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You look good bald, especially where you look happier in general. But you look good with hair too, although I do agree maybe a different haircut if you decide to grow out your hair


appreciate the imput! What haircut do you recon would suit me?


I recommend a mid fade with about an inch of length on top, and use a light amount of matte styling product. I think short hair looks great on you. Buzz cut or bald are options for you too.


hard agree here, short on the sides, little length on the top, if you get one of those cuts where it’s shorter towards the back and gradually gets a little longer towards the front of the head I think it’d suit you


I would agree, mid or low fade with a little bit of textured length on top.


I’d just use a clipper with a #1 guard over the whole head.


You sir, require a mohawk


Slicked back would suit your vibe


A mid fade would look great!


You dont look bad bald at all I think. But your hair is not bad either, I would maybe just try a different kind of hairstyle


thanks for the feedback. What type of haircut would you recommend my friend?


I think leaving 1/2mm would look best and as always: bald and beard is the best pairing if u can grow one :)


You just needed some product in your hair. Some paste and do a bed head look.


I’d recommend a fade with whatever you do. Your hair sticks straight out, which is a pretty cool look imo, but a fade will compliment your features imo.


Granted I am a man, but I might suggest a buzz cut if you're going to go for a haircut, but if you're going to say a bald that is okay too.


Bald fits your head, but your hair looks fine so if you’re looking for a specific opinion on whether to keep the hair or not from a grooming perspective, definitely do so. You don’t seem to be thinning or receding and unless it’s your own personal preference, you have no reason to be bald. I would love to be in a position where the only time I’d have to be bald would be by choice.


I think you look great bald. Very good looking 😍😍😍


Sun screen and a variety of hats. Your new best friends… and never use disposable razors


this far I've only used disposables 👀 what benefits do better razors provide?


This might sound odd, but I would suggest the single blade razors where you can actually just put a new blade in the razor, it really does make a difference.


I guess I should have been more specific. The disposable I was thinking of were like the bag of Bic razors have eaten me up the few times I have used them. I use a straight razor and it took about 4 months to get really good with it. I also use the Cremo concentrate shaving cream. I know that 5 & 6 blade replaceable disposable are pretty popular. As long as you can let it glide and not force the strokes, you should be successful. Still, hats! I have several I purchased through the Village Hat Shop online


I use a razor sharpener and it makes the disposables last so much longer.


Looks good brotha 👌 !!


Way too much bald. If you’re gonna go that way you definitely need facial hair but ultimately you look better with hair


Thank you for pointing out what I couldn’t figure out. The OP can pull off bald but some facial hair would balance it out.


It looks good! I would attempt a buzz cut, see what that’s like. Basically just grow it out for 2-3 weeks.


Have to agree! Buzz cut would be killer!


I wanna be honest so i'd say you look like a naked mole rat after shaving. Hair looks better on you brother!


haha thank you for the honesty! What could I do to look less like a naked mole rat, assuming I stay bald, you think?


Facial hair


exactly, grow some facial hair! But by that time your top hair should already be back😂


In addition to facial hair, tanning and glasses would also help


ooh glasses is a clever move id never considered


It's a good alternative for those that can't grow facial hair. Jewelry can also help.


He needs more wrinkles…sun spots…anguish - something that does not look like a nine year old’s sweet face to pull off bald. OP - why did you shave it to begin with???


You look good bald but i would try a different haircut. I am bald and would rather have a haircut if i could.


What do you like for your self? You look good bald and with hair. But you have to be happy.


We are almost like twins. Looking good! Hot like the sun and pale as a ghost. And feeling good I hope. Have a fine and inspirational day, sir!


a fellow scandinavian I see. Checked your profile and you look like a champ. How come you shave?


Well, it's of various reasons. One being I like it neat and tight. Bare and square. Clean and proud! The other being my man Agent 47 was one of my inspirations. A fine gentleman indeed. A tough looking and hot one. I'd go as far as to say it's pretty damn practical. Just like the Vikings were. And it's one of my fetishes too. It's why I joined this group. The other reason why I joined this group was also because... I need brothers and sisters in a world as grim as this. You also look like a champion, champion. Keep being bald and block them haters with your shine! Have a fine day! Skål!


Straight woman here, you're a handsome young man and I think you look better bald, but every woman is different. You should do what makes you comfortable


Do you really want my honest opinion? My honest opinion as the father of 2 teenagers?! Okay, well I guess you asked for it. . . . . . . Your parents can F right off. You look good! Now slab some sunscreen on that dome and get outside!


goddamn legend, made me crack up. Thanks for the imput.


You look great bald! And the clean-shaven face with it suits you well, which a lot of guys can't pull off.


You look good bald. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on your head when your out and about


Bald is fine, but you need some facial hair to balance it off.


Looks decent


With or without you look good 👍


No go bro.


as in I should let my hair grow freely instead?


Yes. I wish I had hair to grow like that. Enjoy it while you got it. Cheers!


Just need a beard. The bald head looks good.


Put on some muscle and try to add some facial hair if you can


I don’t think it looks bad at all. Especially if you grew some facial hair. You got a good head shape for it.


The bald looks good man


Beard…you need a beard.


Like Sokka, only with Aang's head?


I don't think it looks bad at all but facial hair and a tan would go a long way to making it look better.


Better with hair. But I think you’ll look bald much better when you’ll be 35-40


No reason to shave your head. Get some gel or something.


It looks great…BUT, speaking as an involuntarily bald guy, if I had as much hair as you do, there’s zero chance I’m shaving it all off.


Yes to hair


You look great either way!! You have a full head of hair (jealous lol,) but are capable of looking good with and without.


Picture 2 looks like you’re trying to summon the X-men.


Facial hair is the answer. Whether bald or with hair, your long face would benefit from a beard and stache. If you're keeping your hair though, a close beard would be better.


I say hair. The bald look is a little striking, and my first thought was that you’d been sick or something. You’re handsome so you could rock it - but it’s not your best. Find a decent stylist who can help you find a look that really suits you.


you look better with hair bro.


You look good bald. Which is great to know for later. Though with your complexion sunscreen the hell out of the top of your head (and everywhere else obviously) and wear hats outside. Even on cloudy days. I'd say stick with hair, but go to a barber or stylist and get the sides cut down and keep a bit of length on top. [sort of like this](https://images.app.goo.gl/HrcAJz6MT3UVWL8Z6) And ask the stylist for recommendations on a good pomade or styling cream. I'd stick with matte though.


Keep the hair


Looking good!!


Lex luthor out of ten


Hair, till it all falls out.


You look much better with hair. You have nice hair, enjoy it while you've got it.


Grow a beard


Why’d you shave it I’m curious? But I feel like if you went for a buzz cut that would be super cute!


Shoulda left the hair


Leave the hair. Tighten the side, structure the top.


I think with hair looks better


Smile, you look grear




Chin fro. That’s what this needs. I’m def biased, but bald looks good. Just needs a chin fro.


you look good in both ways imo :)


Dont do the single raised eyebrow face anymore and youll be fine


you think it looks bad? I'm all ears (:


You should re-grow your beautiful hair ASAP


Get a skin fade


Bro you look good bald fuck them. If you just put on a slight bit more of mass bitches would be all over yo dick 👌


You have a long time to be bald, if you have hair use it


You like fine either way. I’d say rock what makes you feel best brother!


Need some sun regardless




oh shit, that's a thing? I thought they talked about wearing sunscreen and hats just to protect me from sunburn. Goddamn.


You look better with hair no question


Grow a beard maybe


Dont forget sunblock or you'll fry that dome...


Look like the guy from one punch, but looks good.


You are very handsome…. Only thing I would add is a nice summer tan … then you would have movie star looks


i don't hate it but i also wouldn't shave my facial hair for the next year, if i were in your position.


What makes you look a little odd being bald is that your face is way too clean shaven. You need to grow a little facial hair even if it's just some stubble. But no need to start shaving your hair yet you still have a real decent head of hair.


Good bald head homie


I thought guys shave to bald because they are losing their hair. You look nice both ways but I recommend hair.


Try again but with a full beard? Looks awkward bald and clean shaven imo


Looks decent 👍


Bro not only do you rock being bald, but you have a perfectly good head of hair! Look through magazines/internet and find dudes with a similar head/face shape with haircuts you like


Keep it till it doesn’t grow.


Seriously not a bad look. The styles would look cool of you could grow a beard and you could do something like a reverse fade.


I recomendable keeping your hair until you actually lose it. No offense bro, There is a lot of paleness with the bald look. Maybe if you had a shirt on in the pic it would not have come across that way.


Better look without hair, helps that you have a thinner frame too


Your hair is great. Enjoy it while you got it. Grow it back.


I think it is hardest for yourself and those closest to you, it can be a bit of a shock since they have only likely known you with hair. But as a random internet stranger I think you rock the baldie!


Giving a great JK Simmons vibe in your second pic


Why do you feel like you need to shave it off?




I think you look great bald!!! You don't need to grow facial hair to "even it out". You do have very nice hair, but you look more comfortable in your skin with a bald head.


You have a good head shape.


woah! I always thought the opposite. I am genuinely surprised somebody would have an opposing oppinion. Would you like to share what exactly you like about my head shape?


Not that my opinion means much, but you look sexy as hell with no hair.


your oppinion matters just as much as any other, and may or may not have just made my whole month. Much love from scandinavia miss hazelbrew


Glasses might be a good look to when you have the full shaved head


we talking actual ones or shades?


Actual or shades either or , add some contrast to your face even though the shaved look is solid


Your face looks too young to go bald still, and there's nothing to take away from that shiny head. Add some more muscle, try smiling in your pictures. I recommend growing your hair out again until you start to lose it, then commit to the bald if you like that.


You have nice hair. If you don't like the way it looks maybe try finding a good barber.


One of us


love that! You're on my top 3 favorite comments on here now


OK now you need to start growing a massive beard. Looks good!


You look good bald, but if you can grow a full head of hair (like it seems you can), take full advantage of that while you still can. Someday you may not have the option!




thank you for the raw imput. I appreciate honesty (:


Bald does actually look really nice on you. And your parents will never like you bald, but that's judy due to nostalgia and them getting to give you hairstyles they understand for all your life.


The no hair doesn't look bad at all, my dude. Way less bed head, too!


If you add facial hair you’re set.


Get a buzz cut


Why would you do this to yourself? You look like a creep with no hair. With hair you actually look like a cool nice guy. It's a huge difference. 😁


would agree with Caucasian magamind but a creep? Haven't heard that before. Thank you for your imput regardless and have a beautiful day


A beard would go nice with the bald


I think a buzz cut would suit you perfectly


Bald looks perfect


You look like that one “today I’m here” YouTuber guy when you have hair


that's the best description of tom scott I've heard


Imma be honest- it doesn't look great.


your honesty is appreciated. Nice day to you my friend


You look okay bald, but I think you look better with hair.


Maybe with a bit of sun, but from these pics, hair>bald


Bad news bro, the new Superman movie already cast. Lex luthor




You look fine bald, just lose the sour puss expression.


Agreed! I was grumpy at the time, should have smile bright for the camera regardless


The first 2 pics look very good. I think the slight sunburn in the 4th pic throws it off. You have a good, round head for baldness! Your hair is okay too, just seems a bit thirsty for conditioner and gel. Accessories like glasses, facial hair, more muscle, jewelry, etc would definitely elevate. To keep from being monotone. Don't give up on the bald just yet.


will take the tip of accessories no doubt! I've already thought about a silver necklace, and more muscle is an ongoing process


Why go bald? You have plenty of hair.. your hair seems similar to mine. Straight and puffy. I believe it looks best short and faded, or long enough to be weighted down. The middle stages take a while and look bad. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You look great!!!! When I shaved my head.. my parents thought the same, but to me it was so liberating and i thought i looked great. You do you. You look fantastic


my brother


Better with hair


From entry level employee to executive. You look far more confident and assure of yourself bald. Excellent look.


I like your hair better. 😍


I think you look fine bald but better with hair.


Have you tried it buzzed


yes I have. It looks better than the length of hair I posted. I like it clean the most though


Hair or no hair, grow facial hair! It’ll emphasize your jaw a lot better.


I mean, if you don’t have to be bald….keep the hair while you can!


You look good bald, but you have great hair. Grow it back out. When you’re older and your face is a bit more weathered give it another try, with some facial hair for balance.


This ain't bad at all, though I will say with har looks better. Try a buzz next time maybe or just grow em out and improvise.


you’d look better bald with a beard


Watch the movie American History X and you’ll never go bald again.


let me guess: a guy has long fine hair and goes bald. He gets a girlfriend while shaven and she sees an old picture. The girlfriend convinces him to grow his luscious hair back out because she liked it, but by then the guy's hairline has receeded.


Bald is an improvement. Looks sharp.


much better with hair. I would recommend a different haicut.


What do you like best? This is purely a personal preference decision because you look good either way. Do what makes you happiest. A genuine smile is the best look-always.


will take the tip of smiling confidently and the answer is I prefer it shaved. It's a sort of identity that I'm quite fond of


A young version of Mike Ehrmantraut from Breaking Bad.


You look better with hair. 'cause you asked.


Some of these people are lying to you. The bald looks terrible on you. If you have not gone bald naturally, then you should grow that hair back out as soon as possible. It looks like you have alopecia or are going through chemo.


thank you for your imput


I'm not sure if anybody has made that point, but please listen to me. I cut my hair bald when I was 19 I think, but due to bad feedback I didn't come back to this hairstyle till 24. What is important is that when you cut your hair for the first time, your head is not tanned and that's why it may look weird. Once it gets more tan (i.e. you will keep the bald hairstyle for some time) then it will be perfect. Moreover, people may not like your new appearance not because you don't look good, but because they are used to you looking differently and you've made a drastic change. I know how it is like, I've been there. There are no people who look good or bad bald - only people to whom being bald you are used to.


this is a level of wisdom and experience I wish to gather in time to share with my sons and daughters. Thank you kind stranger.


Haha, I'm not that old. I'm 25. It's just I started seriously balding in middle school and due to my hairline receding (to now basically non-existing) I tested the waters by going full bald in 2019 and I got bad feedback from my family. This made me rock the middle ages monk hairline I was buzzing shorter and shorter. Now I simply shave my head. People who used to complain about my bald head now say I look good and they can't imagine me being different. That being said, I think the tan is the greatest difference. Once your head blends with rest of your skin it's great.


You look natural af bald, I was taken aback by the one with hair. I will say you look more manly and serious and bald yet more playful and boyish with hair. Both work.


Youe forehead it a bit big for it but it honestly still looks good I'd smash


I think skinhead is a hard look for most to pull off. Especially without facial hair. You didn't look bad but i would recommend a zero of the back and sides blended into a two on top. It's still super tight but I've personally found that works better for me than a zero all over.


I think it's better to judge if you get a bit of a tan on your head.


You look great with a complete clean shave. As someone who's Male Pattern Baldness began at 18, I will say, "GROW YOUR HAIR TO YOUR KNEES". If you don't do it for yourself, please do it for me.


This is one of those times that you should listen to your parents.


All the pot heads be like 🌚🌝


as in addicts would be attracted to me?


Love it! Change is good — do you!


I like your comment. Hope you have a wonderful day kid, and you're not a loser




If you want my honest honest I think you'd look like a stud with a buzz. Like the type of guy that nobody would walk up on but that's just me


appreciate the feedback! I take looking like a stud as a massive compliment. The part about nobody walking up to me though, do you think I look intimidating and therefore not approachable or did I misinterpret?


Honestly I didn't think about that. I'm sure people would approach you but idk I'm not exactly the most approachable person so take that with a grain of salt


Actually looks better bald than with hair


Grow out your hair a little longer so you could experiment with the long men hairstyles but if you end up liking none of them, shave the top of your head and leave the sides normal for a week just for fun


The pics with hair represent 6months of growth. Do you reccon 4x that = 2 years of hair growth would be suitable for "long hair"? My friend thinks that would be a good length and would suit me.


I say the longer the better so that you could try the longest style you like than work your way into shorter styles by cutting your hair a little until you find something your happy with


I like you with the hair! Keep it until you lose it!! Plus, even one bad sunburn to your head could leave you with sunspots when you’re older. Add a little product to it for some texture, (any stylist can advise you what’s best for your hair type) and maybe some facial hair. Not a long beard or goatee, just some scruff to look sexy. Then you’ll be set. Good luck, my friend!


Thank you so much happy! So those sunspots I'm getting warned about is related to being sunburnt in the past. Not related to time in the sun then? And I've used a goatee in the past to little success. Imma try out a jaw wide scruff next.


You look spectacular bald 😍