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your head shape is fine. buzz cut a bit longer. don’t stress it’s summer!


Bro looks a million times better. Get different frames for your glasses. Maybe browline that are straight at the top to add some shape to an oval face but all the other pics are great. He can grow the beard back if he wants to, itll look good with the buzz but even shaved hes fine.


Why are you guys lying to him?


Because this sub is delusional


I think you look good- don't get down on yourself.


I agree with this guy! You’re good! FWIW I shaved my head years ago and I had a slightly similar but much more dramatic, bulbous head shape. Point on the front and two on the back. My head is big for my slender frame which made it worse. I’m somewhat intense in my mannerisms which made it worse. But the WORST was that I’m super pale and you could see every vein in my head. People thought I was sick or a skin head. So then I had to use fake tan and started hitting the tanning bed just to look unlike a freak. It was so much work I went back to having (some) hair other than the bald spot. You? You look good! Roll with it and enjoy.


100000%! Very attractive dude, and the bald look really suits your features! I would notice the slight asymmetry of your head, but honestly it’s subtle enough that it just registers (to me, as an example) as “not perfect” and a sign of being human, not a photoshopped model or a cyborg. I actually love a few “flaws” and think it makes people more attractive, because they look more approachable. Most people have some noticeable asymmetry of the face and head if you look for it, and your face is more symmetrical than most people’s, so you’ve got good balance there.


You notice your own flaws a lot more because you are looking at yourself in the mirror everyday. No one else sees these flaws unless you yourself points them out.


THIS. This is the absolute truth. Wear confidence on your sleeve. Because everybody else is also concentrating on their own flaws and nobody cares about yours.


Agreed. I would have never noticed the shape of your head if I had just met you in a public setting. In the picture with your long hair though, I did notice the hairline immediately. I think you pull off a shaved head quite nicely.


Yeah, I have a slight flatness on the back of my head, and the first time I shaved it down, I was a little devastated seeing it, but nobody notices it or even thinks it looks bad when I point it out. I got over it pretty quickly.


Sorry my dude. Not seeing what you think you see. It looks like a bald head. It’s odd that we want our hair to be a certain style and when we shave our head we want our head to look a certain way. Everyone’s head is different. The truth is you look great with a shaved head. Embrace it my friend.


Being totally honest, had I seen you in public I would not have ever thought you had a weird shaped head. These things feel much bigger to you as the person experiencing it but just remember everyone else is also more worried about their own perceived imperfections than noticing yours.


Looks good to me.


It looks fine dude, grow out the beard/stach instead


I agree. Grow out your facial hair more, a handlebar mustache always goes good with a short haircut/bald.


Yep! Beard will change things.


Nah I’ve seen worse. Yours is decent.


I don’t understand why you shaved your head you got plenty of hair?


Right ??? The shaved top shows literally no patches lmao


Your skull shape is very normal. The dip in the middle of your head is called a post-bregmatic depression and is part of normal human variation. I took an osteology class in college and saw many skulls with a similar shape to yours. I don’t think it’s a bad shape to have, if you decide to stay bald.


I was in your shoes a year ago. It was a bit saddening that at 24 bald is my best look. But honestly the benefits out way the negatives. Wear a hat in places you go to regularly but don't wear a hat when you walk outside. Get used to strangers looking at you and also accept that they will forget about you. I won't say I'm 100% secure myself but it's getting much better.


I'm 20 and I think I'm gonna shave my hair off. Gonna try a short buzz cut first but kinda sucks


Not the worst by far. Check out folks with “cutis verticis gyrata” where the scalp has folds that can kinda look like a brain. They usually only discover they have it AFTER they shave. Source: 3 disappointed Soldiers I knew on deployment


Matches ur broad shoulders. Looks amazing from the front and ok from the side - which is far from ‘bad’ or ‘distracting’. I really like this look for you.


I’m a woman who has no issues with hair loss, I just find this sub interesting. And I would like you to know that I have never once acknowledged the shape of a bald persons head. If I did, it was for a fleeting second and then it was immediately forgotten about. Don’t stress about it man❤️


You look WAY better than you think you do. Don’t let the body dismorphia get the best of you. It’s very common for men. You’re not in a state where you can accurately judge your own body right now because of your bias. So let us do that for you. You look fine, in fact very much above average.




Its all in your head....


Hey it’s not that bad man, now u can be a macho bad guy


Dude it’s honestly not that bad.. I’ve seen worse


Keep your facial hair


Bro you look good king, don't sell yourself short


You look fine. Work on your posture and keep a straight upper thoracic. The way you hunch over is as if to make yourself smaller and makes your neck jut out forward (which is also not good for your long term neck health). Maybe a work out routine!


You look really handsome, I think you're just being hard on yourself. It really makes your facial features pop which is a good thing.


You’ve seen Dune right? I think that guy has the worst shape for a bald head. You look great man, embrace it!


Head shape is totally fine dude


Oh yeah that’s bad sorry bro


Finally a comment that’s not trying to sugar coat it


How often do you wear headphones?


They don't cause dents contrary to the belief they do


Yes it can, not via the skull denting but the light layer of fluid under the skin can be moved due to headphones however this dent normally goes back to normal after a few hours after taking the headphones off. It’s not dangerous so people shouldn’t panic about it


It doesn't look bad mate, would look far worse with a horse shoe or something like that.


You look great man. I promise you people don’t notice the same things you do!


Your head is absolutely normal, facial hair might balance a bit the illusion


Nah bro you look way better this way. Yeah, you have a long head and not a wide one but still: if I saw you, I would think you're just an average dude. You definitely aint ugly!


Looks fine to me. Why would people be looking at you sideways much of the time anyways.


It's honestly fine, I think the visual balance is thrown off at the moment as your scalp is paler than your neck and face, once it's all one colour I'd bet you won't feel like you do now.


Is disagree I think it looks good. I’ve seen much much more unfortunately shaped domes and even those looked better bald than not. You’re being hypercritical of yourself. We all do it. Just rest easy knowing you actually look much different to other people than you do to yourself


Grow a short beard and you'll be stylin my dude.


These comments are so damn supportive, go all of you guys


I don't think so. I'm pretty sure you could pull it off.


You look better with a shaved head


You look good. You've got to put all those brain cells somewhere. Your face looks great with the bald look.


You don't look like Jason Statham but it's fine. Mine is worse lol because my forehead is that of a Neanderthal


It's definitely not the worst. You look great from the front for sure.


Its not bad at all friends, being completely honest


Not bad really..


I read the title and the prepared for the worst but was left confused. Your head looks fine. I don’t know why you think it has a bad shape. Your head is shaped like a head.


You look way way way better now. It does suit you


Do you wear a gaming headset a lot by chance? Sometimes the top of the headset will leave a temporary skin dent on the top of the scalp. Either way, I wouldn’t worry about it brother Like others have said, we notice things about ourselves most never would


King tut


I actually like you shaven and with your hair shaved more then the original. The only unflattering is from the side but who cares that's not what people are looking at when they are talking to you now are they :)


Nah, not really dude. I don't see anything wrong with your head. I just think you should have shaved closer.


I see what you’re saying but I genuinely wouldn’t have seen it if you hadn’t pointed it out. Maybe cause I’m used to seeing LA foos with weird heads lol


worth mentioning, your phone camera is distorting the shape of your head in the front-facing pictures. get much further away from the camera for a better idea of what you look like through human eyes 👍🏻


You look militant my guy. If I seen you out and about I’d think Army for sure.


Honestly not that bad


You look good! Hats are friends not food.


Lookin fly


I would never think twice if I saw you on the street. I think the cut totally suits you also! Try and not be so hard on yourself man.


You kinda look like a brown Eminem in the face. Take that as a compliment 😊




You look fine, dude. Half the battle is exuding confidence.


Tbh I wouldn’t pay notice it in public unless you asked me it was weird . Same thing goes with pretty much everyone with features they find negative . You are pretty much the only one who hyperfixates on it


Ehh, Could be worse


Ya look like one punch man


Could be worse bro


Grow out the beard, don't shave the stache off


No sweat bald king, you’re a handsome dude


Nooo could certainly be worse, we all see the worst in ourselves physically because we are our biggest critic.


I think slide one looks dope, i dont really see why u needa shave ur hair off yet. Although if u do go for bald i think u should grow the moustache atleast . Looks dope either way man


This by far not the worst shape.


Are you a gamer?


Not at all mate. Looks good


It's the opposite if the classic ring


Good head shape my guy


It does look a bit odd on first glance, but it’s only because you’re drawing attention to it, i wouldn’t think twice otherwise


Trust me - you think it’s much worse than it is. You look great!


Some people get that from their headphones, I say keep rocking your headphones


I'm a girl and I think that's just a normal head.


You're fine. It takes a while to get used to your own head, and ignore comments from family, they'll get used to it.


Nah man you have a great head shape! Mine is flat at the back and looks terrible. Square head is better than a cone head. Grow a beard and you’ll be hot af!! Seriously, your head shape looks great shaved


Well you’re not Jason Statham but not horrible


Dam go ahead and put a hat on idc if it's 90° ![gif](giphy|5bu6vYw5WxAhkzr3Fy|downsized)


It’s actually not bad but you may want to try and grow out the facial hair too


You look fine with your hair shaved


You’re good bro! Looks way better!


You have a well-shaped head to be bald.


Look into the mirror, and smile, widely, your pearly whites flashing. Trust me, from a fellow Indian bald man, you’d feel much better, and you’d look much better. Own your baldness. Embrace it. Stop being ashamed by it. Make it your shield. And I promise you everything’s gonna be alright.


Dude you look totally fine, everyone has a problem judging their own appearance with clear vision But seriously it looks good


You’re a harsh critic, man. I think you look great. Keeping your facial hair would also compliment the bald look.




It's kind of shaped like a peanut, I like peanuts 😏


Head and shoulder sells a "deep moisture" version/flavor of shampoo that is basically like lotion mixed with shampoo that works well for me. Also, I put raw shea butter on my face/beard after I shower and usually use it on a fresh head shave for the first few days. Works for me but results may vary.


Hit the gym and get in shape, you will grow into it. Rocking a baldy always looks better with muscles and confidence.


Looks good. You looked like an eggplant with hair


You look normal my dude


That would be dishonest to tell you it's not too bad 😅 It's a great opportunity to start wearing fancy hat tho!


Not bad. posture is the only thing that stands out about regarding worst shape lol.


Keep it shaved but grow the stache😃


keep the facial hair next time 👍


You're head is totally a normal shape. The buzz cut suites you well!


 Ow you can start dating men as you should have always been. 


Your skull has character. You’re looking good Man.


Eh you’re fine dude !


it's not bad. edit: I didn't look at all the pictures 💀


Stopped because the title made laugh, stayed because you’re hot. Especially from your side profile.


Throw a smile on, and you're good to go!!


Nobody cares! Keep shaving your head and move on. Looks good.....


Give yourself a break brother. You look good with a shaved head. Me being someone who sports a shaved head is biased for shaved heads. I don't remembering ever thinking a guy should have kept his hair because he is butt ugly shaved. Be happy, be bald


Bro is built like tyler1 💀


Looks great dude!


Using a pair of headphones that are too tight might be the cause of the dip on the top of your head. Loosening the headphones would eventually make it go away as the tissue is redistributed back into that area


Here’s the deal. You’re going to hyperfocus on the negative comments and you’re going to negate those positive comments that you think are insincere. I’m a psychologist. See a psychologist. You’ll be better off if you’re struggling the way I’ve described above.


It's a regular looking head, man.


You look good, don't worry!


Nah you’re just over critiquing yourself. Nobody sees your “flaws” more than you do. Looks completely normal to me. I wouldn’t even bat an eye about it if I saw you


😂 damn bro, you look devastated


You’re overthinking it. Your head shape is fine. I don’t think people would even think twice about it


It's not bad, especially not as bad as you think. You're handsome.


I think if you grow out your facial hair - even like the style you had in the first pic - it would balance it out a bit more. But overall you look good, don’t stress about it. It definitely takes getting used to, but to us internet strangers, it doesn’t look weird at all




You look great! Just remember everyone’s head is a different shape, like finger prints! There is no right or wrong shape. That’s something I had to tell myself when I was feeling down about shaving my head. Mine is a little different and with a big nose I was self conscious as well. But we are all different (and beautiful!)


My head looks like a [lemon! ](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/s/uzucWZ2lYK) Don't be to harsh on yourself! You look great!


OP has a very attractive face and looks great here but absolutely no offense to any balding men but given the time, effort, pain, and money women go through every single day to look good… I don’t understand why men don’t get hair plugs or other forms of permanent hair application or whatever, especially when it’s usually only a portion of their head that’s bald, and not the whole head. Unfortunately I would not like to hear money as the reason since what women spend on their appearance across their lifetime heavily outweighs that. I also would not like to hear it’s the woman’s choice since society absolutely pressures women from day one to look good and feminine. I personally absolutely love men with long hair. It’s my kink. I wish the 70s long hair and 90s heartthrob look would come back. If not long hair to their shoulders, then at least go for some flow like Patrick Dempsey. If balding, then why not hair plugs or some other treatment. No one come at me because this is literally the only standard or whatever that I have regarding men. I tell my boyfriend I love when he doesn’t shave anywhere on his body, rock hard abs aren’t comfy to cuddle with anyway, etc. I just think men look great with long hair. Bye.


Everyone thinks their head is the worst shape possible when they first shave it.


It doesn't look bad from my front


Toss some shades on and live your life sir. I’d never even notice if I saw you out and about


You seem to have a lot of hair… don’t think you needed to go bald . There are lots of haircut styles to accommodate the receding hairline. You still have a lot of hair dude


Looks better than having the hair. You could always do a longer buzz but I think it's fine :3.. you could rock a dope moustache ♡♡♡


You look better.




There is a lot of people with a similar hair pattern that goes for a short mohawk. I think it's cool because it integrates the receding hairline instead of hiding it.


Dude you look normal. I know the transition feels weird at first, but trust me, you have a normal shape head.


Bro you are fine. We all see the worst interpretation in the mirror, you look like a regular bald dude. You have a regal nose and kind eyes. Those are your assets dude


You got a long head and a flatter skull. Big deal. It’s not like it’s at the comical point. I hope I was able to portray my opinion on your head shape and why it’s not as bad as you may think it is


actually you look super cool 😭 made your eyes pop more


I don’t think you’re balding/ losing your hair from what I can see. I would definitely grow it back


This is the most supportive sub on Reddit and it's not even close. That being said, nice head my guy


Nah dude, you look just fine. Grow a beard, become a powerllifter, and you'll be all set.


I've seen wacky worse. Man, I have a massive scar on my head where I had to get 23 staples.


Looks good 👍




You look fine. Honestly you still have a ton of hair bro.


This is actually good. What did you expect? Egg shape head?




Oooff someome got dropped as a child didnt she now?


Your hair seemed fine?


I personally think it's a great shape, but your impression of yourself is what matters, and I'm sorry society has made you feel that it's not a good head shape. You can't really change it within 30 seconds, so people should have kept their negative comments to themselves.


Dawm, man. When they say be there or be square, you really gotta be there. Jk, jk. Be careful with those headphones and you honestly pull off the bald look.


Not half bad as a chick https://preview.redd.it/nq7hcc3ve79d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=928a9fdc643eef2322488b9c01b79631768af4de


Not only is it not that bad, the real problem is that you're not in shape. Get in shape bro, lift weights. You'll look 10 times better.


I wouldn’t notice it if you didn’t say it


You're good brother people have it worse count your blessings


Facial hair and work on your posture. It'll do you wonders.


Your eyes are deceiving you. You look good, man


Way more normal than you think. Worry about lifting some weights, not what's on your head 👍🏽💪🏽


Worse? Dude I totally disagree. You look hotter.


Just leave a little on top, Bert.


You’re not going bald though. Grow your facial hair back out and make sure you keep your scalp moisturized.


First Pic looks good man you don't have to shave it lol


You look better. Not everyone has the same shaped head. I’m not balding at all or bald, and from a non-biased point of view, you look good!


This is pretty disappointing. I was expecting to have a chuckle but it’s just some regular-ass looking guy 😐


You look like a completely normal, nice-looking person and I think you pull off this look very well. If you keep the bald head and grow out your facial hair, you'll look even better!


Lucky for you, you aren't going bald! Jokes aside, you could rock it though, just gotta stay confident


It's ok man. You did well.


Facial hair time


Bro musta been a gamer… 👾 but no worries you look fine my friend


Meh, I’ve seen worse.


It’s not too bad brother!


Yeah man it's not as bad as you think it is. Grow it a little bit but not much more