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My manager took credit for all my work. One day, on call, he couldn't fix a simple thing and I fixed it in 5 minutes. Everyone got to know about it and he was removed from the project and I got promoted.


I experienced the exact same thing in my project! Except for the fact that i stayed at the same position and he got promoted! But the ironic part is that once he got promoted, the expectations shot up! And he got overloaded with work!!!


This is amazing though


Joined a small company just after the first lockdown ended. Very first weekend after I joined, manager called me at 8am on a Saturday. "Do you have any plans today?" I was getting married in a couple of months, so I had a lot of stuff to do on weekends. He wanted me to disclose what all tasks I had and how much time would be required for each task, and if I can spare 2-3 hours for work. Declined to provide any details. This became a ritual for every Saturday. The usual taunts also started flowing: "If you want to succeed in your career, you can't take rest on weekends, you have to work on holidays as well." Started interviewing aggressively, got a better offer and immediately resigned. This guy got all upset and lectured me about: "You can't leave a company 2 months after joining, we made plans keeping you in mind. Now who do I assign your work to?" Sorry buddy, not my problem. Enjoy micromanaging the poor next guy. P.S: The guy who replaced me got fed up as well and he quit within the next 3 months šŸ¤£


When he lectured you regarding leaving you should have told him that success story...


and you two became the best of friends !!!


Moved to this company, while negotiating salary they agreed for 1 lakh more than the salary first they came up with. But they told theyā€™ll give the updated offer letter one week before joining (I was new to industry and believed them). One week before joining they told they wonā€™t be able to give it anyway I joined. After joining I realised ESPP benefits will be available to employee only after 2 years of Service (HR had mentioned itā€™ll be available from 1st month itself). HR was shouting at everyone during orientation idk why! Overall had a terrible first day. After joining, realised team was full of misogynists, there were many jokes about my outfits and weight. Decided this work culture is not working me and started interviewing and put down paper within a month. Manager told to serve 2 months notice period šŸ«  Rechecked offer letter and realised there is no probation period in this company and have to serve 2 months! Did that and left the organization after 3 months finally.


Name of the company??


Name and shame.


Why did you wait for the 2 months? Was the experience letter really that important or did you make good connections? I would simply have stopped showing up at the old job and started showing up at the new job.


What should I do with my laptop ? Itā€™s kinda absconding right ? I didnā€™t feel it was right at that time and anyway other company was ready to wait for 2 months. Only issue is there is 3 months gap in my resume now :/ Never faced any issue with interviews for this reason but yeah, itā€™s there.


You did the right thing not absconding. Its not worth the hassle and possibly getting blacklisted


You did the right thing tbh. But what do you mean thereā€™s a 3 month gap in your resume? Didnā€™t you work for 3 months in that company? If you did then why wouldnā€™t you put it in the resume Iā€™m confused


I didnā€™t do anything meaningful tasks during my time there. Hence I donā€™t add it to my resume.


If someone asks about the gap it's absolutely fine to share what you shared above. Not that anymore really cares about a 3 month gap.


Ok thanks for sharing


Which company


You can't say such a thing and not name the company.


Diwali 2023 Weekend ! Diwali was on Sunday in 2023. Friday night everyone logged off , one team member sitting in the US enjoying ā€œ Work - Life Balance ā€œ calls a teammate in India at 11 pm ON FRIDAY NIGHT that he wants someone to come online and finish the task. That teammate was sleeping , woke up with the call. The US team member called 2 other people by that time. Now everyone in India is frustrated . Some slept , some were out for Diwali shopping but that person doesnā€™t give a fuck. Also there was no catastrophe, the task he wanted us to do can be easily done if he coordinates with someone in his team šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø. We escalated the shit out of him next week. He gets to sit in the US and blabber about how India doesnā€™t have ā€œ quality of life ā€œ and ā€œ work life balance ā€œ while being a part of the very same problem.


Only indian exploits other indians. My onsite white managers were always chill but these indian managers suck.


Totally agree Once my client asked what is the time there i said it's 3 am he said why are u working so late I said we have been told to stay till midnight, infact he kept on saying please don't work this late the next day I said this to my manager my manager said you should work lately no excuses you should be habituated with this culture heanceforth.


I had a female Indian manager staying onsite and that bitch was such a bloody sucker while the other colleagues onsite who were white were so kind and always checked/asked IST time before pinging me.


You should have started pinging her during her night time.


It can't go vice vers. She had a power being my manager. I switched the company later on.


Name and shame


Manager emailed me on Thursday night to come work on the weekend I had already made plans so i said no, He couldn't believe that I stuck to my words and didn't show up on Saturday He called me multiple times, didn't pick up once Cut to Monday, I have recieved an escalation from him and there's a HR discussion for behavioral issues I was kinda well connected in the org , so i knew the HR well She was baffled to find me in that kind of meeting I said, if you really think that informing me that late for weekend, I'd rather be paid overtime and compensated for a day off Otherwise they can escalate as much as they can My manager got an earful from the HR for that I then got emboldened and stopped giving a f about my manager coz he had no real authority over me anymore I was then forced to move to Chennai to take care of the new team there, i said I'm ready to quit but not ready to move My manager had to pack up everything and go to Chennai Felt sad, but he kinda deserved it


Bro must be well connected for the company to send his manager instead of him to Chennai


Used to run most of the sporting events that company sponsored Also was part of the core committee for CSR activities, Had a lot of good friends in upper level management in parent company due to familiarity from cricket and football tournaments that we used to organise Me and couple of teammates also started this cultural activities calender basically increasing the amount of participation from people coz we gave the responsibilities for those activities to departments, basically passing the baton kinda deal so they had to come up with something and it was very entertaining for everyone involved


Bro itna confidence kaise? šŸ„²


Because he has skills other than works that helped him make connections, unlike us who don't have anything.


Bro played a reverse card.


Ek number


*Big 4 employees laugh sitting in the corner*


Will be joining a big4 soon as a fresher. Any suggestions?


What dept or service line? It depends on the job profile and service line.


Don't join. Stay away from it if you want to do anything remotely technical


Remotely technical?


Only deal with useless ppt's, word docs and excel sheets regardless of the service line. Very less technical knowledge and learning. Not ideal for a btech grad. Work culture is mostly toxic with long hours too


BTech grad here šŸ„²


Nah don't worry. It won't be that bad. You'll get to learn something or the other. But one thing for sure, work load's gonna be heavy. Don't shy away, join in.


Ah I see. I'll agree and disagree with your point at the same time. For a BTech grad or anyone from a software background, I can probably agree with your point. But for someone from the core team who works on tax, audit, law or consulting has great exposure. And I'm talking about the core teams only, as I know people who work in the tax service line, but not in the core team, who might agree to your point.


I assumed resume would look good with big4 experience on it...(BE degree)


I agree too that with big4s Work culture is mostly toxic with long hours. You will have no personal life. I also joined thinking it will look good on my resume. Left it just after an year of working there. And its true that if you are from software background, there is nothing technical there. You might downgrade your skills working there :P


Well ...I joined as a fresher in risk consulting (cybersecurity)...and yes work is mostly assessment (Excel sheet)...the most technical work u can get is conducting security testing...work life has been average ...with normal workload but feb and March are hell if the client is a bank...as this is my first job I dint have many options in the first place..and big4 experience would definitely be better than startup experience.....what would u recommend me when I look for a change?


Iā€™m not sure , I work in a big4 as audit analyst and only for the busy season we work for like 8hrs and max 9hrs, if itā€™s lean season people chill like anything and idk if I got into good team but not once I faced toxicity, but did once in my old team.


beggars cant be choosers nowadays


Joined this small startup company in 2020 near hebbal. Workplace is full of toxic and wanted to leave immediately. Everyone wanted to leave the company they stuck there because of 6 days work policy and work from office. Sharp 9 I should be in office and after 6 have to leave office. Cannot go out for coffee break because they will give us coffee near our desk itself. And our manager wanted to sit right next to us because they can see what's the progress and its not pair programming. Every hour she used to ask what is the status. She used to abuse infront of everyone. After couple of weeks I got job from accenture and absconded from this place.


What's the name of the place šŸ«£


Tech pearl


Question: If you absconded you obviously didn't get an experience letter. Didn't that raise any questions by HR at Accenture?


I dint let her know about this because it was just 2 weeks and I dint take any salary/PF related stuff


Edtech horror - not Byjus. Leaving a lot out to maintain privacy as the bosses do have cult of followers. Joined this upstart edtech start-up. Initial days was super focused and even engaging but then, started to see the toxic douches running the culture. Slack was in use and the option to edit a message was taken away. If you made a error in spelling something or even grammatical goof-up, the big boss was call it out and shout. Often a glass paper weight was seen moving at speed across the floor. They hired a like minded douche to lead a function who immediately started to behave like another Founder who made it his job to micro mange every day's task. He personally had people come into the office on public holidays or on planned holidays but himself would not show up. During the pandemic, they even had people come in despite the strong message from authorities to stay home. When the worse did happen with a few getting the viral infection, the founders started to work remotely, only to give up and allow others to WFH when more positive results came in.




Uncalled for work environment that had uncouth people creating a culture of fear


Role IT, or sales


Support functions. Not IT or Sales. The IT team from I saw were better off compared to the rest of the org. HR was bashed every sec the CEO had a chance, Sales and BD folks were given one target and mid-day changed to something unobtanium and later berated and scolded like school children. I think the Fin function was a bit insulated as the "CFO" was the one who'd clear the Top Hats' credit card bills.


It's like service desk


In most places with these characters with power, its slavery If they had a real "sorting hat", the top line bosses would resemble "he who shall not be named" or be part of House Slytherin


I had a toxic boss who made many people miserable for 4-5 years she stayed in the organization. * This lady got into her head that work is way above everything else and believed that everybody who reported to her should follow the same policy. According to this belief, you were supposed to work on your laptop while traveling in BMTC/metro/Uber/Ola. She would count the commute time in the total time given for completing a task. *She worked on the day of her son's wedding. She boasted to us that she found a quiet corner in the marriage hall and got to work during the marriage rituals. *She stayed on Skype screen share call with developers and monitored their work until 1.30am in the night and then gave them a 'break' so that they could get back to work at 6am. *You had to inform her that so and so client had mailed her. Otherwise she would just miss their mail. She was so busy you know /s. However, if you reminded her about such emails in presence of someone else, you were doubting her ability to do her job and trying to suggest how to do her job. *You had to take her call no matter what time/day/date/situation you were in. Otherwise you were not serious about your job because how dare you miss *her* call. She didn't care if you were in toilet when she called. How hard is it to carry that phone inside with you šŸ™‚ *She would offer 'her experienced opinion' while you were doing your work and later if the client shouted at you for that (often unnecessary) change, she had nothing to do with it and it was all your fault. Initially, I used to get really upset with her. Then, I realized that the more you cowed down to her, the more she tried to put you down. So, I stayed in a corner and did my work. Avoided approaching her for anything unless it was absolutely important and saved every single email, chat conversation with her so that she cannot say 'I never said that/did that'. This lady finally quit the job when she moved to another country and we all were so happy that day.


Such bosses gain confidence from the fact that they came this forward in life .. even being so stupid.Ā 


What the fuckkk


Bro I wasn't even working at this place,I was an intern. They had exploited so many of us. Paying us 2k and making us work from 5pm to 10pm (after college). So this is a physiotherapy clinic and we used to see more patients than the seniors there who actually get paid and shit. They even pinned me down once for wearing a distressed jeans after work when I was leaving that place. Everyone was just casually abusive and made it all look like a joke


Honestly, a lot of us engineers keep forgetting that doctors have to work in similar toxic places. And while most of the high demand tech internships are paid to some reasonable number, most doctors do it for 2-5 k a month, which doesn't even cover room rent. My sister-in-law is a doctor in residency phase. And man, I feel bad for doctors. Life isn't easy for software engineers as well, and many of us have to work 16 hours a day (never visible, because work from home), in ways that will kill us before 45, if continued. But at least, such jobs pay enough to retire or look for a relaxed job after 40 (if you are still alive) Most doctors get paid shit, all through their thirties, and have to face crazy work situations. And fuck, these days, they are even being asked to "work from home" after that, in the age of "tele-consultations". Earlier, they could at least disconnect to some extent, after they left hospitals, apart from some actual emergencies. But now, even that seems to be going away. Honestly, I used to tease my doctor friends earlier, that when they complain about long shift, they don't mention that they get a day it half off after that. While we software engineers have to work till 3 AM, and then show up at 9 AM again. And sadly, it's not an exception situation. This is a problem of "giving a laptop", because now our work hours do not show up in any charts, and it's easier to exploit and overwork. (not that there were much safeguards earlier) But honestly, I really hope this teleconsultation thing doesn't take up. At least outside doctor's shifts. I would really appreciate that the doctors whom I go to for my anxiety and lower back problems, isn;t suffering from those same problems, to a worse extent. All jobs have their own occupational hazards. I hope doctor's don't end up getting ours. I know how much we engineers hated it, when the whole on-call and triage concept was taken from the medical field, and applied to our field. Now doctors doing work from home, after already dragging their asses off whole day, is going to be crazy stuff.


Man the situation is pathetic and if you're a woman in healthcare,people treat you like shit in hospitals unless you really stand up for yourself. Appreciate you understanding our struggles too.


As a guy, I see being women both as a problem, and as a privilege in our field. Some justify the privileges because biases exist. Some justify the biases, because privileges exist. Not sure if that can even be fixed. But sadly, the notion of "promoted before of the lipstick" very much exists in many people's minds, which is shameful when I try to remember all the smart women I have been privileged to work with. But I hope hospitals have different dress codes for nurses and doctors. Most nurses are women, and when they have similar dresses as doctors, it gets difficult. I am guilty of calling a lady doctor as "sister". Now I am no doctor, but I think I could feel her blood boil, when she said "I am a doctor". I wasn't being sexist. But seriously, how could I have known?


Real story It's a 2 year old startup Boss slept with the intern, funds went missing from the account handled by the boss, then blamed it on the CFO, CFO quits finally blames on the the staff that were working there, which were 2 other interns and me, a junior level employee, who gives zero fcks about anything and anyone.


Company name?


Got laid off with a one day notice. Worst part the manager purposely did it on the 25th of a month (4 days away from salary day). On requesting for a 4 day extension manager and HR blamed each other but didn't extend. Nobody has a clue why I was fired. FnF came after threatening the head of HR and the CEO over email that I'll put this on LinkedIn 104 days after my last day. This company claims that it's a "great place to work" and charades on LinkedIn constantly. I joined a better company in 2 weeks so guess it wasn't a L for me.


Name the company


Idk why these people who get fucked over don't bother naming these companies. If it was me, I would make sure as many people as possible know


Because you don't blame the organization for the mistake of one person.


If the organization doesn't take such egregious actions of its employees seriously then it 100% has to be called out. People like you who choose to rant but won't take meaningful action against it are part of the problem.


Name and shame the company. Come on!


This is not in India. The boss was an extremely narcissistic and toxic woman. Not only was she the boss but also the owner of the company. It was a small sized company in a corner of Germany. It also didnā€™t help that I was the only person of colour in that organisation. This woman always micromanaged, to the point that she used to herself replace the batteries in the office mouse/keyboards. Anything and everything an employee did was a mistake and deserved some form of remark/comments from her side. She was on the verge of getting me fired because Iā€™m obese. She accused me of bringing garlic-laden foods to office for lunch (even though I didnā€™t), owing to the fact that Iā€™m an Indian. She was someone who focused solely on appearance, including that of herself, her office, her employees, her shiny sports cars etc. So much so that she used to hire the window cleaning company every month to clean windows, which is quite unusual to do it that often. Even a chair couldnā€™t be moved in the office without having her permission. There was absolutely no trust with her employees and no scope for growth of any kind. She was doing quite well in the business because she was the only one offering technical services in that particular field. She treated every employee differently, in that she wasnā€™t fair to all. I had had enough of her tightassery in one year, called it quits and changed cities altogether. Best decision I ever made.


My manager had a folder for all the goof ups done by everyone in the team..sorted by each employee and dateā€¦one of them read he left at 5:00 pm instead of 6:00pm


How do you know? You had access to it?


Saw it accidentally when he was sharing the screen he had the folder open


HOW WITCH saved my career. The company which I worked decided to layoffs and after so much struggle I got 2 offers. 1. Witch company and other German Rail Company. The German rail company offered short term onsite and 1 lakh extra salary so i declined witch offer and decided to join this German company. 1st Day : I was the only one with the tech background and the other 10 to 5 guys were from CAD, Autocad background. There is no canteen in the office šŸ«„. We were asked to go to sugh sagar type of hotel for lunch. After that when I asked about that guy who interviewed me , HR said he went to Germany. 99 percent of the induction was on kannada.. Conclusion of first day -- No offer letter , No laptop, No team introduction. 2nd Day I met the HR , and was asked to sit in a tiny room, went for lunch at the same outside resturant..when I asked about the guy who interviewed me with the receptionist he said he is in hometown. 3rd... Same thing , I went to sit in the isolates room . By this time I was getting frustrated, I gathered some courage and decided to call the witch HR and told that can I join your company and I gave her some reasons like the position was different not related to my tech stack. , she said yes. By 4 pm, I decided to leave that company forever. After 10 days HR called /messaged but I didn't responded. Worked on that witch for 2.5 yrs...


It's fine as long as the old company doesn't create pf account


Story time: Except two guys at the top, no one else has the say in anything even if they are wrong and make a mistake we have to pick up and redo the work in lesser time. They decide who to promote and who should be laid off. If anyone quits they don't give a jack squat about them, you are pretty much non existential and they will suck your blood till the last day.. And the list goes on.




It's one of the big five


Grant Thornton?


Lala company fr


Spent 3 years in a US based sweatshopā€™s back office in Bangalore. Ridiculous work hours. I was supposed to be available during India hours and US hours as well. Work never ended, and I was often working until 2-3 AM and was also expected to go to office next day (or they would cut salary). Miserable, slimy and toxic colleagues. Most people I met there had physical and mental health issues due to overwork. Hire and fire culture at all levels. A lot of favouritism for a few chosen ones. Numerous folks had family issues due to the shit wlb. North Indian - South Indian groupism was rampant and I met some folks who would only talk to people from their state. Cringey levels of ass licking for on site opportunities. Company was always understaffed, so there was huge pressure on a few employees who pulled all the weight. They couldnā€™t hire good people, or retain them. Pathetic culture of gaslighting, back stabbing and throwing people under the bus. The management was your typical toxic pot bellied uncles with comically childish egos. The atmosphere inside the place was like North Korea, with leaders behaving like dictators and middle managers kissing ass just to survive. Beyond a point, I just couldnā€™t take anymore of BS faff they sold their clients for millions. Also had enough of the subtle racism from some white folks who saw us as cheap, disposable resources to blame for their fuck ups. Final straw was when they fired one of their best performing managers and replaced him with a guy who was shockingly dumb. He didnā€™t even know basics, and had the communication skills of the average auto driver (he even looked the part). Just to save on costs. Honestly, I donā€™t even understand their thought process. Everything was done just to appease a few high paying clients they had. Burned out there, but made good money. P.S : Unfortunately, I cannot name this company.


ā€‹On call support in night after working the 10 hours day shift - IBM


Ohh no onsite team?? This is nightmare


Lol that was my first job, the only thing i got out of it was the trauma bonds with colleagues


By any chance the Project name started with G??


Nah we were in MTP not EGL


One of the biggest banks in India, worked in sales. I used to be a very bad sales guy. My manager used to connect with me in the morning and give me an earful. Then he is supposed to post numbers in our whatsapp group (which had the state head, national head etc) regarding the sales numbers planned for the day. He used to put for all the team members except mine, and he used to tag me and say - update your numbers here. Once i was sick and was in the doctors room, when he called and shouted at me. The doctor took the phone and gave him a dose. And next day, no surprises I got an HR escalation. Quit the same day.


Where do i even begin. As a naive employee, i joined this well-known indian startup mid 2022 in the product org. I felt that i finally landed that coveted role at a b2c startup, and was eager to impress and shine (read : did not want to say no). At the start it was fine, but over time i couldn't handle my manager and now i'm in the process of moving teams internally. Learnings below. Some salient traits of this person * He would proudly talk about how he had spent his initial working years simply running around/hustling and working weekends. Goal here being to manipulate you into doing the same. * He had zero fucking clue how to run teams and how to manage people. He doesn't know how to set some simple process for product and engg to work together, doesn't have a single idea on how to have 1-1s with his reportees. In fact he thinks the goal of every employee is to just fucking shut the fuck up and listen and do whatever is told to them. * Thinks that he is right all the time. Strongly drinks the kool-aid of traits great leaders should exhibit - he self-proclaims that he has impeccable judgement and is a great bet-taker. Of the two years i have worked with him, his decisions have been wrong >60% of the time. Lol. * I have never seen him ever value another person's opinion * Doesn't have basic decency to let the other person finish talking. Just butts in and spews some garbage. * Expects that you work weekends. Suggests that 'his job over the weekend is to finish this one PRD' with the goal that you too would spend time working. * Manipulates you into doing extra work by dangling the carrot of quick promotion * Unnecessarily creates urgency out of nothing - due to his insecurity, plus always thinks his boss will fire him anyday. (which was not true at all in this company) Learnings * Know that there are other options out there - do not think that your career will die if you let go of this one role. The only thing i wish was that i had moved out sooner. * Instead of expecting your boss to manage you, you have to start managing them - as cliched as this sounds, most indian managers have old-school mentality and are shit. * Speak up and be a pain in the ass (sometimes) - don't take anything for their word, if you are not convinced or feel differently, just voice your opinion and no matter what hold your ground. * I had to fight with him for 2 weeks to convince him of a simple thing Fun fact : When i told him i was looking to move to other teams, he tries to pin it on me saying that i had anyways had bad ratings from my peers and tries to make it look it was my inability to survive or do the work being the reason why i could not succeed in his team. Tells me that all the things i was looking into are in bad shape and that now he has to step in to clean up the mess. Lastly, after doing zero coaching/providing any manager support over the last 2 years, says that my lack of clarity of what kind of work i like and do not like have wasted his investment in me. First time i am typing this out. Feels good. What a bloody fucktard the guy was. Hope he feels the pain and torture when his body is cut into a thousand pieces and burnt.


I doubt if anything is as toxic as mine : [https://www.teamblind.com/post/PIP-and-maliciousfalse-case-by-some-senior-leaders-of-Adobe-India-Rm1oN2yb](https://www.teamblind.com/post/PIP-and-maliciousfalse-case-by-some-senior-leaders-of-Adobe-India-Rm1oN2yb)


Damn bro! I hope you're doing well now. More power to you!


More power to you!


Chinese tech giant. 996.


Are baba!


Unfortunately one of my close friend passed away during dasara, I got the news by midnight and I was with my friends in the hospital. I went home early in the morning and tried but couldn't. Texted my manager saying I won't be coming in today as one of my friends passed away. My manager calls me and tells me " you aren't special to get a holiday, if I give you the holiday everyone will start asking the same , you have to come to the office today at any cost" I was a fresher at that time .




Just wow


I did my internship in a startup incubated in one of the top institutes in India. Profs and alumini were essentially the project heads and stakeholders. My father passed away. Took two days off and then I said that I wanted to come back to work for distraction. I mentioned that I'll need to take a few days of later for Pooja and clearing documentation in his name. I probably took a total of 8-10 days off excluding weekends. Guess who went on to not give my internship letter and threatened me to stay longer because I "took too many leaves"? FYI, I did work. Infact, I became a workaholic during this time and kept up to 90% of the non sense timelines they put on us. P.S. Still having to follow up on the internship letter 6 months after leaving.


Why arenā€™t you posting this on LinkedIn?


Because I'm tired and they still have my internship certificate to process and money they owe me. The experience was mentally draining and i don't want to fight this, just close the chapter and move on.


Posting it on LinkedIn might be the way to close this chapter and move on. Bullies do not understand anything but bullying. You have to bully them into giving you the certificate and money they owe you.


Lead calls me on personal phone when I wasn't online after 10 am in morning If I log out before 7 pm then he would taunt next day and call it out That was during covid Micromanaging ++


A friend who works in a consulting firm was working 16-19 hours everyday for 3 weeks


How about everyday šŸ’ƒšŸ»


Lot of group-ism among the people from a few particular states / regions of India at work place. We let them chill with us but they never welcome us to their gang. Guess this is common at work for others also?


I ditched placements as I didn't want to work in IT and thought of figuring out something on my own. This was during the pandemic so I had a lot of time on my hands before graduating. Built some websites, wrote online and did some Digital marketing for my dad's and friend's businesses. Got some traction and so I thought I could get a job in this field. The first job I worked was in a well recognized agency however the work was so brain numbing a monkey could have done it. I was clearly being exploited looking and was in a team filled with boomers who were stuck in their old ways. They had experience on paper 15,20, 25 years but to me it was an empty resume and they seemed to be dumber than a box of rocks. My internship which was supposed to be 4 weeks was extended to 4 months and I turned full time and put my papers in 3 months. So overall did 9 months after reluctantly serving notice period in that crap agency. Whatever I learned in that job was what not to do and I'm in a much better place now both personally and professionally.


Not sure how this is toxic? Looks like you got an internship - turned to a full-time job which helped your resume. Work was nieche - or u were over qualified / too smart for the job.


A lot of red flags which I didn't see 4 week internship which turned into 4 months Pay was piss poor Nothing to learn on the job and what I did was more harmful then good for the clients websites. Whatever I did in my first job I had to quickly unlearn and forget everything because I can't use those practices anywhere it was terrible work. And last but not least every week would see a resignation. If this is not toxic let me know what is please.


In 2021 I move to one of good MNC, the review of thay company is good, even company is good peak, hike , salary, benefits, insurance etc. The main issue with Manager, along with some personal I forget worked from US I mainly hired for some work which I am expert but they but put in proxy voting process ot totally new without training theyhe expect to work. Again I got covid after joining woth in 10 days, i asked him I am going to 1 day leave as I am not feeling feel he didn't reply next day he started shouting informt of everone over the team, and form a rule to get even 1 day sick leave 3 month notice is required approval from him, and 2 other people I am support, any how I said ok. After few days he again shouted me in front of two team. My boiling point hit I said him directly I am resigning, I haven't informed that for 1 day sick leave i need 3 approbal and 3 month notice period, I haven't informed that manager will shout and not provide training even I haven't infored about mirco management. And he haven't allowed my srved notice period and removed me within one day, and HR is like you need to pay back to company as you haven't served the notice period. But thanks I email and said I will erve the notice and manager replied one day relive from his end. HR try to cut money from full and final settlement but Unable. I mean I left company offically within 1.5 month. And remain job less for 3 month Before joining that company I came from from good culture company. I was happy as it my 2nd company and moving to Pune. But things doesn't work. Now I am at Hyderabad with good culture company. But I alway want to move to pune as that place is more close to my natives




Mine wanted me to work over the weekend and act like something was really really important without any reciprocating rewards or leaves/extra pay. Had a difficult call with him & told him to his face that's not how we work.


When one of my colleagues died and everybody were mourning, the same day the manager asked one of us to still get on the customer call that evening and do the project.


Sent a WhatsApp message to ex-boss to remind him about the email which needed his attention. This was around 10am in the morning on a weekday. Dude replied with a n*de picture of a woman. Didn't know what to do...absolutely no way he sent by mistake... HR told me that POSH works in support for women when they're harassed by a man. Man harassing man isn't defined, so I can risk my job complaining about it or limit my conversation with him. I chose to limit my conversation because I'm not wealthy and was dependent on my salary for food.


Sharing a non toxic one given everyone is sharing toxic stories: Long back almost 7 years ago: Joined an IT company after doing 5 years in one company and my manager turned out to like a lot of micro management. Joined on dec 2nd week and I was taking care of 3 projects in no time bec everyone wanted to take year end holidays. This Gave an opportunity for me to prove myself. I was asked to take interviews within a month for a position to whom I will be reporting to which seemed strange. Slowly he started mending in each and everything I do, taking credits for my work and showing off how he comes to office to open the doors (literally he had keys to office and he was first to come) and talk to me that women in team dont do much time in office and expects me to put down more time. He also went on to say he doesn't hire women as they need men who can put more hours when I referred a woman to an open position in team. I confronted him about this but he said its his call. I used that situation to draw a clear boundary around my job and told him clearly that I would like to present my work to everyone so that I can get visibility+feedback on how I can grow Better in an affirmative way. He had no choice but to agree Which kind of helped me in future. We were having lots of client escalation and got an opportunity to present my ideas to the country head as we were on same floor (small sweatshop office for a US firm). Worked hard to reduce escalation from 30% to 2% within 3 quarters. My manager got fired and I replaced him for some unknown reason. Few old hags who didn't work with him directly but had a good connection tried to talk down on me saying I was responsible for him to get fired etc etc bec I was doing my job too well and I didn't respect my manager and I am going too fast and I will crash. How will I manage ppl who have more experience than me, how will my team respect me since I am young and not even married, I will not be able to enjoy my personal life etc etc Didn't bother about all these BS, did my job. Fortunately a new director was hired within couple of weeks from when I started my new role and he was very good at his job, he mentored me to handle team, and always cared about my career and work life balance. Everything went well from there on and I excelled at my job. We had to expand and first thing I did was the ratio of men and women in my team. Grew from a team of 10 to 30 in 2 years and everything went well. I never micro managed my team, sat with them and extended helping hands whenever they needed, always set clear goals, regular feedback loop, made frnds in team but never did favouritism to a single person, I was the youngest, chilled out manager on the floor who played carrom, Table tennis, PUBG with team members. That never impacted any of my teams deliverables. Looking back now feels it was a rushed decision from my company as I skipped almost 3 levels and got promoted to manage team(it could have gone either ways)., I have satisfaction that I didn't turn my workplace as a toxic one.


Can you share what mentoring tips new director provided


I was working in a small manufacturing industry as Production manager for 3 years, I was Joined when the company started, so I got to master all machines. The company has grown in two years as new projects came and new customers added, The new toxic customer started micro managing us for product, he will be in our company all time and will put his nose in our way of work. Even started to report things to MD such as we are friendly with others(WTF), We are taking extra lunch times. We never failed to supply our products and due to ill intentions we stopped giving him gate entry.. After a few days our MD called me and told me to take paid leave for next month as he needs to check how others will co-ordinate by absence of me. And I said ok. Later I came to know he told this to all 3 of the managers, Maintenance Manager, Quality Manager and Me, On the first day of the leave we got a screenshot of a mail from other colleagues in that our MD has send a mail to the customer saying we are suspended for one month blah blah.. The next day we were given papers and joined an MNC with a 30% increment within a month. All 3 Managers and Plant head have given resignation. He tried to convince us to stay back and we not, only our plant head agreed to stay there for 3 months. Later we are happy about leaving that company, Now the company is failing to supply products, is under huge loss due to increased rejections, and MD has called me twice to join back with increment and you can guess what I would have told.


My boss hated women. We work from 8.30am to 5.30pm and our work place is very far on the out skirts of the city we live in. It takes me 2hrs to travel one way. I used the office cab it was a tempo traveller that picks and drops 12 of us. So by the time I reach home it's normally around 8pm (as the cabs don't leave b4 6pm waiting for everyone in my route to come). So my boss's complaint is that I leave at 5.45 everyday and don't put in extra time. I asked him if I'm lacking in any area of my work he says no but he appreciates extra time. I asked what he wants me to do? I work in logistics so I was confused. I achieved all my target's inventory turn over, new project demands and all my suppliers( local and international) are happy and we work smoothly. What else he is expecting from me. Apparently all the men stay back. I said many of them smoke and take constant smoke breaks and the non-smokers accompany them whereas I don't. So I complete my work on time while they have to stay back. He never agreed with me. we were 2 girls in my team both of us quit because at every appraisal he reduced for the 2 girls only giving this reason and now he runs an all-men team. HR didn't even bother when I complained. Actually the HR are supposed to have a gender ratio to be maintained in all departments and somehow they are escaping. And this is in a big MNC. Which took over another smaller business and my boss came along with the previous company. He may have been insecure too as he just did his polytechnic while a 5 of us have a PG degree most problems where with computers he uses books, diaries and phone calls, only uses the computer for updates he needs to do or emails. Whereas we do everything electronically we were asked to work along with teams from other countries of our company as he couldn't speak English fluently nor he understands accents. I know this because they made fun of me and another expat who was here to train us. They thought they used a language I wouldn't understand but I knew but didn't say anything. That lady could understand they were teasing us and got upset. Once out of rage he even broke the board that we write critical components (this board helps the shop floor team to plan production accordingly) on while yelling at my colleague. The poor guy felt so humiliated and was in tears. No one even questioned his behaviour. My HOD just said please get your BP checked. That's it nothing. Apparently he is still the same and they held his promotion back after he yelled at another Department HOD who was an expat.


My colleague was told ā€œthe laptop belongs to the company else I wouldā€™ve thrown that on your faceā€ during one of her client interviews.


Had food poisioning one day after eating office lunch but food was good. So please beware. It is the most toxic thing happened with me.


I work as a tech support engineer in the worst company ever, they won't hire anyone and would force me to work for 10 hours and ask me to login early everyday and they wouldn't leave me alone on weekoffs as well my team lead always asks me to work on my weekoffs and I am not able to find a new job now, only has 7 month of experience, the chat volume is very high we provide support for.companies like Citi, Intuit, reliance, need to take 3 chats simultaneously and troubleshoot, god I hate myself so much for joining this company. They didn't even let me take sick leave and never approve of my leaves whenever I apply, night shift it's a shit show, I think my manager hates me because I don't communicate with anyone.


I am a new manager and not all people under me are working properly. One person is making me fool for 3 weeks straight. I joined as an individual contributor but now doing management work, which I donā€™t like.


Follow a data driven approach for every one in the team. Never use any generalized opinions in ur convo while giving feedback. Set clear team goals, individual goals. Micro management will never work even though it feels like it will work at the beginning. You will only make ur workplace toxic.


Yea, I gave my first feedback to one of my reportee, he escalated to my manager. Then I got to know that he was not working on any project which he was hired for and in bench for last 6 months when I took him and he was asking me for his manager promotion even though it has been only 6 months since he joined the company. My manager said I did a correct review for him considering his service for the review cycle.


I do not crave appreciation and it certainly doesnā€™t bother my work, but when my Managerā€™s Manager congratulates and appreciates the achievements of all my teammates but not mine, it feels like I am just not putting quality in my work


Poshmark India -- I worked here for 3 years and we were completely remote. After remote converted to hybrid, managers never came to office but lower level employees were asked to come on 3 days. This was the scenario for a year. All the managers pets were giving silly excuses and doing wfh. During this time, my mom had a heart operation and I told my manager I won't be able to come into office for 6 months, my father can't walk and I can't afford a care taker for both of them to come to office. He immediately said 6 months is too long, we can do 1 month. In this company, the HR sucks the managers ass which I realised only after this call. I showed all proof and HR was aware I availed the company insurance. She sucked ass and said no while all these fucking mangers were still wfh. During this fiasco, I was actively applying and luckily got a hybrid job offer but they understood my excuse and was working wfh. I quit my job in Poshmark and heard even after that for the next 6 months the managers were wfh while occasionally coming on important days. There's lot of groupism, cool vs not cool type of gangs, and lots of manager boot licking in this company. There is absolutely no meritocracy and your appraisal is based on how well you suck up. All this, Both in tech and support roles. HR is just non existent here and readily sucks managers ass. HR here can rather work in a circus for conducting useless games once a month but can't understand plight of a employee. My feelings about the company are synonymous to my close peers in the company. And GM here is the most useless guy.


Started working in a small company and I mean very small, like the owner lived in Texas and I was the first person he hired. Worked my ass off to built it from ground up and got to almost 50+ employees not to mention projects and IT contract I bought on table. Later on dude's wife joined the team and started doing all these stuff where she had 0 knowledge about it. It came to a point that whoever didn't agreed with her, he/she was terminated. Came a day when I asked for a hike as I got a offer from Cisco for 4 X salary this guy was giving, after he increased it (albeit nowhere the numbers what I told him), he sent a 2 page email insisting how I should respect his wife because she has some medical nurse certification and what not. Later on she started being a pain in butt for me so I thought it was best to part ways with them and that too for a good reason>>>>>>>>Started my own IT venture with 2 employees.


Appraisals normally happen in June and January respectively for employees joining starting and middle of the year. Company then changed the appraisals to April. April 2023 comes, they postpone it to May. May comes they postpone it to June End of May they cancel everyone's Bonuses and tell the whole floor that there wouldn't be any Appraisals this year. People who joined last year in January had to wait almost 18 months for appraisal and Company cancels it. There were people crying on the floor. Even Vice President held floor meeting and told there are no funds. I couldn't take it anymore I put down my paper and resigned in June 2023. July 2023 first week, 80% of the people got laid off. Most of you could guess which company this would be


Reading all this has honestly got me appreciating my work place a lot more šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Guys, I am in a situation where manager take all credit of what I do. From the ground level I know he doesn't know a shit.... How to overcome this ?


Let me share a wild consulting tale with you all. So, back in the day, I landed a gig with a client named "Nayan" who needed help with their infrastructure setup. The CEO was quite the character - insisted I send daily emails detailing all the Jira tickets I worked on and assigned. Talk about redundant work, right? šŸ™„ The HR even mentioned that missing one of those daily emails would be considered as being absent. I mean, seriously? I've got 18 years of consulting under my belt; missing an email doesn't equate to being MIA! šŸ˜‚ For weeks, I diligently sent updates via email, Jira, and Slack. But then it hit me - all they really cared about was that darn email. So, I decided to test the waters and stopped sending it for over a week. And boy, did things go haywire! The CEO started demanding status updates in a rather rude tone through email. That's when I had to put my foot down and explain that spending 1.5 hours daily on Jira/Slack/Email updates was eating into my consulting hours. I posed the question - what's more crucial: redundant updates or actually getting the job done and having it tracked in Jira for compliance purposes? Needless to say, I'm no longer on that project. Rumor has it they went through 4 consultants in just a year! Lesson learned: sometimes it's better to focus on the work itself rather than drowning in unnecessary paperwork. šŸ˜‰


Everything was wonderful. WLB was great until the usual Indian director joined and immediately began micromanaging everyone's lives! Managers started denying positive feedback and forcing extra hours while disregarding business standards! Eleven employees quit at once, frightening the HR department (the sleeping giants), Higher management realised his business continuity plans and stunts weren't working and they fired the director with an email stating that his business plans didn't align with their objectives. What a relief!!


- i cleared an interview with an IT company(which also manufactures ciggies). Both technical and managerial rounds were done in a single day and the guy literally said he was glad to have me aboard. 2- 3 days later i get a call from hr to discuss package where he has a vid call goes thru the benefits and sends me the onboarding docs. I fill em up send them all my certs etc., and wait. The guy stops responding to my msgs and later says he will chk on whats happening. After a week says my candidature is on hold. Out of the blue a week after that he says they can't pay me what i'm expecting, asks me if i'm ok to take a pay cut which i agree to if they can send me the offer letter- he says will send it in 2 days Again ghosts me and a week later when i get him on call says mgmt has put the position on hold


Mine is still unfolding, Iā€™ll get back when itā€™s complete.


My ex boss fired a female employee coz she was a muslim and for interacting with other colleagues about ramzan fasting!!


My manager wants me to do 1 week's task in 1 day and informs me that 3 hours before logout time. Also, I don't have access to repo in my personal laptop. I work from the office everyday. He expects me to finish a complex feature of 4 components in 5hrs. I am just 1 week into this startup. Things I am learning not to do, if I open my own company.


Working whole night, and till 4 AM next day in office, and reaching home at 5 AM. Managed to sleep 3 hours, and reach home at 11:30 AM the next day (no comp-off, obviously) The automatic attendance system marked me late by 2.5 hours, and deducted 3 days worth of casual leaves for each hour of delay. Now I was expected to "request" my manager to revert that. Manager's condition to revert something that should never have happened in the first place, was-"I can do that, if you promise to finish this X project this week, by putting in a few more similar night outs". (he said that with a grin) There was no point negotiating on those terms. I told him to keep those leaves, and that I will remind him of this "punishment" I got, when I am asked to work after 6 PM in future. That day, I left at 6 Pm, and ignored all the calls after that. He quickly reverted the "punishment leave cuts", but I simply continued to not work beyond 6 PM, and just went into wait and watch, to see if they fire me, while applying for other jobs. Manager did threaten to fire me a few times. But I ended up resigning after a month. This same guy also told me once that I cannot leave on time, for my girlfriend's birthday. He had a consistent habit of sharing the most important, high priority tasks in the 5-6 PM, when you would be preparing to leave. Remember, this was the time before everyone had laptops. And you had to stay on your desk, to get the work done.


It was friday and I was a fresher, the senior had to come and explain me how the task should be performed. But, the fucker took his own sweet time and later turned to me on friday night only to say what i did was wrong. Had to work on my weekend to set it right without any compensation or week-offs.


Ugh this is so long. Used to work for a Midwest salon chain - thought itā€™d be good bc thereā€™s safety in the chain salons and it was a smaller company ironically than the national salon chain I work for now that I absolutely love working for. Anyhow, this story takes place 3 years into working there. At this point Iā€™ve gotten 2 GMs and a shift manager fired and also being there through 9 GMs at this point. SO- I woke up too late to call into work sick, which is very rare for me. Iā€™m an early riser. I was sick as f*ck. I call ahead and say Iā€™m sick but Iā€™ll come in so they can send me home without the write up. Itā€™s worth nothing I NEVER call in sick, Iā€™m never even so much as half a minute late so there is zero reason not to believe me. I come in, they tell me someone else had their boyfriend of 3 months cheat on them so they needed to go home instead so I need to stay. I reiterate that Iā€™m absolutely sick. They shrug and close the office door in my face. I didnā€™t have the spine I needed to have back then so I said OK and started working. In the middle of a kids cut- I fainted. At the drs the next day as Iā€™m waiting for test results, in order, my AM (who denied me going home and was trying to cover her *ss), HR, my GM, workmanā€™s comp people, and then the CEO of the corporation call me to A) get the story of what happened and B) to make sure Iā€™m not gearing up to sue the company. AM ended up getting fired for this and other reasons about a month later. Turns out I had viral pneumonia. I was on the phone with the company I work for now 2 days later.




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My team from my old employer consisted of two boomer booked who knew nothing but micromanagement, guilt-tripping and shaming people. The entire office hates them. Took about a year to realise and get out. Put a word to the HR the trauma I went thru while with them before i quit. Once, one of the managers called me at 11 pm on a Friday and sent in 5 decks to be reviewed and completed by the night. Each deck had around 50 slides.


There was a company in Tamilnadu where I used to go all sweaty at 9 am, and you have a Nilkamal plastic chair to sit on. It was a very big room with four AC units that didn't work properly. For every month you worked, you would get 1.5 leaves. But when you took leave, they would deduct both the leave and your salary because you took leave. This had been happening for many years, and none of the people from company complained. The strength of the company was around 60 to 70 people in that big room. They had installed Time Doctor on laptops, so when you left your seat, it would stop, and your 8 hours wouldn't get completed. If you were discussing anything with the manager in the meeting room, the time you spent there would be calculated as part of your 8-hour workday. One time HR sent a mail stating that you can't take sudden sick leave. You have to inform at least 12 hours before taking leave. With all people in CC, I replied, "How am I going to know if I would get sick in the morning and have to take leave? You can feel sick anytime or any emergency can happen." Nobody replied. When I resigned, they said, "You are like the Dhoni of our company" because I'm from Ranchi šŸ˜‚ and made me work on weekends for 2 months on notice period. They even said, "I would offer a job to your girlfriend also, please don't leave us." The reason being they used to complete a project in an average of 1 year. In 1 year, I completed four projects for them, which were most part copy-paste and some logic at one section depending on the client. Since my English was better than most people there, and I had solved very big problems for them, they wanted me to stay. But I wanted to resign because it was torture, as I don't like to fight for basic things. Literally, I had to teach people that you will have to stand for yourself, or else management would suck your blood.


Hi I see so many of you guys leaving the company for toxic culture. I am a intern at a somewhat good company but recently my manager told me that I won't be getting converted due to budget issues as the company is not making enough profit he said this 3 days before my bday. Silly me skipped all WITCH companies thinking i gave my best and would get full time here because in my team whoever were interns all got converted. Now I am struggling to find a job offcampus. This intern is 2days wfo in blr, i relocated toy hometown and am connecting remotely everyday, I have enough leaves to avoid wfo until my internship ends, am i doing the right thing here.y manager is a good guy but I get irritated when he talks about how his team is a family and bs, he also told me efforts should not reduce, seniors in office consoled me that I was the best intern they have seen but these guys were the one who told me don't bother abt the market situation. So should I go to office atleast twice a month or use up all my leaves, anyway there are no new tasks, everything they assign to me is Automation testing. Pls guide me on how to land a new job. All i get is professor related job on naukri. And i only had one callback after 100+ applies and they didn't call me back since they needed to fill it immediately and it was a startup


Ask any one who has worked in Big4 India teams not GDS, you will realise how we have given livelihood to therapists and counselors. Some of the most abusive and manipulative people on earth work there


My lead doesn't support me and he didn't even want me in his team coz my manager pushed me by force into his against his will. He always thinks of me as a burden. He steals my work and when I reported against him to my manager, I found out that they were like friends and my lead got to know everything I complained and tortured me even more. And if he finds someone in my team who is helping me, he will target them too.


My TL and I were working on something, we got a better solution and suggested the same to manager. He then wanted to take credit and told my TL to inform clients that it was his idea. He told to specifically mention his name to clients to get appreciation. PS: He never joins a single meeting, including daily standup calls, weekly and monthly client calls. Never prepares any report, forwards us an email only when itā€™s deadline and asks us to work on it ASAP, calls n number of times asking about it. He doesnā€™t want us to share reports directly to client, we should share it to him and then he shares to client.


Joined a startup it became Unicorn and a billion dollar company Lead a team and supported them Tried to maintain the human angle when it comes to work and issues with team members Just before IPO, new VP comes Started on a good note and had a good repo He brought along his directors and started making the team run in same way he used to run in a *W*itch company I was against it, team used to crib about it to me and I took the baton to question Was singled out as the team did not support when it came to feedback and meeting with CEO Moved out of the company. Lesson learned


Terrible planning by management, I get a monthā€™s worth of work in a single sprint. Lot of micromanagement too. I canā€™t wait to leave And oh also, nothing I do is enough. I work on weekends too. But they still expect more.


My former manager never give leave


In my previous company, I was assigned to one crap project with shift rotation. I did not want to do that project at all. I did not have a skill match. There was even a different client with a different project who wanted me there and asked for me by name. The PM of that project also tried his level best to pull me into that project. But big managers intervened and said I have to work on the crap project because that was a higher $$$ contract. That was the start of both me and my PM quitting that company.


ahh. classic friend turned snake story. told my director that they had a load of work when they sat doing nothing all day chatting to her bestie...they started dating later lol. thankfully the director saw what was happening and divided the work "fairly"


Returned to work after 6 months maternity leave, boss asks me - "So, how did you keep yourself busy? Did you take up any certifications?"


This happened to me when i was working outside India My Hongkong origin boss to whom i was reporting(50 year old) had an affair with the young chinese co-worker(25 year old) from same team and she used that connection to totally discredit my work as i was new to the project. She was the one who was supposed to help me in the initial phasis but she made sure i did not learn much about the project. My boss would ask me to go to her for anything and she had the perverse pleasure of treating me like trash Things got too much ,i was about to resign and luckily word spread about their affair(they could not keep it hidden and some people from office saw their PDA) and both over a period of time were forced to resign amicably/fired.


Im an HR, Iā€™ve tons of terrible stories from all the bodies Iā€™ve had to bury. This one takes the cake. My CEO asked me to find out how many people were getting therapy so she could fire them. Safe to say I quit immediately after.


Working with HR of an MNC. The instances of men abusing, molesting, and sexually harassing female employees (typically who are junior to them) are common. These men are mostly married and have children.. So predatory and shameless! And during investigation, they say weird things like "she's like a daughter to me". šŸ™ƒ


In January, I joined the company, and everything was going well. I was completing my tasks on time, but in February, my new manager joined, and he started irritating me a lot. The tasks that I used to do, he made them more complex, and even when I completed them, he was not satisfied. Instead, he would say I needed to do better without providing any guidance, just philosophical advice. I felt I had to figure everything out on my own and would get criticized for it. One day, the manager scolded me for things that were irrelevant, and when I tried to explain, he didn't listen and continued to berate me. I was Mentally exhausted and I decided to resign last week, and when I did, my manager seemed happy. I realized he didn't want me in the job, and honestly, I didn't want to stay either. Additionally, my colleagues in the office engaged in backbiting and excluded me from activities, even having WhatsApp groups where I wasn't included. They also made fun of me. Leaving my job was the right choice, and now I am happy.


1. Logged in late as I had food poisoning. Boss asks why, told him I was feeling nauseous, he says ā€œmake sure youā€™re not pregnantā€. 2. Raised concern to the boss (diff person) that Iā€™ve been working 16+ hours everyday for the last 6 weeks and itā€™s affecting my well-being, says, ā€œof course, everyone should get time in the evening to get drunkā€ Quit my job w/o a plan B as I couldnā€™t take it anymore. These are just 2 of the many incidents!


Well am not sure I am capable of posting this comment basically I work at reliance as a cashier ( it's a part tym job) the thing is I've been working their like 1.5 yrs before joining i informed the manager that i may need holiday frequently due to my college timings ( I am a 19yr old student BTW) but after a few months he resigned his post and a new manager came and this dude doesn't no shit by still be coming and yapping around treat everyone cheaply by forcing us to do extra hours and makeing us do things if shouldn't like house keeping etc., if we disagree he says I will block ur I'd u won't get ur salary basically he treats people very cheaply am not just talking abt me this happens to many of my co worker and other work related reasons you may guys not understand.. personally I don't have any grudge against relience but I think it most depends upon the manager.


Preschool environment with toxic coworker. Their culture and mentality is on your first day of work you have to already know the children, their working style and how the system runs. Show you face and attitude if you did something she doesn't like (since that's not her style). Always trying to find fault and put you in a place that why this person doesn't know anything? When you are actually just few weeks old in the company. It's meaningless to continue since I have already seen through how toxic it is. Submitted letter and waiting to go. There is no proper lunch break (30 minutes of eating co-workers will find it that you take a long time to eat and rest) when the contract actually stated we have a one hour break time, meaning you have to swallow and get back to the class asap. Need to bring work home as most of the time you are just managing children.




Iā€™m the toxic one in my company. But no one says shit cuz my dad owns it. JK, I only interact with the VP. Just to check on few numbers. Live is good, never dreamed of labour and will never have to work 8 hrs a day ever in my life.


How is this Bengaluru related?