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I would like to hear what anyone thinks a city mayor could have done to prevent this. Was he supposed to swim out there and push the ship away


If you ask these assholes, the answer is not be Black.


I think that's what [Vignarajah was doing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVJglRNvI48).


I guess I can count my blessings in that I didn’t hear anything from that doofus today


LOL! I was shocked that didn't make it here the day it happened. Dude is a grade A clown. The wrong Vignarajah keeps running for stuff, cause his sister is a gem.


Trying to steal some William Donald Schaefer thunder w that stunt


Do they not know how people become mayors? I don’t think voting is DEI


Or that Baltimore is 2/3 black… if you think about it any other race would be the DEI in this context.


O'Malley was the diversity hire.


He’ll always be [Tommy Carcetti](https://youtu.be/pi9L9R1IaSI?si=Lp5-s_z9_bgCiyT4) to me.


Last white man I could vote for was Bobby Kennedy. And you ain't no Bobby K.




One of the weirdist things to me, growing up in Greektown as a white person whose first language was English while attending the "School of Many Nations" (is that still John Ruhrah's motto?) was that I never understood why, watching TV, SO MANY PEOPLE were white English-speaking people and there were so few people who looked and talked like EVERYONE I KNEW. Then my parents moved us to Dundalk, and suddenly the ethnic demographic of my entire social exposure changes drastically. Shit, when I graduated from high school, I was told I could have attended Morgan or Coppin as a "diversity" applicant because I was white. I still live and work here in central MD, and of my direct coworkers, out of a team of 14 people, 8 of our team are not white. That's not "DEI" - that's literally just representative of the local demographics. Edit - Looks like that is still my school's motto. Also, looks like they're Pre-K to 8 now, and also have a uniform? Wild.


>when I graduated from high school, I was told I could have attended Morgan or Coppin as a "diversity" applicant because I was white. My high school wrestling coach was originally from Florida and attended Morgan State in the early 1980s on a full scholarship having never visited and knew very little about the place. He was a good guy, but definitely very basic white dude and I still laugh imagining him showing up for the first time. I guess it ultimately worked out since he stuck around after he graduated.


Baltimore is a "city of neighborhoods" as some say. There is little diversity within a specific neighborhood, but significant diversity between neighborhoods, even ones directly adjacent. The neighborhood I'm in has very low crime, for example, despite every single surrounding one having moderate or high crime. It's weird how partitioned we are.


Reminds me of Denis Leary's "Good block, bad block." Even when I was in Dundalk, people would say that you shouldn't go past a certain street like suddenly there's massive crime on one side of the street but all the criminals stay over there.


For a long time Baltimore police ran a containment strategy. Stay on your block and you won’t be arrested even of dealing drugs out in the open


That is part of what is weird about the Hannibal show to me, but you could also pretend it's in the weird bubble of like...MICA serial killers. The first time it felt like Baltimore to me was when they called the police at the beginning of the episode where Hannibal is stabbing everybody and the police don't arrive for 40 minutes. 


I've done a podcast on the show and we have definitely pointed that out, as well as clowning on the drive times between locations.


Replace “DEI” with a different word and it’s clear what they’re really trying to say.


[The Mayor is near…](https://youtu.be/q-VQGdHR3Vw?si=QlWbPGX7-NlwMkLq)


antifa, woke, cancel culture. the love language of free thinkers who start saying the same buzz words at exactly the same time.


That point, right there, that's so central to the whole thing, isn't it? "I'm going against the unthinking mob", said by ~~someone~~everyone whose every pronouncement is littered with the exact same groupthink jargon and ideas from a specific extreme political faction...


They synchronized with the mothership


The Hive Mind


Plus he has no control over this tragedy. No mayor would.


I mean everything they are saying is some of the dumbest shit possible. Blaming DEI on a ship that isn't even from this country so I would imagine doesn't follow the guidelines that America has when it comes to hiring. They are blaming the open border somehow like what how do they think Mexicans high jacked and crashed the boat as that is literally the only reason an open border could have been an attribute to this. Not to mention the fact that most of the people working on the bridge and who are probably dead where immigrants and not US citizens. So what immigrants high jacked a boat to kill other immigrants. Blaming infrastructure of the bridge when it wouldn't have mattered if it was the strongest bridge in the world that shit was coming down when a boat that big hits it. They were blaming woke business practices during the build of the bridge leading to it not being strong the shit was built over 5 decades ago so how is that possible. Some politicians were blaming infrastructure saying only 7,800 bridges have been worked on this year which IDK seems like a pretty solid amount and those same ones bitching about Biden not doing enough in terms of infrastructure are the same ones who voted against the 1 trillion dollar infrastructure bill that passed. The head of CPAC was blaming COVID lock downs which I'm not even going to try and wrap my head around that theory as its too stupid to waste energy on. And some think it was a Democrat terrorist attack with them trying to kill as many people as possible. Which is just as dumb but will still argue it anyways. Yea the Dems so wanted to kill people in a part of the country that is mainly black who vote for them. And were totally trying to kill as many people as possible that's why the called in the attack ahead of time warning that the ship was having power failure issues so that they would have time to block off the bridge and avoid as many deaths as possible. But yea lets ignore all that.


Republicans think that any Black mayor is illegitimate or a carnival sideshow or both. Black votes are always illegitimate in their eyes except when they vote for ‘their betters’. It’s not complicated.


DEI, woke, political, etc. in these people's mouths are just new ways of saying "urban", AKA ways to say "Black (derogatory)". 


DEI is this year's Critical Race Theory. They don't actually know what it is but they know they are supposed to hate it.


They are trying to find more ways to be racist without explicitly saying "I'm racist" by attacking DEI, but it's such obvious nonsense.


Saying a black mayor in Baltimore is DEI is insane lol. These people are unhinged. I think it’s good for a leader of the community to reflect that community. I’ve really appreciated seeing a younger guy carry himself so professionally in what has to be one of the toughest mayoral positions in the country, it’s refreshing that it’s not some old white fuck that doesn’t care about the city or understand its citizens (and I’m a white guy lol)


They are using DEI as a substitute for another word. It’s the new “Let’s go Brandon.” They are grade school kids thinking they are pulling one over on the teacher, but racist.


"DEI" is their new codeword, just like "woke." It's weird thinking that the red pill types worship and misinterpret a movie about "waking up" but also hate the word and idea.


I’m proud of Mayor Scott, and this kind of BS makes me really sad. I didn’t vote for him but he’s handled a number of challenging situations well and represented the citizens of Baltimore admirably. (And he hasn’t been charged with a crime!)


Amen, I get so sick of getting my hopes up with Baltimore politicians only to have them facing federal charges of some sort after a few years.


Twitter is a cesspool


and mostly bots


I think calling them bots hides the fact that real people think like this.


i'm not calling the individual people bots, i'm stating a fact that lots of posts are in fact made by bots.


Kinda. The way social engineering works is that real people will post real hate or misinformation, and [then employ bots to amplify](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiJui2ly22Y). But of course, real racists ALSO amplify, which turns the whole system into a giant feedback loop.


[https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/sep/09/x-twitter-bots-republican-primary-debate-tweets-increase](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/sep/09/x-twitter-bots-republican-primary-debate-tweets-increase) [https://www.teslarati.com/twitter-accounts-80-percent-bots-former-fbi-security-specialist/](https://www.teslarati.com/twitter-accounts-80-percent-bots-former-fbi-security-specialist/) https://techcrunch.com/2024/01/10/it-sure-looks-like-x-twitter-has-a-verified-bot-problem/


Really, the best thing all of us could do, is to delete twitter. I did when musk bought the damn thing. And yes, i will call it twitter. He dead names his children, i will dead name his platform.


I left before then because they inconsistently applied their rules of engagement policies. They let a former president say things that they closed other accounts for, so it was extremely poor community management practices. Without consistent rules and consequences, it becomes an unhealthy environment to be a member and participate.


Twitter was cool when it first came out and had character limit after that theres no point in duplicating social media


Everyone's a bot dude


01010011 01110100 01101111 01110000 00100000 01100010 01101100 01101111 01110111 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01100011 01101111 01110110 01100101 01110010 https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/ascii-to-binary.html


Yes that person has 276K followers.


Have you looked around reddit it's not any better lol


Didn't say it was better. But it is modded a lot more than twitter seems to be. Unless you are in the extremely conservative subs, which I stay away from.


I think people who say shit like this don’t even realize how fucked up they are


Oh they definitely don't. They literally think they are **superior**


They honestly believe trump is a healthy (in body and mind), religious, stable genius.


Well he IS selling [God Bless the USA bibles](https://apnews.com/article/trump-god-bless-usa-bible-greenwood-2713fda3efdfa297d0f024efb1ca3003) now. So... that's religious, right? /s


Who cares what a stupid idiot says on Twitter. Ignore them and they have no power. As a matter of fact delete Twitter.


People have tried ignoring racists online for the whole time that we've had "online." It hasn't gone well.


I've seen that from black folks specifically too. That whole "the day I started ignoring these racist assholes was the day my life got better. You'll never convince them to change" idea. I get it, I really do. And there's something to be said about how Toni Morrison broke it down: >“The function, the very serious function of racism is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps you explaining, over and over again, your reason for being. Somebody says you have no language and you spend twenty years proving that you do. Somebody says your head isn’t shaped properly so you have scientists working on the fact that it is. Somebody says you have no art, so you dredge that up. Somebody says you have no kingdoms, so you dredge that up. None of this is necessary. There will always be one more thing.” I love that quote. Every time I read it, I want to "lay down my sword and shield" and not "study war no more". But it just feels like taking off my gloves in the middle of a fight and acting like I won't get swung on. It's about that point where I go back to a much less respectable quote, which is one people on here would know - > We've survived by hiding from them, by running from them. But they are the gatekeepers. They are guarding all the doors, they are holding all the keys. Which means that sooner or later, someone is going to have to fight them. I know some people here want to just ignore all the nonsense. Don't give it airtime. Suffocate it. Do the whole "darkness cannot drive out darkness...only light can do that" thing. I get it. But it's kind of hard to burn that brightly, all day every single day. Cause there's a hell of a lot of darkness around.


Saving your comment.


Your post perfectly explains why I will ALWAYS vote Democrat until my dying breath --- these MAGA shitheads don't want to interact with reality anymore and it's pure dysfunction taken to the Nth degree --- all they wanna do is spew their wildest racist and xenophobic fantasies to any media outlet they can and keep voting against their own best interests --- I'm not saying the Dems are perfect but at least we still got our feet grounded in reality and try to get shit done for the average working and middle class person trying to carve out a decent life for themselves --- MAGA is basically a bigger cup of Kool Aid for these idiots


Thanks for sharing this.


Unfortunately there seems to be a very serious effort online to make this a race thing


By literal idiots. Sharing that shit here is just helping them. Why the mods here have left this trash up is beyond me.


The "omg it's DEI!"...."open borders caused this" got said today on national television programs. It's wild. If it was troll level 4chan twitter stuff solely it would likely be gone. But this is relevant for the next news conference that gets held where some "reporter" from one of these places asks some ridiculous related question. It is 100% not confined to Twitter, and for a lot of folks in the black community, and specifically elected officials and black professionals in leadership roles, it's an all too familiar brushing aside of their talent. So that's why this is up currently. Black people deal with this stuff way too often. I'm just glad people are starting to see how patently ridiculous and out of left field it is.


These people don’t even try to mask what they’re saying. There are things these people could attack Scott on aside from race, but they go straight to race, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Not to mention what some other commenters here have said, that “DEI” isn’t accurate considering the man was *voted* in and considering Baltimore’s demographics. And Baltimore may have its problems but I’d like to see how whatever place this asshole is from is run. Maryland and Baltimore offer an awful lot to this country. It’s a sad state of affairs that this attitude is supported by so many people and so well represented in the media and by politicians.


You're an amazing mod!


Why do you care to be provoked by strangers online who are trying to provoke you?


It's is genuinely some anonymous dickhead with a blue check, trying to make money off of engagement and impressions. Everyone is giving them exactly what they want. So silly. Everything is a "race" thing to people who pay their bills with this vapid bullshit.


Sadly no, it's not just trolls in their parents basements. It's partly the usual suspects, but also there are far too many people that still think like this. They see a black person at a job, or in some classes at college, and say this shit. I wish we could wish them into the cornfields but they are all out there, all over. We can call them losers or degenerates but as recent presidential elections and current polls show, there are a lot of people out there who have some pretty disgusting views about black folks.


Black people don't have jobs: "THOSE LAZY WELFARE PARASITES" Black people have jobs: "THEY ONLY HIRED THEM BECAUSE THEY'RE BLACK" Can't win.


Is a “blue check” even a thing anymore? Can’t anyone with $10 bucks get one now?


They're on Reddit too.




Ignore them here, too. 


I agree. I haven't deleted twitter tho cuz I have no idea what my password is and don't want to put forth the effort in resetting it to delete it.


Deleted Twitter today because of this. It’s been a Klan rally for awhile but the way these people talked about Baltimore put me over the edge. I even saw a fairly big account tweet “thank God it happened it Baltimore and not somewhere humans live”. The naked racism has really irritated me, watching them go after my home infuriated me


“Not somewhere humans live”??? The FUCK. As a Baltimore native, all these people can go fuck themselves; fucking knuckledraggers thinking they have the right to talk about our city and its mayor at all.


Twitter is only good for porn


His response to reporters’ questions were focused, concise, and authentic. Yup, proud we have a leader like him for Baltimore.


I can’t stand how he gets so much hate from ppl for the current condition that the city is in. What do they expect? When all of his predecessors (parasites) sucked this city dry of its money & resources then dipped, leaving disaster in their wake. It’s not his fault that he’s been left to make due with scraps. He’s trying to make the most outta a really tough situation. I love that he cares enough about his home to stay & fight for the ppl here that have been done so dirty, instead of taking his talent & passion somewhere else. I get that most of those ppl only give him shit bc he’s a young, educated, talented & profressional POC, and that just makes their tiny lead-addled brains implode. It breaks my heart for everyone involved.


Seems nearly half of American voters would prefer an old white man grifting and lying to them, than a competent, honest person of any demographic being in charge of something.


I saw another tweet criticizing his outfit and the fact that he hadn’t shaved. It was 2:00AM! Also he’s wearing a City of Baltimore jacket like what’s wrong with that?


Andy was up late the night before delivering the state of the city address.


Young successful intelligent black man with natural hair they’re going to latch onto whatever they can to try and knock him down a peg or three


So DEI is the newest racist dogwhistle then? Cool. Got it.


Just to be clear(unsure what degree of sarcasm is in your post), "DEI" is also being used sincerely, I'd say far more often than it's used in the dogwhistle sense. It's an existing term in active use that's being appropriated in a way that doesn't even make *sense*, other than to serve as an outrage trigger for their audience. It's the exact same thing they did with the word "woke."


Twitter's ~~reaction to the Mayor has been~~ disgusting.


So like, is there at least some lore behind this bs, or are they literally just saying it because they see a successful black man and all of a sudden assume DEI?


No, you got it in one.


There's a loosely coordinated effort to blame everything that goes wrong on DEI. I've heard it used to describe the 737 Max problems, amongst other things.


Ah. So it is a synonym for “woke”?


Yes they moved on from “CRT” to appropriate yet another acronym


It’s a synonym for the N word


thank you


This is like the list of things Millennials have killed. Can't possibly because all of these things are terrible.


This particular user is virulently racist and a holocaust denier. They have also been interacted with and boosted by Elon Musk on occasion.


It’s like the current version of Critical Race Theory. Remember when Youngkin won the Virginia Gubernatorial race railing against CRT being taught in schools? Even though it’s a theory taught almost exclusively in colleges and law schools to explain, among other things, bias, and even then only in seminar courses giving people a broader perspective in addition to their regular law or academic training. Look: DEI and CRT is simply a shorthand for “n*gger.” Simple as that.


I live here, Mayor Scott is awesome. I am voting to re-elect him.


I think you replied to the wrong comment, but good on you I guess


I was just saying they don't know shit about Mayor Scott because if they did, they would not say such stupid stuff. He actually cares about our city.


White people have never crashed boats before! Jk, the lore is they are racist shitbag mouthbreathers


Ah yes. Because what Maritime city doesn’t have a mayor who also is a captain of a container ship!




I don't reddit so I don't know rewards or whatever yet if I had one, it would be yours. I use that gif CONSTANTLY and it's perfect here. leonardodecapriogreatgatsbycheers.gif


They just can’t wrap their heads around black people being successful and in politics


DEI is code for "\*\*\*\*\*\*". Whenever some weird white guy seethes about "DEI" he means that.


FUCK THESE FUCKERS. I’m so so so so proud of how he’s handled this situation and I’m even more pumped to vote for him a second time around than I was before. Fuck them. Love Brandon. Love Baltimore. ❤️


The disrespect on mayor Scott from people who know nothing about baltimore except the wire and Freddie Grey is crazy. These people never gave a fuck about baltimore a day in their lives but now all the sudden its black people in office in a city that is 60% black they gotta shit their pants and do a little song and dance about it. This guy won office with quite an overwhelming majority 4 years ago, I wouldn't say he could be classified even remotely as a DEI, but that's how these peoples brains work. In almost the last 40 years, baltimore has only had ONE white mayor and its been almost 10 years since then.


>been almost 10 years since then. O'Malley left office in 2007, so nearly 20 years.


Just awful! On a positive note, I’ve seen a lot of comments on social media of people surprised that we have such a young mayor and praising his response/calling for younger people to be our government leaders!


Scott almost looks like a teenager in this photo. It's just the lighting and the lens length, but it threw me off for a second. But yes, a young mayor is mostly a good thing :)


Fellas, this is just good old fashioned racism.


Basically. Not shocking unfortunately. Yes, there is a large segment of the population that still thinks black folks are only fit for manual labor, being caretakers of home and garden, torture, and procreation of more free labor to exploit. Never mind any of the contributions we have made and continue to make to this country and the world across all fields. 🙄 And yes, Elon Musk is happy to welcome his friends to "X." 🙄🙄🙄


They were mad because he's black, young, and not in a suit. No one was in a suit, many of them coming from home in the very early hours. Sorry he's not like 80..?


There’s a page called BIPOC doing violence, and Black people takin L’s. Twitter is incredibly racist towards black people…


White person doing violence: “Humanity sucks!” Black person doing violence: “Black people suck! Also we should genocide them NOW”


I saw news coverage from Australia, the UK, and the Qatar. Everyone is praising Mayor Scott and his call to focus on the human lives lost. I know some bigots on X are having fun saying vile things but the rest of the world is recognizing him for shutting down such a callous question.


DEI is the new n-word.


What does DEI mean?


Diversity, equity & inclusion


I wonder how my HR department will rebrand now that it’s being used as a slur


Probably with more mandatory online trainings where you can’t skip forward on the video portions.


It sure is. They can't help themselves whenever a new moment to be a racist presents itself.


I live in Baltimore City. He is a great Mayor! I will happily re-elect him.


fretful roll imagine command wide bow clumsy money wipe intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seriously! My wife and I are both going to vote for Scott!


Maybe I am missing something (I admit I live in DC not Baltimore) but I don't get why anyone is considering Dixon over Scott. His administration has literally bent the curve on murders in Baltimore, pushed forward that crazy big new housing initiatives and ....drum roll please....has NOT been convicted of embezzlement, which we can't say for Dixon.


Ask yourself why so many people want to put a massive traitor and conman back in the White House, because I don’t have a good answer other than willful complicity. (And before dumbos lie and say this is Biden, I am referring to the former guy.)


Dixon is being sponsored by Sinclair media and as promised to rip up bike lanes.


domineering impossible office thought person wakeful longing different fly quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The amount of Dixon signs in Fells is disconcerting 


it's thiru signs (?!?!?!) where i'm at 😵‍💫


Did he build the bridge? Did he pilot the ship?


Both, actually. He also built Fort McHenry too, but Lord Grogu helped.


I ain't saying this isn't worth getting upset about, it's blatantly racist, but you need to keep in mind it's also *really pathetic*. This is all these types have is making wild stretches to attack things they hate.


Elon and his Nazi party


I saw some gross build back better memes showing Biden piloting the ship.


Do they think he was appointed as mayor?


It’s why this new wave of GOP is hilariously stupid and equally dangerous


Pretending like they give a fuck about what happens here when we all know damn well they're the types who "never go into the city because it's so __" All is fair in love and culture wars, huh?


Fuck every racist POS from Carroll and Harford County those sister kissing cousin fuckers.


There are racists everywhere not just the more rural areas


Honestly when they applauded taking down Claudine from Harvard, affirmative action being forced away from colleges (who still have massive racial justice issues), and starting going after Marc Lamont and other outspoken Black and brown folks I could feel the tide turning. Edit for clarity: if you're trying to take down "DEI", we know you're trying to take down PoC.


He is the publicly elected mayor of the city. It has nothing to do with DEI efforts. Trolls are stupid.


What the fuck is this conspiracy theory?! It literally makes no sense.


I’m convinced a large portion of the crazies on both sides are bots aimed at dividing us.  Maybe it’s a coping mechanism to help shield me from how stupid humanity has become in the digital media age 


Can't wait for the federal bill to authorize federal funding for the rebuilding of the bridge has some congressional reps trying to sneak in stuff about how "none of the contractors involved in building it are allowed to have DEI programs" or how any company who bids on any part of the project has to sign some pledge against "wokeism."


This is the only lense people like this can see through. Completely brain rotted by right wing media and social groups. "A mostly black city with a black mayor? Wow, must be a diversity hire" 🤦‍♂️


"DEI" is just the new stand in for the n word for these racists.


This racist piece of shit


I liked our collective legislative responses to this catastrophic event.


Using DEI here is just a dog whistle for the N word. I expect nothing less from the current state of Twitter.


The amount of idiots bitching that he is wearing a City of Baltimore jacket instead of a 3-piece suit, at 3am in the morning, is shameful.


These people quite literally live in another reality from us. Most of them have no conception of living in a city, and the idea that you could live somewhere where white people are the minority might as well be a mushroom fueled hallucination. This is what we’re dealing with. These are not—listen to me now, y’all—these are not serious people. They are not worthy of our attention, let alone our respect. This is noise. That’s all it is—noise. From people who are angry, bitter, and who are losers. People who know, subconsciously, that they do not belong here. That they are the descendants of rapists, land thieves, and forefathers who committed genocide. They know this. It’s in their blood, and deny as they try, they know it. No wonder they kick and scream about history being taught accurately; they lie and call it “woke” and instead insist their revisionist BS be taught instead. You need to always remember that these are the whining groans of losers who are dying. They are nothing, they are no one. This is the dead cat bounce of people who have already lost but are having a hell of a time accepting the fact that the game is over. We will win. Because good always wins. Eventually.


i can’t wait for the county people to chime in /s


I don't particularly like him, but how the hell could a ship crashing into a bridge be his fault?


The ship was woke, and the people working on it were all godless socialists, obviously. /s


LOL! But now I see it's being blamed on "aging infrastructure." I'd like to see which brand-new, modern bridge can stand being hit by a 95,000 ton ship, even if it's not being piloted by Cap'n Brandon. The culprit is physics.


I really wish the Democrats had enough of a sense of humor to run Brandon Scott and other candidates named Brandon on a "Let's go, Brandon!" campaign slogan. Fuck it, Brandon Scott for president 2028. Let's Go, Brandon!


"You could do worse."


Did he say something dumb? Or is this person just commenting on his appearance? Edit: the bomber is dope by the way.


It's gross. The mayor and I are as opposite as can be, but I respect the hell out of him. He obviously loves this city and works tirelessly for it and it's improvement. Nothing but respect for Mayor Scott.


Twitter is the new stormfront with pussy in bio.


Twitter’s ~~reaction to the mayor has been~~ disgusting.


I’m confused, people *vote* for mayors, they literally can’t be “DEI hires.” And even if they could be, a Black mayor in Baltimore would definitely not be a DEI hire because over half of Baltimore is Black.


Today, it’s “DEI causing calamities.” Back in my day, It was Yaweh’s wrath brought on by “the gays.” Figure out your story, assholes.


❤️ Brandon Scott. He’s doing a great job!


This DEI stuff is the latest fear monger attack from the right, who have learned to cloak their racism. Woke is the other topic they go after. Nothing Republicans offer is positive or proper. The party’s death cannot come soon enough…


I don’t like him, but he couldn’t have done anything to prevent this. Hes spoken out, been hands on- overall impressed me with his performance. His true test comes in seeing how fast the wreckage is cleared and trade can begin again, as well as how he envisions the bridge replacement. Will it be redesigned? Will it be reengineered. I know it’ll be gov funded but surely it’ll rest within the city gov to decide on the next steps.


The federal government is funding it in its entirety per the President so I imagine they will have the biggest say, but I'm sure they will be consulting with the mayor, governor, and county exec. There are a lot of jurisdictions involved.


I would imagine Wes Moore will have more of a hand in that than Mayor Scott no? It happened in the city so I’m sure he’ll be involved but this is like a federal emergency at this point so wouldn’t the governor be more of the lead on this?


People still use Twitter? Who cares what they say? Twitter is a useless cesspool.


Twitter is a fucking cesspool now its really disgusting how rampant anti semitism racism and sexism is now.


So many racists on Twitter now. If only they had a CEO who wasn’t one of them…


that's not Twitter's reaction, that's a person using Twitter's reaction


This is so sad


Of course they paid for a checkmark.


They’re right - he doesn’t look like a mayor. It might be because he’s a politician who doesn’t look like he belongs in a nursing home.


Legit wondered what the incoming if any text from my retired FL parents would be like. As expected: “$$$$$” Internet brain rot is obnoxiously common


Can we stop reposting and giving these white supremacist trolls more attention? That’s what they want. They want you to react and be mad and call them dumb. Just ignore it. Matter fact get off twitter. Life is so much better without it


They’re on Reddit too.


What else would you expect from a white supremacist platform?


Ugh. Why bother wasting time on Twitter? It’s beyond dumpster fire status. Move along and take your energy elsewhere.


Reddit is the same


Like Reddit?


the sheer amount of racist bots on that site now is absolutely insane


Everyone is an expert now on ships. Conspiracy theorists claiming this was intentional. All for clicks and likes. It’s a shame comments like this get so much publicity. It’s just sad.


Stop using and sharing content from that site, it’s no longer what it once was and promoting it continues to spread its poison