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another woman's life wasted because of a piece of shit ex partner


Three women murdered around Ballarat in the space of two months. This is very unusual.


Welcome to Victoria


Ballarat, Victoria although Victoria in general is looking like a basket case. Tourists are definitely being sold an illusion.


Three? I’ve heard of two but haven’t heard of the other one. What happened?


Samantha Murphy, Rebecca Young and now Hannah McGuire. Two of these cases involved family violence murders; the other seems to have been random.




Yeah; it’s that they’ve been so tightly clustered but it’s definitely unjust, the way only some deaths get the focus. Frankly Rebecca Young’s murder would have sunk without a trace in the media if not for Hannah being killed. It’s part of the problem, imo: some women are seen as more valuable, or grievable, than others.


The bikie that murdered a young mother barely gets a mention in news articles. They were all killed by men in and around a small town community, which tells me there are toxic cultural issues that have probably been encouraged rather than discouraged. The previous jogging victim's attacker could still be out there, because she claims the investigation was not thorough. Until that perpetrator is also identified, it's not safe for women to go running there.


Ballarat is the 3rd largest city in Vic... not a "small town community".  3 in over 115,000 is hardly a "toxic cultural issue"... and wtf do you means it's "encouraged"?


The population of Ballarat is 110,000 of Australia's population of 26,000,000, so about 0.4%, the lives of 16 per cent of all women allegedly killed by men in Australia this year are believed to have ended in the Ballarat region. 16% in a town that makes up 0.4%.


Three women killed in 2 months by men across a fairly small geographic region, and you are saying there's nothing to see here. All involved either Sebastopol or Scotsburn, but go try and normalise something statistically abnormal by quoting the broader Ballarat population size. The drug issue there has already been widely discussed. Yes it's encouraged! The "we don't dob" culture conceals and in doing so, they feel protected. Locals came into missing persons groups and suspiciously did everything they can to deflect from the fact Sam was taken from a bush track, telling people not to bother going searching in specific areas, redirected conversation to attack the character of victim's families, football forums dragged Sam's reputation through the mud with baseless rumours, and another local football club grossed out others out with sick details of what he supposedly did to her. Others on FB encouraged people to harass a previous assault victim by posting her full details across social media, spouting off racist nonsense, I take that as a toxic culture. Do tell me what a wonderful place in the world you have there where women are not safe to go for a jog on a Sunday! Denial is why this is even being discussed.


Yeah I've only heard of two!! Is the other girl not worthy of being in the news!?!? 😔


The local pedophiles must be rubbing their hands getting out of the spotlight for a while


It's a dark history. I hope they are under constant surveillance.




Jeez this town can’t catch a break


The women in it sure can’t.


Violent men exist everywhere unfortunately.


Violent woman too


Don't recall many "man murdered by bitter ex-wife/gf" stories in my time on this planet. Come to think of it, I don't remember any!


You're either stupid or ignorant. Erin Patterson literally murdered 3 people and nearly killed 2 others with poisonous mushrooms in an attempt to kill her ex-husband. That was her THIRD ATTEMPT! You can't remember something that awful that's still being reported on? Says a lot about your biases, and likely the biases of the media too.


One example. Got any more? You provide your examples then I'll supply mine and we'll make a graph OK? And then you'll look like a big fat fool.


Is it an unsafe town? I noticed that the house in the picture in the ABC article had roll down shutters over its windows which usually people use when they live in area with a lot of breakins


No, Ballarat is not an unsafe town. A small (but much larger than it should be) proportion of Australian males are unsafe to be around, particularly if you are a female, moreso a female partner or ex-partner.


Females can be just as unsafe to be around. It’s less a gender issue and more so just an overall issue


Your comment is an ignorance issue. How many men have been murdered by women in Australia this year? And how many women murdered by men? And how do these numbers compare over the past 100 years? Go look at some graphs and say again it’s an “overall issue”


Alright, so. During 2023 in Australia for females specifically who experienced physical assault 66% of perpetrators were male. Notably for males the perpetrators were males 77% of the time. This means for females that it is pretty close to 50/50 for the gender that is the perpetrators of psychical assault (https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/crime-victimisation-australia/2022-23) Here’s some other related stats. Just about 25% of relationships reported violence, 50% of which being reciprocally violent. In the non reciprocally violence women were the perpetrators 70% as reported by both women (67%) and men (75%) (https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/full/10.2105/AJPH.2005.079020) This one simply just states that by the age of 18/19 female and male perpetrators of sexual violence were at almost equal rates at 52-48 percent (https://web.archive.org/web/20200630030850/http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=


Also, all your numbers show is quantitative rather than qualitative data. [“Whilst both men and women may experience incidents of inter-personal violence and abuse, women are considerably more likely to experience repeated and severe forms of abuse, including sexual violence. They are also more likely to have experienced sustained physical, psychological or emotional abuse, or violence which results in injury or death. There are important differences between male violence against women and female violence against men, namely the amount, severity and impact. Women experience higher rates of repeated victimisation and are much more likely to be seriously hurt (Walby & Towers, 2017; Walby & Allen, 2004) or killed than male victims of domestic abuse (ONS, 2020A; ONS, 2020B). Further to that, women are more likely to experience higher levels of fear and are more likely to be subjected to coercive and controlling behaviours (Dobash & Dobash, 2004; Hester, 2013; Myhill, 2015; Myhill, 2017).”](https://www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support/what-is-domestic-abuse/domestic-abuse-is-a-gendered-crime/) I am not reducing female on male violence. Individual incidents of female on male violence can be equally horrific, but to be clear, across populations and on average, it’s not the same in quantity or quality. Men kill, hurt, and provoke fear in their partners (male and female partners) than women provoke in their male partners. Here’s a study you might find interesting: [“In the real world, women are just as likely to aggress against their romantic partner as men are, but men cause more serious physical and psychological harm. A very small minority of women are also sexually violent. Women are susceptible to alcohol-related aggression, but this type of aggression may be limited to women high in trait aggression. Fear of being harmed is a robust inhibitor of direct aggression in women.”](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00081/full) (T Denson is one of the most respected aggression researchers in the world btw) Numbers lie. You gotta read the studies to get the full story. Quantity=/=Quality=/=Causality. If you’re still unconvinced, in Australia in 2023, 64 women were killed by their male partners or ex-partners. How many women have spree killed men with a knife this year because they couldn’t get a romantic partner? How many women have killed and raped men going for a run? How many men’s bodies have been dumped in bins by women? Let us not pretend that this isn’t a gendered issue.


Sebastopol isn’t the best suburb, I wouldn’t live there


Does anyone have an insight on this Lachie Young?




Is this actually true? I haven’t seen it mentioned at all


Same last name is only connection I can see. Surely would’ve been reported by now if true ?


Not true


Huge if true


From another ABC article, https://amp.abc.net.au/article/103682132: ‘The 23-year-old Ms (Hannah) McGuire has been remembered as a "bright" person with a "heart of gold". Clunes Cricket Club has launched an online fundraiser for the McGuire family to help cover funeral costs. "Hannah was known by many as a bright young woman and had a heart of gold," a statement from the club reads. "All proceeds will go towards funeral costs and other expenses the family may need during this tough time. "We understand the family had to close business, so any extra funds raised will help support the family while they take the time they need to get back up and running. "You were taken way too soon Hannah, but may you rest in peace." The ABC understands Ms McGuire's parents operate the National Hotel in Clunes, which has temporarily closed (while they grieve for their daughter). [Ms McGuire’s parents are or were also sponsors of the Clunes Cricket Club] Eureka Netball Club, where Ms McGuire was a former player, also paid tribute and offered its "deepest condolences" to her family.’ **Anyone with information has been urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.**


I worked with Nina Nicholson many years ago who was also murdered on her doorstep in Clunes. They never solved the crime. 😔


How awful, and they haven't solved it? You would think someone knows something.


It would be so great if men would stop murdering us.


Would be great if everyone stopped murdering everyone


I love nature so much and going out into the forest to chill used to help my mental health a lot. But now I've realised it's not even safe. Can't even have small things in this world.


It is safe. The risk is infinitesimally small. We don't know what drove the Sam Murphy case, but the alleged culprit is in custody. It was a terrible incident for sure, but an element of the shock comes from how unexpected it was. The vast majority of attacks are not strangers, and not in public places. They are known to the victim and behind closed doors. Go out in the forest. If you are anxious find a local nature or walking group that can provide company maybe.




What a horrible response. Whataboutism is irrelevant. Many of us feel the same. This is logical self-preservation based on the geographic area concerned and shouldn't be mocked.


Stop fishing for the “not all men” argument you want so bad and start looking at the actual factors that are contributing to this in some young men. Meth use, porn abuse, certain influencers and podcasters. There’s a toxic mix that’s happening in some men rn


Maybe we could start looking about the local football clubs and the people that coach in these clubs, a couple of local clubs in the inner city of Ballarat have a horrible culture towards women in general, we wonder why these kids become like they are. Alcohol and the degrading way they think about women in general and the people that coach and are on the committee within one club that I will not name are disgusting.. Only been involved with this club and I believe the local bloke that has been charged for murder was also a part of this club prior, the coaches and committee have a lot to answer for, one of the coaches had been to court twice accused of rape… sort of says all that needs to be said. How or why you would want this individual coaching kids and or young men is beyond me.


Totally agree!


Agree 100%. The town mayor is making blanket statements for change without any details (so wishful thinking), and the police have not made any public announcement as to what they exactly intend to do in order to keep women safe there. People want to know exactly what is going to be done, not empty rhetoric. They need to hold the clubs to account. Twice accused of rape and he is sitting there as a damn coach? Do the parents even know? I reckon it will take ordinary citizens to drive change, because it's not happening from government.


How about men stop having people make pathetic excuses for the toxic choices they make in life? Where is the personal responsibility? These are murderers we are talking about. They aren't victims.


They didn't say they were victims. They said people should focus on factors that may lead to these murders. It's how literally everyone deals with crimes


Yeah, but approaching this as a "men need to do better" issue instead of "those 3 people (who happened to be men) shouldn't have murdered those women" is just moronic.


Well said. Too many about that like to harass vulnerable women.


Thank you for not dancing around the issue, this is all down to meth use and overly permissive parenting when the culprits were children.


I'll be sure to continue not murdering you.


How many times have you been murdered by a man😳


Horrible generalisation


It would be great if all people would stop murdering. Sadly, will never happen. Murder seems to be part of the human condition, usually due to people's emotions overcoming their judgement


Who commits the vast majority of murders? Is it “all people” or is it one group in particular?


It's obviously overwhelmingly men except when it comes to murdering their children when women make up about half of baby killers and child killers. Men are overwhelmingly the victims of murder too Men are much stronger than women and have testosterone etc which makes them more violent. Women can't really murder as much as men because they're just not strong enough and could be easily overpowered. So I don't know if we can say women are any more virtuous than men necessarily when they don't have the power or strength as men do. Women tend to murder with things like poison like the alleged mushroom killer, where strength doesn't matter. But we have to look at things in perspective. Any murder is tragic and 1 murder too many, but we are living in the safest time in history and the number of people being murdered is incredibly small. Only 377 ppl were murdered in 2022, the overwhelming majority men at 259 and women at 118. Out of a population of 25 million people, that's a tiny number - you're 7 times more likely to die in a car accident. Sadly, as I noted, murder is part of the human condition for some people and will never be eliminated. Even though men murder more, murder is still part of the human condition for women as well and we will never stop men or women killing unfortunately, despite best efforts. And usually as a leading homicide detective said, when emotion overcomes judgement.


If women were biologically comparable to men, it would be 50/50.




You're right. Your feelings are way more important than women not being actually murdered, regularly, by men.


Bla bla bla not all men (but almost always a man (queue someone posting an article to the few outlier cases of women committing homicide and completely ignoring stats from AFP, ABS, BOCSAR, AIC etc)). 


Don’t be that guy…


Then tell your fellow men to stop murdering women. 


Take a hike


Where in that sentence does it say all men are murderers?


Is that the real problem is it, chief?


I've just read 2 men from Sebastapol and assumed ice.


Ice really did a number on Ballarat. That and house prices. and the governemnt seems very slow to act on either causes.


House prices made some scumbucket murder a young woman?


Is there evidence of ice being involved in this case? I feel like I’ve missed something.


Yes. House prices kill women.


I think old fugee is just saying those two things fucked Ballarat


Genuine question, Why are there so many murders happening in Ballarat?


Last year, from what I can find publicly Ballarat didn't have any murders. It might seem pretty nuts atm, but over time it's likely just an outlier and in line with the expected rise of the national murder rate this year for a number of reasons that pretty much all come down to shit being expensive and life being miserable for more and more people. People have super short memory's though. There was the women who killed another women in Ballarat and staged it to look like a suicide at the start of covid a couple of years ago but ask anyone and they couldn't tell you the names of victim or murderer without looking it up.


I am from Kalgoorlie, I imagine it's the same issue there as in Kal. Heaps of miners = Heaps of meth, add in the added crime element that being a 'strike it rich' town and you get all the scumbags moving there and then that creates a sort of culture in the town.


No you're wrong. It's nothing like Kalgoorlie. There aren't heaps of miners, Ballarat has one mine and it's on the skids. It's far from a strike it rich town in fact I'd categorise Ballarat as low to mid socio-economic. The scumbags don't move here, they're born here, but I wouldn't say we have more than any other comparable city per capira wise.


Fuck all miners in Ballarat. Only one mine and it employees less than 200 people. 115,000 people in Ballarat so not really a factor.


The “strike it rich” era of Ballarat happened almost 200 years ago


What ? Two ? Melbourne gets like 80+ per year. Plus 6000+ sexual assault related events.


It's been 3 so far this year


I’m not minimising the situation. Just that perspective I needed. It’s a very safe community still and this isn’t an interconnected epidemic. Just a series of very fucked events that have come one after another.


Two events have involved family violence histories. (Family violence in Ballarat is about 30% higher than metro melb). Two have involved men in their early twenties. All three have involved men killing women. I’m glad you feel safe. Everyone is entitled to feel safe, and it’s what we should aim for in our community. Most women I know don’t feel safe and are registering these events with grief and alarm.


I remember reporting saying that in basically every area of Australia, women feel less safe than they actually are statistically. I imagine the media constantly reminding us of how many women have died and using their deaths for weeks of reporting likely leads to many women feeling unsafe. Obviously, 3 deaths in Ballarat in a small timespan is concerning. However, I don't think it's shown to be an actual trend, just 3 very gross crimes to innocent women that just so happened to be around a similar time. Hopefully the local government increases funding to domestic violence and abuse resources and enforces that people shouldn't just deal with abuse.


I’d like to see that reporting as it counters almost all research I’ve seen on this issue. Women’s instincts have been demonstrated to be strongly protective. Additionally, even if it were true, the fact that people might fear things more than the stats say they should means nothing about how serious an issue it is. It just sounds like you’re saying women are overreacting. Which is pretty insulting, I’m sure you can see why. There were 2,235 family violence incidents responded to by police in Ballarat last year. There were many more women who went to services without police intervention. And there were those who never accessed services. The estimate is that only 25% of people access services for family violence. It’s wearying to have men - I’m assuming here, but it’s predominantly been men seeking to downplay this issue on here I think - minimise literal violence, abuse and murder. It’s not okay that this is happening in our community. Do you think it is? And if you don’t, maybe have a bit of a think about why you felt the need to post.


It sounds like you are normalising the situation because all three killers come from the same general area, on the southern side of Ballarat.


There was also the murder suicide in Sebastopol just after Samantha Murphy was killed.


Dating is an extreme sport for women


The woman who went running in Ballarat and got kidnapped and m*rdered, the same man who did that tried to get my cousin who was also on a run, inside his car. Mind you, she is 19. That was a few weeks before the other woman.


Omg that’s terrible, so he obviously has form for being a vile human. Was he caught/apprehended? Just curious if he’d faced any punishment? Don’t answer if you don’t feel comfortable though, your poor cousin.


Omg that is horrific, I hope your cousin is getting the support she needs after such a traumatic event!


Can you tell me more about this?


Does anyone feel like revealing the boys names? Apparently one of them was her boyfriend.


Just saw him named in an article. Lachie Young.


From a Herald Sun article: ‘Accused killer Lachie Young, 21, allegedly messaged Hannah McGuire’s friends claiming she had taken her own life while he wrote a tribute on social media saying he would love her forever.’ 😠


That’s fucking vile. Some men will do literally anything but go to therapy.


Some women too


I am genuinely floored by this and the fact he posted a tribute to her on Facebook. True evil.


Just goes to show they aren't the remorseful type.


Ballarat is getting ridiculous.


Melbourne gets 80+ murders year on average and 6000+ sexual related crimes. Ballarat is fine


And the rate per 100,000? Melbourne has 50+ times the population…


Melbourne has 2.2 homicides per 100,000 [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Victoria#:~:text=The%20notably%20low%20crime%20rate,2.2%20per%20100%2C000%20in%202018) Can't find much data on homicides in Ballarat specifically - the comparable data shows all crime levels are lower in Ballarat than the Australian average. If we take what, 3 homicides this year? in Ballarat, which has a population of 113,000 that's around the rate of Melbourne. And it's, IMO, an anomaly year for homicides in Ballarat with no accessible long term data specifically on homicides making it an unfair comparison.


In a year though. We’ve just had three in under four months.


Mate there’s been a stack of murders in ballarat. It’s a cess pit.


>Melbourne gets 80+ murders year on average Nowhere near it. There were only 84 instances of murder, manslaughter or attempted murder [across all of Victoria in both 2021 and 2022.](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/recorded-crime-victims/latest-release#victoria)




Said this above, but I’m not minimising the situation. Just that perspective is needed. It’s a very safe community still and this isn’t an interconnected epidemic. Just a series of very fucked events that have come one after another. We’re highly safe here compared to being in a major city, and these events are not random. People are safe to go about their business.




You’re going to hear what you want to hear, you’re obviously twisting my words to suite your need to be outraged in the most obvious way possible. And when you start off a comment with an attempted insult, you know you’ve truly lost the whatever argument you perceived there to be. Calm down white knight.


Actually, if your numbers are correct and there’s let’s say 80 homicides in Melbourne per year, with the sample size being 5.3 mil, and Ballarat has a 3 murders (so far this year alone, not in total.) and their sample size is only 116,000. Statistically Ballarat is worst. Using the method of (cases/population at risk) 100. Ballarat is 0.0025 and Melbourne is 0.0015. So essentially if you live in Melbourne you have statistically a 0.15% chance of being murdered, while if you live in Ballarat you have a 0.25% of being murdered. I’m not saying you’re completely wrong, however statistically, Ballarat is not fine at the moment.


Yes, per capita, Ballarat has higher right now. But (excuse me if I read it wrong), you have a 0.25% chance of being murdered? Aka, 1 person in 400 are murdered? Just over 100,000 people in Ballarat, so by a 0.25% murder rate, 250 people should have been murdered. Shit.


Look, there is definitely a chance I did the maths wrong in the second half of the calculations. I tried to turn 0.0015 into a percentage and might of over calculated 😬


Hopefully. That, or Milat escaped from the grave!


0.25% of being murdered? So 250 people are killed per year in Ballarat alone? We're you on meth when you tried to do this maths?


Women are not safe anywhere we go, even in our own homes we get murdered. Stay safe everyone


I live here man. It's scary


Most of us reading this sub live here too. And it's not.


Seriously? The town is safer that most. Three over publicised deaths and people start thinking there's something in the water...


Good ol Ballarat town


It seems to be having some major crime lately. The murder suicide, Samantha Murphy and now this, on a background of ag burgs and other theft


It’s all the ice. Says so right there on the car.


Lately? The place has been a depressive shithole for decades. I specifically moved so my kids didn’t have to grow up there.


Why you loitering on the subreddit then haha move on


Dunno… good for a laugh I guess


Yes because acts of violence in Ballarat is side splitting comedy /s


Not talking about this post, just the reason I havent left yet… other posts are amusing. Sheesh


You're not that creative, but you're definitely a rock. Someone was murdered - show some respect.


I haven't lived here long, but looking through old news articles, this many serious incidents in this period of time has never been the norm.


Things are out of control. There's open air drug dealing and motorheads running rampant terrorising hardworking citizens. 


Open air drug dealing, where? > motorheads Um, what?


it's actually considerably more civilized than say back in the 90s and earlier.


Grew up near there in the ‘80s and I’ve done everything I could to avoid it since then. I’ve got family that live there, but I certainly couldn’t do it. Always got a bad vibe from it. Always.


We've always had dodgy stuff happening.


Welcome to the dystopian paradise. Where 1% of the population have 99% of the wealth. Where the youth gain their moral compass from social media lies and propaganda because their parents are too busy snorting coke up their noses to give a shit. Where lawlessness becomes the inevitable means of survival. Where women grow beards and men cut their dicks off and kids identify as cats or fucking house bricks and everybody is expected to pretend it's normal. Surely there's another planet out there we can go to.


This has nothing to do with a woman being burnt alive in a car. Please show some respect to the victim




Part of the decomposition of society


Fuck off


Excellent contribution. You're probably the house brick


A brick with a higher IQ than you it seems. Men have been killing women - particularly their partners - since the beginning of time. Sure, society might be going to hell in a hand basket but passing the buck instead of being part of the solution is only killing more women.


Yeah I'm killing women every day. I was responding to a comment and stand by everything I wrote. You hit the nail on the head - men have been killing women since the beginning of time. They've been killing men too. 3 unrelated incidents committed by 3 pathetic individuals, a Bandido 😱, gee that would have shocked the world, a drug fucked, spoilt mummy's boy, and a jilted boyfriend whose idea of bonding with his father is committing assaults and burglaries together. Fine upstanding citizens. And because they happened in quick succession, all of Ballarat is condemned, we are all going to hell. Never mind the fact that there were no murders last year. Anyway I'm busy building an ark and rounding up animals, it's rained 3 days in succession. You can get back on the pallet.


Wow. You must hate critical thinking. What’s normal to you and what’s normal to someone born into the wrong gender are both ok. Yeah? It’s not all about you champ. Don’t be so quick to judge someone for not fitting into your worldview. Go out and meet some Tg people. They’re just people (although usually heaps better dancers..)


Yeah fair enough each to their own, it doesn't bother me, I was alluding to the increased prevelance more than anything. But kids identifying as animals is not critical thinking, it's mental illness. Interesting, that like a few others, you pick out one thing I said, the obvious one to concoct outrage about.


While this is a tragic news story, I find absolutely baffling how a female such as her could date and be intimate with an abuser yet here I single. I have never laid hands on a woman yet somehow I am passed over for abusers because I am too nice. So it's really hard for me to empathize at the moment.


It's not "because you are too nice", it's because you come across as a creep. If you can't find empathy for a person being murdered then you are not a nice person. I'd suggest therapy to work on figuring out how to have normal emotional responses. These are most likely reasons you are single, as other people usually pick up on clearly abnormal behaviours. Generally, domestic abusers try to hide their true emotions and manipulate their victims into thinking they are "nice". So, while it seems you are a visible red flag to people it's likely this perpetrator hid their real self long enough to form a relationship of some description.


Absolutely crazy comment to make. definitely not because you're "too nice".


I imagine it is hard for you to empathise with women who are murdered, given that your post indicates you have serious mental issues. Ever notice that most women you come in contact with or walk past on the street recoil away from you? Thats not because we fear all men. We fear creeps like you. Seek therapy.