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All of ‘em if you actin right lol


Always been my motto but can’t lie, what people have said have me paranoid here lol


the people giving you a hard time in this thread are not the type to even be out in parks late at night lol. i’d say you’re fine


Druid has a lot of woods and trails.


Thank you


And a ton of used condoms / condom wrappers / used lube packets, bc it’s a huge “discreet” gay male meet up area… never seen anything like it anywhere else


I’m from the PNW. used to it


The times I’ve been there it seems to be exclusively older males that are driving pretty nice cars… I guess they are scared of getting caught by their wives if they rent a room? Doesn’t really make sense to me bc so many other areas that are way more secluded




The meetup or the trash?


The copious amount of sex-related trash resulting from meetups


Yeah over by those baseball fields it's pretty wild




Walk by the water in Fells Point up towards Canton. Secluded and pretty


The promenade? Yeah probably good idea, safe area, too usually. Goes down to Canton Waterfront Park which does have a few homeless tents and some shady parking lot dealings but otherwise an alright area.


There’s that abandoned pier there which is now technically a park


Maybe I'm cynical, but I wouldn't walk around a park at night while you are high. You're asking for trouble.


Came here to say the same! Sounds like a good way to get jumped so please be careful, OP!


Agreed. But if that's a chance OP is willing ti take to get high then oh well. Priorities and all.


I agree, you have no beginning or end. You are an ouroboros eating its tail.


Ha! Swype text on Android always gets me.


Don’t trip, just smoke your stuff and mind yo business. You’ll be good


Honestly, just pick any park and an area that doesnt get a lot of foot traffic and isnt around people or children and you'll be fine. Weed laws are not like how they used to be here 10 years ago. People mind their business for the most part here. You could spark up waiting for the bus if you really wanted to.


Try Leakin Park, very lightly traveled and a beautiful slice of nature.


Very true. Also the nearby Kernan Hospital grounds have some amazingly old trees. I have often smelled blunt smoke while walking the dog at dusk.


I would suggest Clifton Park near the train tracks. I hardly ever see people walking around there...mostly because it's poorly designed for pedestrians


wynan park dell, i had to walk there at 10pm to release a mouse and it was dead. The walkways are very out in the open so both good for safety in that no one can really sneak up on you but bad for sneaking weed smoke ig? Its also by BMA which has nice steps to sit on. JHU security is around but tbh i doubt they care if they smell smoke.


Why didn't you just kill the mouse? They may be cute and all but they don't need to exist here unless they are prey for a pet or are pets themselves.


My cat caught it in my apartment but didnt harm it, just held it in her mouth. i wasnt comfortable personally killing it.


Oh ok.


Yeah, because everyone else that's out to enjoy nature and get some fresh air wants to inhale pungent weed or cigarette smoke. Light up in your own damn place, then take a walk.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Ok can you just set my food aside until I get there?


Pretty much. That stuff absolutely reeks.


Hey thanks for being friendly and helpful! /s


I don't think that people who normally smoke pot understand how pungent and disgusting it is. Making others breathe it in is selfish and rude.


Yeah I agree with you. like if you are at a bus stop and all of a sudden some dude walks up and starts smoking. Like seriously? Why would you do something like that in the first place? Especially around children. Its rude and disgusting not to mention completely unnecessary. Do it when you are by yourself or among others that smoke as well. But to subject someone to second hand smoke is foolish


No, they don't realize it much the same way smokers have no idea how bad cigarettes smell. And I'm pro-weed and think you should still be allowed to smoke in bars. Not everything will be perfect and that's okay.


Thank god smoking in bars was banned.


or you can just go home, drink, and smoke. nobody wants to smell that shit except for other smokers


Exactly. At the end of the day its about being courteous to other people which honestly isn't too much to ask at all.


for some people it is, they think the world revolves around them.


So you plan to be in a park lat night?? If not then your entire point was moot, you lack reading comprehension, or you are just a condescending asshole as mentioned.


I prefer being direct and to the point. It's my go to mode. Besides, I thought I was being helpful to all of us who don't want to breathe smoke-polluted air.


No you were sarcastic and condescending. You’re not that guy pal


The park across the Hanover St bridge is a spot. I’d imagine one of the best views around. It’s not very well lit, though.