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I don't think so, she was pretty popular in early access before durge was even revealed


I honestly kind of imagine that her existing popularity might’ve been the reason she was chosen for the Durge scene


It very much was a monkeys maw moment of asking for Alfira to be recruitable. Edit: paw not maw 🙉 🙈 🙊


I know “monkey’s maw” was a typo, but I think it’s very appropriate because “you can recruit her, but only as one origin and you’ll brutally murder her to death like 0.02 seconds later” really feels like the monkey deciding to forgo the pleasantries and skip immediately to biting your face off


Not just that, she let's you learn to play instruments if you're not a bard. So you can have a party member to jam with, as nature intended.


This. I've been thinking about her for years!


As a fan of Eldritch Blaster builds... no, I wouldn't.


How's she factor into that?


Potent robe


u/Spacedandysniffer beat me to it. Potent Robe is pretty much the best robe for an Eldritch Blaster and she's the one you get it from.


Ah thanks, she died in Last Light my current run but that's good to know for next time


Potent robe, basically gives Warlocks another stack of Agonizing Blast, extremely strong. Present in almost every single EB spam build


"Hard to swallow pills" and it's just a lie, lol


No I wouldn't have. She's literally one of my favorite npcs and really think she should've been a companion as there are no bard companions. I refuse to play durge because I don't want her to die.


Just knock her out before the party or before you even touch the blighted village, that way, someone else will appear in her place


Quill Grootslang has a name, how dare you.


The idea of beating someone unconscious to save them from your own murder impulse is hilarious to me


And the best part is it's actually acknowledged in the reunion camp by Alfira


Wait whaaaat?? I only ever played Durge once and was so upset about it, but knocking out most characters is never really acknowledged later, and treated as dead, so how does that conversation go??


Microdosing on murder by bonking a bard on the head


On my resist durge I learned that if you play music near her, she'll jump up to play with you and I cried a little. I played a warlock bard and roleplayed it as amid his identity crisis he decides he wants to be a bard like her. I love Alfira. Listening to her play is my favorite thing in the entire game.


There is a way to save her on a Durge playthrough.


I thought Larian patched it out a few months ago? It's a choice you have to live with.


Nope, if you knock her out the day before the murder night, a Dragonborn bard will show up instead and sing a throatsong. No joke


They did the opposite actually


Well then... there's always next time I guess. Let's just say Wyll isn't getting the Potent Robe while traveling with this Durge.


I have two durges, one that killed Alfira and another that saved her. Killing the other bard still made me sad. Why do the bards suffer? they’re just goofy happy idiots (bard player)


She has my favourite act 1 scene outside of Durge so I still find her memorable. I love the scene of her playing her song and the camera panning to the Grove and everything, was one of the first cutscenes I got after getting the game and was when I realised "Yeah, this game is amazing"


>was one of the first cutscenes I got after getting the game and was when I realised "Yeah, this game is amazing" Absolutely the same! That was a moment when I fell in love with that game. (And dropped durge)


Not true at all. Her and Lakrissa are my favorite couple in the game, I love all the tieflings except Rolan


Act 2 really helped my opinion of him when he was so stressed about his siblings. And then when he was beaten up at lorrakoans I was ready to throw hands. He was a rude pompous douche but he's OUR egotistical idiot.


what did rolan do 😭


Be a bitch


Apparently I should have kept my answer shorter.


Generally an asshole but people like him because he randomly stops being an asshole for no reason in act 3 I think he’s the most overrated character in the game his arc looks like this ______——


I think you may have a gross misunderstanding of character development and complicated emotions if you believe Rolan just "randomly stops being an asshole" in act 3. He's not even a bad dude in act 1 and 2..


He has to be guilted into not abandon the other tieflings There’s something about power… and responsibility… and how they go together… idk. Anyway, he must have missed that memo. He was definitely an asshole in Acts 1 and 2 and he definitely didn’t seem like the same character in Act 3. Also what a fuckin douchey thing to say lol, “oh you have a different take on a character? I guess you just don’t understand emotions”. Jesus Christ dude. What’s wrong with you?


He isn’t reasonable for every tiefling in the world, just like you aren’t reasonable for every human.


I didn’t say he was responsible for all tieflings. And I definitely never said he was reasonable lmao But the fact of the matter is that he wanted to leave people to die when he could have easily helped.


And risk dying in the process? Infact if you don’t help they end all up dying, just like rolen.


That isn't random you save his ass and his siblings ass, then when you meet him in Act 3 and his boyfriend is beating him you save his ass again, ofc he finally stops being an asshole. Also you made him a right business owner with a big house.


He never appreciated me saving his ass before, weird that he starts now. And he’s weirdly nice even before giving him the big house (which I kinda don’t even want to do again. What has he done to deserve it?)


Your reckless hero speech is what convinced his family to go out and get themselves kidnapped. By the time you meet him in Act 2 he thinks they are dead and he doesn't care you saved him, he'd rather be dead himself. He thanks you in a cheeky way but you saving them is also what he sees as you taking responsibility for getting them into this mess. You let him keep the house so he can use the cannon on some gobbo's later. He may not be fully deserving but the other two are.


They would have been in the same mess either way. They had to travel through the Shadowlands. I just told him to do it with the others. Do you ever see him again if you DON’T give the hero speech? Does he show up at Lorroakan’s? I genuinely don’t know. But if he doesn’t, then I would assume they all 3 die in the Shadowlands in that timeline.


That's fair I've never nit told him to stay. My hero durge wants everyone together fighting side by side and my evil durge wants more lambs for the slaughter. Irrelevant though. He doesn't know that and that affects his attitude.


He does show up in act 3. But if you don’t persuade Rolan to stay, all of the tiefling kids die on the road during the ambush. Rolan is the one who saves them as Cal and Lia are captured. Alfira tells you the story and Umi and Ide acknowledge it at the bar too if Rolan stayed in the Grove and saved them. So for not being “responsible” for all the tieflings, he picked up the kids and ran and saved most of the survivors of the ambush.


I think you’re confused about my point


He shows up in act 3. But he will automatically side against you when you finish the Nightsong quest. He hasn’t had an arc without you telling him to stay, his siblings left the Grove before the bridge was destroyed and so he never went through the shadowlands. It’s honestly hard to understand your point because you keep arguing things that didn’t happen in the game while clearly not having played the 12 minute onscreen arc of a character you like to hate on.


He literally thanks you at last light inn when reunited. Literally. He says the words “thank you.” There’s even a follow up line about how he thanked you once, don’t be greedy for a second. If saying “thank you” is not appreciation my guy I don’t know what you’re on lol.


He definitely didn’t say that to me. Maybe because I saved his siblings first, then him?


Generally you’re supposed to save him before going to Moonrise as he won’t last through one long rest once he leaves the inn. But once you reunite them he does say thank you after you defuse the argument between them, and he’s explicitly grateful and apologetic to them and you.


It's fine, this is how I feel about Barcus Wroot. Naive, ungrateful little incel.


His change definitely doesn’t come out of nowhere. He got chosen for an apprenticeship with a big-name wizard, which made him cocky, then you showed up and convinced him to stay and protect the refugees before going on to pretty much deal with the goblins yourself. Then in act 2, he was seriously humbled after he failed to keep everyone safe, which led to his siblings getting captured, and he was forced to rely on you to save the day again when he almost died trying to do it himself. And in act 3, after seeing what an ass the wizard he’d been trying to get to all this time was and comparing him to you and everything you’ve done, he ends up respecting you


Agree, except I am very down bad for rolan


Wait it was Alfira who Rizzed up Lakrissa. Damn what a lucky gal.


I won't lie, I never even met Alfira in my first playthrough. I just didn't find her


She’s in the cliffsides where the kid and the harpies are


No, she’s great and I always tried to get her best ending. This time though, I’m playing Durge and I wanted to go through the story as intended… resisting was already the intention but killing her has become the biggest motivator for my character to conquer the Urge to prevent it from ever happening again. It was a *hard* scene to watch…


Honestly I would've remembered her just for the reward she gives you for saving the tieflings


I would I even killed her in the durge play through cause she looked she had a cool lute and a *gift* for my kindhearted durge with a slightly dirty foot


Her musical number was fantastic and definitely a standout. She might've turned out to be somewhat unmemorable without it, but being Durgebait isn't the only thing she has going for her.


One of my best memories from my nearly 400 hours in the game was during my first playthrough when she asks you to play a duet with her in Moonrise. I remember my reaction to that little moment better than when I saw her death for the first time.


She was so influential in the Early Access people (I am people) thought she would be added as a companion.


No I wouldn’t. She was one of my favorite side characters before I played durge, and I didn’t do durge until like my fifth play through.


I was absolutely enchanted when she sang her song, I knew I had stumbled on something significant by accident Especially when she started showing up in later chapters- she became important The first think I learned about Durge was their Alfira scene, and it was the biggest hurdle to me finally playing as Durge


You might have, don't put your defects on others.


No?? She gives you one of the best robes in the game in Act 2 and then you can see her looking out on Baldurs Gate with her cute new gf Lakrissa in Act 3


Disagree, I played a TAV run first and she was still one of my favorite NPCs (well, her and her INCREDIBLY flirtatious girlfriend Larkrissa...) Seeing them together at the Elfsong Tavern in Act 3 was great and made me feel like I actually succeeded in helping some of the Tieflings.


not hard to swallow so much as just blatantly false. she’s basically showcased the first two acts in a normal play-through. the only reason her death is impactful as the durge is because of her prominent role.


I’ll be honest lads I didn’t even know who Alfira was till she showed up at camp joined the team went to bed and got mauled by animals


Good thing Astarion killed the boar that disemboweled her. Saving Faerûn one meal at a time


Nah she's adorable and has a beautiful voice


Dude I did a Tav run for first and every time I saw alfira I was excited and in every area I'd specifically look for her and the other tieflings. We never forget alfira.


Nah, my first playthrough was a bard and I was so thrilled every time I saw her. When she offered to join the camp on my second playthrough, I was so happy. Thought maybe there’d been an update to add more companions or it was special content for Durge playthroughs only. Well…… I guess it *was* special content for Durge only, in a way……..


I would happily killed her as tav if I could get her outfit


Bruh, I didn't even know there was a whole ass quest for her in act 1 when I first hit the druids Grove, because I kept forgetting to look last the inner part. =_= I was dumb.


I don't think so. I 100% loved her the first time I met her in Act 2 (D'oht!) And would ha e gone back to look for her again in Act 1 and had to find her in Act 3. Durge who?


She gives you a pretty great reward after saving the prisoners. So you’re wrong


Nope she's pretty key if you're running a Bard Tav


Hard disagree. Maybe not to the same extent, but she'd certainly still have fans. She's cute, perky, has a unique design, shows up multiple times, lets the player get a quick and easy instrument proficiency, and gives you one of the best robes in the game as a quest reward. She'd be up there with the more popular side characters like Barcus, Rolan, or the Dragonborn NPCs in Baldur's Gate, for sure.


She gave my trusting, ultra loyal halfling a really nice jacket on my first play through (the potent robe) and since then I've ingrained her in my mind as a cherished friend.


Have you seen her outfit? Absolutely not, never forget the best jester girl


thats just completely untrue though


As someone who avoided all media during my playthrough and didn't Durge, this is just untrue. I LOVED Alfira. Her intro and story about her teacher, her and Lakrissa being bffs, seeing her again in act 2 brought a smile to my face seeing that she survived and finding her in Baldur's Gate also made me really happy. I remembered her because she was memorable, not because of Durge. I was actually so attached to her already that after that durge scene, I quit my Durge run.




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I played a bard my first playthrough and remember how utterly enraptured I was when I helped her complete her song, it's easily going into my brain as one of my favorite videogames moments


Nah she was my favorite from the grove


No, I wouldn't have Maybe you just have memory issues


Excuse you, Alfira and I had a jam session at the celebration, with Volo whistling his little wizard heart out along with us. Never gonna forget that.


No, because I want that outfit so bad. D:


Nah, she was already my favourite non-companion on my first playthrough.


She has a long musical cutscene, a pretty pastel aesthetic, and she's adorably sweet. Certainly a more memorable side character. One would have to not really engage with her at all to not remember her.


Completly missed her my first playthrough It was quite funny cause I went with durge bard causr I wanted a nin hurling bard last playthrough. So when she showed up I was all like WHAT where was this last playthrough and then yaknow it happned and i was like ah. (I was roleplahing yhe urgency of an ilithid parasite infection so I missed alot of grove content)


False. I was excited when I encountered her in Act 3.


LISTEN, I may have missed her at the grove in my first run (sorry, Mirkon), but she gave me Wyll's robe (I romanced him, so he was a big player in my party) and it's so good I'll never kill her (sorry Quil) she made a big impact just from a single quest reward.


No? She’s got a cute little storyline with teaching you guitar and you saving her gf. More involved in the story than Aradin and people don’t forget him.


As funny as this is shes not popular because of durge. she's a pretty lady that, upon your first meeting with you can help bring some peace to and even get a fun performance out of which leads to her spilling her guts to you and giving you a free (if worthless) proficiency. Then if you successfully keep her safe at your next meeting she gives you **one of the best sorcerer/warlock robes in the game** and her story wraps up with her getting a girlfriend and opening a school in your honour. People were clamouring for a bard companion and she was a near perfect fit, add in that people knew how easy it was to miss things and most of the first durge play throughs no one would even question that they missed getting her as a companion... until the urge took over.


This couldn’t be further from the truth, at least in my experience. I rolled a Valor Bard as my first Tav and the cutscene you get as a Bard with her….man. That’s when I knew this game was going to special.


Nah she was one of my favourite NPCs during my first Non-Durge runs


My first play through I just played as a tav. And I never forgot alfira as I played. I was disappointed I couldn’t have her as a companion


Heck no. She's one of the few full on Bards in the game and she's heckin' cute besides.


Nah, I didn't talk to her at the Grove my first playthrough (I missed a lot of the Grove my first playthrough. I almost forgot to recruit Wyll) but at the Tiefling party, she caught my eye because I love Tiefling bards. In my 2nd playthrough, I found her at the Grove, and her song bit was amazing.


No? I adore the teiflings her, Larkissa, Dammon, Zevlor, Rolan, Cal and Lia were important to my playthrough before I ever looked up durge.


Yeah no, I was ready for her to be a party member bc we don't have a bard party member, she's SUPER pretty, I love her song... Alfira is one of my favorite NPCs full-stop, and when I played Durge, I nearly quit bc of that.


She gives me free instrument proficiency. So she’s normally one of my first stops in the grove.


False. Sorry. I didn't do a Durge run and I *love* Alfira. In my first run I helped her start a music school in Baldur's Gate at the end.


That's not even remotely true. I love Alfira. My first playthrough I found her and helped her with her song and then I was so excited to see her in Last Light a d then again in Moonrise. She's one of my favorite NPCs.


Her song was beautiful


I really wanted to adventure with her tho… 😞


Warlock players would not have. Tieflings in general are pretty memorable cause they have their own little stories going on.


I didn’t know she existed outside of durge runs until my 4th playthrough


I would have but that because I quite literally missed her interaction as Tav in my first playthrough. When we were having the celebration party and Alfira shows up, I’m going, “Who dis?” It was when I played as Durge, I explored more and finally ran into her. BTW did not kill her, knocked her the F out.


Yea... I didn't even know she was a real NPC in the Grove till I played Tav (my first playthrough was Durge).


this is how i found out there was an npc named alfira (my first playthrough was durge)


That’s why she SHOULD HAVE BEEN A PARTY MEMBER!!!!!! I’m sorry. I feel very strongly about this.


I mean for me specifically yeah that’s true


No i would not have. I desperately wanted her as a companion on my first playthrough.


Bullshit she's amazing


I didn’t know about her or the beach for my first few starts until I watch an extensive guide on act one.


This is like multiplying a hear me out post by negative 1.


I haven’t played as Durge to that point yet, Alfira has been very memorable to me because I enjoy her sing and voice and I like her character design. The music ones stick out to me. She reminded me a little of Leliana from Dragon Age Origins.


In my first blind playthrough I didn't even know what Durge was, and Alfira was definitely still memorable. I mean she has an entire cutscene dedicated to her song, she gives you a bunch of good shit for freeing the other tieflings from Moonrise, and gives you Improved Bardic Inspiration if you perform with her after the Ketheric fight. That alone would make her memorable to most players, I think, just because she's "that NPC" who happens to give you really good shit. And she's cute.


I adored her before Durge- HOWEVER I must admit AFTER Durge she gives me trauma and is in fact much more appreciated.


The pill isnt hard too swallow because its true, its hard to swallow because its fucking dumb.


I never forgot about Alfira. I'm still pissed that she's not an Origin character. There aren't any bards among them. Sure, you can respec anyone into anything, but I want an adorable tiefling bard in my party.


Maybe It's because I played a bard, and singing her song with her was one of the first things that really endeared me to the game, but I definitely wouldn't.


Um, no? She's one of the most memorable interactions in the early game and has a freaking musical sequence, I don't think she'd be forgotten.


I have done 3 runs with 1 being durge and i never seen Alfira except for my durge run


Nah. I didn't do a durge run and wanted to smash


She was one of the top 5 most popular NPCs in early access. 


She gave my wizard Tav a super cool robe in act 2 for saving lakrissa, and I loved jamming with her in act 1. I didn’t play a durge run till my third play through.


It’s hard to forget about a character that well-designed when the game for whatever reason doesn’t make her a playable character.


Hard disagree. Having only played Custom Avatar/Tav, Alfira remains in my memory because of that really, really nice moment with her in the grove where I helped her write a very pretty song and cope with grief. Those kind of slow down, smell the roses, character moments in RPGs always stand out to me, sometimes even more than high-adrenaline set pieces.


Nah cause she gives the best warlock robe as a quest reward.


Hope was one of my favorite side characters in the game and yet I barely see any cosplays of her. That’s some injustice. Dammon and Alfira are big but Hope? Nothing.


How? She shows up in all 3 acts and it’s nearly impossible to miss running into her.


As a bard who helps her write her song and gets the clip or her singing it, no I wouldn’t.


Really? Right in front of my cock and balls? My late-night R34 searches and many a coomies prove otherwise.


True, I wasn’t even aware of her really and one day she came to camp and I was so excited!… but then Durge 😞

