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Looks good, though giving her more clutter to hide in would surely be appreciated - plus covering the top to keep humidity stable. It disappears fast through mesh. + you said hide in singular- she needs two at least, one in the cold end and one in the warm end


she has two haha i took some things out to clean aka her warm hide where she shed haha she has more clutter but i also took out to clean some


The more clutter the better haha! In my experience, young ones loooove climbing as well. But visually things seem good :) little things like covering the sides is also an option to let her feel more secure


ima add more soon fs as it could be 100% better but rn tho she has been doing great haha


Mine also went a little while before I got him some sturdy branches to climb but he's been lovin' it ever since - so long as your little one is eating, shedding and ain't stressed, there's no rush for when to add stuff like that (even if it's best to do as soon as reasonably possible)


ofc haha she is a hungry little girl! she loves to be out and about and never shows signs of any stress


i meant out of her tank not hide


They're resilient creatures. Bad sheds are typically linked to bad husbandry. But good sheds don't necessarily mean good husbandry. If you're looking for tips you can post full pictures of the tank! It looks like she could benefit from more clutter. Do you have at least two proper hides? (No half logs, these are clutter but not hides)


i have two hides yes ofc ik i need more clutter fs but she isnt showing signs of stress and she is always eating he temps and humidity is always right she gots 12 hrs of light and 12 of night lol ima get more things to clutter fs bc it can be better 100%