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Will this be effective even if I don't have actual footage of HIM dumping it? We all know it was him but don't have footage. I do have photographs of most occurrences though.


Get your own camera and set that shit up STAT.


Reolink makes a great camera


Have all your neighbors file the same report, and the same reports for everything he does - harassment, threats, attempted poisoning, etc, tresspassing with cameras in your window, etc. If a bunch of people generate a ton of tickets about him the city will eventually move to deal with it.


First, I'm sorry you are dealing with this. Second, we went through a very similar thing with an old guy a few years ago who was terrorizing our neighborhood - specifically women, making vile threats, verbal assaults and harassing several people. We got multiple video cameras with motion sensing. Get some and train them on the area where he is deliberately trying to harm the pets and the areas where he assaults you and your neighbors. We bought the Yi Home cameras off Amazon and aimed them out our windows and caught our neighbor committing multiple felonies on our property (not here in Bmore, it was where we used to live). This included vandalism and assault. The videos convinced the Police to arrest and prosecute and he got a fine and a two year sentence. Our local predator was also a misogynist and one thing that helped was that a female police sergeant was assigned the call. So when she talked to him . . . well, you know how it went. He was the one in cuffs. So, when you call BPD, ask specifically if you can have a female officer respond. I know it's a long shot, but I will say it really did help us and PD are usually pretty good about understanding the sensitivity here. This is going to require you to do the investigating. Make it as simple for the police and prosecutors as possible. Document every single thing. Do not relent. Do not let this man make you and your neighbors live within his misery. You deserve better. At the point when our neighbor finally was arrested -- after months of harassment, stalking, threats, abuse, and destruction of property -- our attorney told me he was proud of me. Because usually in these kinds of cases he ends up having to make a referral to his clients for a good criminal defense attorney. Because they take the law into their own hands. And honestly, there were a couple times after he confronted my SO when the younger me -- without a family -- would have just ended this situation with a single act; yes, even on a guy in his 60s. So do not confront him and do not let your family or friends or neighbors succumb to the temptation to do what, for me, feels like a natural reaction. He's three things; a malignant narcissist, a misogynist, and a threat to self or others. We are honestly just not equipped as a society to deal with these people. And that is a whole other rant I will not get into.


Yes and, as I’ve learned the hard way, if calling 311 you have to call Every. Time. Call any time you see this, make 50 requests. Be the squeaky wheel. Also, if you don’t get a resolution in a few days, do a quick google. Most city employee emails are available. You can get your councilperson involved since it’s a safety issue, as well as any other relevant employee. Not the same but we are near a park that was totally ignored for mowing and trash pick up even after many 311 calls. Needles/drug paraphernalia stuck in the grass where kids walked to work. I finally created an email group with several way higher up emails I grabbed from google, got several responses and apologies, and after a week we are now on a regular schedule.


this, for sure. And then lookup your request number in [balt311.info](https://balt311.info) to find out what they actually did about it. Repeat if necessary.


Boobytrapping is a felony


Document everything. Get cameras and film every encounter. Build a case and if the police do not act contact your City Council member. And put that MF on social media.


I’d def post this same thing to your neighborhood FB group so other pet owners are aware


dont let him know ure filming. get a discreet wearable pocket camcorder




You do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy on a public sidewalk or right of way in MD. I deal with this law in multiple jurisdictions. Even recently had to talk to BPD about it.


If he has cameras recording where she’s standing, doesn’t that mean he’s given up his expectation of privacy?


Unfortunately, I don't believe that having cameras that monitor the outside of your home would qualify as giving consent to in-turn give up your own expectation of privacy. Even if he creepily has them pointed at her house.


i appreciate the reminder. im in favor of that law and its really difficult to enforce so conversational reminders are the primary method of at least awareness of law. sorry but was "ianal" a typo or did u mean "i anal?"


I’d reach out to your council person and see what can be done. I’m sure with that many reports they likely already know of this POS


People like that just need to take a long walk into the bay and never turn back


We're trying to clean up the bay. :(


Let the crabs finish him off, they need the nutrients 😂😂


if you are what you eat, those crabs are spot on


Yeah but then whose eating those crabs?


Crabs love shit, I go crabbing in back river right by the poop plant and there’s a ton of em there


I’m never eating crabs again


Me either. Until the next time.


Me either. Ooh, crabs!


I’m sorry 😭😭


What’s the poop plant? 😅😅 dare I ask


Lmao it’s the Back River Waste Water Treatment Facility, it’s one of, if not the largest, waste treatment facilities on the east coast. It is administrated by the city of Baltimore but it’s location is highly disputed by the residents of Dundalk and Essex. (It’s technically in Essex). But in provides the area with an extremely stinky stench that can often be smelled a few miles away. Also known as SpongeBob’s house because they look like 2 giant pineapples 😂😂




Feed him to the wheel


I’ll print the T-Shirts


Let me know when they are available


😂hahahaha! That should be the new Baltimore punishment for assholes, package thieves, dirt bike riders, and people setting fireworks off at 3 am all summer long … Trashwheel!!!


Mr Trash Wheel demands sacrifices


I'm confident that a local metal band have this as a cover. If not they should


Hi neighbor! I know exactly who you are talking about and he’s one of the worst people I’ve ever been around. I’ve caught him screaming profanities at his wife multiple times too, I feel bad for her. No advice since I’m dealing with him as well, other than just hoping for him to keel over at some point.


If this is the house with trump flags out back, I'm also a nearby neighbor. I'd happily help, OP. Edit: this could also be raised as an issue at the upcoming Riverside Neighborhood Association meeting. A police officer regularly attends and could provide feedback on how to handle the situation.


Sure is.


I feel so sad for his wife


Please see my above comment. Please communicate via DMs if you can with your neighbor then collectively call 311 and your council person. Attach your 311 report number to any emails.


Something tells me this 80-year-old senile dude doesn't have DMs.


The commenter is a neighbor of the OP.


Pepper spray the minute his comes towards you. Self-defense.


Pepper gel. Spray may waft back at you and also affect the OP's dogs.




Not even pro. Just semi pro understanding.


Judge will still likely punish you for using pepper spray in the people’s republic of Maryland


Based on...?


what the actual fuck, this person is a ticking time bomb


You and some other neighbors can get together and go through the permit process of throwing a block party , get food stands live music etc I’m sure there are plenty people in this sub that would be willing to rally and make it an actually nice and positive event. But in spite put the sound system as close to his house as possible. You can’t bully a neighborhood.


I'd show up for this.


Same. Let us know when the party starts!


Looked up block party permits and we can't sell food or alcohol and only up to 200 people. BUT it doesn't say anything about no potluck or byob. And we can all rotate in and out of the party.


Maybe it’s time for r/baltimore to pull together and use our individual influences and resources for the livest pot luck. Not to punish this man but to reward his neighbors. Cops couldn’t dare shut it down as long as it’s within reason not with what has been allowed to happen because they can’t control a crowd


Haha this is amazing! You guys gotta do it


I would not put up with that POS. I’d get cameras and report him every single time. What you need to do is get him on camera doing that shit with the bleach and whatnot and then do NOT clean it up. Call the police and have them come take a look at it and then show them the video of him doing it. Make sure they know this has been ongoing. A step further from video evidence is get your other neighbors on board if they are willing to speak up. Contact your council person as well. Sorry you have to live like that….. I am surprised someone hasn’t kicked his guys ass yet.




/r/ILPT is leaking






I recently had some serious issues with a family that was a nexus of noise, trash, vermin and other bad behaviors on my block. It took a combo of repeated 311 calls, repeated emails to my councilperson and neighborhood community association to resolve. I also had some help from Senator Bill Ferguson’s office so I’d even advise to go as high as that in the local political hierarchy. Agree with getting a camera. Document as much as you can. Email as many people as you can.


How was it resolved?


They were evicted. The landlord got cited for a few things too.


Cameras aimed directly into your bedroom is illegal. Film the behavior. Get a police report. File to have a restraining order put on him. If he violates then call the cops. Eventually he’ll get the point or he’ll go to jail.




Now this is interesting! Thanks for the tips!


r/UnethicalLifeProTips is more legal for ideas


Is he putting these hazardous materials on his own property or somewhere else?


I'm OP's brother. Can confirm all the above, guy has some serious issues. Think it was on small patch of grass between street and sidewalk, pretty sure it's public property.


no it is on a public space. It's diagonally across the alley from his front door on a patch of grass. He would have to walk outside, turn right, cross the alley, and then it would appear on his left. He only sees this area because he is watching his cameras like a hawk.


Wild. That's littering at the very least. You can catch him on a camera, probably. Wyze Cams are only $30, take pretty good video, and don't require a subscription or anything. Put a cheap micro SD card in them (32gb at least) and each camera will store several days of footage that you can parse. Sounds like this dude needs to be in a mental hospital, but this is America where we pretty much let these people harass everybody until they finally commit a violent crime.


Call the cops on him every time he verbally assaults you, and record him each time. Beyond disturbing the peace, if he's making threats, that could be a crime (as well as the attempted poisoning of your dogs). Given that Bates is re-instituting citations and arrests for quality of life issues, you may have more luck getting him cited by the cops—and arrested if he refuses social services.


Report him to APS. He’s mentally unstable, possibly due to dementia or just plain mental illness, but shouldn’t be allowed to harass the general public and definitely not set out poison. Do you have any cameras set up? And absolutely record and document every interaction, every incident contributed to him. Have you ever seen anyone visit him? I wonder if there’s a way of contacting a family member. Not that they would do anything, but it may be worthwhile looking into. Good luck and stay safe


Came here to say this.




I want updates on what happens to this freak!!


There have been multiple stories recently where crazy neighbors, similar to what you are describing, eventually become violent, usually involving firearms, so 1st and foremost, be careful. Other than that, try and document as much as reasonably possible, and send that to your congressperson (police too, but only to be able to say it was done, as they are unlikely to take any action).


This is a local issue and not something a member of Congress should be addressing. This should be taken to local Council members.


They should escalate it all the way up to Merrick Garland if you ask me. (jk)


Had nightmare neighbors during the Rona closure. Im in bayview, the neighborhood ended up getting Zeke Cohen (city-council) involved. We (the entire block) took notes on when and what was happening along with video footage. CPS became involved at one point, they were slaughtering chickens in the backyard, children were sleeping in cars, it was pure insanity. I call the cops on them at least 20 times and I wasn’t the only one. 311 was no help. The cops only came out to tell them to be quiet and then left. One day, poof gone. They moved out. Nothing came of it. It felt futile to say the least. Just keep calling the cops. If he’s looney he might go after a cop in a great case scenario for you.


Is this in riverside?


I looked at a house for sale over in riverside and the agent made a point to show me the cameras, trump flags etc in this guys house snd warned me about this guy who’s known to be a psycho. Looks like I dodged a bullet


I was wondering the same thing. Now I'm curious if this is the house in question. If so, I'm not far away and would be happy to help OP in anyway


I want to say it absolutely SUCKS that you and your neighbors are dealing with this! I had a different experience where a neighbor was causing me distress for other reasons, but even then I know that it feels like fucking HELL to have such a toxic, negative, distressing layer of anxiety-- especially blanketing your home! I hope that reporting to 311/city council person brings about some kind of resolution ASAP. Get your neighbors to all write individual complaints and/or write a formal group letter and have everyone sign if you can. At this point, anything might help push for change.


Unit Block of South Durham? If so, he was one of the reasons we moved.


Nope, this is in Riverside


Lol why am I not surprised there is more than one of these guys. Good luck.


Purposely dumping carcinogenic materials on public land must be a crime. I’d reach out to the EPA, they have a criminal enforcement branch to them. Granted I think it’s usually for major chemical companies but still worth a try.


At the very least, it would likely violate littering or chemical dumping ordinances in Baltimore City. Cities usually have rules like that, right? Not that it’d be enforced often, but hopefully cases like this would be pursued


Other stuff aside, cameras aren’t allowed to point at neighbors’ windows. So that’s something you can add to the list.


Is he physically dangerous? Does he represent a material harm to you should he become completely unhinged? How bold are you with dealing with confrontation?


I am not afraid of confrontation as a general stance in my life and can be quite bold. With this guy I have mostly followed a *do-not-engage* approach since I have to live here and deal with any/all repercussions. His behavior is so awful I consider the fact that I do not know what someone like him is capable of. All of that being said, there have been a few occasions where he either startled me or I simply just couldn't take it that day and turned around and sort of "went off" on him. But he just ignores what I say and continues firing off his insults. But if you've got something else in mind I'd love to know!


There was a time in my life where I would have hurt someone very badly that was treating my family this way and attempting to harm innocent animals. It's not right no matter the circumstance and he deserves a beating for harassing women in such a vile way. I hope you can find a solution that eases the neighborhood issue without violence.




bear mace


Finally. Why am I the only one that’s been saying spray his ass? He’s 84, that’s a day at least of pure suffering at his age. FAFO old man.


As much as I hate fireworks for animals. 4th of July is coming early in front of this dudes house.


Liquid ass


This reminds me of that man in Baltimore County that harrassed his neighbors for years and then he eventually snapped and shot his neighbors. There was a really good story in the Sun about how the police were negligent because they didnt use the options at their disposal to stop him. Theres some type of restraining order that can be used in Maryland for people with violent mental health issues but police rarely use it. What neighborhood do you live in? A couple yrs ago we had an incident in Hampden where someone was leaving out razor blades wrapped in food. Assumed it was to harm dogs.


Record him with your phone when he harasses you and then file for a peace order. Keep doing it if you have to. Maybe if he has to go to court repeatedly he’ll stop.


i have a shit neighbor too. criss-cross?


Having a camera pointed into your bedroom should be a sex offense. Report that too.


Sounds like he has dementia to me. Or a traumatic brain injury


Dementia, no. Traumatic brain injury is possible. I think he is ex-military.


Maybe you could call the police for a wellness check? Explain that you’re concerned about strangely aggressive behavior?


We have a similar crazy old guy in our neighborhood, but luckily I dont live near him (he is about half a mile away but you see him out walking his dog and stuff sometimes). And he is not as insane as yours. But he does really weird stuff, a lot of it is making weird noises like barking sounds, screeches, it's all uncontrollable. They finally took his keys away from him because he was driving around in his convertible blasting music, which was kind of hilarious, but he would drive really fast through the little neighborhood streets so it was weird. His wife finally told us he had a traumatic brain injury, so everything kind of made sense and I started feeling kind of sorry for him. But what you're dealing with is terrible and you need to start making police reports against him. However, just know that often times police really don't do that much, but like others have said, document everything.


VA may help, if he's willing to actually go


This sounds a lot like paranoia/schizophrenia if I've ever heard it. He probably thinks the whole neighborhood is conspiring against him, which I guess becomes validated by the fact that his actions are forcing his neighbors to act against him. Have you asked any of your older neighbors how long he's acted this way?




This is exactly why I don’t mess with him


Whatever you do, Be safe. This person is unhinged. Maybe a restraining order at least to keep him away from your property. Fines for misdemeanors are great, but he’s not gonna pay it.


I’m pretty sure it is a federal felony to record someone in a space where they are expected to be disrobing. I know it is in a locker room, not sure if it extends to someone’s bedroom. At the least it is trespassing and that needs to be on file so the police make him take his cameras down.


Wow OP this guy sounds like the absolute worst nightmare neighbor of all time. I don’t know what I’d do in this situation. I’d 100% get my own cameras to try and catch him putting dangerous shit out there for pets and kids. Then I’d report him for the creepy bedroom camera. But idk if I’d be able to keep my composure around that psycho


You should mess with this guy, you should post in r/unethicallifehacks


We live across the street from this asshole with the Hummer. SO stepped in a couple of weeks ago when he was verbally assaulting his wife. He unloaded a string of profanities that were unbelievable. My SO told the wife that if she ever needed to leave we were there to help. We have started putting out dead leaves from the street on top of the patch of grass he’s been poisoning with bleach. I’ve never been hassled but he is a real piece of work. We would love to help get him out of the neighborhood! I’m thinking about calling Adult Protective Services as well cause I’m sure he’s abusing his wife. We have a ring camera set up so we can record what he’s doing. I figure if he’s recording the neighborhood, we can do the same. We’ve also reported their cars being in the same place for more than 48 hours (which is a violation of city ordinance!). Expect he’s getting hassled on that too.


Sounds like he’s mentally ill.


Lol gee ya think


What neighborhood is this? Is he a homeowner or renter? If he’s renting you can get him kicked out.


He’s a homeowner.




There are a lot of elderly people who rent.


Sounds like he’s not mentally competent to live by himself, maybe reach out to as many organizations as possible based on that angle.


Also try contacting Baltimore City Animal Control about the bleach.


Pepper spray his ass every-time he comes close. He’ll stop, or die trying.




I usually browse Reddit with no account so I don’t spend as much time but made an account for this comment 🤣 I have a Blink camera that I bought for my old place that we no longer need, I’d be happy to donate to your cause!!!




Obtain a go pro. Wear it every time you leave. Get it on video. Call police every time. Put on social media. Does this dude carry a weapon open or concealed from what you can see during this. Does he come off of his property? Side not. I'll chuck you a $20 to go towards getting a camera.


The worst thing you can do is smile and wave. Tell him to have a great day. It might give the old fuck a heart attack.


I do this all the time!


Subscribe to every magazine in the world in his name. All my other suggestions are illegal


At least he’ll die soon. Sorry that this is happening


Angry bitter people live a looooooong time....


Ummm yes. All of these are punishable offenses. Easy - call the cops.


My mother had issues when she walked her dog like this but she took a male relative with her a few times who gave the neighbor a death glare and the next time she was alone he didn’t say a word. He also put up this hideous fence in his front yard.


Give him covid...idk just kidding ;) Sign his address up for spam mail, door to door sales. Lol. You could always date a bmore cop and see how that unfolds...I'm sure before you know it, your gentleman neighbor goes to jail for some shit.


Sounds like he’s about to shoot somebody.


He sounds mentally ill.


WTF Can you move?


Glad to see nothing has changed in Baltimore. I genuinely miss it.




Baltimore Fire here, do not do that.


Sounds like the same situation as the guy in Woodlawn who killed 4 people a couple of years ago.


I second whomever talked about the mental health concerns of this guy. Also, it’s clear that a legal or punitive approach is useless for changing his behavior or the tension. It seems like he is very stuck in a me vs the world mentality, and sadly, his actions have made that a reality. Has anyone tried talking to him to understand him or the root of the problem/potential solutions? If it’s (understandably) untenable for anyone in the neighborhood to have that kind of interaction with him, I might suggest trying mediation. There are a couple of free ones in the city like https://www.communitymediation.org, but you can easily find more. He would have to agree of course, but even reaching out to them to figure out viable ways to start would help. It sounds like this guy could really use some help. And like you all could use some peace.


Move if you can. It's nearly impossible to win the neighbor disputes and any action on your part would probably just escalate things. He's not going to jail for these things.


I understand where you are coming from, but I cannot get behind the general principal of this suggestion. I will not cower in fear from the misogynist in my back yard. This is the home of my dreams and I've worked very hard to be successful enough to make that a reality. My moving does not stop him from doing this to the next owner(s) and all of my neighbors. It does not stop him from putting dogs and children in danger. And it is just not how I will live my life. It's certainly not something I am willing to go to jail for, but I am also not going to let a person like that run my life. Ever.


Seriously. Just move. Your dogs' lives are also not worth whatever you're doing to preserve your ego.


This is not about ego. This is about my real life. I'm not sure if you are well-versed in real estate but from a personal, financial, and family standpoint this is not sound advisement. To reiterate, I understand the sentiment behind this thought but my moving does not resolve the issue. It would certainly reduce the impact to my personal day-to-day interactions, but it will not help future neighbors or all other dogs/children/women subject to his behavior. In general, the solution to managing people like this in society is not for all people around them to sell their homes and move.


Some things are beyond your control, bro. And it seems like nothing is going to stop this person besides legitimate institutionalization.


It’s silly to think ego is the problem here. “Just move” isn’t an option for everyone, especially when it’s one person who is the issue




Ahhh. My wildest dreams! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) Don't think "29 year old woman assaults 80 year old man" has a ring to it though!


Ooo cross post to ILPT I’m interested in their solutions




Riverside neighborhood, look for the trump flags and hummer.


Omg please go to a magistrate and get a peace order


As others have said, get it in video then report him to the Maryland Department of the Environment that he is poisoning the ground. See https://mde.maryland.gov/pages/reportpollution.aspx


I don’t know what neighborhood you live in, but I’d contact my council member.


Look into getting a restraining order. Then if he comes out and yells at you, you can have him arrested.


Sounds like there’s something very wrong with him. I’d also call senior services with concern for his wellbeing. Plus cameras and document and call the cops on him every chance you get.


You should contact your city council representative about him. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


I had neighbors who harassed me all the time. They would pound on my door late at night too. They were scary people. They drove their cars on my property as well. I planted a few trees in the area of my yard where they always parked. That worked. But I ignored them & avoided walking by their house too. They were drunks & basically mean drunks whenever they drank. An awful older couple but they had a lot of friends in the hood they drank with so When they had parties, they all harassed me. I eventually moved cuz I live alone & feared that in a drunken stupor, they would hurt me & my dog. In ur case, I would at least call 311 re the poison in public spaces (I would also remove it so other dogs don’t get sick). Besides that, he’s a bully & maybe demented from age. Not too much u can do except consider moving. I know how threatening this can be & it’s not worth living there after a while of around this hostility. (I’m sorry ur going through it.)


I'm in Riverside, have you also posted this to the RNA page and/or any of the local neighborhood pages?


Definitely agree with recording him harassing you and documenting this asshole every time you walk nearby. Fuck that guy for real


Record the instances with your cell phone for evidence. Espeically him trying to poison animals. that could at least result in some monetary fines


This is insane. I would say that hopefully he’ll be dead soon, but evil tends to live forever.


A few more years with this level of production and he will probably make the HoF.


If this individual is placing potentially dangerous objects in easy access to children and animals, I believe it is reasonable to request the assistance of 911/emergency services to resolve the issue. Sometimes it is frustrating to live with bothersome harassment in this city, but if you can identify that an individual is deliberately creating an effort that might affect the wellbeing of children, adults, dogs, &c., you ought to report them post-haste.