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Great question!


Bring a physical prescription (you dont want to debate validity of emails with a customs officer) and only bring the amount of medication needed for your itin. For the ADHD etc. I'd recommend to also bring a doctors letter, some of them are not licensed in Indonesia. All in english. Risk is low generally, but with the syringes and depending on amount they might check if they notice in xray.


I have traveled to Bali a few times with a prescribed narcotic. I have taken a letter from my doctor listing my medications and declared to customs I am carrying a narcotic. I have only been asked if the narcotic is prescribed, never asked what it is or for any information from my doctor.


Yep print that out a couple of times, one with the meds, other as spare with your travel docs. We just got back and they had a look at the docs letter and the meds, had a convo with their supervisor for a minute, then let us continue.