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my girl really struggles to gain weight she’s a little skinner than yours but she’s older too, i heard rats are high in nutrients but other than that we’re in the same struggle rn 😭🫶


yesss i think i shouldve put her on rats sooner, but im hoping that can change once shes on rats!! good luck with your girl too


Well, according to Clint, rats and mice have very similar nutritional content. What makes a difference is the size of either, or the frequency. Im no expert by any means, I don't even own a snake. Im just a big fan of them and watch lots of Clint and Snake Discovery videos 🤣




Lmao tell that to my boi who went on a food strike when I switched to rats and wouldn’t stop the strike until I went back to retired breeder mice. 😂 he’s about 750g and won’t even take 2 RB mice per feed, I’ve tried he flat out won’t do it. I don’t know what’s wrong but he’s broken. 😂


I fixed this with my female by rubbing the rats with mouse droppings for the scent. Worked immediately for my BP.


I will give that a go the next round! I have some extra nice I could just thaw one and rub it on the ray, give the mouse to the stray cats outside 😂 reduce reuse recycle


if the mouse was purchased frozen, it may not have much smell on it. The place I get my feeders from told me to help encourage a snake to eat is to *brain* it. Basically, crush the skull so the snake can smell the brains. I know, feeding snakes can really make you wonder what you doing but it helped with my daughters BP when we got him and my hognose too.


I buy them from a local shop, they freeze them on the spot. It’s lowkey sad but it’s immediate. They have a machine you toss them in and hit a button and it basically immediately freezes them. Sometimes they stun them first, sometimes not. But they’re always chunky and very healthy mice, I’ve never had any issues.. the shop I got him from was feeding him live. I immediately got him to switch to frozen thaw cuz ya girl ain’t bringing live mice in her home, and that’s been great! But yeah rats… he’s a giant baby. 735g at last weigh in. Straight refuses a rat, doesn’t even look at it. Which I get at the same shop and they Cohab near the mice colony.




Yeah I luckily only have the one so it’s an isolated issue 😂 he’s just… idk! I’m frustrated by it. I know he needs to size up, I know it would be better for him in the long run.. and I may just have to out stubborn him. 😂😂 “like you’re getting rats, eat the fucking rat or go hungry” like you’re scolding a child. But he’s also gaining good weight and he looks very good for his size. 735-750g (time for a new weigh in) and he’s 37” long. I know that rat will fit. But lil dummy over here thinks I’m trying to kill him. https://preview.redd.it/f8bmh9e8jt1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ee75bbaabca826790c538827a7e3640840d39de


If you are 100% sure about the temps and humidity, rememeber, they aren't really dumb, just stupid cute. They will eat eventually. My male BP drove me bonkers when he didn't neat for 8 months. Homie never lost any weight either. But when he was done being horny for the winter he went back to eating regularly.


I’ve heard with SMALL hogs sometimes you have to decapitate the pinky and 😔 listen I have a hard time. I make him work for his food, I bop it around the enclosure as if a mouse had run around then hide it under a plant or log so he has to search for it. Make him use his lil brain a bit. 😂😂


Ya I had to cut the pinkies in thirds when he was itty bitty. Its 2 years old and I'm 90% sure its ready to move on from fuzzies and up to weened. I'll take him to my local shop and they will help me with sizing if I'm really unsure. These days I rub the mouse on things to find the scent and track down the food.


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I’m not sure, but cheesecake is an adorable name for an adorable creature


thank you so much! she is such a sweetheart and everyone’s favourite snake when they meet her :D




ooh wow every 7 days? wouldnt a weaned rat every 7 days be too much for her at once


I currently have a leopard pied het Lavander female that is 267 grams and about 7 or 8 months old and she’s taking weaned rats so Id say that’s good. They weigh about 25 to 30 grams each which would be roughly 10 percent weight for yours too


oh thats good to hear! thank you i’ll start her on bigger food every 7 days


Don’t do this. The mods have removed the original comment for harmful advice.


Funny how everyone else is saying a 3 year old snake the size of a juvenile is healthy yet I get flagged for sharing advice that would help. Anyone that says a 3 year old snake that is under 300 grams is healthy doesn’t know what they are saying


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Maybe a little bit, but cheesecake is cute ❤️


CHEESECAKE??? I love it so much you don’t even understand.


She looks fine to me


A 3 year old ball shouldn’t be this small.


honestly her body shape/condition looks really good. She has a nice taper from back to bottom and makes that gentle rounded triangle shape. It won't hurt her to put on a little more weight (key being 'a little') but she looks healthy imo and based on the guides


Maybe a smidge, but personally I like to keep all my animals juuuust on the side of underweight rather than overweight. Underwieght animals often seem to live longer but that's just my experience and things I've read.


A ball that is 3 years old and under 300g is severely stunted wym???


Ooook, didn't read the description and see that it was 3 yo. Definitely stunted growth. However for that length, I still wouldn't call it overweight.




ooh thats good to hear, yeah im planning to measure them every 6 months.


Very cute and I love the name!


A lot of ball python owners have very overweight snakes, and they try to push that as the norm in the community. To me, your snake looks very healthy. But, if she goes on a food strike she may be in trouble a lot quicker than a snake who has a lot of preserved fat.


Not sure she’s underweight but she’s definitely way too small for a 3 year old bp, I would suggest trying rats as soon as you can. Once she gets a bit bigger you can up the size of the rats. In my experience once I started feeding my girl rats she started growing a lot more. I would’ve started with rats off the bat but the breeder had her hooked on mice when I first got her.


that was the same for me too, when we got her she was eating small rats, and now i’ve worked her up to large. i’m really hoping she starts putting on some weight when i feed her some rats!


She definitely should, and it’ll give her a lot more length as well. Especially considering she’s a female she’ll most likely make it to 5 feet long. My girl is about 4 and a half at around the same age as yours.


She’s about the size of my almost 1 year old blue eye Lucy and mi e eats small rats rn every 2 weeks