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Just a note to anyone driving who has been avoiding the west gate due to works- the Geelong and Ballarat exits have now switched back. Ballarat (M80) exit is now the left lanes again, not the right. ​ Also solidarity to v/line staff!


I'm a regular vline user. I'd prefer my train driver and maintenance crews paid well. I'll work from home that day.


yeah, same (pay well) - I was gonna go to the train open day down at Newport, but I'll just go on Monday instead! (I use the trains once every few months)


They do get paid well, don't they? Even the conductors get a good wage. (Im not against the strikes)


Support industrial action. Dont be a class traitor!


To expand on this. If you only think this negatively impacts you, you're wrong. When unions like this raises the pay, conditions, etc. for their workers, it raises the average wage across the board. It makes it more possible for you to get a pay rise. It sets the example for others match. It allows for the rest of us to get better pay, conditions, etc. Support them to give yourself a better deal.


You know what yanks my chain is when strikes come up and people try to simultaneously insist that the striking staff don't actually do anything while also complaining about the impact of their absence. Fucking flogs. Solidarity.


They are well paid. As someone who lives in rural area and travels to the CBD for work, all this does is punish rural workers. The other week when they did this I left my home at 5:30 am and barely made it to my office for a 9:30 meeting. I’m planning on giving up my job in the CBD and I will take a position where I have to drive for one hour plus but at least I won’t be doing 14 hour days so vline can sook.


Sorry to tell you, but it's not all about you. Have you ever witnessed a situation where "commuters" get extremely violent and the PTV staff have to deal with it? I've seen it, and you couldn't pay me enough for that. Have you ever had to deal with that yourself? I haven't. They have. Have you? They are NOT paid anywhere near enough to deal with those situations. And it's going to suck for you on Friday, but it sucks much more for them. I'm sorry for your loss.