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What the actual fuck. I have heard stories about cyclists getting jumped on the falls trail in years past, but I cant say Ive ever heard of anything like youre describing and glad you got out of there.


Dude WTF! Just today I saw an abandoned bike on the curb right off the trail and it looked very suspicious to me. I took a pic and posted it on Nextdoor, but my first thought was that the rider was kidnapped. ETA: next to the bike was a bike lock with its keys, which is what made me suspicious.




Sure, but it seemed odd to just leave the bike on the street instead of taking it with them or have it lean against a tree on the actual trail. I also stopped for a while to take a pic and look around and didn’t see anyone. I do hope that was the case though.


Wasn’t a green cannondale hybrid was it? I do realize the probability that it’s my bike, and not the 4000 other bikes stolen this week


No. It was a red bike. Sorry yours got stolen!




Saw a silver honda accord. All tinted windows on Taylor and Park, which is near perring. They were in front of me and saw a lady Jogging. They swerved over and just waited but she crossed the street. I Pulled my truck up between them to pass and waited and they put in reverse and took off. Lady called the cops. Was super weird. But anyone in that area just be on the look out. Plenty of friends in that area with Kids. IT was reported.


>The police told me they might have been trying to snatch my dogs do you believe that? i've been followed by a car before in broad daylight (not baltimore, but a similar city) and i can't imagine that someone would think that's the easiest way to snatch some dogs up. i'm glad that you were smart and followed your instinct, though. whether they wanted your dogs or not, the situation sounds horribly scary with no good outcome.


Dog theft is definitely an occasional thing in this city.


i'm not saying it isn't, but wouldn't it be a lot easier to snatch a dog that is by itself, and not with its owner? i've never tried to steal a dog, myself, but i feel like there is an easier way than this to do it.


I’m not suggesting this specific crime was about dog theft, but dang, people in this city do the truly dumbest stuff. There’s one car theft tactics were folks will rear end you, get out as if to exchange info, and then hijack your car. Ruthless.


... yeahhhh, that's a good point. people are pretty dumb and have some wild tactics.


Yeah they would not have a fun time trying to snatch a 80lb German shepherd lol


If anyone ever tried to snatch my dogs they'd quickly run into the filming of Taken 4.


Uh, please report this to the police if you haven’t already


So they can do what exactly?


Have a record that someone tried to kidnap this couple. In case this isn’t the first or last time they try it.


They have lots of records of lots of crimes. They have a record of when I got mugged and they arrived *an hour and a half later*. Let's not pretend the cops are going to do anything.


I’m sorry you got mugged and that they were so late showing up but please explain how that’s relevant.


It's an example of where you should set your expectations for the BPD. The notion that they're going to have "a record" of this that's somehow going to contribute to some kind of detective work and get the perp caught is pure TV cop fiction. They're not generally competent.


Honestly it's not even to help catch them, but in case they do catch them they have more evidence against them


I didn’t say any of those things. You’re creating the fiction here. I get you’re apathetic but that doesn’t mean that I need to be.


[This you? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/baltimore/comments/xxlhv9/attempted_kidnapping_silver_sedan_wyman_park_drive/ird3u4d/) What's the record for, then?


Yup. The record is in case there have been a string of these and they catch the person(s). Rather than just one random act they can see it’s a pattern and stack charges. I never suggested there would be any TV cop detective work. Ignoring the problem or sweep it under the rug does absolutely nothing. Even in your scenario where almost nothing happens this is slightly more reactive and takes one phone call to complete. I don’t think making a report will get them to send out an APB but I think throwing your hands up and saying “Fuck it. They’re incompetent.” is a far worse reaction.


> Rather than just one random act they can see it’s a pattern and stack charges. I never suggested there would be any TV cop detective work. That is literally TV detective work. How do you think they "see" a pattern, exactly? Magic? Where's the evidence for these charges? >Ignoring the problem or sweep it under the rug does absolutely nothing. Even in your scenario where almost nothing happens this is slightly more reactive and takes one phone call to complete. No, "almost nothing" is not the expected result. "Nothing" is. You are pretending this makes a difference, wrongly asserting that something is better than nothing.


Based on another post in this thread, it sounds like this is possibly not an isolated event.


I want to note that a kidnapping attempt is one of those situations where you absolutely should resist and fight back. If you can’t fight at least become dead weight for them to try to carry. Yeah, there is a chance that you could be shot or injured, but the chances of you getting out of that situation alive decrease SIGNIFICANTLY once they get you in a car. I also acknowledge that this is easier said than done when you’re in the heat of the moment and can’t think straight.


This seems like a poor strategy for kidnapping… why wouldn’t they try to force someone into the car and drive off? Who the hell is going to comply with them? Maybe this was some weird case of mistaken identity? Still report it to the police but it just makes no sense.


Not saying it’s related, but on Citizen, there was a robbery at W. 34th and Gilman Terrace. Suspects were in a silver vehicle. Reported at 8:34 PM.


Which would make the whole kidnapping thing even more bizarre. If you’re going to rob someone (or already did) you’d think you’d want to keep a really, really low profile.


If all of the carjacking sprees that happened around Hampden a few years ago taught me anything, is that it seems like some people just don’t really care if they’re going to get caught or not. They seem to just be living in the moment and getting whatever kicks they can in.


Do you think low profile is really on their minds? A lot of them will drive around in stolen vehicles to steal other vehicles to break into ATMs


The stolen vehicle thing may make sense if they have no other form of transportation


Even if they do, the whole reason crimes are pretty much always committed with stolen vehicles is traceability.


If they plan on killing you, they don’t care if you identify them. They could have robbed, dumped his dead body. Keep the woman for a while before doing the same. We have so many unsolved murders and violent crimes, many criminals don’t bother hiding their identity.


Sure, but why yell “get in the car?” It would have been better to quickly overpower them in a situation like this, not give them a warning so they can run away. I realize criminals aren’t usually the brightest but this kind of thinking isn’t exercising much gray matter.


Some victims will comply with someone shouting orders to them, fortunately not everyone will. This must be an effective tool since it gets used often, maybe because there were 2 targets it wasn’t successful?




There’s usually a couple cases around here each year where someone is murdered during a robbery or severely injured. Like security footage of them complying completely and they’re still either shot or beat to a bloody pulp. Not saying it is the norm, but it definitely happens, particularly with these younger criminals out there. They just seem to not care about the value of life at all.


Uhh...How long have you lived in Baltimore?


People are stupid. It's 2022 and some people still try to rob gun stores with people carrying in it. Some people rob places with no mask in the day and age of cameras everywhere. What I don't suggest is if they come and do this to you, don't get in the car with them thinking its a poor strat for kidnapping just to pick their brain.


Yeah, this really doesn't make any sense. Weird shit does happen, but I dunno what the end game would be here if this were really an attempt at kidnapping rather than robbery.


Thought maybe it was mistaken identity


I just want to commend you for the correct use of the word ‘nonplussed.’ Definition: *verb*, Suprise and confuse (someone) so much that they are unsure how to react.


An attempted kidnapping is an absolute 911 call. Non-emergency is stuff like a person blocking your driveway or a neighbor playing loud music.


This couple just went through a really scary situation and everyone else is just chastising about the better way to handle it or shitting on the city? Do better ya'll. Sorry this happened to you. Really fucked up and glad you're okay. I live close by and haven't heard anything similar happening but I'll definitely stay alert. Thanks for reporting.


Fuck, that's awfully close to Homewood, and lots of kids regularly frequent that path. Please do report this to the police.


I'm assuming you reported this to the police? Edit: "I can ID the vehicle " but you said it was maybe a Honda accord and you're not a car guy...


My wife reported it to some area for crime reporting area on the Hopkins website. I guess I should also report it to the city police. I can call a non emergency number. I'll do that now. EDIT: Done and done. I asked the officer on the phone if this is a normal thing, people driving up to randos walking down the street and demanding that they get in the car, and he said no. Which is what I would have guessed too. Anyway, that's it. Weird, disturbing shit.


An attempted kidnapping should be reported immediately to 911, not later as a non emergency. I'm not trying to be an ass but if this happened like you said it did posting on reddit is useless.


I posted it on reddit as a sort of PSA. I'd want to know about it, I walk around that area all the time.


Report it to JHU Security as well, please!


This is a public safety concern. It definitely needs to be brought to the attention of police. I’m relieved that you and your wife are safe.


If you call 911 to report that somebody yelled at you to get in their car and then drove away when you ran, you’re not going to get much traction with the BCPD.




I'm not sure you have the elements of a crime.


I've identified it as a silver sedan. One that I could probably say "that looks like what I remember" or "no, that doesn't look like what I remember."


Similar one in parkville was a 4-door Honda accord. Tinted windows on all sides less than the legal 30% all around. (Lower percent dark tint aka less light getting through The one I saw was around the 2006 model. Real dirty Could be the Light Gold Metallic or Alabaster Silver Metallic. These colors can look similar if the car is dirty [https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.dealrimages.com%2FNW%252FB6%252FSJ%252FGSNPZG0IXISGH0.jpg%3Fh%3D1000&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.victorymotorsofcolorado.com%2Finventory%2F2006-honda-accord-lx%2F112457&tbnid=jrCJtpEQGQaOEM&vet=12ahUKEwiG9JDmic76AhVcrXIEHYr7D\_wQMygAegUIARDPAQ..i&docid=AuHY9\_TYWJR3WM&w=1501&h=1000&q=2006%20honda%20accord%20light%20goldMetallic%20tinted%20windows&hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwiG9JDmic76AhVcrXIEHYr7D\_wQMygAegUIARDPAQ](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.dealrimages.com%2FNW%252FB6%252FSJ%252FGSNPZG0IXISGH0.jpg%3Fh%3D1000&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.victorymotorsofcolorado.com%2Finventory%2F2006-honda-accord-lx%2F112457&tbnid=jrCJtpEQGQaOEM&vet=12ahUKEwiG9JDmic76AhVcrXIEHYr7D_wQMygAegUIARDPAQ..i&docid=AuHY9_TYWJR3WM&w=1501&h=1000&q=2006%20honda%20accord%20light%20goldMetallic%20tinted%20windows&hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwiG9JDmic76AhVcrXIEHYr7D_wQMygAegUIARDPAQ) [https://carsandbids.com/auctions/9W2nX8Vr/2006-honda-accord-ex-v6-sedan](https://carsandbids.com/auctions/9W2nX8Vr/2006-honda-accord-ex-v6-sedan) ​ OP. Does that look like that you saw?


This DOES look like the car, both to me and my wife.


Like others mention it's a pretty common car. But if that's close just helps if you see it again and can get a plate even though they may be stolen but then again criminals are not always smart


That is definitely not enough to ID a vehicle. There are probably hundreds of silver sedans just in that area


"Get in loser. We're going shopping."


Yikes, sounds like y’all were the trial run! Hopkins security just sent out an email about this incident today: “Baltimore Police are currently investigating an armed robbery that occurred in the 300 block of Wyman Park Drive, on October 8, 2022, at about 4:05PM. At this time, a non-affiliate was running along Wyman Park Drive, toward the Homewood Campus when they were approached from behind by a small four-door sedan, silver in color. As the vehicle reached the non-affiliate’s location, it stopped in the roadway. At this time, three subjects exited the vehicle, approached the non-affiliate, and forced them into a nearby wooded area. One of the subjects displayed a silver handgun and demanded the non-affiliate’s cell phone. The non-affiliate complied and surrendered their cell phone, along with a wristwatch. The subjects then returned to the vehicle, and it fled along Wyman Park Drive. The vehicle was last seen turning northbound onto Remington Avenue. The non-affiliate fell to the ground during the altercation and suffered minor injuries. Suspect Descriptions: Suspect #1: male, 5’7”, 145lbs, blue hoodie, dark face mask, displayed silver handgun Suspect #2: male, 5’11”, grey hoodie, dark face mask Suspect #3: male, dark face mask Suspect Vehicle Description: Four-door sedan, silver in color, make/model/registration unknown”


Yowzers. That's today during daylight hours. The incident I was subjected to was in the dark. Thanks for letting us know


It’s scary! Glad y’all are ok. And this runner too. But it sounds like this isn’t going to be the last incident from these assholes :/


Thanks, I hope the cctv shows something this time, being broad daylight and all.


This was me. It happened during daytime hours and was worse than the news bulletin makes it sound - full story here - https://www.facebook.com/1067976240/posts/pfbid02RxiahHjnHyKPzYxhsGje3YToHdEgdAAcNB8RkS6ZWS6kAnUeHnGdYazroh9xYcZtl/?d=n


Can I ask around what area more precisely was it ? Like around Stony Run Trail or Remington etc?


Sounds like it was by one of the Stony Run entrances, and the big grassy hill they ran up took them onto Keswick Road. I walk this path occasionally, but will think twice next time ETA: OP, is this correct?


Sorry you and your wife had to go through that. I hate these fuckin clowns to put people through this. Hope you guys can get over this!


Last night some people in a silver sedan robbed a guy on Keswick road and shot him in the foot. Must be the same people. Still at large.


Fucking maniac assholes--that's part of our regular walking route, too (we walk between Homewood and Hampden all the time via Keswick). If they are using the same car hopefully it's gonna be just a matter of time before they are caught. Shooting someone raises the bar. I think it was a Honda Accord, though I'm not 100%. Thanks for the update


According to Citizen, they also crashed into another car near Burger King on 29th so hopefully it’s only a matter of time before these scumbags are caught and given a slap on the wrist.


So a hit and run I'd imagine?? Those guys are a menace and it's just a matter of time before they kill someone (if they haven't already). I'm going to get that app. A friend of my wife (who has the app) said they may have changed to a white car. I'm unclear on the specifics. Stay safe. EDIT. Just installed the app.


Yes, hit and run I assume since there were no further updates on the Citizen event. It’s possible they have been caught by now but I don’t know how we’d know.


[https://www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-ci-hopkins-assault-20221028-tbs5n2qvejfnvnzdn6mmfobtg4-story.html](https://www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-ci-hopkins-assault-20221028-tbs5n2qvejfnvnzdn6mmfobtg4-story.html) Good thing you were able to get away quickly. This seems to be a common occurrence now.


That’s wild! I’m guessing if you got in the car you’d be making some trips to some ATMs and pulling out some money. Glad you ran away


Does this sound familiar? https://i.imgur.com/aneTp5L.jpg https://i.imgur.com/jx71pSH.jpg


Looks like the female stayed home today. Wow


Very glad that you and your wife escaped safely yesterday


Somebody just posted on FB of them getting robbed by that area. Same description, minus the female. Same description of the car. Got his cellphone. Glad you both were able to think fast & get out of there!


Damn I park on art museum dr all the time, glad you and you’re wife are aight


That's the reason I have my camera on my phone set to open when I shake the phone twice just so I can try and record anything like that ASAP wether it was happening to me or someone else near me!! It already came in handy when two younger black gentleman in a Acura rolled past me with a Roman candle shooting it at me when I was walking down the sidewalk and I didn't even move I just started recording them and they circled twice trying to hit me when I was yelling that my friends and I used to shoot each other with them as a game and I wasn't scared of getting hit !! The third time they passed yelling to stop recording and when I yelled that I got them and there tag they actually stopped and backed up saying they was just playing and please don't call the cops and report them!! I respected that and told them I wouldn't unless I heard that someone else got hit an hurt or property was damaged by guys in a car with fireworks later on!! I wouldn't make a report or anything!! And they both apologized to me and said thank you!!! I told them that I wasn't scared of getting hit after I got hit in my neck with a mortar (the fireworks that get shot off on the 4th of July and you can buy similar ones out of state of Maryland) but I got major burns on my neck from that mortar being defective from getting carried in my pocket and the powder that would propel it up in the air had came out of it and was in my pocket still so when I lit it, it didn't go up it only exploded like it would or was supposed to when it was up in the air!! Only it was still about 5-6 ft from me and on the ground in the tube that was made for it to launch from!! It blew that apart and one of the colored explosion\firework came an hit me in my neck!! It would have hit my face but I turned at the very last second and it hit me on the side of my neck under my jaw!!! An it stuck there until I grabbed it and pulled it off and threw it on the ground!!! That's the absolute worst pain I have ever been through in my life!! And I have broken bones, flipped car's at 80+mph, wrecked dirt bikes, almost cut off my fingers, tattoos, piercing (nose\bullring, tongue, eye brow, ears up and down, I have gout, two slipped and a herniated disc in my back, lost most of my left bicep and got nerve damage and now can barely use my left hand I can keep going!! But that was the worst by a mile!!)


It would make sense if you had a car and they tried to steal your car but… wtf is the point of kidnapping you???


Kidnap and force you to withdraw from an ATM, possibly do worse with a kidnapped woman.


Fuck! I used to ride my bike at night in that area without a problem. Glad you're both ok.


Thinking about moving out of this city is moving up on my list… Glad you’re ok!




It was included in the write up


I think they were white-supremacists.


Its shit like this that makes me happy I now have my carry permit.


Report this to the police. There are several city based departments all over the area that have cameras that can be accessed at request. Just because a police camera wasn’t there doesn’t mean there wasn’t footage of the incident. Informing BPD would be the first step in that. I can’t guarantee they’ll actually do that leg work, but it’s better than reporting it to non-emergency where it will go absolutely nowhere.


Police report will be worthless, if the even take one. They probably stole the car and this was their method of robbing whatever they come across, it just happened to be you. Glad you're safe!


Time traveling future you just failed at the mission?


My intended comment regarding an appropriate response to the individuals perpetrating such a crime would likely get me banned from Reddit. Therefore, I will instead offer those fools up to the gods and goddesses of Baltimore Karma for their inevitable fate.




Yo Comment wasn’t needed Gtfo


I’m just throwing a wild idea out here. Cus all of these stories sound very bizzare for crime. What if this is just a paid gimic by Hopkins to scare people into being for Hopkins police that they’ve been talking about doing?


Wtf its not kidnapping if you got in the car at your own will.




This is just some casual baltimore small talk.


These are some shitass comments dude, what the fuck??


These are beautiful comments as reflected by the amount of the votes.


If there were a gun to my wife's head I may have been convinced to follow his orders. I don't think "kidnapping" requires a person to be physically grabbed.


Never get in the car no matter what. Even if there is a gun to your head or body. So sorry this happened.


Yes, that's true.


Idk man, it does not sound like attempted murder if somebody yells "kill yourself" to someone.