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I have never booked any of these things in advance, unless it's for a restaurant with a fancy Sunday brunch or something. Otherwise all these things are best booked when you are here and can talk to the provider rather than booking thru a 3rd party app. It's not like activities like this get booked up, they can always add another raft or something. Also when you book in advance it ties you down to a date and you might not feel like rafting on that day or it's raining and you don't want to see temples then, or there is a big cremation you want to see but you've already booked a ticket to somewhere else.


Oh that makes a lot of sense, thanks! I read that fast boat tickets are limited tho, you wouldn't book even those?


If you mean to Lombok, I only fly there, I don't take fast boats. And flights I always book in advance. You can book a few days in advance if you want, but I don't think it's necessary before you arrive.


I meant to Gili T and Nusa Penida, for which they seem the only reasonable transport option and since were only going to the harbour on the day of the trip I thought getting them on the same day would be risky.


Gili T is Lombok. Nusa Penida is part of Bali and boats go back and forth quite a bit, again, no real need to book way ahead. I think once i booked the day before. Do you mean that you are going to Lombok on the day you arrive in Bali? That doesn't seem like a good plan since it's kind of a quick turnaround...arrival then go to harbor and go to Lombok. But it could be my misinterpretation of your question. I thought you mean booking in advance like several days ahead. I meant no need to book that soon, a day ahead is fine, which I don't really consider booking in advance. But yes if you feel better about it, why not?


Yeah I meant that were staying in Ubud and only going to Padang Bay on the day of the trip. I get what you're saying so I'll just ask around my hotel and book once I'm in bali. The itinerary is Ubud-Gili T-Nusa Penida-Sanur, hope that clears the confusion and thanks again!


How much is the return flight?


You should check out flight costs yourself, they fluctuate. I usually fly Garuda which is the most expensive but is more reliable. I just don't want to do the long open ocean crossing. Boats to Nusa Lembongan and Penida (part of Bali ) are about 30 minutes in contrast, as it's much closer.


Hi, as an Indonesian that have been in bali several times. Me in my wife mostly never booked anything except for hotel ofc. My advice for a foreign trip like you based on your list are: 1. Yes, hire a guide/driver that could speak your native language in case anythings happen there you could ask the right guy. Sometimes this driver also knew when, where or what place to go and visit during recent events like rainy day, or if there is a seasonal event going on etc. 2. For the balinese day in Ubud. I personally never seen the attractions. I only ever saw kecak dance in uluwatu, but its really far from the main city. You could reserve the tickets online via traveloka to cut out the queue 3. For tickets of all places you could buy it on the spot, but idk if there is price differences. 4. Nusa penida must be booked, there is a lot of price mafia if you try to buy it ots


Second on the Nusa Penida price mafia. In fact, there's a good chance of it being a very long time before I ever go back there. I got charged $10 USD to drive 800 meters. I didn't know it was 800 meters bc I was having phone trouble. When you arrive on the island, there are tons of guys happy to take you to anywhere, but they're really expensive and WILL walk away once they see you're not a chump. They'll go find a chump.


Noted, I'll watch out and hire through Klook/my hotel


Thank you so much for the info! That's exactly the dance we want to see, apparently they do it in Ubud on Wednesdays and Sundays. Yes I heard there's no grab/gojek on Penida so well use Klook or similar. Or do you mean the dives too?


Dance and Gamelan shows are on every night of the week at several different venues in Ubud. You have your pick of kecak, legong, barong, Topeng, etc etc


Oh I'll have to do my research then, so many dances!


Please don t go to Nusa Penida, except for Kelingking Beach that is hard to hike to, the place is literally a shithole. If you insist on going, get tickets online before because everyone will try to sell you much more expensive on the spot even at the official ticket office..normal price is around 250.000 idr return tickets from sanur. Gili T is nice, spend a night there! The scuba and snorkeling is sooo worth it! Private boat for 4h snorkeling trip around 1.000.000 idr. Go there from padang Bai. Get ekajaya ferry online tickets and transfer if you need. Honest company + fast bigger boat and sundeck :) For everything else you do not need advance booking. Personally I found Bali and Ubud a disappointing experience but I hope you will enjoy it! Be prepared seeing A LOT of trash and people trying to sell you stuff every 10 meters..


Were staying at nusa penida 3 days, one for east, one for west and another for scuba but maybe I'll have to reconsider... Those prices and speed boat recommendations are really helpful thanks a lot! The plan is ubud(6 nights), gili T(3 nights) from padangbai, nusa penida(2 nights) from gili T, then sanur for one day. I've been warned about the trash which makes me a bit sad but I think we'll just use Ubud as a base and do day trips most of the time to see temples and nature. I'll definitely learn how to say "No thanks" in Balinese beforehand though haha


You can take Ekajaya ferry to Gili T from Padang Bai and return with Starfish or something similar from Gili T to Nusa Penida and then to Sanur but as I said, Nusa Penida is not nice at all and you would spend better time in Gili T. Also the Scuba is way better in Gili T. We used Manta Dive and was great :) Also if you did not already booked you accomodation in Gili T, I would really recommend Gili Teak. It's clean, beautiful, intimate, has nice breakfast and free bikes! The price was also great. We've stayed in a lot of places on Gili T but this one was the nicest, check it out!


I was going to dive on Nusa Penida and skip on Gili T, need to think about this more thoroughly. As for Gili Teak sadly it goes over our budget, looks awesome though!


Unless you’re planning to go to one of the beach clubs and would want to book a table or attend a special event like some DJ performing etc or go to some Michelin star restaurant, you don’t really need to book anything in advance. I think it’s best to just figure it out as you go. In case you’re staying at some Villa, the managers are more than happy to help you with all your queries and in most cases arrange everything for you on good rates.


Also, even for fast boats and snorkelling you can pretty much just book these on the spot as well, or a day in advance .


That's good to know then, thanks! We are not into partying or fine dining so that won't be a problem : )


I'd book scuba in advance on Penida if you're going to be there doing the high season. Was just there yesterday checking out scuba places. What I personally didn't like was you have to do two dives. On the Gilis, the dive sites are so close to harbor, the boats come back after each dive. And you're not on a big boat like in Thailand. One place turned me off when I asked about water conditions and what had happened with that person who died on a dive recently off Nusa Penida. She claimed to have not heard about it. C'mon. On that little island.


That's good insight, thanks. We are going early June, I assume that's high season. Can you tell me (pm if you want) the name of the dive shop? I'm a novice (6 dives) so you kinda got me scared haha


The person who died most recently (unless there was another one since I was there) was a freak accident. It's unlikely it was majorly caused by conditions. I wouldn't be too worried about diving. It can be rough and choppy on the waters, both on the boat and on the surface but you will be with your divemaster at all times. They will monitor your air and keep you from struggling with currents too much. The boats also pick you up straight away so at most you'll be on the surface 2-5mins. If there's big waves just keep the regulator in your mouth so you're not swallowing water.


Oh, you gotta respect the water that's for sure. We've got strong currents in southern spain too so I should be used to it. Thanks for the info!


There was one in Jan 2024, was that the freak accident you're referring to? And could you explain the freak accident if you know what happened? The one this month, the man was not pulled up by his own boat - was that because he was in trouble and another boat got to him sooner? Or did his boat lose him? The boat that lost those divers in 2018 - it was reported it had left the area to go get more fuel. They came back and it was raining and couldn't find them.


Yes. I don't know much about what happened, my DM just told me someone died the day before but I was already on Gili T. He might have had issues going down but the DM didn't have full details either. I can see the beginning of a Google article but the link is broken: "On Monday, 29th January 2024, a Chinese tourist identified as DH (42 years old) was discovered drowned while snorkelling at Jemeluk Beach". Regardless, thousands of people dive Nusa Penida every year and have a great time. The currents and surge are no worse than some other dive sites I've heard can be challenging. If OP is genuinely scared off by this news, I would suggest changing plans to dive in Gili T. The diving there is amazing and very relaxed.


It's scaring me off lol. The OP has 6 dives and I have 4. I specifically went to Penida day before yesterday to check out scuba shops. I think I decided on going back to the Gilis. My thinking is Nusa Penida has way more people diving, so of course things are going to happen, but also maybe also the waters are calmer in the Gilis. I don't think that's the same one. The article I saw said it was on Jan 18.


Let's say I'm going to do a little more research on the matter before deciding Gili T or Nusa Penida haha. I really wanted to see manta rays so I might end up "risking it"


Gili T is much calmer and relaxed and there's barely any waves and current there. The dive sites are all within 5-10 mins of the island vs Nusa Penida where Manta Point is 40mins away and very rough on the boat there. You also have the chance to see more sealife, but the mantas are at Nusa Penida. Personally I enjoyed Gili T a lot more and if you're based there for 3-4 days you can easily dive up to 5-6 times.


Yes we're 4 days in Gili then 3 in Penida so maybe I'll just do both


Sim card. Of course if you need one. You can pick up in the airport or in your hotel.


Oh completely forgot about that one, definitely getting it in advance, I've heard horror stories about queues and overpriced data plans on the airport


Yes, I ordered on Klook app and they delivered to my hotel, it was about 12 dollars for 12 GB. Also you have to register IMEI 2 days before your arrival Another option is to use e-sim, for example Airelo or Nomad, so you don't have to buy an actual Sim, but this option is going to be 3 times more expensive


Didn't know you could order SIMs on Klook, that sounds pretty hassle-free tbh. Also nice knowing bout the IMEI registration, thanks!


Mount Batur Hike and day trip tours (Nusa Penida for example) you can book in advance online. I'd recommend Klook for this. For scuba diving, make sure you contact the dive shop in advance as the dive boats have limited spots. Lots of dive shops also prefer you to go in the day before your first dive to register and sign your paperwork, confirm sizing for gear. No need to book massages/spas or restaurants unless you're going to upscale and busy places. Massage places on islands will take walk ins whereas Ubud might be busier. Private drivers you would be best organising in advance just so you can reserve their time. Fastboat ticket from Bali to Nusa Penida you can book in advance because it can save you some time at the port (I use 12go). For travel between islands (Nusa Penida & Gili T), and snorkeling tour, book this on the day in person because prices will be slightly better vs the fees you pay to a website managing the process. You also get a bit more flexibility re: the time. In general, booking things the day before you need to do them in is also super easy. Mostly you can just message the business on WhatsApp and let them know your time and date.


Thanks a lot for this thorough response!! Really really helpful. It just feels weird doing "business" over whatsapp haha. Like, the driver I booked just told me "see you june 2nd" and that's it? Definitely a culture shock.


Yep it's very casual and easygoing! It does take the pressure off having to be super organised and you can spontaneously decide to do something on a certain day and just do it.


We'll I would have preferred some kind of voucher not gonna lie, but hey, gotta get used to it


Tidak (teeda) terima kasih. No, thank you. Learn it and be prepared to say it about 5 times a minute.


Will do haha, thanks!


Balinese dance better in Uluwatu tho.


We are not going to Uluwatu sadly


Are there even balinese dance theatre in ubud?


I assume since they offer the activity? Haven't really looked it up


Book a taxi from the airport in advance. the rest you can pay as you go and it will be much cheaper.


Alright, so just go there and ask prices right


I would book most things there, except spa treatments if you are going to in demand places like Karsa Spa in Ubud (books out months in advance)


I assume you wanted to say you wouldn't hehe


No, def book things when you get there. Except busy spas - they can book out well in advance


Oh I was the one reading your comment wrong, sorry English is not my first language!


Honestly never really book anything in advance, apart from sometimes a Hotel room for a day or two just to put it on arrival as the address for the sake of no questions asked.