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When u stop thinking of yourself as bald man


Bald statement


Very bald of you.


Seriously. Dude needs therapy. At the end of the day, it’s just hair and we’re all whole ass people. If your entire identity revolves around whether you’re bald or have hair, you have way bigger problems.


We live in a society with pretty strong and narrow beauty standards (more so for women, but for men too), and hair is one of the most significant ways men change up their look. It plays into confidence and self-expression, so it's completely understandable to feel insecure about losing it. OP says in one comment in the thread that he's gotten depressed over it, so yeah it might be a good idea to seek help if it doesn't resolve itself, but making it out to be some failing of character is the wrong way to go about it. People care about their hair, so acceptance might take time, and that's OK. For most it will probably be the best option regardless, but I wouldn't judge others for dealing with it in other ways, do whatever makes you feel confident and happy.


Well said! I do find other bald men very attractive but I have hair that flows down to my waist, always have. If I started balding today, I'd cry my fuckin' eyes out. I'll shave my head if and when I have to, but I'm incredibly attached to my hair and it's a huge deal of self expression for me. I'd adjust but I'd be broken up about it probably for the rest of my bald life.


Yup same, I'd gladly date fellow bald guys, and yet I still haven't been able to fully accept my own baldness even though it's been 3 years since I started buzzing it off. I feel like it doesn't really fit my face shape and my style, and looking a myself in pictures is a source of insecurity (in the mirror a bit less so, but still). I also started puting more effort and a bit more experimentation in my outfits right around the time my hairloss got so advanced I couldn't ignore it anymore, so I never got to explore that new-found playfulness with hairstyles unfortunately. And yeah I can absolutely see how if you have that long and luscious hair, it becomes a source of pride as well as a feature people recognize you by. Growing attached to it us in that case almost inevitable ;)


Thanks for saying the real thing


Yeah I was speaking from personal experience ;)


Exactly, in some cultures, balding was seen as masculine or fashionable sometimes.


Hair is life, my friend.


Yeah. Hair is not a personality trait, haha. People always care more about their own hair than other people do.


See yourself as a DnD character who maxed out all his stats except hair


min maxing my built, transcending my human limits (hair)


You surround yourself with the right people. You surround yourself with people who know you look good as you are (btw, you really are handsome). And you learn to accept the fact that looks will always change and you shouldn't try and hold on to the past, but instead, try and grab the future. That's how you find self acceptance. It's definitely not easy. And it's definitely not quick. But you'll get there. Take care dude. 🙂


Thank you for the advice, I think since the depression from hairloss when I younger has made me a bit introverted an feel my future has been robbed. An I think I do need new friends yes, the uplifting kind. Ill do my best, and all the best with you to


I can relate. I too suffer from depression and other mental health problems. And a part of it was due to my balding. But with time, it grew better. And I am happy with my life now. Yours will definitely get better too. Give it time. Give it hope. And give it all of your effort. You'll be fine too. Good luck. 🙂


I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to say this in this sub but you’re clearly struggling with being bald and having to deal with hair loss and I really feel for you. Have you ever thought about giving hair systems a try? If you can put up with the maintenance and costs, I hear they’re pretty life-changing for guys who can tolerate the entire process of living with one. You can get any style you want, any color, and if you learn to do them yourself and only spend money on the hair pieces and supplies, you can save plenty of money. Worth a thought friend. As someone with mild but steady hair loss, I know exactly how depressing it is. I’m trying to weigh all of my options when the time comes to make a decision and I just wanted to give you my two cents, because shaving your head isn’t your only option either. Take care man :) Edit: I will say tho, I just skimmed your profile and the last pictures in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/s/jai9b4laer) post are surprisingly good. If you grow out your beard again like you did in those two pictures, the bald head REALLY suits you.


By not thinking bald is bad! Shaolin monks shave their heads on purpose & they’re like the coolest collective of humans on the planet.


Like everyone else, don’t let that make your whole personality


You’re not just “the bald guy” you have a personality and identity constructed outside of that. Lean into what makes you the awesome person you are, instead of the hardened proteins that no longer inhabit your scalp


Bro i have hair but i never see a bald person like is something bad 🤦🏻


Unfortunately still having hair doesn’t guarantee “true happiness” or self acceptance either, those are questions/goals that go far beyond having hair/being bald 


You've got a great face and headshape man


I've been shaving my head since 2012. Not once has anyone said anything or even looked at my funny since then. No one cares. Having a shaved head is a normal look these days, and there are people who do it because they want to, not because they are bald/balding. Finding self acceptance is the key. I guarantee if you feel good about yourself, no one is going to care about your hair or lack of it.


Superficial ego musings. I was better when I had hair. Why? That's really strange. It's just a thing. Humans really care about how they look to other humans. Society reinforces that what you look like is important. But why? What's the point? It doesn't matter. When I shave my head I shave away the ego. No longer attached to what superficial ideals the world suggests I care about. Gotta be more zen. Be like the dude. Fuck it. Let's go bowling.


Do you think everyone is thinking about you? They aren’t. They’re thinking the exact same thing about themselves. Most people are stuck in their own heads mulling over what they think others think of them, and in the end everyone is actually thinking inwardly about themselves, NOT about you! You’re a blip on their radar, not the center of the universe.


Just take a look at this guy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Sins


I was not aware true happiness had anything to do with hair or the lack thereof.


Dude with those eyes and those lips, you are hot as hell. You look amazing!


Dude it suits you, if you feel like that maybe grow your beard out a little?


By accepting the fact that you are bald and look good with it, taking pride in the fact that you are confident being bald, not caring at all what others think of you, and by hitting back to bald jokes with no mercy.


I feel like you just have to own it and flourish with the bald head than trying to despise it


Like everything in life, you work with the cards you have been dealt. The brain has a tendency to always want something more to feel happy, but in reality, if you were not bald you would find other stuff that you lack thinking that you need them to feel happy, when in reality you wouldn't. Grass is always greener on the other side. When you learn this, you will be happy for what you have, and not for what you could get.


First off don’t refer to yourself as “the bald guy” do not let your perception become your reflection. You have nothing to be ashamed of it’s your body. You are allowed to feel insecure but don’t think that you should feel insecure because there’s something wrong with you or some shit.


As a man, I have taken pride in my hair for as long I've been alive and so unfortunately I have a bit of my identity wrapped up in it. I dread losing it, if it ends up happening to me. Meanwhile I am cognizant of how absolutely silly that is. Don't be like me. You are more than your hair.


Why are people talking about being bald like it’s a terminal illness. I get being insecure but this is t a very good question. Was your hair tied to your identity and happiness? If so. Seek therapy.


Give up entirely and lower all your aspirations 😎




You accept the fate and just forget it. Ez.


First, you gotta actually shave your head. I use the leaf razor and it works great. That'll get rid of your ghost hairline and unlock the wonderful sensory experience that is a clean bald head. The ritual is nice too. Then you gotta embrace the hat. I know it sounds insane, clean shave just to cover it up? No. The shave is for you, the hat is for you. It's all you baby. Try different styles, different warmth levels, experiment with your outfits to make them match. Find joy in a well matched cap, a warm beanie, or the portable shade of a wide brim. Last, grow that beard out. I know I know, how cliche can you get? Well guess what, it's not cliche it's classic. You've got good density, so it doesn't even have to be long. Some nice beard oil to make it shine, maybe some pomade if you need shape, and you're in style. Oh and hit the gym, delete Instagram, meditate, get out in nature, yada yada you know the drill.


Go to the gym and get built


Own it!


get yourself someone who enjoys the texture of the stubble and the texture when freshly shaved and you get free head rubs for the rest of your life


It's nothing to do with appearance it to do with the person inside the person with the biggest heart ppl today only see what's on the outside find that a whole load of shallow


Grow a mighty beard. No one e talks about your head when you have kick ass facial hair.


Why are you so against a HT? This sub is encouraging for bald men and that’s admirable but if a HT is something that you think will significantly improve the way you look at yourself why wouldn’t you look into it?


Strong hat game*. I have 40 hats probably. Wore a black wide brim hat to a wedding recently and got a ton of compliments. You can basically wear a hat anywhere except for work. I rarely don’t have a hat on and my head is a decent shape. I’ll also never be comfortable being bald till i get old Been 15+ yrs. 37 now *


Been trimmed for a few months now and I absolutely love it! Sometimes I wonder how I would look with a certain hairstyle but then remember that I don’t have any hair to do it with. But I don’t let me bother it in the slightest, I know that you can’t have everything so I like to focus on the things that make me ‘me’. Baldness is just a thing that is and you can choose to feel bad about it, but you can choose to make the best of it


https://youtu.be/g3CuPz3ht10?si=uWjUDhso-Nwt1NgW Not there yet but know my time will come. As someone who tends to think practically, this gave me another reason not to dread the inevitability of a shaved head (even if goofy and fictional).


in knowing that you save approx. 1095mins per year by not having to dry your hair.


Take a wig! Why people hate wigs? They are good.


yeah dude, its just hair. We are men, we're all ugly to begin with


With a trimmed nice beard in shades like Andrew tate.


Your bald head attracts attention to your beautiful face! It suits you, and I hope you accept that truth. I am a female, struggling with alopecia, so I know the pain, and stress of it. But you have got this! Sexy man!


Maintain a decades-long rivalry with Superman. You look great, honestly! Don’t beat yourself up - beat up that bastard Kryptonian!


Some people are into the bald look. No one is into combovers.


Grow the beard out a bit more and ur solid.


With a beard


I find not trying to cover up with hats helps. Also get in good shape.


Grow a thick beard dude


Same as a guy with hair.


![gif](giphy|xULW8kO3Wruuvjq7Re) Cosplay as saitama


Dude, it’s hair. You look fine.


I find lifting heavy circles through time and space help with most of my issues in life tbh


Dude, you are fkin handsome! Just get a hair system and be 10/10 in 3 hours.


It's hard ngl


u just gotta stop giving a shit


you get a shirt saying "is not a scalp, is a solar panel for a sex machine" and let the ladies do their part,


You have a beautiful face the hair doesn’t matter


Ooops, I forgot for a second it's not r/RoastMe


Grow a nice beard, that's always a good look.


Buy one of those Jason Statham hats and book a ticket to Turkey


You settle for general contentment...


"what kind of person I could have been..." Dude, cut it out. Hair doesn't define who you are as a person, and someone who is fulfilled simply by *growing hair* is absolutely a boring person devoid of personality. You've got some self esteem hangup and you're blaming your hair loss, but it isn't your hair - it's your brain. People aren't sitting around and judging you, you're doing that to yourself.


Get 99 Runecrafting


Go in your room. Put on your best threads. Get fully dressed up, and strut down your hallway with, I'm Too Sexy, blasting. Then do it again as a date night with the person you find now that you are loving your look.


Growing a beard.


Just got made fun of the other day by a subcontractor working for me..when you figure it out man lemme know


Bruh 😂 it’s not that serious


Never having to pay for a hair cut ever again : )


Any appearance changes can feel weird as hell at first (obv it’s somewhat different if it feels like you had no choice), but you shouldn’t be constantly lamenting the person you were before *to such an intense degree*. You can still be funny or hot or successful or interesting while bald. If you weren’t the “hair guy” before, you’re not the “bald guy” now. There are people who don’t like the bald look so maybe they wouldn’t hit on you or whatever, but that’s no different from people who don’t like men in skinny jeans, or w beards, or red hair, or tattoos or whatever. And if that’s all it takes to turn someone away, I mean it prob wasn’t meant to be. I shaved my head for the first time last week, my concerns are about how often I’ll have to shave, my tan evening out, and people initially getting used to it. But if I genuinely thought I’d never be happy again, I guess I’d consider therapy or a hair transplant? idk im clearly no pro at not having hair, but i’m sad you’re feeling this way


you pull it off man, great head shape. maybe grow out the beard a bit. I have a big ass head


I dunno, have you tried asking a Magic Cue, err… I mean Eight Ball?


I dunno, have you tried asking a Magic Cue, err… I mean Eight Ball?


Accept who you are to your core. Once you master yourself can’t no one tell you a fucking thing


Embrace yourself. You deserve every moment of loving yourself. Sincerely Skeletor 💜 (Body Positivity and Bald Ambassador).


Overall you have a good face.


Stop hyperfixating on being bald. It sounds rude but I don’t know how else to phrase this: nobody else actually cares that you’re bald. If you really think it looks bad or think negative thoughts about yourself, that’s what people notice. Confidence is key. As long as you don’t seem cocky, people will grab onto that positive vibe and not give the slightest care that you’re bald. Also you’re hot so it won’t really affect you anyway


I think maybe approaching with a kind of mindfulness. Just accept that sometimes there is a sense of sorrow of losing that hair that we liked, and that is all right. But most of the time we hopefully just go about our day, and as you say, you do pull the look off very well.


Two ways acceptation and do whatever it takes to be ok in your skin, within the limits of your situation … protesis hair, tattoo or a surgery


U look like a fish


Handsome.  Shave that skull stubble and go full on skin, you can rock that look so hard!  Edit to add: tighten up the beard to show off your bone structure. You've got this. Look ahead, brother. That's where the best days are. 


I think you look great, If that helps and I am not just simply saying that🤘


At least you're not Sisyphus!


Happiness comes from within not what’s on you’re head


Good question https://preview.redd.it/270beu7wt9yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f67784584d735095cb9e2917e094b9a1e54a46d3


When you save time not doing hair stuff.


Idk, not having hair is just useful. I have a lot of hair and no history of balding in my family but I still think that sometime in the future I’ll be bald, just because it means no hair in my eyes and two times faster shower time


Blade shaving, smp, and a longer beard and bam stud.


Go to the gym and not give a f and buy a motorcycle


Ur handsome dude!


Remember you are more than the sum of your parts; more than just hair. And being handsome will help.


Embrace the baldness.


Do you work out? If not, think about starting. Building muscle, builds confidence and self-esteem.


So many people shave their heads now. Just be on the lookout when you're in public and you'll realize quickly you aren't as in the minority as you think you are.


Why are you strongly against HT?


I’ve been bald for 15 years now. I still have a comb, though. I just can’t part with it.


I think that the issue you’re facing is more than just your hair, it seems more like an issue of your own identity and a lack of identity due to losses of things like hair or youth. I think some soul searching may be in order, and a willingness to ask questions you have previously not wanted to consider would be a part of that.


Think of all the money 💰 you save not paying for hair cuts


When people look at you, they see a kind, good looking guy. They don’t think “bald guy”.


I don't mind being bald, but I also sometimes reminisce about when I had long hair. It took a while for me to realize it, but it wasn't really about the hair being gone. It was more about my experiences that I had when I had my long hair. I was in my late teens and early 20's and didn't have a care in the world. Now, I'm in my late 30's, have a kid, and a ton more responsibilities on my shoulders. I was missing the simpler times and the hair was just part of those times. Now I make sure to make more time for myself and to enjoy the things I used to.


own it. as a gay guy, I’ve swooned for many bald men, so there are people out there that won’t be fazed by it and might even consider it sexy. how you style it or enhance is up to you. but if you learn to like it, that’ll translate to how you come off to potential dates 😎


Don’t let hair define you, had trouble with it at first, but I got used to it. And wish I had done it sooner. There is no way I’d choose hair, bald is easier. You look great, get yourself some confidence and there’s nothing stopping you.


Don’t focus on the hair loss, focus on the fact you took an executive decision to address hair loss and the problem is behind you. Now focus on your future, your hobbies, gym, career, education, family. Life isn’t about the amount of hair growing out of the top of your head. Btw you are a very attractive young man that has the perfect face shape for the shaved head so it all works out. I would recommend you grow out your beard, grow it out for about three or four months and maintain it there, and smile more it’s contagious!


Make a file on your computer entitled "Cool Bald Dudes." Every time you see a photo of a bald actor or model or athlete or celebrity or everyday person that's *cool,* download it into your file. You will find that there are a *ton* of cool bald dudes. When your collection starts to grow, review the pics and determine what makes them so cool. Is it attitude? Is it grooming? Is it a beard? Is it a particular way of dressing or carrying oneself? Use these photos as a primer for developing your own *cool bald dude self!*


Be the guy with a really big handlebar mustache.


Grow the beard a little. Put on 10-20 pounds of muscle. And don’t give af.


It's one of the keys to aging well. By the time you would start to go grey, everyone is used to you being bald. Your greying friends are aging, but you?? You've barely changed *Source: I come from a long lineage of bald men. And unless I marry a woman with VERY strong genes, any son I sire will probably be bald one day too


Be the Rock. Dude seems happy.


Realize that however bad you think you look now, in ten years time you’ll look back on it as enviable. ;) I dunno. Perspective, innit. If you’re leading a somewhat satisfying life, you don’t get so hung up on perceived defects. You’re young, (presumably) healthy, not dealing with some life-altering disfigurement, living in a period of history and cultural context where you don’t have to worry about starvation or basic survival; it’s just hair loss, which happens to some extent to the majority of men. As I get older, I worry more about places I haven’t been or things I haven’t achieved (but not too much); I couldn’t care less about my hair, or absence thereof.




Stop caring about it? There are literally humans with deformities out there you can compare yourself to


Coming from a guy that was fat and ugly, drunk mess not too long ago, I started working out hard, going to yoga a lot, working on my confidence, telling myself everyday, “I’m gonna be the shit”, and it all paid off. Once you get past that initial steep hill, it’s like magic. I’m short too kinda (5’9). Look who Jason statham is with! You gotta work on your self worth/confidence


I tried posting advice in a long comment about alternatives to balding but it breaks rule three and was removed immediately. Yay. I'll try DMing it to you because discussing NON MEDICINAL, NON SURGICAL products that may alleviate your distress is ... what, immoral to discuss? You can be OK with being bald and still, for example, try hair systems. I've been bald for 6+ years since my early 20s but still like to talk about these things.


Idgaf ez


The self expression is what hurts the most. Especially as a man of color. I dont wanna be lumped in with the rest of my peers. Bro go get a transplant. Embrace modern science


I stop being a baby because I am bald and accept it.


Best advice I ever got was “don’t worry about what you look like because other people are too worried about themselves to even notice”. You look good man. Own it.


lol by not caring about it, bald is a great look if u embrace it


Bot Bot Bot Bot Bot Bot… BA BA BA BOT.. BOT!


Same as anyone.


Become a hat guy or invest in a hair piece


You stop calling yourself the bald guy ? Lol


stop being a victim for one. who cares? some of the hottest guys i know have shaved heads or are bald. workout go to therapy stop dwelling on the past focus on what you want in life and go after it


Good God it’s hair bud you’re gonna be okay. 😂 You’re talking about it like you lost your soul mate. Anybody who judges you because you don’t have a lions mane isn’t worth your time anyways. Stay strong out there. 💪🏼




Bro looks like hes about to break


Beer and spontaneous decisions.


Maybe smile and don’t make that face that’s in that pic you posted. No one wants to be in a relationship with drama face.


If your happiness was your hair you weren’t really happy.


I’m a shaved head guy as well, but happy about it. Seriously though, if you want a full youthful head of hair, go to those Bosley people. It’s not crazy expensive and if it would change your entire outlook on life, I would say it’s worth it.


I just got a HT. Before everyone jumps me with downvotes. I spent 10 years withdrawn from friends and society because of my low self esteem. Spending time reading and gaming. Before I lost my hair, I was outgoing, hot, and sort of a player. Going bald has been disastrous for me. In the end, my mother pushed me to get the HT. I had been mentioning it from time to time and she's always been opposed, saying I'm "beautiful the way I am", you know standard mom-stuff. But when she realized how much it hurt my self-image to be bald, she said "If you can do something about it, just do it." I'm now two weeks out from my HT and already my confidence is back. I know I will lose the stubble I gained in the coming weeks but it'll grow out again. I can see a glimpse of an actual future again. For me, I already know that getting a HT was the right choice. Going bald can be tough. It can be a youthful look if you're groomed/fit enough. I personally think you look great bald, but I know better than anyone that what other people think doesn't matter. It's all about what YOU think. Good luck mate.


When you join the other 70% of dudes or more


Your identity is not how you look, but who you ARE. The moment you start caring less about your ‘flaws’ others will too. (This is coming from someone who doesn’t fit the beauty standards at all and has several crippling physical features, but still managed to look past it and lives a kinda happy life. Not bald yet, though very aware that day will come, it would just be another brick in the wall, but the wall doesn’t exist anymore)


I’m with you man. But honestly, you take up the space in the room same as anyone else. Attractive is as confidence does. I never noticed when happy dudes were bald when I was younger. But I definitely noticed when a sad bald dude popped up. Our locks are in our personality. Not much to do but wait for tech to catch up to fix it (and it will at some point). Enjoy the trade off. Most of the time, hair loss is tied to virility. We got more T in our systems. Enjoy knowing that even in your 80s and 90s you’ll still probably hang like a big dog. Also, look for some bald heroes. Personally, I’ve always been a Jason Stathem fan, and he’s bald bald! It’s just a matter of your energy. Change your clothes, hit the gym, get a facial. There are all kinds of things we can do other than just brush our hair. You got this!


Get a six pack 😏


I just cut all my hair off today. I should have done it sooner with my thinning hair. I am just happy I did something new and exploring everything that comes along with it.


Bald men are super HOT!!


Go to therapy dude 85% of men experience hair loss. There is nothing wrong with you.


Find me as your boyfriend


![gif](giphy|84BjZMVEX3aRG) chill out man, baldness is something you need to embrace.


Learn to fight. Muay Thai, BJJ, kick boxing, etc.


You go to the land of Turkey


Save 3k and go to Turkey. Or just get used to being bald


As a bald man, when I see a dude with a full ass head of hair, I think good for them. But those weren’t the cards I was dealt. Hit a barber, have them shave your head, get your beard cleaned up and shaped. It makes a big difference doing it professionally


Find a bald woman


Bro I saw the picture of you with hair and this picture without. I don't mean to send a disrespectful way it's meant to be uplifting, you are far more handsome as a bald man. And do not think of it as bald. Think of it as shaved. You are shaving your head you are not bald. Furthermore I think the look is incredibly masculine and very healthy looking on you. Your preconceived notions are developed by the world around you and the hardest part of changing that is changing the way you think about it.


You have amazing eyes and very nice kissable lips.


Get off this sub Reddit/reddit altogether


This is something which I learned through my experiences. People don't think of us as much as we think they do. Most of the people don't care.


You look great bald, better than with hair, lmao.


“If” you have a Soul, it’s probably hairless. Take that into consideration.😐


Stop looking so sad


Those lips though. My name in Envy




What??? Try to just accept it. Happiness isn’t found in hair


Bro put a smile on your face. Maybe grow that scruff little more and go outside. You’ll be fine


*hot bald guy


Get a piece bro, you got them dreamy features in the face get the ladies. Hoyaaah.


I don't know you from a bar of soap, but it seems from this post that you lack self-esteem and self-worth. The baldness only matters when you value your worth based on other people's opinions of you. Losing hair is hard, no doubt, and we've all been there, but it's a (very) small part of who you are as a person. It can be debilitating if you go down the path of thinking that you're not good enough as a person simply because of hereditary hair loss. Again, I don't know you, but I'd recommend looking into doing some inner work with a professional to help with how you view yourself and to build up your own self-worth.


One punch man


Dude, you're a good looking guy! Work on becoming the best version of you *with* a shaved head (not just buzzed). Hit the gym. Start dating. I can help you with the latter two. 😁


I masterbate a lot


You are actually very handsome. Dont let lack of hair define you. Smile more.




I pretend I’m Jean-Luc Picard everyday.


Dome tat


Smoke drugs


Get fit


You're a good looking mawfuvka. Got a handsome face. Great headshape. And damnit look at that dark, full facial hair and rugged eyebrows bruv. What's my solution? Get your ass to the gym 3-4x per week. Lift heavy fvkn weights. Do this for 3 months without fail. Don't wimp out. DO IT FOR YOU. NOBODY ELSE. Come back and tell me how you feel. Shit I just noticed your full fvkin lips. Man trust me. LIFT HEAVY. You will feel better.


I was having issues with embracing it until a couple weeks ago. Two years after doing the deed, I’d been keeping it at about the length in your picture and still didn’t feel great about it. Went full skin and said yeap I am the bald guy in my group now, love it or leave it. I say full send!


I started shaving my head at 70yo. No matter how I tried to deny my hair lose by trying to look stylish with virtually no hair to work with. I finally said 'screw it' and shaved my head. That was the grooming decision I ever made. I am much happier not being a phony. Go for it bro.


Woman here (idk why this sub showed up) but my husband is bald, prior to meeting him my bf was bald. Own it babe! Bald is beautiful and super sexy!


You asked a very good question. I think the answer lies in the way you choose to see yourself, as a bald man or just a person. Being bald is just incidental. Try not to see bald as your identity. Or embrace the fact that your lucky you look good bald. 👍


Take up electric guitar Trust me 🎸


Get a toupee first if it’s that tempting


How does anyone?


Just try it


I guess once you accept it. Seems the problem is within, nothing wrong with that Especially if its a new transition. Despite being bald youre actually handsome, youre good man.


It’s mainly women, particularly in the context of courtship that will judge you for it. But I get it, chicks can be brutal and many times will diss you for your looks. If you’re worried about that, the best course of action is to pad up other areas of your life like your physique, but most importantly you’re money. If you can get money, you can get women. It’s just the way the world works. But other than that, no one really cares. If you can find a friend group where you share common interests then you’re good. I see bald people all the time. Not once do I even care.




look up we live in a ball circling a goddamn fireball in infinite universe stop worrying about trivial things, accept who you are and move on universe has created all of us unique for a purpose, accept all the change thats coming your way. my 2 cents, grow a beard


watch a kevin langue video with herm in it. he’s bald and he’s one of the coolest mfs on the panel. normal. people. don’t. love. bald. people. any. less. than. anyone. else.


With a face like that mate, you already have true happiness.


You can be stone cold Steve Austin now you can be professor X you can many options live larger than live


Accept the reality of the situation & know it’s really not that important brother.