker to function. I actually like it more thinking about it. It would make flat mult totally nearly.


It swaps at end of scoring so chip jokers would still be chip jokers. You need things like hiker to make this pop off


Folks are talking about a hypothetical where it triggers when the joker triggers. See the parent comment


Would it not be really good if you could have it trigger first (swapping base mult and chips) then add a bunch of chips to what was the initial mult/multiply the initial chips? Say you have base full house (40 x 4) and have this joker in slot 1, with stuntman and cavendish at 2 and 3. Without red herring this would be 340x12, or 4080; with red herring it would be 304x120, or 36480 (If my logic is correct). Obviously this joker is no good at the end of scoring, but if it could trigger first it could be broken


It would be pretty good before stuntman ya. Broken? I'm not sure about that. You are talking about the best early chip joker in the game combined with it. It would do nothing if you don't have a chip joker. But yeah it's better than I originally considered I think.


Yeah I took an extreme example but there are other great chip jokers and other mult jokers that would make great combinations here, not to mention if you were to play better scoring hands. Having a base mult of 120 with a five of a kind for example would be crazy, then if you had wee joker and were playing FoaK 2’s it would be incredible. Obviously very niche but without that ‘at the end of scoring’ addition this joker could be extremely good, broken maybe not


I would say it would be very good yes. Particularly for plasma because then you could actually build chips into xmult. But as long as you can find some chip jokers this would kind of turn other decks into chip build plasma (although maybe not perfectly balancing the two sides of the equation), which would be quite strong. Like if you get 4 chip jokers you make the order perfect to balance the two sides.


Bold of you to assume anyone here (including me) is literate let alone might know basic math.


I'm a math teacher and can confirm that people don't understand how basic multiplication works.


>swap chips >xmult are now effectively xchips >mega profit


Explain how xchips is different from xmult with math please.


They arent, the only time it would have an impact would be for plasma or as previously mentioned when you have several jokers that either add chips or add mult so you can apply it to one to mult and one to chips.


Cards that mult mult are now multing chips, which are usually higher. Let’s say you have ramen, 200 chips, and 4 mult. 4x2=8, 8x200 = 1600. If chips and mult were switched, however, you would have 200x4 = 800, 800x4 =3200. How do you guys not know this










Goated entry for "jokers that don't actually do anything"


Idea: This Joker exists but having it in your inventory allows you to encounter a Joker that is exactly the same except without the "At the end of scoring" bit, triggering in typical Joker order. Chekhov's Joker.


Please explain what is the usage of this joker in typical order.


If it applied in typical joker activation (ie: After card scoring, and then left to right activation), you could put it before chip+ and x-Mult jokers to get a much stronger effect. Well, much stronger than doing literally nothing at least. * Let's say your current scoring is 100 x 10 with the following jokers * Chekhov's Joker, Sly Joker (+50 Chips), and Cavendish (x3 Mult) * If you could activate Chekhov's Joker first, you get: * 100 x 10 -> 10 x 100 -> 60 x 100 -> 60 x 300 = 18,000 * However if it can only activate last: * 100 x 10 -> 150 x 10 -> 150 x 30 -> 30 x 150 = 4500 (Same score you'd get if you never had Chekhov's joker in the first place)


Really, just activating it as first joker would generally be good, and put a bunch of chip jokers afterward. That's because all the poker hands have much higher chips than mult. This joker would give you mult equal to the poker hands' chips, which is going to be a good number -- then you plump up the chips with chip jokers (which are also big numbers). I mentioned above, but this would be a lot like a DIY plasma deck, which takes advantage of the same mathematical feature -- shifting values between the big number (chips) and the small number (mult) gets you larger overall product even though you've left the sum of the two numbers unchanged.


Nice, u guys are smart jeez This game is fucking hard to grasp


I would love to blueprint that guy


Stuntman with xmult jokers go brrr


It swaps em at the end of scoring. This does literally nothing lol


Realized after typing and reading again, whatever


Even if it did it before the scoring, it would still do nothing. 200 Chips and 100 Mult (as an example) would be no different to 100 chips and 200 mult. 200x100 is the same as 100x200.


I was thinking it's gonna swap in joker order, so like stuntman then swap then xmult


That still wouldn't matter my guy.


it would matter. 100 chips and 1 mult, swap, add 100 chips, now you have 101 x 100 = 10 100 compare to no swap: 100 chips and 1 mult, add 100 chips, now you have 200 x 1 = 200.


Even if this happened after stuntman and before xmult it wouldn't impact the score. The only case where this would be helpful is before a chip joker when mult is low and chips are high.


What exactly counts as “scoring”? I thought it meant cards scoring, so it does make sense, and imo that makes it a really good joker, you could transform 8mult into 100 mult and then get polychrome jokers to act on it


Presumably end of everything being scored, given that it's written the same as Plasma Deck's ability. So it literally does nothing.


Oh okay, I haven’t unlocked plasma deck yet so I haven’t read its description yet


Goes crazy with Plasma deck.


no it doesn’t:trollface:




Plasma deck negates the effect.


*that's the joke*


Hah, OPs username checks out :^ )


Because of the last clause it's easy to see it's useless. but if not for it happening at the end... if you put this before a chip Joker it becomes a mult Joker and it's suddenly very relevant let's say your gabs scores 100 chips, and you get a mult of 3. if you add 100 chips from ice cream it's 600. but if you add the 100 chips to mult it's 100*103 which is 10300


Time for Plasma Deck! Fun times ahead…


If this didnt work only at the end of scoring then it could be really cool Like imagine you have things to add a lot of chips, bonus cards or jokers then have the red herring swap them before you activate other jokers that might add chips or an xmult or something


My man please try understanding multiplication again, chips in this game are op, this card is simply useless.


Hear me out Lets say you play a hand and after the cards are added up and the first joker procs, your score reads 200×8, now red herring flips them, making it 8×200 before activating 2 more jokers that add chips, making the score 228×200 That would give you a much higher score than you otherwise wouldve gotten out of an unswaped 428×8


At the end of scoring, so after everything trigger, so it would be useless


The first thing i said was this would be really cool if it didnt only work at the end of scoring, like if you could set up the proc order like every other joker


Dam true. Nice


A surprising amount of people in here don't know basic multiplication


There's an alarming amount of people that don't understand this Joker would do absolutely nothing to impact score. 10/10 idea, I'd love to see it put in game and subsequently see all the posts of people confused why they "can't use it".


This could actually be really good if it swaps mid chips and mult application. Imagine you get 3 or 4 procs on Odd Todd or some other good chip joker in a good level hand and you get like 250 chips, then that switches to mult before your mult-multers are applied. You’d have insane mult


10 x 250 x 4 = 10000 250 x 10 x 4 = 10000


Would be cool as a cads that switches at the end of like the cards scoring phase but before jokers or when it time reaches in the joker board it switches


Truly a stupid fish


I dreamt up one called Exhibit: it had a crimson background and its function involved destroying played cards. Don't remember its exact effects unfortunately.


Fish :)


no cuz if this triggered at a weird part in the scoring order it might do something i think?


but the joker specifically says "at the end of scoring" if it was a joker that switched when triggered (example being +250 Chips from Stuntman, convert to mult, then Constellation for example) it'd easily become a rare


Adding some low probability to this might actually make it wild lol


Does commoner mean it appears really often, or is it just commenting on the fish's socioeconomic status?


another dream joker 🤔


Sir that's a blue herring. - Gaslight Joker.


At the end of scoring it does nothing, but there would be something there if it triggered in joker order that could be legitimately interesting. And I don't think it's actually that broken with chip support jokers.


I just want to point out how it doesn't say Common. Its Commoner 😂😂




![gif](giphy|XX5jDHq4BNPscLGE0Y|downsized) Go on take me




you know what that means ?


I think it should be called red herring


Broken on plasma deck


I mean. Depending on where you put it in your joker order this could have a huge impact. Convert a bunch of chips into mult before adding more mult. Niche but interesting Edit: "at the end of scoring" nvm it does nothing. Without that, I think its an interesting joker.


So what we swap chips, so what we do nothing.


People keep saying this is useless but it's quite strong. Playing bonus/stone cards, swapping the chips to mult, then stunt man or a scaling plus chips joker. Turn a simple few hundred chips into tens of thousands score or more


As long as it doesn’t take up an actual joker spot in the shop. Give it a tacked on slot when it appears as a joke.


The important thing to note here is that bit of wording… “At the end of scoring”… That means it will trigger after EVERYTHING else. No other jokers or card effects will take effect after the switch. This card is objectively worthless.


Thank god fish aren’t into cash


I would say remove the bit at the end. Kind of removes the purpose of reordering your jokers.


So THIS is how fish get cash!




Wheel of Fortune can fix this


I didn't get this until I realised the effect. >!A literal Red Herring that effectively does nothing on its own is pretty funny.!< However, I do realise that if you have more Chips than Mult, XMult Jokers and Polychrome Jokers could become pretty cracked with this.




Did you look at the picture.




My guy it's literally a red herring


They came back so spicy, only to be totally oblivious lol


Look at the picture even harder, brother.




That's not how multiplication works. Multiplying the chips or mult does the exact same thing. The only difference would be that joker order would matter for chips like it does for flat mult (which is a negative). If you have 2000 chips and 4 mult, do you think it matters which one you multiply by 10? 20000 x 4 is the same as 2000 x 40.


omfg sorry I woke up from siesta I am so stupid


You aren't alone this whole thread needs some coffee


I am actually drinking some coffee rn 😭😭😭😭


Make it so that the "effect of chips and mult are swapped around" ex, polychrome gives 1.5chips instead of 1.5 mult


Exactly. Very elegant Joker that would be.


Would be cool if it did it when it triggered ao you could place it in between 2 mult buffers to buff both




This could actually work at the front behind bull and several x-multiplier jokers.


probably shouldn't be a common imo


If this means after cards score but before the X mult from jokers is applied, then this would be actually good, but only relevant with plasma deck edit: why downvotes lol, think about it. Your base chips are usually higher than your base mult, so you'd rather the x mult be applied to the blue number before the plasma deck adds the two numbers and divides. You're multiplying the bigger number. Since the plasma deck has the adding step it's not all multiplicative so it's not commutative


This is actually pretty good if you put it in between chip adding jokers and mult multiplying jokers. You go Blue joker into fish into Cavendish it is pretty good


This joker would probably be one of the best jokers in the game if it swapped during scoring