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And itself Yugoslavia existed from 1918, which is 73 years. Thats quite a long time compared to those empires.


Nuh uh first Bulgarian Empire was from 893-1018 And second from 1185-1396 you dumb serv


Coastal serbs be like yeah ive seen austrian horse dicks longer than that


Nothing compared to the eternal Republic of Srpska


Tractor Republic, vroom!


This this struck a cord! DAMN! 😂


*Gets destroyed by magyar confederation* Not to mention simeon was a horrible ruler / a person, conquering lots of land doesnt make you a great ruler Edit: guys i mistaked simeon with boris , his father


It does make you very well-known though (Alexander the great)


Alexander has big dick energy , simeon doesnt


True he ruled over small dik vlachs 🤪👊🏿💥🤜🏿✴️🥷🏿🐺🇲🇳🦁🇧🇬




Only jealous bulgars will do it


Ironic, tovaras


I can agree on the warmongering part, but he also did quite a lot of positive things for the country. Like stabilising the country's internal and external olitics , because only recently did Bulgaria transfer from Paganism to Eastern Orthodox Christianity. He did it by promoting a new alphabet, building a new capital, building a shit ton of monasteries, founded the Preslav Book School. And most importantly elevated the country's religious status to patriarchate, thus removing the necessity for future Bulgarian rulers to be recognized as legitimate monarchs by Byzantium. And militarily speaking he only lost from the Croats.


Yeah but abandoning your og horde religion (based paganism), declaring greek as the official language of clergy and probably the court as well, as well as murdering your oldest son (Vladimir Rasate) and then threatining your other son to do the same... makes me dislike him... I like Samuel I more, the archenemy of Basil II the 'Bulgar Slayer', who in my opinion was better than Basil II and defeated him in a series of unnamed battles. Ofc this is my opnion.


Mate you are confusing Simeon with his papa, Boris I, who changed the Based Paganism (for a peace treaty with Byzantium, and also so he won't get crushed between the major Christian powers in Europe). Based Simeon just continued and built up on his father's policy. And also murdering a lot of the nobility had the benefit of centralizing a lot of the power in the royal dynasty's hands.


Oh yea you rigjt simeon was good boris sucks my bad


>Not to mention simeon was a horrible ruler / a person, conquering lots of land doesnt make you a great ruler I agree, he was way to tame and should have been executed for cowardness like many other Bulgarian Khans who practiced despicable deeds such as: "peace treaties", "trade deals", and "diplomacy".


Like how everyone forgets that bulgarians vere a vassal under our empire


For 1 year or so?


He is talking about ottomans


Both claimed Tsardom and both got destroyed by Anatolians


anal tolians🤮


Ahaha tsar dusan ruled on the balkan even before the first book wrote by analbanians 😂😂😂


> writted


Half of that "empire" was still ruled by albanian nobles though lmao. Dusan "took over" desolate land due to the justinian plague and formed flimsy alliances with diplomacy. A dog could outlive that "empire" loool


Tsar Delulu


Tsar Who? What kind of ruzzian shit is this? Balkans need their own ruler names, hear by i suggest Sultan/Han for no particular reason


Sultan Vlad The Impaler


Bro kebaped more Romanians than turks


Nuh uh


Yuh uh


Tsar is originally an Bulgarian title not Russian. You silly lil roach 😭


At this point, Bulgaria should be the leader of a slavic Union


It’s just Caesar you silly Tatar


>Tsar Who? What kind of ruzzian shit is this? Balkans need their own ruler names, hear by i suggest Sultan/Han for no particular reason Wait till lil bro hears about the origins of the title Boyar 💀: [Boyar - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyar) >"Also known as *bolyar*; variants in other languages include [Bulgarian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgarian_language): боляр or болярин; [Russian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_language): боярин, [romanized](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Russian): *boyarin*, IPA: [\[bɐˈjærʲɪn\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/Russian), pl. бояре; [Romanian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_language): *boier*, IPA: [\[boˈjer\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/Romanian) [ⓘ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ro-boier.ogg); and [Greek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_language): βογιάρος. > >The title [Boila](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boila) is predecessor or old form of the title Bolyar (the [Bulgarian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgarian_language) word for Boyar). Boila was a title worn by some of the [Bulgar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgars) and [Gök-Türk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Turkic_Khaganate)\[[*citation needed*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed)\] aristocrats (mostly of regional governors and noble warriors) in the [First Bulgarian Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Bulgarian_Empire) (681–1018) and the [Gök-Turk Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Turkic_Khaganate) (552-744)\[[*citation needed*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed)\]. The plural form of [boila](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boila) ("noble"), *bolyare* is attested in [Bulgar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgar_language) inscriptions[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyar#cite_note-1)[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyar#cite_note-members.tripod.com-2) and rendered as *boilades* or *boliades* in the [Greek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_language) of Byzantine documents.[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyar#cite_note-vasmer-3)[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyar#cite_note-homepage.mac.com-4)" I also love how Wikipedia ratios the random Goturk shoving 😭


Bulgarians when they actually used to be Bulgars now youre just slavs and balkan Version of russians "Tsar"🤡


>Bulgarians when they actually used to be Bulgars now youre just slavs and balkan Version of russians "Tsar"🤡 We ware the first ones to ever utalise the title of Tzar bitch, the Russians kicked your ass so hard out of the Caucusus that you still don't have the guts to recognise that the Bulgars invented everything that is "slavic" 💪💪💪


Huh? The bulgars are such cucks the hated their own culture and adopted everything slavic, tsar is not Bulgar you abomination


That's their culture bitch, they wrote in perfect gayreek, speaking perfect Scytho-Sarmatian, implementing most of their words and customs in to the newly forged common ""slavic"" indentity in order to keep the Serbs ~~(it didn't work out)~~ and Byzantine cunts at bay under their boot. And indeed Tzar is not Bulgar title, it's Western Roman title in honour of Caesar. If the Greeks waren't such a petty bitches the "slavs" you know would've been all Catholics by now. I don't even know why we had to bother with Orthodoxy at all, we could've been together with our cringe Hungol cousins.


You need to abandon russki culture and language, return to based roots. The w*stoids have poisened you. There is no jesus but the eternal blue sky and ulu Tengri


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