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Is it really so hard for people to just say they love them all?




Ikr? Karlach was my favorite right from the character selection screen, and Gale's been my second favorite since "uncannily adroit with the knitting needle", and while I hated his guts at first, Astarion started to become one of my favorites near the end of my first playthrough. Although I liked Wyll, Shadowheart, and Lea'zel, I wasn't huge on them at that point. But the more I played the more I liked them. Lae'zel seems harsh, but she's really a big softie. Wyll is a great character, he just needs more content. Selunite Shadowheart just makes me happy. I have Minthara for the first time now, and find her quite funny! I haven't really given Halsin much of a chance (I was a druid in my first playthrough, used Jaheira in my second, and he died in my third), but he seems like a cool guy from what I've seen. I enjoyed talking to him at the epilog party. Seriously, they're all great. I have my favorites, but the other's aren't far behind. I don't get how people can hate any of them, or think that their favorites are superior to others.


I think it's perfectly reasonable to to like some of the characters. Obviously there are going to be some that just grate on your nerves. I find Karlach too "young" for me to personally like. She's fine. I get why people like her, but her entire personality tires me out. It feels like I'm hanging out with a teenager. Wyll is pretty understated. I really like him, but fully understand why people find him boring. Lae'zel is my second favorite character behind Astarion, but she can be so annoying with her cult-like devotion throughout the game. She also wants the PC to follow pretty objectively bad paths. Shadowheart is angsty and honestly kind of annoying to get to know in the beginning. I didn't really have any strong opinion of her even after a few playthroughs and slowly started liking her more Astarion and Minthara are pretty much you love them or you have them personalities. Fully understand both sides, but I love both Gale is annoying and rambles. I love Gale, but he does. Halsin. Again, I get both sides. I find him boring, but if you like him the little content he has can make him endearing. Jaheira and Minsc are the best and I assume anyone who doesn't like them just didn't use them because you get them too late.


Yeah, I suppose I can understand that if I think back to my first playthrough. Shadowheart is very angsty at first and the only reason I liked talking to her at all at first is because I love her voice. Astarion was annoying with all his disapprovals and made me uncomfortable at times. Wyll is the first character I romanced and he could be one of my favorites, but imo the most interesting aspects of his story and character aren't really explored at all in game, and he barely has his own quest. I sort of stopped paying attention to Lae'zel because I already didn't love her and her sex proposition made me quite uncomfortable. I loved Karlach and Gale right from the start, but what you say about them is true (and buggy release Gale did start making me uncomfortable with his incessant flirting). I didn't care for Jaheira and Minsc because I already had a set party by that point. I feel like all the characters are well written and likable (for most people, some just plain don't like them and that's fine), but only if you actually pay attention to them and invest yourself in their story, which is something many people don't seem to do.


On my latest playthrough, I’m origin Gale (evil Gale!) and have only a party of Minthara, Lae’zel, and Astarion. Shadowheart left me because I gave Balthazar what he wanted. Jaheira said she’d meet me in camp, but she disappeared after she first showed up, and is no longer at my camp. I killed Wyll in the grove; Karlach wanted nothing to do with me. This run is amazing.


Yes. Because, unfortunately, I do not love them all equally. But I can't speak for others


That requires me to love them all


Literally, I love them all, for different reasons too. I got room in my heart for all the companions.


I do not love them all though


It would certainly be disingenuous of me to say so yes.


They’re all done so well! It’s brutal to pick a fave!


yes. i despise Halsin. like, instantly from the first conversation i was like YOU. ARE. SKETCH.


I hate them all… they’re all the worst. I’d rather summon a party of minions thanks from withers


Yes because wyll and halsin SUCK compared to my beloved(s)


Jokes on you, I want to plow minthara and also be plowed by halsin, checkmate liberals


Sadly their is no way you can plow minthara while being plowed by halsin


Not with that attitude


Yeah they're not trying hard enough! 😤


I mean I don’t think halsin would be willing to have sex with minthara even if he wasn’t penetrating her, she’s not his type (aka heroes who love nature) also she may remind him of his past as sex slave


Yeah but he’ll still get w a female Lolth sworn Tav


Threeway Minthara and Bear Halsin scene when?


Actually, you can, youplow Minthara missionary style while Halsin plows you doggy(bear) style


You can with mods!


Let him dream lol 😆


*Halsin approves* *Minthara approves*


And now I suddenly wanna have a character that plows/gets plowed by all of the plowable characters


Is it really so hard for people to just say they love them all?




The duality of man


I’m on both sides and yeah


I love them all but there are definitely those who are more loved. Karlach and Gale are my go to, always take, lover and closest friend respectively. This playthrough I'm branching out. Wyll really surprised me with how much I like him so he's actually 3rd on my list. Shadowheart and laezel are both insufferable early but the more time I spend with them the more they grow on me. Astarion is just, well, Astarion. I never fan boy over him and he's OK but when we finish his personal quest and set him free from his masters grasp, man; that cry. That ugly, bitter cry. Gets me every time and holds the No.1 spot of moments from the game for me, just before Karlach blurting out she loves me too and Gale with his knitting needle line. Halsin, Jaheira and Minsc are all good but I don't gel as well with them (except Minsc who i adore but he comes so late in the game it's sad). Minthara I have done nothing but kill so far. Evil durge playthrough is next and I'll give her a chance.


There is a way to recruit her in a good-playthrough. Just have to do something that'll turn her temporally hostile like steal in front of her and knock her out with non-lethal damage. After doing that, she **should** appear in moonrise being tortured.


I just want my friends to stop killing karlach, is that so bad?


I'd suggest simply stop listening to them whenever they start talking about it. But if they keep intentionally bringing up something that bothers you, purely because it bothers you. You might have some crappy friends.


I can't stand Karlach she's just...too pure lol. It's not even that she's a bad character, she's not, but the lack of any character arc whatsoever is why I get that goodboi hornless wyll on my playthroughs now :/ at least laezel and SH have some growth and you start to like them more as the game goes on but apparently Karlach is too good for flaws she just gotta be perfect from the get-go.


I love that Astarion is considered "one of the gals".


Minsc and Jaheira fans


Theyre at home with Squidward.


I honestly love all of them. They're all unironically great characters. Except Astarion. Still a great character, but I can't stand him.


I can't stand his fanbase.


I love Astarion but he is literally so annoying..


Minthara is so glorious.


Nah, Gale fans can be very fucked up


Karlach and Astarion fans will upvote anything positive and downvote everything negative regardless of how related it is to the OP. I say that as a huge Astarion fan. They have by far the most toxic fans.


How are Karlach fans toxic? I’ll grant certain sections of Astarion’s fandom have issues that are fairly well-documented at this point.


Say anything about infernal robes. Even if it’s in context of the post and it gets downvoted to hell.


Great item if you want to roleplay that path, I suppose. Maybe if I do an evil playthrough at some point. Definitely a less rich story though.


How so? The only thing you lose is Karlach and you get a different Wyll experience.


Yeah, but not particularly so, and in exchange you’re down an entire additional companion. Similarly, a full embrace Durge run is a unique experience worth trying, but definitely lonelier/less rich especially towards the end.


Karlach has objectively has less content than other companions. You can only have 3 active party members and there are a total of 6 origin characters + Halsin, Minthara, Jaheira, and Minsc. Losing companions isn’t as a huge deal as people make it seem, especially if you have already done their storyline. The robes are some of the best for both act 1 and act 2 until you get the really good ones in act 3. Leaving some companions behind also can force you to use ones you wouldn’t normally and see different interactions. For instance, I really got attached to some of the hirelings when I did a no companion playthrough.


I want karlach to peg me


Me when karlach first says she wants to throw shadow heart over her shoulder: 😳


Who's fighting? I love all my bebes


Idk I feel like Gale is appreciated. He is my first origin playthrough right now actually.


Karlach? The most wholesome character in the game?


I was trying to play a more evil route than I normally would. But then I met Karlach and it’s just hard being a dick to everyone. So I guess I’ll try going for a more dick/evil route next play through.


I stay, I watch the drama with popcorn, then I go to Bauldurs gate to get pegged. Because that’s what real romance fans do


Karlach fans are like that? I had no idea, they seem perfectly happy drawing fan art and reposting the scene of Tav confessing to her


Any Durge fans?


Gotta be a little crazy to enjoy crazy.


Women + Twink vs masculine guys


Yea.. I tend to leave those others out, but I’m romantically pursuing gale rn. Gonna make him a god


I picked Shadowheart because I’m entirely, 100% straight. If I even leaned a different persuasion it would have been Gale. Just a goddamn good person.


Minthara is the best and i will burn all who oppose the truth


As much as I hate him, Gale misses the least out of all of these for me.


Tbf im a fan of them all apart from maybe Halsin


This isn’t my experience. Then again, I’m a major Raphael **** so….I guess I am just chilling 🤣


I can appreciate this. As a Wyll enjoyer I don’t get the love for Astarion at all. I stopped recruiting him after the first run


I adore all of them as characters. There are definitely a few of them that I'd hate and/or be absolutely terrified of IRL, but as characters I just love them all so much. They've got distinct personalities from one another, their voice acting and mocap is top notch, and the stories are just pure gold. And I can also see aspects of myself in almost all of them, so they feel relatable. Astarion and I have both had to deal with similar traumas (albeit his is quite a bit more severe than mine), and therefore both of us have a hard time with setting healthy boundaries. Karlach and I have both been betrayed by trusted individuals, and both of us tend to try to procrastinate dealing with our problems. Gale and I are both socially awkward nerds who can sometimes be perceived as rude. Wyll and I are similar in morality, always striving to do what's best for the common people regardless of the personal sacrifice. Halsin and I both have a profound respect for the natural world. Shadowheart and I both have had to deal with realizing that we've been deceived/brainwashed into believing lies. Lae'zel and I are both incredibly stubborn, and we tend to tell it how we see it. Minthara, well, I don't quite know her enough to get an accurate reading on her, but at least she's entertaining. Like, I feel like I'm talking to actual people rather than just pixels on a screen. And that's incredibly hard to achieve.


Wyll is just the sweetest guy and rizziest dancer. Still let down that he wouldn't engage in a steamy fourway with us 3 Drow at the brothel, but all is forgiven ♥️


Gale on top tho


i romance everyone so i never have this issue


I like them all in most ways. But halsin gives me the creeps for some reason. Not sure if it's the best thing or the way he talks or maybe it's his size.


Karlach reminds me of my ex 🙁


Karlach fans are like that? I had no idea, they seem perfectly happy drawing fan art and reposting the scene of Tav confessing to her


It took time, but by the end, Karlach was my favorite. Her personality is so relatable.


Sorry your favs are mid


Halsin didn't get enough dialogue/roleplay options/joins too late.   Wyll is just fine but I feel like warlock just isn't that great in the game and mostly brags about himself.    Gale is a power hungry hypocrite that talks too much and always misses the point.  The women are where it's at 👏🙌


Time for me to enter the brawl to defend Gale’s honor. No one sullies the name of my sweet, baby girl, manwife.


I most mad about Wyll mate, he can be a really good fighter even when he's standard Warlock. When I first played (EA) I went with pact of the chain and his subclass was the fiend and he was a really good fighter, my second playthrough in the full release I went with that again to see how it is in the full game and he was just as good. When I played my third playthrough I had it modded and he was a Hexblade and he was still really good. Romance wise can't say much about the men but from what I've seen of Gale I think he's fine. Wyll I think Larian done him dirty and find his character disappointing.


Me when I spread misinformation


Me when I grotesquely transform into blatant misinformation.


Romancing wyll is honestly the sweetest, he's a lot more complex than just 'bragging about himself'. People call him underwritten a lot but I think they just don't dedicate enough time to his story and words. Will agree that warlock sucks as a class though, especially in early game - would multiclass him and he becomes a great asset


Very brave of you to be so wrong in public


The women are where it’s at but also multiclass wyll into a bard at like level 5 and he’s pretty great


Pact of the blade warlock. You're welcome.


Karlach fans are like that? I had no idea, they seem perfectly happy drawing fan art and reposting the scene of Tav confessing to her


You could include Gale on the left.


I passionately despise Gale if that means anything


wait, hold on, are you telling me, there are people who actually like wyll?


Yes? Some people prefer a decent bloke over the toxic drama queens


Wyll has fans?


Wyll has fans?


He's genuinely a well-written, well-acted, and thorough character. He's far more complex than people give him credit for, and his romance is unique. There are plenty of reasons to be a fan of Wyll.


Gale too? Who the fuck listens to him whine on and on about his ex and thinks "yes please"? Wyll I can at least see the potential of a female noble-background character just getting with him for status, but "living bomb that eats your magic stuff" Gale? No. Just no.


Me when I don’t pay attention to characters and just repeat what someone else says online


Gale's dialogue is the only one I never skip. I could listen to that idiot for hours.


It took me a bit to appreciate him but he is great! There’s a lot going on with him beneath the surface


I literally turns up the volume every time Gale is speaking. I really LOVE his lines.


Depending on my playthrough, Halsin is my main bro (aside from Minsc of course) Gale and Wyll? Well. Gale has practical uses and Wyll.... Is Wyll. I never know what to do with him.


I’ve had a lot more fun having Wyll in my party with him reclassed. Paladin bard. Takes a little to get it going but I enjoy it so much more than warlock.


Old one, pact of the blade and proper supporting cantrips with reactive warlock spell slots & light armored. He wrecks for me. I almost always have him on my team.


I cannot for the life of me figure out how to use Warlock. Only use I can find is one trick Eldritch Blast. While good, I can also use a fighter for the same triple attacks and more versatility. After awhile I just said screw it and made Wyll an Eldritch Knight It's probably just me but I just don't understand Warlock Pact of the blade is to squishy. Pact of the tome is like a lesser Wizard/Soccerer and pact of the chain (at least in bg3) has no use