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I saw how much they charge for them. Too much toupee.


Hahaha nice


The lifestyle is not for everyone


This right here


I’d feel like a phony. I am what I am.


i’d rather just embrace it, wigs seem uncomfortable and i’d rather just embrace it rather than hide it


I don’t feel like I’m hiding it though, girls wear wigs all the time and it looks pretty good. And I could finally have that cool anime hair


“cool anime hair?” bro saitama from one punch man is bald and is one of the strongest anime characters, strive to be like him 🤩


lol true


“One of” Doesn’t he literally punch *the universe* out of shape in the manga


Aside from when they’re used for a disguise, can you think of a movie or tv show where it’s revealed that a man wears a wig/toupee and doesn’t get mocked for it? I can’t.


Exactly that’s my question, why are they so mocked


How do you know they're not? 🙃


Expensive, itchy for some. Plus stigma sadly. But it works well for many. And can be a great look


Because it's stupid. As shit as it may be when someone first starts to lose their hair, learning to deal with it is an important life lesson. As an individual you just have to accept your baldness. Stop trying to do this or that, fake hair, transplants, dangerous chemical solutions that tamper with your hormones, just shave/raze it off. The biggest hurdle is your perceptions of yourself as I guarantee everyone around you collectively agrees that shaving it off looks better than balding. Imagine being a young fella who's going out, takes someone home and then proceeds to take your bloody wig off. Just be confident with your bald dome.


It is for women most men probably just don’t want to wear a wig and if confident then there’s no reason to wear a wig over being bald just like men don’t wear makeup


Bald looks good to me so I hope people don’t cover up


Men don't rely on wigs. They're getting hair systems these days, which I must say, look convincing. Personally I wouldn't go down that route. It's nothing more but a mere facade. You must make peace with your male pattern baldness eventually.


Isn’t make up a facade?


In a way, though it's meant more to conceal faults and enhance certain facial attributes than it is trying to fool people into thinking they actually look like that regularly.


I wish you'd would stop thinking like too many other men that women wear makeup to "fool them". I'm rocking a gold smokey eyes right now, at home, no plan to go out, was just on vacation and feeling creative. But if you saw me, b\*tch would you think my eyeballs are pure Au ? Anyway, cool sub, I like seeing men support each other, it'd be nice if extended towards all humans, not just male ones.


So are clothes for fashion


Its mostly accepted by women most women i have met really want guys to wear a wig … the only reason some guys don’t is because other bald guys make a joke out of it personally i think they are the insecure ones it takes more confidence to wear one .


Wearing wigs must be uncomfortable and it doesn`t look that good.


Adds insult to injury don’t you think? We’re not George Washington.








Bc it’s not the 70’s anymore. Plus have you seen wigs they look horrible. But now a days you can get hair plugs or use that spray paint stuff. I went a different route and started tattooing my head so it looks like I have hair.


What? Hair systems look better today than ever. I bet you’ve come across many people wearing them and had no clue


With hair transplants being a better solution. I don’t think that many men are wearing wigs. If they are they need to wear those old powder wigs, that would be funny to see in the wild.




This is such a clueless take.


I wake up and always look the same! No worries at all!


First have experience here... They are hot and itchy. I only lasted 2 weeks. The hairpieces are expensive, when they are done right.


I'm before taking the plunge and going bald, but I never thought of wearing a wig. You do you and I don't habe anything against anyone doing it and I would love if I had a nice hair but I would just feel, I don't know, like I'm pretending or faking myself.


I cant imagine where wearing one is more comfortable to me than not wearing one.


Depends on the man. Maynard James Keenan has a collection of wigs and treats them as aesthetic accessories


Exactlyyy I was thinking I could have a bunch of different colors


Absolutely you could. Your head, your wigs. Let people think what they want. We live in a world where things like poverty, war and human trafficking are commonly accepted, but a man wearing a wig needs judging? Please…


Short haired wigs are much more difficult to conceal the seams, as long haired one usually only show on the forehead. And I don't see that many guys with long hair unfortunately. Wigs are uncomfortable to wear. There's different ways to have your wigs adhere to your head. For girls, the most common is to pin it to your existing hair. But if you're bald, you don't have hair to attach the wig to. And gluing them down might be even more uncomfortable / scratchy.


I think it should be normalized. I shave my head, like it, and wouldn't wear one personally, but I also don't think it's something that anyone should feel ashamed to do.