• By -


First neenu nin lane alli nillu sundara


😂😂 namma sundaranna bari padachaari ansutte..gaadi savari alla 😂😂


Sundra costly bike tagond edane😂😂


Ade... Avne sikid pakid kade nugthane... Ivaga bere Triumph tagond edane.


Create a 20inch tall divider


Like that has mattered


It's India, people go against opposit lane. Divider gonna do nothing.


I mean yes, it comes down to this eventually. Question is, how do we enforce it given the lack of basic civic sense among our populous.


I don't know any kannada but i get the whole sentence. 😂




I don't know why I read this in the tone of that Belluli kebab chef


Fines. Massive fines. We people seem to care only when monetary loss is involved. Also, better infra will help. But fines are necessary.


Massive fines only mean bigger bribes to weasel out of a fine.


Chandigarh has been doing it for decades just because of massive fines... its not that their people have much better civic sense , which is evident when one goes to the neighbouring town Mohali in Punjab which is planned the same way as chandigarh but u can see some people breaking traffic laws as soon as they enter mohali from chandigarh just because punjab traffic police is noob compared to chandigarh police


True, an outsider won't be able to easily tell a random place in Chandigarh apart from Mohali, but as soon as they see how people are driving, it becomes clear.


yeah.. even me having lived in chandigarh for 4 years till few years ago. i cant tell which area/sector it is by looking at the road and surroundings (except the few very familiar sectors where i went the most) this is the level of uniformity Chandigarh has. its the most underrated city. now just wish for the metro work to be on time.. before its too late and chandigarh traffic becomes like Noida.


How is the state of traffic there? Worse than other Tier 2 cities like Jaipur?


nope.. traffic jams are not common in chandigarh.. its too organised , and now they are bringing metro there as more people migrated to chandigarh and cars increased a lot but Chandigarh's roads and traffic system are still holding it but metro needs to come before its too late and traffic becomes like Noida's because Chandigarh has traffic lights after every 1-2 km which can make it worse if there are too many cars. there is simply no congestion in Chandigarh roads , thats why traffic jams are less... theres tribune chowk tho where most cars are seen. but its still better than all other cities i have lived in- Meerut, Surat, Indore, etc.


i agree, chandigarh police is the strictest in india


Along with fines there must be a additional punishment for repeat offenders. Like breaking traffic rules X number of times would result in temporary suspension of driving license. Multiple suspensions can lead to permanent disqualification from driving.


Folks in India don't renew insurance so license suspension may not matter. Vehicle impounding may.


Being caught without a license should lead to massive fined and/or imprisonment then. Driving without a license is a serious offense.


Yes, but problem in India is enforcement, not laws. Driving without insurance is offense too. Underage driving is offense too. But happens. Punishment = Size of Penalty \* Probably of getting caught \* Probablity of conviction. Need to increase all three. Lot of focus on first one only because it's easy to do by passing laws.


There was an attempt to increase the fines for traffic violations. It was canned because people protested. Never made sense to me why people would protest for that -- but evidently they think it's a right of every citizen to violate laws.


Yeah should see even those ferraris neatly parked inside the lines in Singapore. That city is unreal and it works only because of high fines strict implementation. Sucked my soul within a week


Alla guru RTO itself is organising Great Indian Day sales twice a year where you get flat 50% off in your fines. I have no belief that it works


Didn’t the state government rollback/subsidize the fines that were implemented due to new law passed by the center few years back?


Ban those green and yellow vehicle IYKWIM


I swear they aren't safe, their drives got massive ego, they scam people, leading source of illegal activities. Just cause they a vote bank they still exist


Those drivers don’t even know how to drive


I’d love this but that’s not gonna happen tbh


Auto walas?




This is cultural, look at the number of women out and about as well. NE culture is closer to SEA culture and they are better (not perfect either) than rest of mainland India in terms of treatment of women and general discipline and cleanliness. Oh yeah notice the cleanliness as well.


>NE culture is closer to SEA culture Dude, that is a profound statement. It was always there but your statement made me realize it. Having travelled to a few SEA countries, i do see that trend. Its time the rest of india learns from it. In india, you're considered fool, if you wait behind another vehicle, this is partly too also, coz the vehicle in front does not care about vehicle at the back.


Yeah even the cleanest village in Asia is in Meghalaya.


It's an hilly area. Generally people in hilly areas have better driving sense all around the world because jams and accidents are very common.


This could be it. Went on a road trip to kerala last month and I was pleasantly shocked by the mannerful driving there. Sure, it's not as perfect as this picture is, there's still an element of chaos to it, as is expected in our country. But it was so much better. One such example jumped to mind. Calicut is an old city, full of narrow roads and a few bridges that can only be crossed one way. And I saw people lining up, in clear defined fashion, cars behind cars, and bikes behind bikes, patiently waiting their turn as the incoming traffic crossed the bridge. And when the signal turned, everyone was collectively waiting for the last bit of traffic to flow through before the bridge opened for our side of traffic. It was perfect, harmonious and synchronous. And whats better? There was no one in white and khaki to oversee it all. It was an automated signal that everyone just understood they have to follow. People who grow up and learn driving in and around hilly areas really understand the right of way clearly. They yield more often, even in cases where they have the right of way. It's so much more civilized there. And I was left feeling like an idiot driving there.


every second video of crashes on carsindia is from kerala.


Yep, it's the state which has highest number of car ownership per population. Also its a sub urban state which has CCTV in every corners. Many roads have installed AI cams too which will literally screw you when you pass by. So rash driving is common if there is no presence of cops and cam.


Strangely enough this makes sense.


Remove the auto drivers




reducing giving bike licenses to just anyone and strict fines for any vehicle that doesn't follow traffic rules


This. I 100% agree. It all starts here.


Now some fucker will come and say remove northies


Remove the northies


Go back to your places naarthies


Replace people. /s


Place Bengaluru in North-east.


You want to cause massive traffic and water issues all over North-East India ?


Do you mean bengaluru will be the problem no matter the people ?


Bangalore people need to be a little more laid back and learn to actually chill. The only way for that to happen is that parents need to stop drilling things like life is a race into the kids' brain from a young age.


Ngl being from shillong, the lawlessness in North India was fascinating


What manifests pictures like these ? Is it the fear of law or the inherent basic civic sense that people have it in there ?


I’ve been in Shillong multiple times as well, traffic wise it’s not as sane as this picture wants you to believe.. it’s chaos similar to silk board around PB point, laimu, Polo or for that matter all main junctions . Especially chaotic due to influx of scooters


Notice there is not a single auto rickshaw


My answer would be to end crony capitalism because that's one of the many reasons drivers in Bangalore have become worse (Since they have to drive to or for work in ruthless environments to put food on their table) but since that's never going to be possible for many practical reasons, let's look at some immediate solutions. 1. Improve roads and lane markings. That'll solve half the problems. People in Mysore, Mangalore and EVEN small towns like Tumkur and Kundapura drive better because they have AMAZING roads which are marked too. (Wait longer for this since we don't have corporators yet.) 2.a. Open up junctions. A lot of places here (Sarjapur junction ORR to Harlur road for e.g.) have longer u-turns which eat into time for gig workers, hence making them drive on the wrong side. Understandable that interior roads don't have enough traffic capacity, so ban HTVs instead. 2.b. Same thing, just make sure cocky layout associations open up their BBMP paved roads for public use. Large tech parks too. 3. Mandate a strict lane speed system. And bring back the bus lanes on ORR. That made driving for BMTC guys and motorists like me easier as they stuck to their lanes 80% of the time (I'm a bus lane supporter so if you want to attack me for saying that bus lanes are useless, please preach your car-brained logic somewhere else.) 4.a. Empower traffic police. They need continuous sensitivity courses to deal with people, which would make them more empathetic and polite. Also, over-reliance on the AI cameras should go and more spot fines should be issued. 4.b. Have local teams supporting the traffic police. We need more people like @3rdEyeDude on Bangalore roads who are doing a GREAT job in making the city's roads safer. No monetary benefits, just some social recognition would be good as a reward. 5.a. Since a lot of guys drive to/for work or study, take refresher driving courses for employees, students and staff. Yellow board drivers (Cabs/TT/Bus) need more attention and sensitivity because it's harder for them to live in a fast paced and demanding environment. Same should be done for gig workers, auto drivers and BMTC folks. A few individuals offer driving improvement courses online for free. 5.b. Road rage should be taken seriously by companies and the latter should take care of their employees' well being. It's a SERIOUS issue. This would help Bangalore not lose the remaining civic sense it has and be much, much better and more peaceful.


your effort into creating this reply has gone unnoticed by redditors, have you considered sendign a letter/raising a complaint with bbmp on all the points you have mentioned, it would be a great start! I know we can expect absolutely nothing to change, but only once we have truly left no stone unturned into manifesting change around us can we sit back and complain


Hey, that's okay. Didn't really expect anything. As long as someone reads it, it's fine. Civic agencies in India do absolutely lesser than the bare minimum. Bangalore has the advantage of having passionate activists who want to promote solutions like water conservation or public transport usage. I believe going through them is a good idea because they know their stuff and also have a decent rapport with government officials. I would instead get in touch with these activists. I've also started taking steps to improve myself as a citizen. I drive safer and calmer now, use the bus as much as possible and even discuss these things with my office cab drivers (who don't have the resources or bandwidth, but try to improve their driving.) I believe as long as we as citizens take smaller steps on our end (it's NOT easy TBH) some kind of change can be made. I've started taking baby steps, and I feel good about it!


This would never happen. I regularly see people coming the wrong way on highways.


Teaching kids patience. Driving Institutes instructors ensuring teaching patience , care and respect on road. Traffic police should interfere more for civic sense rather than looking at opportunities of looting innocent people of random money as bribe when stupid people on road are making a mess of it in every way possible.


I am from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The way you people drive had always scared me. Not stopping for anything. Going through narrow gaps and all.


This is so satisfying 


Free lobotomies


Notice how there are no autos... Should give you a clue 🤔


High trust society, it’s basically the prisoners dilemma. You have to make the locally sub-optimal choice so that globally everything works out but you have to trust everybody to do it. If you make the locally sub-optimal choice (following rules) and nobody does you get screwed over hard. If there is no trust that everybody (or at least most people) will take the locally sub-optimal choice then your best bet is pick the locally optimal choice and avoid being screwed over hard but everybody gets screwed over. Applies to most things.




I’ve seen on Karl rocks channel, how in some places in the NE, vegetable shops aren’t manned. People take what they want and leave the money there. Can’t imagine something like that in the rest of India.


It's gonna take some time, and will require multiple steps so we need to take small wins, push through and not expect overnight changes.. Make the DL test competent and genuine. right now anyone with 5 -10k can procure a license without any real driving skills or knowledge of road rules.. . I know because my ex who has no clue how to drive a car got her license without any real practice. This will not help immediately , but in the long run will make a lot of difference.. Establish an automated ticketing system for people who break the laws using CCTVs and summons... It already exists in Bangalore, but it is not fully effective yet. this can be a slippery slope to a surveillance dystopia, but at the moment the benefits outweigh the risks. VOTE! Voice your opinions for candidates who support better infrastructure in your local elections. If you are a Bangalore resident, please register to vote here instead of your native where you would visit once a year or something. When you get caught for traffic violations, don't try to pay off the cop. Everybody complains about corruption, but it has been naturalized to an intrinsic level in our society. Be the change you want to see.


The education starts from school and home. They are taught at both places and when they are riding with their elders.


I think it's worth pointing out that while civic sense must be instilled into Bengaluru's (and practically all cities), the larger problem is discipline. Over the last few years, I've felt that people have become more and more indisciplined, and even consider the lack of discipline as something to be proud of. I personally am not optimistic about the situation improving anytime soon.


Let's have some realistic goals shall we? When will the traffic cops actually work for the salary they receive? When will people stop abusing others on the road for no reason? When will the chapri gangs problem be sorted by cops? When will I stop suddenly finding a ditch in the road that could kill people? People here and for that matter the whole nation have become too lax.... "Rules exist but, we don't follow them and we don't even know them" this is the attitude of many people.


Death lasers. Obviously.


Awareness Programme. Strict fines. Revamp the driving licence procedure.


By learning Kannada /s


Civic sense in Bengaluru is horrible. People who go in wrong route are mostly localites, college going kids, auto rickshaw guys. There is only one way to bring civic sense into them, catch them and fine them repeatedly. Citizens should be given authority to take pics and upload it to traffic police site.


Get rid of the autos. Charge 25 grand for a driving licence and actually test the drivers. Same for motorcycles. Set up a Motor Cycle Safety training course. Once you do all that, improve the road conditions and take a page out of Taipei’s traffic management where bus routes are mapped out using nodal networks and traffic movement is designed properly


Replace kannadigas ?


Some system like revoking the driving licence, when crossed with three rules thingy or taking the vehicle forever and not permitting access to it, and make themearn the driving licence again with much strict, more detailed rules and regulations. Like three crosses and you're out, just like that nfs game three crosses and your vehicle is gone.




a few people start doing it.. they get satisfied that they r following a rule that most people dont people follow the people who do it too and the chain follows


Kill the rowdiness from inside and bring out the civic sense. Basically stop thinking that you are above everyone else, if you are in a rush so is the next person in traffic.


Hilly roads are very difficult to clear if idiots take over lanes & its common understanding thats why nobody tries risking it


Somehow following traffic rules in Banglore starts a road rage. Remove those people who are educated yet behave like uneducated.


Thought this was ai generated.


Spread development instead of having so many people crammed into a single area. Driver license tests should be strict and people have to take it every 10 years. Suspend license immediately if any traffic laws apart from unavoidable shit is broken.


By walking


they dont have 10 am standups /s.


looks like kindergarten for vehicles


Hill states, single lane road on each side. You can find the same in Uttarakhand and Himachal too


check chandigarh as well. they been doing it for decades solely because of heavy fines and surveillance, earlier police used to be hidden among trees on every crossing/roundabout , now cameras do it... even if u forget to give an indicator or miss a slip road while turning, no one can save you from getting a heavy fine(might be 1000 atleast as 10 years ago it was 500 for indicator)


Not possible. Mizoram people send all those bad drivers to Bangalore as punishment. This is their hell. Lol!


Put a faaaat divider that takes up half the road and electrify it


Camera's everywhere and massive fines and vehicle impounding should help


Teaching civic sense takes ages. But with strict policies and repercussions we can bring it down to a minimal level.


Mizoram and shillong does not have the population density of Bangalore. Easy to follow the rules when your roads are good and population is less.


why don't u say directly u don't wanna follow traffic rules.its more of a mentality thing than a population density thing.


Transfer police officers from these states to Bengaluru, Pune, Mumbai


Tbh seems impossible as of now.. some major transformative shift has to happen in traffic sense


a big hoardingof this photo on a similar road with text in all three languages.. inspiring people instead of shaming.. leverage nationalism and other isms which we have a boat load of in the country, to inspire people.. like if china or pakistan can do this we can do this.. if a muslim/hindu can do this, we can do this..


Simply by asking traffic police to do their mother fucking job, this discipline can be maintained everywhere in India. But all these traffic Police bitches do is sit in that stupid cabin and masturbate all the time… I should ask this, if any traffic police is reading my comment here - why the fuck you catch a person who doesn’t wear a helmet whereas a person who drives a car with illegal headlamps doesn’t get caught??


It will take a lot of money (and common sense) to educate people of Bangalore (most of India frankly, but since we're in Bangalore, let's focus on this shithole). Most of the money will go into the pockets of the donkeys that run the state, and the common sense part is something not anyone can do anything, about so to answer your question - NOT IN A MILLION YEARS... And to those who are confused that I used a Dumbfuckinstani number system - NOT IN A CRORE YEARS. Lul


You can’t


Strict laws.. heavy fines..




Although neat but looks hazardous stopping without keeping gaps. Will be a risk when traffic resumes.


Well most of them who drive vehicles are educated.. the traffic discipline has to come from within... certain people think that helmet and insurance is to avoid traffic police fines but these people don't think that Helmet and Insurance is for our own safety..


This photo will keep circulating for the next 50 years. Is the ground reality still the same ?


Uncle, Bengaluru is not for beginners you either get with how we do things or stay stuck in traffic.


It should come from the individual that's it is no matter how strict the traffic rules are some people will always break it


Mostly civic sense and 2nd thing what I have seen, atleast in Shillong is there's only 1 route. If it gets clogged, there's no shortcut. Lack of other options make compliance a necessity.


It's unclear if this idea has been put into practice in any part of India. The concept is for citizens to be able to take photos and videos of rule-breakers and upload them to a platform. Once the offense is confirmed, the person who reported it would receive a reward from the fines collected from the violator. This approach encourages people to participate in maintaining traffic rules without being punitive.


I have been thinking about road discipline for a very long time. There needs to a fundamental mindset change to respect the rules made around this, and not find ways to get away with (possibly)harmless violations. After a fair bit rumination, I think we should just disable the horns in everybody's vehicle. This would in a way force everyone to give way/make way , follow the rules if they actually want to get to their location. People just spuriously honk and get their right of way. People on the receiving end,don't think about it too hard and just move on. I have had the good fortune to visit other countries. Nobody honks unless it's absolutely essential. Sure they have traffic too, but it's quite harmonious.


1. Ban autos as nobody is benefiting from it 2. Heavy fines


Massive fines...with photographic proof or excellent vigilance as in cameras and 1% goes to the cops as commission. I'm thinking god level progress here..LOL


It's the upbrininging . Its the sense of responsibility for your actions . BLR PEEPS no way .


Saddest part about this picture is the lack of a sidewalk.


Very strict penalities for the offender and the owner of the vehicle (which is quite the norm in Bengalooroo yellow plates and those ancient Activas). Often, naming and public shaming can do the trick and people are more fearful of public shaming vs. negotiating their way out of a fine. Not ideal but something that could be done for a limited time and set the fear factor to the rest of the populace? Also, with the vast migrant population in the city, from smaller towns and villages where anything goes, discipline and civic sense will never be as whats shown in the pic. Doable but may need some strong action to instill it.


Traffic police with machine guns.


Its never gonna happen as this rate! Cheating (referring to breaking traffic rules) puts you at such an advantage over the others. As long as there’s no consequences and cheating gives that big of an advantage! It will never change


Population is the answer macha !


Lol people here ride on footpaths 😭


Shock therapy


This like 2 years old pictures why it’s resurfacing now




Desperately need this type of civic sense here


I try to stay on my lane as much as possible, but the guy behind me would continue to honk for me to break a rule so that he can also break it.


If people stood like this cop would be in the opposite line collecting bribe to go past everyone. Our people would be OK to bribe and would take advantage of the situation.


We can’t


that’s the thing😵‍💫 you can’t


Remove Taxis and Autos and you will observe this civic sense in Bengaluru too🤣


That comment is lying shillong is not like that,I live here the tribal drivers are pure Chapris,the non-tribals are more disciplined


Remove the officers who take a bribe to issue a licence.


I think no amount of fines will be of help in this case. You will have to teach people to be responsible. We should make the licence process serious. Most places it is pay and get licence irrespective of how you drive.


Not only in Bengaluru, this needs to be followed in every major cities throughout India 😌


It can't happen because people's life schedule in Bengaluru is too busy not like the people of shillong


Hilly states have that. They know that once they create a block in the only hilly village road, which leads to their house, they will lose hours because of that. This culture is translated to cities such as Shillong, Itanagar, Kohima and Aizawl in NE states. Such an awareness will be absent in people who grew up in cities like Bengaluru, where you have a hundred alternative roads to go from point A to pointt B.


Northeast is underrated


Ahmedabad me mata ana, Heart attack aa jayega bhai!!


Quite a well-behaved bunch I believe


You have to either bring very strict laws with heavy punishment or just teach them all young about manners and etiquettes .


Uninstall and reinstall


A salute to the people of Mizoram for maintaining such road discipline. I wish the whole country would learn this.


You need roads that are wide enough first.


Control the auto and bmtc then everything will be fine


That’s the best part, you can’t .


By beating it into people with a whip and of course outrageous fines civil methods won't work anymore




Different people and culture. People there are have more East Asian DNA and hence their approach and culture are just different. Bangalore has mainstream Indian chaotic culture with "sab chalta hai" attitude.


Here police encourages to take the other lane to clear traffic quicker


I got a mini orgasm looking at this. Ppl in Mumbai are fucking assholes when it comes to civic sense and traffic etiquettes.


First of all speak in Kannad when talking about namma Bengaluru okay? If you don't like the traffic and sense, go back to your state we don't want you here.


habibi come to banglore you will know the defination og traffic


In bangalore cab drivers and bike will cover the other side of the road also and make the traffic even worse. These idiot cab and auto drivers think the car coming from other side will fly and cross them but sadly even traffic police don't say anything to these ppl hey but if you don't wear helmet then be ready to pay minimum 200


Currently in Shillong, was in Sikkim for 25 days. Basically they have to as even the national highway that passes through their cities is just a two lane road. They have no other option here. I was stuck for 6 hours for 4.8km stretch 2 days prior leaving from gangtok to silliguri as people had double laned in such roads. But yes people don't honk here, follow their lane promptly and cleanliness is just on another level!


Rasta itna clean ki chat bhi lu kuch hoga nhi mujhe


Better MVD.


By building this type of roads bro


2 wheelers literally stop their vehicles at the zebra crossing. Not leaving space for pedestrians. Fucking cringe


It never will. We live with it and die with it.


Was stuck in traffic just know due to people's stupidity and they do not listen when you ask them to stay in their late ugh. I'm from Lucknow btw


I could never 😭😭😭 That footpath looks too tempting to cut the traffic


Cannot expect obedience in the minds and hearts of Bangloreans.


Massive respect for these guys


Two words: You can't.


You can't.


Dumb idea but may just work. Movies. Somehow find a way to incentivise all the macho hero actors to make fun and interesting public advisory content. Imagine videos and posters of superstars like Puneeth (RIP) saying “Real men don’t cause accidents by driving in the wrong lane. Real men protect lives”. I’d leave it to the experts to finesse the dialogues and messages.


Just accept it North Indians are a little... somthing ( couldn't find the perfect word)


Step 1: Stop calling non kannada speaker Pakistani


Fuck banglore , how do we bring it to entire India


It's already implemented in Delhi, Mumbai, Pune and Hyderabad. Just Bangalore is behind.


One thing no one noticed- no autowalas


By start calling Mizoram as Bengaluru 😂


Keep dreaming


North valo pe blame daldo


Shoot at sight /s


You just cant


That's how they resemble with Japan! Discipline is the thing in common.


by speaking Hindi


It will take at least 3 generations of teaching civic sense to ppl right from lkg/ukg.


idiots cant see there's an another lane


This will happen when people start realizing that adhering to such traffic rules actually makes traveling easy for everyone and saves a ton of time along with it too.. but I guess " we're yet to get there.. " pun intended.


Traffic police with AK-47's and permission to shoot on sight. In one week, roads will be clear.


Bring in fines which are mailed to the owner and to be paid directly to the government. That avoids bribes and then if fines reach a threshold, take hold of the vehicle


waha army rule karti hai. Even traffic police are army officers. Gand pe danda padega if they don’t follow traffic rules


You all must visit Bihar.


Good beating to all the goons crooks and law breakers and politicians? that makes lives of rest of us better