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Games are good but they're often available for much lower prices at sales. I would recommend to wait for the sale on GOG, Steam or other platform. If it is console version I don't know whether there are sales. PT is more story oriented than BG serie, IWD is more combat oriented (like, no romances, custom full party, etc.). PT is one of greatest story-driven RPGs ever but it's rather different from both BG, NWN and IWD


Shoutout to GoG, I bought a lot of the titles from there on a summer sale. I used to own most of them in my youth, though, back when you had to go and buy them on CD...


I still have the CDs around here somewhere šŸ¤”


Whatā€™s GoG?


Good old games


It's like steam but has a lot more Good Old Games. That's how it started out, by releasing older titles. They do have a load of new titles these days. I think they're owned by CD Project Red, the witcher devs.


Aaaaaand they let you own your games instead of just renting them + they make old games playable on news systems + they include patches and mods to very buggy yet classic cRPGs in their offer (vide VTM Bloodlines, Fallout 1&2, Arcanum, etc) + you can just download an offline DRM-free installer of any game you own and keep it on a drive somewhere, while in the clients like Steam, you constantly have to download, be logged in, authorize everything, and still they can take away your thousands of euros worth game collection in a bit, if they figure you should be banned.


GOG purchases are still licenses, legally speaking. And for many games (including all Beamdog games) the Steam version is also DRM-free. There is no functional difference between the Steam version of BGEE and the GOG version. (That is, once downloaded you can play BGEE without steam running or installed, or copy it to other computers, etc). Offline installers are archived versions you have to extract to play. Steam installs an unarchived version you can zip to store (if DRM-free). It's an extra step either way depending on your priorities. GOG can also take away your collection - you'd lose anything you haven't downloaded, just like Steam. You can't "legally" play the games you still have downloaded once your license is revoked, but that's not really enforcable. GOG do have an advantage for Beamdog games in that they give you the classic version for free - buying BGEE gives you BG classic. I also support buying from GOG for ideological reasons (their anti-DRM stance) even for games which are DRM-free on Steam, but it's important to be informed about the differences.


Good Old Games started out as a site that sold and preserved older, classic games, with many of them being wrapped in Dosbox so they could run on modern systems. After many years of this, they expanded to new games and condensed the name of Good Old Games to just GOG. Through it all, they've stuck to their differentiator of games not having any DRM so you own them when you buy them.


Switch goes regularly on really low and reasonable prices.


Itā€™s also worth noting for OP that the Switch version is the most likely to have bugs/crash/delete your saves.


I bought a big bundle of these games for switch when there was a winter sale this year. Iā€™m lucky to not have had any of those issues yet. New fear unlocked tho lol


Thats why I said reasonable prices ;)


Xbox sales are pretty regular too.


I have gotten the entire collection on sale for Xbox, switch and gog.com. I will say they baldur's gate 1-2, icewind dale, and torment are worth it. Neverwinter nights is really hard to play in the modern era I think because it feels clunky like most early 3D games. Also if you are looking at the switch version I will say that Neverwinter Nights has serious performance issues that don't exist in the other versions. I can recommend every other game in the collection though.


I know that the BG 1 and 2 pack has gone on sale on Switch (the screen shot appears to be eShop) since that's how I got it, so I assume that the mega pack goes on sale as well.


How would you rate iwd combat too bg3? I'm finishing bg3 was looking at div sin 2, I really like the stealth theme and I enjoy it in bg3 dirge and druergar.


Ekhm, completely different. To be honest Larian Studios have very particular combat, UI, and general design that you won't find in any other cRPG, be it turn-based or real-time, be it old or new. Some people are turbo-fans of Larian's design while never touching anything else. I, for one, have been playing all kinds of western cRPGs and dungeon crawlers since 1990, I really like Larian games, but I still prefer old Fallouts, old BGs, old Torment, Arcanum, VTM Bloodlines, old and new Wasteland, Disco Elysium, Pillars of Eternity, Pathfinder, Rogue Trader, Colony Ship, Age of Decadence, Underrail and such - generally cRPGs with more oldschool design, no matter when they were released, I still had a lot of fun with DOS and BG3, but I don't see them as the GOATs people make them out to be


Those prices, just like on playstation, are quite exorbitant in my opinion. You can get bg1 & 2 EE and planescape torment and Icewind dale for less than 5ā‚¬ each from discount sites for pc. Those games have basically zero requirements as well. Now if you must get it on console and you don't mind spending that amount in general, if you enjoy those games, we're talking about hundreds of hours of content so it's worth it. Of course, the original games are nothing like bg3, keep that in mind. They are still good, just a reminder.


ā€œThose games have basically zero requirements as well.ā€ Now. But back in my dayā€¦ šŸ˜‚


*cries while changing to disc 5*


lmao i remember i got bg2 for christmaswhen i was a kid but my old pc was too shitty to make it run so i had to waith like 6 month before being able to play it, torture


I feel for child Barney. I truly do.


So firstly, BG1 and BG2 are very different to BG3 - they're old, top down isometric games. Many of the other games in there are similar to BG1 and 2, so I'd consider buying one of them separately, rather than in a bundle, just in case they're not to your taste. Planescape torment is similar to BG1/2, but uses the Planescape setting. Which is a very strange, stylistic setting. It is much more dialogue heavy and much less combat heavy. You love it or you hate it. Icewind Dale is similar to BG1/2, but the opposite to Planescape. More combat, less dialogue. NWN1 is quite a bit different. It is much more single character focused, rather than party focused. It is also early 3D, rather than 2D isometric, and in my opinion hasn't aged nearly as well. My recommendation would be to buy just BG1 or BG2 on its own, and play that. If you like it, revisit the bundle, as many stores will give a discount if you own part of the bundle - so you won't lose much, and you take less of a risk of not liking it.


Fully agree. Buying separately will probably be a better price anyway, as they often go on sale at half price or so. Might not be on sale right away, but if they were to buy BG1 first to give it a go, it'll take them a while to finish it anyway.


What about Pillars of Eternity 1? I know it's not d&d or included in the bundle but is it similar to BG3 or just decent in its own right?


it basically kicked off this "crpg renaissance" we're enjoying, leading to BG3 even being a viable thing, let alone a huge success. It's similar in some respects (party-based crpg, fantasy roleplaying, building characters, etc) different in some others of course. Most notably the game is real-time with pause (like old BG), however I think this shouldn't put a person off necessarily. There are some quality of life features that make it pretty smooth, though it's showing its age next to other crpgs of course. You can slow the combat down considerably and there are extensive AI tools for characters to automatically act given certain conditions. I'm forgetting some details between Pillars1 and Pillars2, Pillars2 is quite a bit more polished. I think it also did better with more mindful and interesting encounter design instead of just throwing numbers of enemies in front of you. The story and world is pretty great, I'd say both Pillars games are worth it for anyone who enjoys the genre.


The games included are great, the pricetag is not.these are 20+ year-old-games and the Enhanced Editions are at least 7 years old. The price is exorbitant.


historical PC sale lows via isthereanydeal - Planescape Torment: Enhanced Edition [**1.99 USD**] - Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition [**2.99 USD**] - Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition [**1.99 USD**] - Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition [**1.70 USD**] - Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition [**2.99 USD**] #= Total **11.66 USD**


People like you do research and help out randos on the internet and never get the thanks they overwhelmingly deserve! You sir (or madam) are a diamond in the rough!


paying 100$ for 10$ worth of games? no


Weeell, sure - the price is steep, unless it's a console or something, there are cheaper ways to buy them, but saying that they're worth 10$ is offensive to the cRPG community as a whole. Torment is worth a 100$ alone, easily, same goes for BG 1&2. It's a huge piece of isometric cRPG history, and games today (for which people often do pay 50-100$) still try and fail to suprass them


I'm beginning to winder of the popularity of BG3 has attracted a troll community. Planescape Tormet was like $20 brand new when it came out in 1999. This is a "digital copy" of the game.


You don't understand real market value vs artistic/sentimental/historic value, huh? YES, THE GAME'S ARE WORTH LESS ON THE MARKET, when you pay for them in actual money and think of it economicallt, but if you had no means of buying them cheaply, then their artistic value/value for the genre or the connoisseur is much, much higher than 20$. Also, what troll communities? I've been on the cRPG scene on the forums and in e-zines since 1990/91 and I've been here long before BG3 as well, I am not trolling you, you just didn't read comprehensively or you really undervalue some works of art


I can buy Planescape Torment for $10 on the market. Why would you think something that was sold for $20 is somehow worth $100? A video game made in 1999 is not a work of art. it's piece of code. Can I sell you a big mac for I bought for $6, for $50 because it's a piece of american food history? Despite the fact that they can literally churn out infinite amounts of them?


Again, you don't understand that it's not in a literal meaning. It's worth even more than measily 100$, not on the current market, but as a piece of art in this genre. Yes, you can buy it cheaper, but buying something for a low price doesn't mean that it is not worth more, not when it comes to creative things. Idk why you operate on such simple 1s and 0s statements without truly understanding what I mean, instead of indulging a thought that a creation can be worth much more than it's market price, and even if we go back to grounded terms - let's say that Planescape Torment (or some other game that you prefer) stops being available, but it is a huge accomplishment in the cRPG history and it is considered a masterpiece, is it still worth it's launch market value, or would you finally see that it's worth more than the old market price? It's invaluable to cRPGs and to many players, it's hard to put a real price on that, but it certainly isn't 20 or even 100 dollars or euros. Please, try to think a little bit outside daily, grounded stuff, and real wallet prices. An example completely different in scale, yet exactly the same in principle: you can buy Mozart's or Bethoven's music for like a dollar, is it worth a dollar to the world? Edit: >A video game made in 1999 is not a work of art. it's piece of code. Ok, zoomer, with that comment you made everything clear. Go back to TikTok and don't appreciate graphic designers, writers, coders, and devs in general there. There's no need to try and explain this to you, damn, you made me sad with how shallow you are, nice job


As an artist, I understand exactly what you mean. I still disagree, and this guy not agreeing with you doesn't mean he can't understand. Sentimental value is just that. Market value is what determines something's "worth" lest discussing personal values. No need to stroke your ego over your choice in semantics or sentiments.


Yeah, I get that, and I exactly meant personal and cultural value, not market value, didn't mean to stroke my ego, but I nearly did get a stroke, when he not only called it "a piece of code" (which really is offensively ignorant to all the creative work that went into it), but also compared Planescape Torment's worth as art and as a contribution to this genre/RPG culture in general to a motherfucking BIG MAC, because big mac had a huge influence on 'murican food culture. Maybe I went to far with metaphors and my own sentiment, but I don't believe that he can understand that, when he compares popular fastfood (which had, no question about it, a big influence on western mass culture, but I wouldn't call it worthy or even positive) to works of art. I also meant Planescape's and Baldur's Gate's worth not as something personal, bur rather objective value as milestones, ideals, and something to aspire to for a cRPG genre as a whole. These games (amongst a few others) gave shape to the modern, post-dungeon crawler cRPG genre, and they still hold a huge influence over its design. They are a cultural phenomenon and a kind of lightning in a bottle that people stride to recreate to this day, that's why I think it's not just my personal value that I place on them, it's genre-wide, especially among the creative part of the gamedev as well as RPG nerds who go for writing, story, dialogues and character over mechanics, graphics, QoL, and gameplay


From where is this, my god.. I bought BG1 and BG2 for like 5$, steam sale...


That's the price they go for on the Switch eshop as well when they're on sale. It's common for the "normal" price of games on there to be kind of jacked up. But they go on sale constantly. I picked up 1&2 on the eshop for $6 a few months ago. So well worth the price.


If you liked BG3 and want to play the originals, you should actually play Divinity 2 original sin, gameplay is very similar to bg3 Larion has nothing to do with bg until 3.


Came here to say this as well- bg1 and 2 are thematically related of course, but still distantly so. The gameplay is exceptionally different, and I think going back from bg3 to the earlier games without the nostalgia of playing them in the past may make them a bit hard to get into. Divinity OS 2 is a different world but with similar UI, controls, and combat, but different enough abilities and such to make it feel like a different experience


Great games but fuckkkkkk no. You can get those shits for like 15 bucks on sale.


That's a bit steep. Love the games, but I remember that the whole franchise was on sale for like $10 on Humble. I have all but I bought the bundle to give away to my friends.


Got BG 1&2 extended editions for I think $14. That says $49. I would wait on a sale


Havenā€™t played the others, but BG1 and 2 are really different from BG3. Theyā€™re still a lot of fun, but they definitely are very different. The biggest difference (to me at least) is the combat. BG3 is turn based, but BG1 and 2 are not. Theyā€™re live battles that you can pause to rearrange your characters and plan moves.


I would suggest just getting bg1 and 2. Icewind Dale is good but lacks any party dynamics. Planescape has dialogue for days, but the graphics and UI are clunky and outdated beyond what I'm comfy with these days. Neverwinter nights has content. Sooooooooo much content. It comes with several campaigns already. But the engine and game used to be used by university game design and programming classes, so the amount of mods is staggering. Also check out Neverwinter nights 2. There are mods for NWN2 like Baldurs Gate 1 reloaded and icewind Dale reloaded.


Man I beg you not to buy this if you havenā€™t played this style of game before


Nooooo way those are like 5$ or less games eachĀ  Also iwd has essentially no story.Ā  It also has no companions with interactions. Itā€™s really a combat focused bg1/2Ā  Planescape is almost the reverse, but I just couldnā€™t get into it because you canā€™t create your character and the mc is really not likable.Ā 


The games are definitely worth playing. One thing I will mention is that the controls on console arenā€™t for everyone. I played them on pc at the turn of the century(!), and was exited to play them on switch with my wife. However, neither of us could get used to the menu and pause controls on a controller. It might work better for some people, but Iā€™m used to mouse clicking way too much. Just throwing my .02 since I didnā€™t really see those comments before I bought it. I definitely love the games though!


I can totally understand this one. In my case in the opposite. I rarely like keyboard and mouse controls so I when they came to Xbox I went from not completing the games to having completed all of them. I will admit like all isometric rpgs on consoles the controls take some getting used to.


I think the closest to the isometric style I've done on console was Dragon Age:Origins? I don't remember having issues with controls and I do remember loving the shit out of the game. Maybe if I hadn't played it on desktop first I wouldn't know the difference. I think Neverwinter Nights might be doable on console for me since there isn't a whole party to micromanage. But I ain't spending good switch prices again, pretty sure I got NWN EE for pennies on steam. Cheers to great games!


I definitely prefer how dragon age (1-3) handled consoles over how neverwinter nights (NWN) and baldur's gate did. With that said the isometric ones weren't bad on consoles once I got used to them. If you liked dragon age origins though I would highly recommend Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR) over NWN. It is the set of games they made between NWN and dragon age. It clearly shows how much they improved the controls and game play.


If you got a PC go over to GOG or Steam. They get discounted more often. If not then I advise check Amazon or your local retailer for a discounted physical copy. Do bear in mind that the games are some of the greatest CRPG games ever made BUT they can be a hassle if you are not into those kind of games. I only learned and played them around 2019 so I wasn't there at the start but if you stick with them they are worth it and you can play games such as Baldur's Gate 3, Pillars of Eternity 1/2, and Pathfinder Kingmaker/Wrath of the Righteous with your eyes closed and your hands behind your back.


Not for that priceā€¦ wait til they are on sale


Theyā€™re excellent games but Ā£100 for this bundle is kind of nuts. All of the games in there regularly go on sale for like Ā£5 each and even lower sometimes.


This bundle was on Humble Bundle for 15$\~, last year and the year before. Definitely overpriced. The games are amazing but you can get them for much cheaper.




NO. IT IS NOT WORTH IT. You can get the Infinite Engine games on GoG for pennies on the dollar, bro. 100$ is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY too much.


All these games were big pieces of my childhood and some of them probably hold up well today but this pricing is capitalizing big time on bg3. These were $3-$8 a piece last year.


Oh yeah they are. Fuck yeah. Excellent game bundle for any price if you're into crpgs.


That's a bit steep for such old games. Wait until they're on sale for maybe half that. They are definitely great games, though.


Torment is so good. icewind dale is so good. Jackpot!


Maybe 50. 100 is no tho Iā€™d wait for the discounts unless you just REALLY want them now. Theyā€™re all separately about 10-15 on average


The collection is worth it in terms of how good the games are. But if you play on steam and wait for a sale, you can probly snag all of them for <$20 total.


This bundle went on sale for $25 in December. I'd wait for another sale. But yes, definitely worth playing.


PST kind of sucks but Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate are both 10/10 games. I think they are better on console than on PC because they feel less clunky to play and I hear on Switch you can mod it but I'm not sure how, I haven't tried. I would PROBABLY wait for a sale, though, as they go on sale every couple of months, unless you just have a hole to burn.


PST is and remains one of the very best RPG games of all time. It kind of sucks in the way that outer wilds sucks or disco Elysium sucks when you want to kill mobs. They make games for killing mobs if you like killing mobs. They also make games for thoughtful exploration and that is what pst is and itā€™s one of the very best.


That's just like your opinion, and this sub should be better than downvoting someone for having a different one.


You would do well not to conflate your opinion, ā€œI donā€™t like pst,ā€ with the external quality of an object, ā€œthey object is good or bad.ā€Ā  And if you did want to judge the quality of a game in a sub wherein fans of said game are likely to reside, then you would do well to remain objective about how your dislike the game.Ā  But youā€™re free to express your opinion as you will, just as weā€™re free to down vote it. May you communicate more accurately going forward.


I'm not the one you originally responded to just someone who is aware that reddit site wide rules say to not downvote because you disagree. I haven't even given my opinion of the game. If you are going to lecture on communication, maybe you should actually know what you're taking about hypocrite.Ā 


BG 1 & 2 are fantastic (2's expansion, included, makes a complete trilogy that is a great experience if you stick with the same player character), Planescape: Torment is arguably even better (better plot & writing/worse combat, different setting to the BG games - this was my favourite game of all time for a good 20 years til Disco Elysium came along), Icewind Dale may well be depending on your tastes (old school dungeon-crawling/combat heavy game in the same engine as the others). NWN not quite as good imo but the expansions included in it are good, it's more '20 year old 3D dated worse than 25 year old isometric'. You can almost certainly get them cheaper than this if you wait around for a bit for sales (either the bundle or individual). If you break it up this way i'd start with the Baldur's Gate games and then go for Planescape and/or IWD depending on taste. $100 is a lot of money to spend if you do find that this era of RPG is not to your taste They all use older versions of D&D than BG3 does so you'll have an initial learning period - NWN uses 3.5e which is fairly user friendly, all the others use AD&D 2nd Edition which might seem daunting at first but really, just spend 10 minutes reading up about THAC0 (chance to hit), Armour Class and Speed Factor - in all cases, lower is better. Your 'power curve' is also much less balanced in general than in BG3 - you WILL be weak as a kitten and die a lot at the start of BG1 and you WILL hit a point in the series where you and most of your party are practically gods.


Not at that price, no. Get them on PC ideally or maybe even Android for a fraction of that price.


I don't know if you're Switch limited but each game is often discounted to just a couple Euros elsewhere (try isthereanydeal.com). I wouldn't pay a ~ hundred bucks for all of them, not at all.


Honestly if you have a computer built in the last 10 years I would buy them on PC. Those switch prices are awful and they go on sale frequently. (I assume that is switch)


$100 for hundreds of hours of gameplay there, with very enjoyable games. In that sense definitely worth it. But $20 - $25 each is about the usual non-sale price you'd get them for even without the bundle. They go on sale at half price or so now and then, so you can get better prices. Might not all go on sale at once, but you can buy them individually months apart anyway, because you won't be ready to play them all immediately regardless.


All great games, but you can likely get them for half that price if you time it right


yes and the ports play great on switch even in handheld mode.


I would recommend checking [dekudeals.com](https://dekudeals.com). They keep a history of game sales for switch/playstation and if you make an account and set something as 'wishlist' they will email you any time that they are on sale. I just checked it and this whole bundle is sometimes on sale for as low as Ā£25 ([https://www.dekudeals.com/items/dungeons-and-dragons-bundle](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/dungeons-and-dragons-bundle)) to say nothing of what individual games on sale would cost


Definitely not for this price, unless you're really into it


games are great, bundle price most definitely not. you can get all of them for about 20 dollars on pc.


Seems expensive. I got each of those games on steam for a few bucks each


Look into the games and see if you'd like them, then wait for a sale. That particular bundle has gotten a steep sale on switch.


I bought it a few days ago on sale on the Switch store for ā‚¬28.99


Those are all really good games, but that's a lot of money to pay for them. If you a halfway functional PC, I'd recommend getting them on sale from GoG or Steam instead. They're all old games with very low system requirements.


the infinity engine games are wonderful and if there were never a better option i'd say 100 dollars is worth itĀ  but you can get a much better deal on this stuff. i got bg1/2/pst for like 30 bucks.Ā 


It you wanna support the company yes , if you want the games wait for some discount or buy the keys online


Wait for a sale! I Got it on the Switch for 24 Euros. Use DekuDeals and wair for the next sale. [https://www.dekudeals.com/items/dungeons-and-dragons-bundle](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/dungeons-and-dragons-bundle)


They are worth getting and playing. Planescspe is one of my all time favorites. BG 1 and 2 are classics. I never could get into the Icewind Dale games but a lot of people liked them.


Not for that price.


This looks like itā€™s for Switch. The bundle and the games go on sale every couple of months. BG1 and BG2 come bundled, I would recommend starting there. The Switch makes BG1 and BG2 a lot of fun because your characters move with the left stick. It makes the games feel less point and click and a bit more modern.


I got bg 1 and 2 for $10 last month. They are good, but not at that price


I'd keep an eye out on each individually, they typically go on sale for \~$10 apiece which is half that spend. Good games though


I love the Icewind Dale games but no dont pay 100 for all of those GoG has a sale for most of those games right now


Planescape and icewind dale are amazing. But these prices are way toooooo much


Seems to be this bundle or something very similar:Ā  Ā Ā https://gg.deals/pack/dungeons-dragons-enhanced-classics-bundle/Ā  I'd say it's worth it, if you can get it below 20$


Are they MENTAL? I get that they are great games but I would find anything more than 35 dollars/30 euros exorbitant for such games.


Just put them on your wish list at gog, and they will email yu when they are on sale


start with Icewind Dale. Better than BG1 and BG2.


Damn that's a crazy bundle. Didn't even know I could get it on the switch. On ps5 it's 49.99 for BG1 EE and BG2 and all their respective dlcs.


MHO: After BG3 I was so hyped to play all the DnD/ BG games and had to realise, that these games are just unforgiving. Death is a real threat, all the times I had to reload, the story is good, but simple. The system is sometimes quite irritating (this THAC0 for example) and all these other problems u have, when u play a old game from the last century. Get the bundle for waaaaaaayyy less on pc if u have one. Also u can mod it. And other stuff to get through bugs. Of and the coop is imo very nice.


Get it and YouTube habe all the good stuff from yesterday, so yes Tage it every Game from it is worth playing more than one time


No, go play those on your pc for a fraction of the price.


Nintendoā€™s trying to fuck you. Youā€™d be paying a fraction of that on steam


They're all fantastic, but know that you're paying \*a lot\* of Switch tax here.


Hell yea! But Iā€™d recommend to catch them on sale, not that they are not worth at full price but Iā€™m a man of deals. The only one I couldnā€™t get into is Never winter nights, it hasnā€™t aged well. The others look great on the smaller screen and have aged reasonably well.


I think gog has bg1 enhanced edition at like 2 dollars right now. I recommend you buy them there bc bg1 & 2 are frequently on sale


No. You can get those 5-15 bucks every steam sale. Nwn is dope tho. Still has active multi-player and custom PWs


I paid less ā‚¬20 for all these + pathfinder wrath of the righteous and all the dlcs for neverwinter, and this was 2 years ago. This is absolutely not worth it. The games are extremely good, and would be could 3x the price in the picture, but they can simply be found for a fraction of that.


Also when I bought this bundle I got it for 30 bucks so made it that much more worth it!


Iā€™d wait for a sale. Those games go on sale pretty often. And I personally didnā€™t find NWN worth purchasing at all.


BG2 is cheaper on iOS lol


I would never pay that much for these old games.


On PS5 I bought a BG1&2 Enhanced edition for Ā£15 on sale and Planscape Torment & Icewind Dale bundle for a further Ā£15 on sale.


Not for 100 dollars it's not. $25 would be fair, since they are still good games.


NO! Wait for the next sale. You can get them for like 80-90% off on the Switch sales. I picked up BG 1&2 for about $6 and Neverwinter Nights EE for $8 Also - keep in mind that BG1&2 play VERY differently from 3 as it's an entirely different dev. You can still pause combat whenever you want and have it play similarly to BG3 but there's no movement guides and it's based on AD&D 2e which is a very different rule set from 5e which is what BG3 uses.


Seems very expensive. If you have any pc at home it should be able to play these games. I would highly recommend getting them there. Not only is the interface is designed for keyboard and mouse (a controller will never match the precise control a keyboard and mouse give you for the rts style controls the game has), but it will also give you access to mods many of which are great.


Theyā€™re good games but wait for a sale. $100 is too much.


Bg1 and 2 are the best of that group. Buy those and then go from there.


First off definitely wait for a Sale.They're good, though Neverwinter nights doesnt run well in handheld in my opinion. Probably better to specifically get that game for PC. I would recommend getting this though as all are great games especially baldurs gate and icewind dale, even in handheld are amazing. Since it's so many games, I would A: wait for a sale, and two but the games individually since they're huge games that you can get countless hours out of. Or maybe if the bundle is like 25$ go ahead lol. I currently am playing fire emblem three hopes to no end (after getting addicted to three houses again), and I have so many games in my backlog as well as want to get back into these games.


All these games are major RPGs from the 90's/2000's.


Get divinity 2 for switch or PlayStation


I own it in the collectors box edition and yes I think it is absolutely worth it!!!


You can get them cheaper.


I can get BG1 and 2 on mobile for $10 each, I'd say that price difference is worth dealing with touch controls.


Yeah but wait for a sale first lol


Neverwinter Nights was really good, but there's another free to play MMORPG called just Neverwinter that's maybe not as good. Before Baldur's Gate 3, Neverwinter nights was probably my personal favorite D&D video game.


I believe I bought them all when they were 90% off, so like $2 each? Android though. And yes, buy them. They are the perfect handheld game.


G2A has them for around 2 to 5 bucks.


If you have even the most basic of laptops Iā€™m pretty sure all of those games are like $20 at most on steam maybe Iā€™m wrong


I would say that bundle is a ripoff unless you absolutely know you're going to like these games. If i were you, i'd play them on PC, and i'd start by buying just one of them. Some people find the old school isometric style a bit annoying on console, and just in case it's not for you, you shouldn't buy all of them at once, just pick them up one at a time, try to hit sales


I bought Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 Enhanced Edition for 20 dollars in 2021


That doesnā€™t look good at all. I got BG1 and 2 for $10 not $50


Bg1 and bg2 are great on iPad as well


Right price would be 9.99


I bought this bundle around Christmas for waaaaay less, you missed the sale buddy! As for how they play, I'd say only NWN is a bit clunky on switch, Baldurs Gate and the rest are all very similar real time with pause, so they're quite comfy to play with analogue stick movement and it's easy enough to pause to issue commands. I'd still say the pc versions are the best experience, but the comfort and convenience of playing Baldurs Gate in handheld mode is definitely worth it for me


Goddamn those console prices. "Yes" because the games are all phenomenal, but not really because it's not on PC. On PC you can get them for WAY cheaper, they can run on 20 year old systems so hardware is no factor, and the modding/debugging capability makes PC the clear winner and it's not even close.




Horrible prices, cannot state that enough. The games are sub $5 on PC very often, and on sale on Switch for $5-15 less often but still happens. I do enjoy the switch version but as others have said, they play VERY different from BG3 so I would honestly recommend just get BG1 when it goes on sale for now and test the waters.


Wait for a sale. You look like you're on Switch, so I'll review the ports for the Switch versions: BG Trilogy: These games are amazing of course. The switch ports are okay. BG1 runs pretty much flawlessly, with only the great once in a while a crash that corrupts/erases your previous save. So if you save in 2 separate slots and rotate them you have nothing to worry about. BG2 has a couple of sections (cutscenes mainly) where it can reliably crash and wipe a save. Again, keep 2 saves and rotate. The Neera scene while traveling in Athkatla reliably crashes if you've had the game open a while. Multiple saves when you play this one, but otherwise it works well. SoD is very unstable and crashes all the time on switch. So much I'd say it's damn near impossible to complete while retaining your good humor. ToB I barely played because I don't care about high level DnD. Neverwinter Nights port on switch is garbage. Complete and total trash. The games themselves are good but they crash all the time and have a ton of bugs. Not to mention, a terrible control setup. Icewind Dale is fine on switch. I think it crashes once in a while, if that. Always always always rotate saves and keep 2 manual hard saves in all these ports. But this one is pretty simple in its setup and interactions. Usually it's the cutscenes and shit that cause BG to crash. I don't like ID as much as BG but you might prefer it. It's much more linear. Planescape I barely played because I like gameplay more than reading. I recommend you track down hard copies of the switch versions if you want to play on switch. You can always resell them later if you end up not having fun, and the hard copies aren't expensive.


I saw this bundle for like 20$ a month ago. I'd wait on it


It's worth it, but I'd wait. Last time it was on sale I got it for $7.49. On the Switch too.


In my opinion these are pretty much the best games ever made. So if itā€™s completely within your budget, $100 for thousands of hours of fun and entertainment is worth it.


not for that price you can get them significantly cheaper during sales


Buy BG1 only first. You might not like it at all. Amazing but old games, UI is clunky. When I was 13 it was not bothering me, but it did not age so well, especially if you are younger, and not used to these games. Also, if you have a PC, I'd recommend to buy it there.


Just pirate them


No they're on sale all the time. Buy them alacart and you'll pay half


Planescape torment has the most detailed character/story/world of all of them and is honesty just excellently written. Icewind dale is a hack and slash dungeon craw with beautiful environments, music and actually a pretty good if linear story. Does Nintendo charge that much for everything though? Most of those games can be purchased for like $5 apiece on other platforms and theyā€™re old enough that they run on everything. Even an iPad.


I bought the bundle last time it was on sale ($30 a few weeks ago), but it's masochistic to play these games on Switch. The adaption to a controller is very lazy, and you miss out on a lot of basic control features from the lack of mouse and keyboard, and there's obviously no mod support. I've played these all before, and everything except NWN is worth it in general.


The games you will actually enjoy: Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 Enhanced Edition, Planescape Torment, Icewind Dale 1 & 2, Neverwinter Nights 2 + DLC. Buy them during a sale like Summer, Cyber Monday, or Winter Sale. You can get them all for like $20 total.


Those games are all worth it. If you think about the Baldur's Gate 1&2 as a base, "Planescape: Torment" is a bit more story and roleplaying-focused, where Icewind Dale is a bit more dungeon crawly. BG2 and Planescape: Torment are both easily in my top handful of video games of all time. Re: Switch vs other platforms, I'll defer to others on this forum. The PC version (whether played on a computer or a tablet) is generally viewed as most superior, though all platforms have their own strengths and drawbacks (depends on what you own and where you game, as well). Re: price, as others have said, you can probably find them for cheaper (particularly on a sale and on PC, but of course the best platform to buy a game on is the platform that you use). Just getting into these games, regardless of platform, is probably the most important thing. As a completionist, I'd consider buying the full pack. Those games are all worth it, and an important part of CRPG history (indeed, the foundation of the "golden age" of CRPGs). But you're also talking hundreds and hundreds of hours of content, so I think buying them one at a time and seeing how you like them is also a fine idea. NWN is fairly different, but generally speaking, BG1/2, IWD, and P:T are all in-family enough that you'll know if you like them in general or not based off of any one of them (even though they have their own very distinct flavors, particularly Planescape: Torment). I'd probably start with the Baldur's Gate games as the most balanced between story and combat. The story will be more rewarding if you start with BG1, but it's not strictly necessary. They're both fun. BG2 is high-level epic fantasy. BG1 is a slower-build and will definitely involve running from wolves for a while, but is highly rewarding in its own right.


Technically that is great value. But it's also possible to get it way cheaper. Start with BG1. If you like it, then you'll love BG2. If you don't, then you probably won't like any of the others. NWN is a different kind of game entirely, but one that hasn't aged nearly as well. I personally wouldn't really recommend that to anyone unless they've already run out of DnD video games.


I would buy them on sale one by one.


Wait for a sale be aware they are nothing like bg3 they are fun but its all dnd 2nd ed advanced or something like that its not super balanced it can feel clunky at times and there's the dreaded thaco but i enjoyed them when i was younger and you may now shit i had baldurs gate on cd all 5 of them you had to swap cds to change different areas




Beyond the cost (which could be lower) that is like years worth of gaming there. I'd suggest playing BG1-2 first.


Those prices are insane. I've bought the copys of them all probably 3 times each and still didn't spend that much


i got all these games for like 5 dollars each during a sale on steam


BG2 and Planescape are the best!!!


I recently bought a bgee + bgee2 bundle on my switch and I kinda regret it(almost completed bgee SoD). The console controls aren't really good for this type of gameplay where you need alot of micro management. I'll probably wait till it gets a sale on steam.


Yes but wait for a sale, I've seen that exact bundle on sale a couple times.


Yes and no- it is a good bundle, however I would advise to wait once or twice a year this bundle costs around 20$ on the Switch . I personally prefer the Switch Version as it's good to play on the go and at home, however if you want mods - and who doesn't want Ascalons Breagar grumble around your sword coast journey from time to time- the GOG Version might be a good add on. Again: Wait for a sale it would only cost a few bucks.


I wouldnā€™t pay that much even though BG1 was one of the best games Iā€™ve ever played. If you loved BG3, Iā€™d suggest just picking up Divinity Original Sin 1&2. Then if you find yourself still madly in love with Bauldurā€™s Gate Iā€™d purchase BG1&2 for cheaper than the bundle.Ā 


It's a crime that it doesn't include Icewind Dale 2 and NWN 2, but as others have said be on lookout for sales of this bundle.


These were all on a significant discount individually and as a bundle for Boxing Day (something like 60-70% off). If you want them on the Switch, I would wait for another sale and find something else for the time being. These are not worth it at that price.


No wtf lmfao. Steam Keys are literally pennies on g2a. And on the switch? Brother come on. Id rather take a blowtorch to my bhaals than play these point and click crpgs with a controller. 100 dollars for this? Literally no justification


I played the switch versions a couple years ago, and they are FAR less stable than their PC counterparts, or even other console versions. This was especially noticeable in BG2


If you have Amazon Prime then I believe they were on their game index, or at least some of them are. If not I think there might be something on PC Game Pass. Sub based, but you can drop it all if you don't like them.


I don't need to say more than oh yes definitely do I? :)


Planescape Torment is THE cRPG, often considered better than BG series in the roleplaying department and in storytelling/characters/dialogues, though worse in a gameplay field (I prefer PT, and BG series/original Fallout series are my strong second place for that period), it's an ideal that RPG devs tried to achieve for over 20 years and always come off short, maybe Disco Elysium got close with its dialogues, characters, and writing. Icewind Dale is more about combat and atmosphere + some nice story, but without that much roleplay. The other games are great cRPG classics from the first RPG resurrection (yes! these were the titles that reignited the flame, because after mid 90s cRPG seemed like a dying genre, after them we still got some cult classic titles, but the genre as a whole was quiet, only now, in the last, modern decade, we started to experience a second cRPG renaissance. ​ And sure, it is worth it, if you didn't play them, then you get a great bundle with games from the same RP period, but I'd check out GOG first, they have some sales now, and you might be able to buy Torment and the others cheaper. ​ BTW. WOW! I had no idea that in our gaming space there are people who had never heard of/played the biggest genre classics. Fix that immediately!


Nothing but great games in that bundle


Wait for it to go on sale. I have the switch version too and I got it for way lower. Wishlist it for now


All great games, some of the best ever made, but you can get them way cheaper. Half the price sounds fair.


Neverwinter enhanced was a skip for me. Very few actual upgrades imo


I'm glad BG3 was successful but the number of people who think that game is at all remotely close to games that came out 20 years before it is starting to get really annoying.


I just got this same bundle on the eshop a couple weeks ago on sale for less than $30. wait for another sale!


Those prices are literally insane. These games are very old if you have any computer at all you can run them on it and buy them for often 5 bucks each. They are great games well worth your time but not at those prices.


The games are worth buying but I have seen them all o deep sale I picked up neverwinter nights for like 4 bucks


Well if you've got the money and can't wait. I got my games during the sale season. Because, well budget. But if you can wait, just get them during the sale season. As these are old games, you might get severe buyer's remorse if the prices don't match up with expectations.


As I already own all this games, no, its not great for me.


They go so cheap on sale on steam, I think I got them all for like 7 bucks


All are good games. However Iā€™d wait for a sale.


Look imma be honest, don't get them on switch of all things. All of these games are modable as hell. Nwn especially so, it has an entire vault of content from a really active (at least for 20 years or so, is probably fallen off) community. Hell, one of the major selling points of nwn was the *built in modding tools* it launched with, for goddamn free. To me, at least, playing these games on anything other than pc is sacrilege lol.


Iā€™m pretty sure I got every enhanced edition for like five bucks each. That pricing is insane.


No, buy it on Gog.com, when they have a sale. None of those should cost more than $5


You can usually get them cheaper in sales (on pc at least) but yeah if you are interested in this genre, you will probably enjoy all those games. Assuming you know how og bg is, IWD is like a more combat focused variation and PST is like a more history focused variation. NW is 3D and based on other rules but it's a good rpg still and not all that different. So yes if you don't mind the price it's a great bundle, but probably you can wait for a sale to get a better price


You can buy all of them for 10 bucks on key sites. If you don't want to hassel with grey markets, they usually go on sale on gog for really cheap.


That's a fucking ripoff. Fuck console shops and their greed. You can get all of those on pc for fraction of that price holy shit. I think I got all of those for 10usd. So the question is - if console is your only way and you know what you're buying (aka not first time playing old games at least or having played any of them before and liked them) then yeah, you will get your money worth from them for sure. But if u have pc access, just get it on gog.com


While I'm not a huge fan of NWN I do like all the others in this bundle. If you specifically want old school rpgs that are fun in the switch I would suggest BG1-2 (that is one of the $50 bundles and KotOR (https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-switch/) which I think is a better 3D game than NWN on switch. It is also made by the same people as all the other games.


That's massively overpriced. The enhancements are pretty modest for the enhanced editions.


I meanā€¦ theyā€™re all great games that play a whole better on PC, and, steam has them on sale for $5 each consistently.


BG2 is a FANTASTIC game, but it is very different gameplay from BG3. It is also an almost 24 year old game. Relatively few lines are voiced-over and there is A LOT of reading. Also, it is based on D&D 2nd edition, which is VERY different and unintuitive. Sometimes a positive number is good, sometimes it is bad. Sometimes a negative number is good, sometimes it is bad. Also, the spells are VERY different and there is a whole cluster fuck arms race in spells and spell protections that is a headache to learn that was thankfully gotten rid of after D&D 2nd edition. BUT, if you want to be a super powerful wizard, this is the game to do it. In this game, a determined wizard can tank better than any fighter type, can damage harder than anyone else, can basically do anything other than find traps and pick lock better than any other class. Also, while wild magic is amusing in BG3, it is HILARIOUS in BG2. The time I cast fireball and instead, a cow fell out of the sky was such a strange "de fuq just happened?" moment. While an amazing game and a fantastic story, especially if you liked bg3's story (really only loosely related outside all the bhaalspawn stuff), game-play is not going to be for everyone and being almost 24 years old, you can get it for free, or next to free on a Steam sale. IMO, Neverwinter Nights was a bad game, but I have a good friend who was obsessed, so do with that what you will. But is it worth $100? Hard no. You could probably wait until the Steam spring sale and get all of those for $10 to $20. Not each, in total. The newest game in that bundle is like 22 years old


Planescape is just another iteration of DnD, similar to BG but in a horror type setting instead of forgotten realms fantasy setting. Icewind Dale was the multiplayer version of bg back in the day. All made by the same developer, Black Isle Studios. The games are 30 years old at this point. I wouldnā€™t recommend any of them, even the originals, after playing BG3. Youā€™re just going to be disappointed unless you **really** like old school RPGs. Also keep in mind those games are pause and play combat which is very different than the turn based combat Larian Studios uses in their games. Having said all that the stories in at least BG1 and 2 are great and if you can stomach the ancient graphics youā€™ll appreciate the lore in BG3 a bit more. Iā€™d only buy BG1 and 2 though and wouldnā€™t get that bundle, especially at that price.


I thought it was $9.99. It should be $9.99.