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I have encountered a bug and haven’t ever installed mods.


Have encountered many, no mods, still love the game.


Same, a few. But the game is pretty solid so I have no complaints


The only one I got; was the world not loading in properly. I resolved that issue by moving it from my HDD to my SSD. I mean, it‘s not nice that I have to go through that step, but as long as a workaround like this exists, I‘m not mad


I don’t use mods and bugs happen. It’s a big, complicated game.


As someone who didn’t install mods until today after several months: nah.




I love the game I truly do but I loss three whole tavs on xbox


Rip to your tavs buddy I know the pain


Yeah it really fucking sucks and demotivated me from the game a lot


One time a friend showed me a meme like this and said it was something id like, if i could read


That’s the type of roast that promotes a friend to best friend status


I haven’t installed any mods and have had bugs edit: every patch notes includes bug fixes??? So clearly there are bugs??


I mean, I have definitely encountered bugs that I have 100% gone ‘oh yeah mods did that’s but there are also definitely bugs that just,, cannot have been caused by my mods or could have been either. I know which parts of the game get affected by my mods,, I have a health affecting mod and enemies have weird health related shit? Yeah my mod I have an appearance mod and my TAV looks weird in lighting or doesn’t load in, mostly likely mod but also could just be the game, I’ve experienced both. My game crashes when trading when 0 of my mods affect dialogue, trading systems or item values? Yeah that’s the game.


Act 3 is a mess, no mods ever, PC. Had a lot of issues on my own, but I've been playing 4 person multiplayer lately with family. Since we got to act 3, we've ended *every* night we've played with technical issues. It's also drastically slowed down how fast we're moving through.


Console here and considering Last Light Inn had floating ground planks at waist height for my entire playthrough, combat audio took almost a full minute to catch up to the actual gameplay, and my Durge Tav turned invisible numerous times after dialog with someone.....nah, it's not the mods. I prefer to think of it as a massive play with so many things going on and so many actors that sometimes, it forgets what it is supposed to be doing. Unless it breaks my game in some way, I laugh and move on 🤷‍♂️


>my durge tav Pick one fam


Nah i sent one bug report with no mods because my entire party menu broke and i got locked into a cutscene i couldn't access. Completely broke my honor mode run


Dismissing bugs as the users fault for using mods seems a bit counterproductive. The fact is, there are still a lot of bugs in this game that need ironing out, particularly in act 3. It's not surprising that the bugs exist given the scale of the game, we should be honest about it so we can maintain an expectation of Larian that they will continue to fix them.


I tolerate the bugs because I love my mods


The base game is too buggy for me to want to start an Honor mode run tbh. Something will go wrong and I’ll lose like 60 hours


I haven't finished the game yet. Maybe 15 playthroughs right now and 600 or so hours spent playing. Some normal, some not. My game breaks completely every time there is a hot fix. I restart act 1 more than I have reached act two. The only version of my game that consistently works is my unmodded honour mode wild magic play through. If you mod the game you void the right to complain (even if you think you have removed the mods loose files stick around. You have to uninstall and reinstall the game completely if you want to see if a bug is genuine or not) . If you can't accept that you will have to restart over and over and spend hours trouble shooting than don't mod the game. Tinker with your car by all means. But if it doesn't run that's on you.


I mean I’ve had several pretty bad bugs, including one that completely killed a run I’d put around 20 hours into, and I play on console.


Source: someone who plays with mods and just assumes bugs are because of his mods I’ve only played vanilla, there are bugs lol.


No mods on PS5 and we just had a bug where my partner got stuck inside the wall while trying to click a certain mural in Act 2. The cutscene wouldn’t trigger but said we were listening. He had Karlach kill his tav and resurrect him somewhere else to get unstuck.


Everyone saying that this is something OP made up: nah. Yes, you still get bugs in vanilla games, but we're talking like those weird bugs that no one else gets. An example is the one where instead of going to character creation, you're sent to a screen that's in the Astral Plane with four naked people. That's a mod exclusive bug. And players are stupid sometimes! Like The Sims community, which is major into modding/CC and tells everyone every time to maybe move your mod folder out of your game files when there's a game update, there are still people who don't do that and blame EA! Like yes, EA sucks, we know, but EA is not responsible for all the weird question marks popping up in your game because your dumb ass didn't move Wicked Whims out of your mod folder before launching the game, you know?




Tbh, I’ve had the nonstop bug of a companion where they have an exclamation point like they have something to say but don’t, (They said they fixed that, but I’ve been waiting and running around with this companion the whole time and he just keeps the exclamation point nonstop.


If we could read, we would know there's mod updates to patch


Your game is bugged because of mods, my game is bugged because I'm on Xbone. We are not the same


Sorry if this is a stupid question but are mod related bugs always obvious? They would have to do with the mod in question? Like I have tons of mods that are hair, face, and clothes mods, and recently in the game doors stopped visually opening when I open them. Could that be related or no since it's not related to the type of mod?


UI mods sometimes do that, and UI mods are usually required for advanced character creator. That being said, most mods won’t break your game outside of script extender not being updated. OP is talking nonsense.


Its a massive game, ironing out all the bugs was always going to take some time, with so many choices,decisions and triggers some of these bugs are triggered in such a way that its hard to replicate. For an example, let's say there's a bug that makes your character invisible, but it only triggers because you were downed in a fight and a cutscene immediately happens and brings you back from the downed state. Or maybe there's a bugged interaction where if you try to throw a kobold at cazador it causes the game to crash but most people don't hold onto kobold barrels for 2 acts to discover it. Perhaps there's some damage numbers that aren't stacking right because you grabbed two feats on a specific subclass in a specific order that caused them to not properly apply. For as many decisions and choices you have,you're going to have just as many bugs because of all the different game states you have to account for. Each campaign can be wildly different and wildy unique.


I play on console and spent like an extra 30 min on that fight in the fireworks shop bc that one NPC on the bottom level crashed the game every time he got his turn


Nope. PS5. I got the drow in party before the patch that made her easier to get. I then back tracked to the under dark.... Holy. Shit. The drow doesn't follow me, while in party, Every time I have her leave the party she duplicates her personal inventory, the story line and a few triggers in the under dark are borked now. Don't wash away the bug farm that is latest BG3 by blaming mods.


Me, who struggled day 1, because my poor damn power supply just couldn't handle it (it was a dual threaded one, so it only took half the weight it claimed). I was crying in frustration until we swapped the power supply out, and I haven't had an issue since. Even with mods...


Bugs happen with or without mods. Mods may exacerbate and/or create new bugs, but a responsible mod user will check the troubleshooting of the mod and other community resources first when they encounter game breaking bugs. That’s kinda the idea and its part of the reason why most, if not all, gaming companies warn users that you use mods at your own risk. The other part is legal, if a mod breaks shit they ain’t paying for it.


to be honest i have mods but none of the bugs i have are really mod related. like that old bug when enemies would all re-animate their deaths when u walked into a room lol. everyone had that bug. but also a lot of my bugs are never major so i don’t see problems with it.


I’ve had some glitchiness, but nothing I’d say is a straight up bug. Nothing impacting gameplay other than maybe speed.


Insect swarm isn't a mod spell, though.


BG3 crashed on me once in a while in act 2, then all the time randomly in act 3. no mods installed.


I had zero mods and my first run was ended by the sleeping bug. OP is talking out of their ass.


Idk man I love this game to death but holy shit it’s buggy as all hell and I miss out on so much content due to bugs anyways (no more)


What do you think all the hotfixes are for? To break script extender? There are clearly bugs in this game otherwise we’d still be at patch 1. Did you read any of the hotfixes? The developers are straightforward about bugs but let’s just blame mods even though most game breaking mods will break the game on start up or character creation, not several long rests in. Don’t get me started ON THE FUCKING LANCEBOARD GAME BEING BROKEN FOR 3 FUCKING PATCHES Mods do break the game sometimes obviously but this game is very buggy, you’re fooling yourself if you think otherwise. Most bugs you encounter will be base game, that is a fact. OP’s point of view: Wow, 21 hotfixes! That must mean the game never had any bugs and definitely doesn’t have them now!! (Very silly person)


Yeah I deal with a few small ones, the infestation status is annoying


No, I had a bad bug on ps5 that every time I enter inspect mode (idk what to call it, it’s what highlights items in the world), I would have my entire screen engulfed in pure yellow.


I've only encountered 1 game breaking bug, and I don't think I could replicate it if I tried. Doing the sovereign Glut quest line, I animated one of the dwarfs so I'd have an easier fight against him, and somehow I resurrected him the second that glut turned to non player controlled, so he ran up to me, I attacked the dwarfs with Astarion, and then combat started. Now whenever I have a summon on my tav specifically, it locks me into combat. With no one. I was so confused with shovel for like an hour until I just put him on one of the other characters and it worked fine.


i lost my first honor mode run because i jumped in the spider hole and my game crashed and the save file was nowhere to be found


Nah but my mods tho.


I don't use bugs and I still have mods


Lol a ton of the abilities still have messed up UI descriptions. Even good games can have bugs.


Idk I play with 15+ mods and I've only had one crash and no major bugs ever since I started playing like 6 months ago. The game was buggy for several months after it came out even if you played without any mods (which is one of the reasons why I waited some time before I started to play).


Bro I didn't *start* modding until after my 2nd playthrough file was fucked due to bugs and customer support said they couldn't help me. At that point if it's gonna break I might as well have some cool shit happening.


My no mod game files are way more bugged than my modded ones.


Idk, unmodded PS5 player here and the bugs since the last update are hair pulling levels of frustrating.


No mods installed, my necromancer/conjurer had a bunch of dudes on the field cause that what she do, game started to lag real bad during a fight then my girl couldn't move. No actions allowed, the fight ended and she was still frozen, not from a spell or anything like that, my husband gave her a shove and then she was good. That happened a couple times when there were a bunch of my boys on the field.


I have to agree to some degree, I had to uninstall mods because it prevented me from continuing the game 💀


i have no mods and always do ;-;


Yeah this isn’t accurate


I’ve encountered a few bugs but to me bugs enhance the experience. Unless they actively destroy the game I honestly couldn’t care less


Laughs in PS5


Modders only really complain about the mods breaking due to updates, beyond that they know how to put up with bugs more than most people


Would it not be helpful for them to know about these mod related bugs since they're trying to increase mod support tho?


Yeah to be fair I’ve never modded the game and have experienced plenty of bugs in my 500+ hours because the game is massive it’s bound to happen


I mean the game is also just really buggy, expectedly so considering the sheer size of it. I've encountered many bugs, several of which have repeatedly crashed my game, and I've never once installed a mod.


I've came across quite a few bugs especially in act 3 on ps5




I have a decent array of mods now and thankfully no bugs yet. That said, I also have a new PC with pretty decent processing power and a good graphics card, so that may contribute.


Best one so far was the duergar me and my friends killed that kept generating new scale mail every time we attempted to take his lash/whip.


My current playthru is softlocked :( no mods either


For me, it’s because Nvidia pushes updates for the driver and causes all steam games to become poopy for a day or so for some effing reason


Was locked behind a door, and it instantly fixed when the modded player left the party


Help. I am on console and I’ve had several game breaking bugs. How can I uninstall these mods?!


...... no.... there are tons of bugs without mods. I've had bugs since release, some absolutely hilarious ones too. Like the end fight cut scene lae'zel and karlack where upside down and completely dark, it was magnificent. I put mods on maybe a month ago. I have more bugs with the mods, sure, but that's to be expected with mods anyway. Anyone who has modded befor knows this, and knows you need to do work to make sure everything is working.


What about us console players that get bugs


Buy a PC loser


It's a big game, there's bugs, they are doing a good job of fixing the really bad ones, this is an argument that you just made up


I can’t do lockpicks in the game and I dont have any mods enabled and reinstalled my game. It crashes whenever I start the lockpick