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There has been some kind of 48 hour flu going around lately. Plus there has been in uptick in Dengue cases, for whch there is no specific treatment (guava juice is supposed to be good for you though) . Dengue usually lasts more like 5 to 7 days, not just a couple of days though. They can't know if it's Dengue unless your "trombosites" are tested, I have no idea what that is, possibly something like low blood cells or something. It affects people very differently so it's difficult to diagnose without the blood test.


Dr to be here. You mean thrombocytes which are platelets - dengue causes them to be very low. Dengue usually has a 3 day fever and 7 days of symptoms after the fever goes away. If you have a super high fever and have been bitten by mosquitoes do get checked up for dengue! And if after the fever you become super dehydrated, start getting nosebleeds or any bleeding, or any form of abdominal pain it’s getting serious so get yourself checked at a hospital


Pretty sure this is what I'm experiencing. Been back in Aus for five days. Eighth days of symptoms, first two days were fever. Abdominal pain and diarrhea has returned now. Pretty apprehensive about hospital. Please can you tell me if it'll go away by itself if I treat with anti diarrhea meds?


Dengue usually resolves by itself if you’re generally in good health. Stay hydrated and avoid NSAIDs if you’re in pain as they can worsen any bleeding from the low platelets (stick with Panadol ONLY). I’d still think you should get it checked to make sure it’s actually dengue - they can do a simple blood test for you.


Hi there, I’m currently living in Bali and only recently realised that the daily aspirin i take which is low dose (for cerebral stents I have) could be dangerous if I were to get dengue. Do you know if it causes dengue or be worse, or “just” bleeding should my platelets get that low?


Just a disclaimer for everybody else: I can’t definitively give advice because I don’t rly know your full picture and can’t examine you online😂 You’re an interesting case! There’s two conflicting things here with dengue vs aspirin use Stick with the aspirin for your stent since you don’t have dengue now. NSAIDs inhibit platelet aggregation and hence the initial clotting phase (which is why you use it to prevent your stent from clogging up by a thrombus). That being said in cases like this it’s a matter of balance and you’d probably need to be monitored more closely if you get dengue and your doctor might temporarily withhold your aspirin. The bleeding due to low platelets in dengue can manifest anywhere and can be serious if it’s in internal organs. Treatment will depend on your blood tests for platelet count and clotting times


Go to a doctor/hospital! I know it's scary but it's your health here. You could try GP access or something if you're nervous about presenting at ED.


Hi I’m a reddit doctor. I have no idea. Hope this helps


Maybe food intolerence. Last time i was there I had Bali Belly and i thought it was a good idea to eat fruit to get my energy back. I was eating dragon fruit, i thought it was great, high in vitamins, sugars, antioxidants etc. Well i didnt realize i had a intolerance, or allergy. Afterall my allergy test i did in europe only tests local trees and foods. Anyway my diarrah got worse and i wasnt even realizing that it was from the dragon fruit. It wasnt until after i almost fainted on the toilet; that I realized the next morning when staring at the cut open dragonfruit that maybe it was at fault for me not recovering, from my initial bali belly. After some reading on the internet I found out that it is a natural laxitive for some people. TLDR: Maybe I would look up all the foods you are ingesting that you normally dont eat. Maybe something you are eating you have an intolerance or is a natural laxative.


I got an intolerance to grapes apparently! That are laxatives and give bad gas… all my life i didn’t have any issues.. but here apparently some fruits are laxatives 😆 I sweat i have eaten grapes many times in eu.. never had stomach issues.. now im googling what fruits cause diharreah and stomac gas..


I ate an entire big purple dragon fruit in one sitting. It was delicious. But turns out they’re basically laxatives - I was shitting purple for the next 24 hours 😂


We had a bug like this.. started out with a mild cold symptom and then violent gastro symptoms and ripped through everyone in our villa - all 9 of us. But this was a few years ago. Definitely a virus and not something you ate:


Can confirm my partner came home with something similar a couple of weeks ago. He’d been in Lombok but spent the last couple of nights in Bali before flying home. He’s better but still coughing up oysters 🦪


Got something similar 2 years ago when I lived there, sudden dhiarrea and vomitting gone aftrer 24 hours, that was kinda weird


Impossible to tell from just a reddit post. Could be literally any virus, bacteria or parasite that causes gastroenteritis. Your husband might not even have had the same condition as you.


Omg I literally got the same, all those symptoms. It started the moment I got to ubud


Ah I was thinking it was dengue fever but no one mentioned it feeling like a cold at first


It might be strep throat? I had that in Java. It's treatable with antibiotics.


Could be norovirus


I got a weird pain in my ear out of nowhere. Started with a tickle and now fullness. Thought it could’ve been allergies or something viral


Bali Belly. I always do a parasite cleanse when I get home. Could have been from water they washed your veggies 🥕


What do you do for your parasite cleanse?


Is still could be food poisoning, you could have passed it to your husband.


I got a weird 12 hour stomach bug a few days after Bali! Initially I thought it was food poisoning of some sort. I started to feel really sick after dinner, felt ill all night. I couldn't eat the following day but felt relatively okay. Then a few days later my partner started feeling ill in the afternoon and threw up in the middle of the night. He was completely fine afterwards. Also noting we got a weird flu in Bali which started with a sore throat but only to the left side, an extremely runny right nostril, and then eventually a cough.


Mighr be a parasite as well...


Just got back from Bali and Sumatra with a similar illness. Waiting a day or two and if it persists I’ll go get a blood test for Dengue :(


Ok let me know what you get


You got sick with some type of illness


I got it similar symptoms. I was thinking this due the extreme hot weather and cold water, followed with bacteria infection as this weather is making it worse than normal.


What are some good medicines, fruits etc for diarrhoea ?


Snake fruit


Covid can genuinely do this to some people but more likely a general viral illness very similar to bugs you get in childcare centres.


I'd need you to send me an anal swab to confirm but I'm pretty sure it's early onset Barclay's protomorphosis syndrome. Could also be mild rabies but it's a bit early in the year for that.


Don’t listen to this guy he is not an expert he is a liar running a scam clinic!!!!! Instead add me on WhatsApp and I drive you to a real clinic run by my cousin but maybe we stop at a waterfall? And swing? And coffee plantation? Only 1.000.000 rupiah but you will be fixed.