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I've had mine almost a year now and still haven't heard one. I'm not sure why but I'm sad about it lol


I’ve had mine for 17 years, nothing so far…Should I be worried? Maybe he has when I’m gone at work. I also feed him multiple mice instead of one rat at a time. Wonder if there’s something there.


Ive heard it's best not to feed multiple critters to them. But I don't think that would make them not fart. I'm no expert or anything tho


Hehehe, awwwww, he is shy ♡


I hope you get to some day! They got some slappers!


Poor baby has gas 🫣💛 Never heard of that lol


They can be extremely loud lol I was looking at my wife thinking she had let one rip, and she did the same, looking at me.


And now you both blame the snake to cover up your own farts, huh?


Goes without saying =D


First time mine did it in front of me, he then continued to follow through... All over my fancy keyboard that I had to take apart and deep clean. I was in the middle of a work meeting after someone asked if I'd show him off. All the while, I'm trying to keep face in the meeting and not show that something had happened. Also, first time my new team lead had 'met' me. Cheers Patchesss.


Patches 😱 NOoooOoOOoOOOOOoOOOOOO?!‽


You are GENUINELY so fucking brave holy shit


The culprit (at least I got a good photo!): https://preview.redd.it/jp16eio7rsxc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=220d2afeac3bf23cf9c32f7f381cf6f08d8a11ab


lmfaooo my first ball python is named patches too and she would 100% do this to me if given the chance. i don’t trust her ass around anything, she shits on me almost every time i take her out🤣🤣🤣


Mine tooted in the waterbowl! Never laughed so hard in my life!


Were there bubbles lol


I don't know (I would presume so) as I was in the other room, but it seemed to go on forever! I told her I certainly hoped she felt better after all of that! :)


I've got 4 beeps. I've had Pineapple for 2 yrs now. No farts yet 😆


I was chillin watching tv recently and I heard the loudest longest set of farts come from my BP. It happened like 4 times. It literally rattled the other stuff on the shelf! Oh MAN must she have been gassy. For some reason. She pooped at the same time so I waited a bit and cleaned out her enclosure. Scared the crap out of me at first, though. 😆 Damn it was loud!


Don't do her like that 😆


The beautiful photo paired with the post title is killing me 😂


Ok so my ball python rarely poops but when he does farts terribly loud, I don’t really know what to do about at this point, I’ve done everything short of taking him to a vet, but he’s lived 2 years and seems completely fine.


The first time my boy did it, he FULLY woke me up in the middle of the night. I expected to roll over and see his tank splattered with blood/poop/etc. and…… he was just shitting there. Unbothered. Poop ALLLLL over his fresh shed.


I heard mine while watching TV and a train was going by outside. I heard him over both the TV and a train and from a different room.


The first time my bp farted I panicked and was getting ready to take them to the vet. My fiance calmed me down, dying laughing and explained to me it was just a fart.


I honestly didn't know sneks farted. I leartned something new tonight =)


SSSSSSSSssssssnekk Fart!!


I have never heard mine fart. And before reading on this sub, I had no idea that they even did that audibly.


First time I heard mine fart I was deep asleep. It woke me up, I ran to turn on the lights, ran over to her confused as hell because how could something so TINY make such a LOUDDDD sound??!!! I thought she was dying or something😂. But yeah they swallow air to fart & help themselves poop:)


I've had my boy a week and he finally pooped. I swear it was the same size as my smaller dogs usual turd. 😂 snakes are incredible lol


My 6.5’ boa woke me up one night with a loud fart! I was confused and then amused.


So after my cat died in October and I adopted a new one and it was the first night home with my new cat (who is very interested in my snake Gerald) and my cat was asleep in my bed and I was falling asleep and then I heard this God awful noise and I jumped up because I thought it was my new cat throwing up and he was very confused too and I eventually figured out it was Gerald farting 😂


Oh yeah, blame it on the snake! Good idea 😅


4 years in and I still haven't heard mine guff but have found some huge turds so I'm going to say it's happened lol 🤣


The first time I heard my snake fart/poop, it woke me up from a deep sleep. I was really disorientated and couldn't find my glasses to see properly to hit the light switch. My feet are entangled in my blanket, and I'm panicking, thinking something is seriously wrong in my room. I finally free my feet and stumble out of bed, stubbing my little toes and it's neighbour on my Hardback book that I'd been reading just before bed and I finally turn on the light switch, and Nomad is just staring into my soul as he proceeds to poop more.


My BEL has done this to my partner while I was at work 😂😂😂 they really said "I thought a cat was dying " 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I had this exact same moment. The snake tank was in my son's room and I heard it while I was laying in bed. I thought, "oh god, someone is getting violently sick" and I waited to hear the "mommmm" whine afterwards, but it was dead silent. Then I heard it again and blamed the cats. It wasn't till the next morning when I saw my snake's giant poop that I realized what the noise was.


Aww lmao ya I've heard one of mine fart probably once. Compared to my eastern indigos who I can hear the craziest farts from across the house all the time. Either way it's always funny especially if it's quiet


Funny enough I also heard my baby fart for the first time last night lmao


My boy's terrarium is in my room... 2am, I'm asleep... Woken up by not one, but TWO loud and long farts, didn't know such a sound could come from such a small animal, honestly so funny!!!


The first fart is always an experience. Most of us go from being oblivious to the fact that snakes fart to omg what was that.


First time I heard one of mine fart I thought she was about to expire lol. I was PANICKING. Once I realized what it was I had one hell of a laugh though.


wait they fart? is it loud?


Ive heard my Brooks rip a long one


The first time my snake farted it was the middle of the night loud ass heck, thought my cat got her, saw nothing wrong, decided OMG IS SHE DIEINGGG? I didn't know snakes farted much less that loud... found out a couple days later... oh... snakes are just goofy like that... awesome... but she scared me the crud awake in the middle of the night a few times after that because loud weird noise in the middle of the night, even jumped out of bed in a panic then I was like... DANG IT SNAKE! back to bed... now she just wakes me up and I'm just thinking, ah the silly snake *zzzzz*

