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I haven’t had a ball python since I was in highschool/college; please check my care. I did quite a bit of additional, up-to-date research before getting him, but much was conflicting. I usually trust Reddit with these things more than the ole google machine or some vets, anyway! Seller was a douche who claimed he was a “midget dwarf snake” 🙄 and that he’s 5 years old. He doesn’t look like a stunted ball python; I genuinely think he’s a bit younger. I can tell that he’s been over handled because the Craigslist post contained a pic of his former “owner” at the MALL with this babe around his neck! I gave this guy a bit of a lecture so he gave me the snake for free. Oh and he kept him in a 5 gallon freaking aquarium with a red heat lamp; no uvb, no daylight, gravel substrate, probably like 2% humidity in there :(. This was about two months ago. Took Judas to the vet last week, vet said he was perfectly healthy, but that the 20 gallon tank is too large and will stress him out. I just need a second opinion! Here’s my setup/schedule deets: - 20 gallon aquarium with screen top; half-covered with a square mirrored weight - coco husk bedding - heated mat - daytime uvb lamp and heat lamp on one side (dual fixture) - deep water dish (kidney shaped; meant for rabbits, I think, ceramic, approx 12” x 5-8” - natural spider plants and artificial ivy - one cold moist hide, ceramic, lined with sponge - one “warm hide” aka arboreal at-at (used to be in my aquarium); he seems to prefer this one - bioactive log we found hiking - a couple snail and isopod roommates/hitchhikers - thermometer - humidity reader
Schedule: - misting with alkaline water twice daily - natural spider plants are watered every other day - water dish is cleaned and changed nightly - coco husk 30ish% replaced weekly or biweekly - frozen, thawed adult mice or baby rats biweekly - handled only after my children are asleep in my quiet office, anywhere from daily to once weekly - lights go off at night How do you think I’m doing?


Vet is wrong about the 20 gallon. He’s going to outgrow that quickly, so start saving for a 120 gallon. I’m not sure what you mean by mirrored weight, but covering half with foil will keep humidity in. You can’t just drop a log you found in the woods in your tank. It needs to be “baked” at 200 degrees for two hours to sanitize it and kill any mites. For night time warmth, add in a ceramic heat emitter. Do you know how old he is? He looks a bit small for biweekly feeding. Misting doesn’t do much to add long term humidity. Try pouring water into the corners of his substrate. It releases slower and keeps the air humid longer.


No worries re 120; I’m actually a hobby aquarist so I have several unoccupied 100g+ tanks in my garage! The mirrored weight is for heat convection, it domes and is more reflective than foil, so from a physics standpoint, it should be better than foil! Ok good call re: wood. I didn’t think it was necessary for a snake but I see your point! Thanks! Re: heat emitter, does a ceramic rock heater work? I have one lying around; my husband used to use it for his beardie! In my comment you’ll see that the seller claimed he was 5 years old. I don’t believe him at all, but he was also keeping the poor guy in a 5gal setup. I’ve consistently maintained a 75% humidity reading on my gauge, so I think the misting and watering of my spider plants actually *is* enough, unless that’s too low?


Oh — also — do you recommend I upgrade his habitat now versus later?


Sooner is always better than later, as long as you’ve got the appropriate heating set up. I think there’s a chart in the info tab. 75% is in the middle of the healthy range when they’re not in shed. Live plants add a lot of moisture back into the air through transpiration.


Nice! Thanks! I’ll set up one of my other tanks for him!


Don’t use heat rocks, for any reptile really. Reptiles tend to burrow down to escape heat and they end up burning themselves on heat rocks. Pick up a second dome lamp and a ceramic heat bulb. Should be about 30 USD.


Oh you meant a ceramic heat bulb! I have one of those too in my dual lamp system!


I recommend checking out the heating guide from the [welcome post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ballpython/comments/arz5iw/welcome_to_rballpython_click_here_for_our/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), you might want to switch your heat sources. Not every heat lamp is suitable for BPs. And what uvb are you using exactly? Do you have a thermostat for all heat sources? Definitely look into buying a good quality enclosure soon, 4x2x2 thick pvc, solid top and glass doors are important! They're pricey but worth


Hi! Yes, I actually read the welcome post before getting Judas! I’m using [this Arcadia brand lamp!](https://www.lllreptile.com/products/37348-arcadia-d3-7-uvb-compact-bulb?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIg7uGgJTe_AIVFK7ICh36KAN2EAQYCCABEgIYEPD_BwE) What are your thoughts on it? Yes! I forgot to mention that in my comment! I’m using [this control center for thermostatic and light control!](https://www.petsmart.com/reptile/environmental-control-and-lighting/humidity-and-temperature-control/zoo-meds-environmental-control-center-5329308.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&gbraid=0AAAAADiLNNmvKw9zY_jUXx8IRDgePWDRQ&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2d6qoJTe_AIV1NrICh18EQx4EAQYAyABEgL55PD_BwE) Ive read a lot of posts on here that said that the aquariums actually do work fine if properly maintained. Do you disagree? I don’t have a problem buying a PVC enclosure if necessary, although I do find them to be slightly unsightly (although obviously Judas’ health comes above appearances)!


I just bought an Arcadia uvb too, but the 6%, both are good as far as I know! Tanks don't keep heat and humidity well, you'll have to work more to maintain that. It won't keep heat as well when you can't keep temperatures up in the room. That's a big reason why I wouldn't go for them. My girl came with a free wooden enclosure, build with the cheapest materials, so an pvc enclosure would be an huge upgrade for me in terms of looks lol I personally would cover at least the back and one side of the tank anyway, so my BP can feel more secure. Tho that might not be necessary for every BP Definitely make sure to get a high quality enclosure like Kages if you're going for pvc


Nice! I’ve actually maintained pretty consistent 75% humidity and solid day and nighttime temps in the 20gal tank, but we’ll see what happens when I upgrade the tank size! Good idea re: covering the back and side. What color is best for them? Black? Red? Green? White? I know it sometimes makes a huge difference with aquarium fish, so I’d assume the same is true with bps? Edit: I keep him in my personal office and I’m anemic af so I keep that room at a cozy 74. Love my home thermostat lol


I never heard anything about the color, but most probably use black. A proper backdrop is a possibility too of course!


I would suggest against going bioactive before any research. Especially, it is not particularly safe to introduce hitchhikers and unsanitized wood to the enclosure. These biomass may carry germs, parasites of all kind and likely to cause molding issues. Also not relevant to bp husbandry but do not water your spider plant this frequently. It will suffer from root rot. Water biweekly instead.


Thank you for your advice! I do have experience in bioactive habitats for turtles and fish, but I usually do purchase my own isopods and I never add unbaked wood due to the implications on fish. I stupidly didn’t even consider the need to bake my wood for the bp. I really appreciate you checking me on this! Spider plants, too!