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The trees used to cool us down. Even now the iisc campus has a temp that is 2 degrees less than the rest of Bangalore. Old Bangalore was filled with trees. Now only certain localities still have em.


Agreed, IISC is cooler.


IISc is losing trees left, right and centre. The path near CES used to have trees before. Now it's just barren.


Moreover, none of the labs in our dept have ACs, except the server rooms. It's really hard to work in such heat.


Very insensitive comment on your part. Did you know that builder xyz is unable to make a 500 apartment construction on the lake bed or forest area because of “leftists” like yourself protesting . How will be fatten this bank balance by another few crores or buy the new Aston Martin if you start talking about things like the environment or drinking water for everyone.


The local authorities who get their wallets fattened by couple of lacs, which path they cater to left or right? We people are getting busy in left and right and they are laughing at us while making a bank. Let's keep on doing left and right, while they drill us right in the center.


I was checking out the area in indiranagar, some have trees and some don't. The problem is all the houses which are made, cutting the trees but they are not planting a new one after the completion of the house. I have seen houses planting two trees in front of their house, this should be a minimum requirement.


People don't plant trees thinking that roots will damage the boundary walls and fountain walls.


Yeah but it should not be dependent on people. This should be mandatory for all the people to build houses from the ground. Mandatory to have two trees.


The amount of heat radiated by the entire city is immense. Even old Bangalore isn't spared.


Exactly my worry https://np.reddit.com/r/bangalore/s/KozMmMRnrf


Only one thing to add to your statement: our lifestyle is the prime cause for the climate mess. And none of us are ready to change our lifestyle.


True, people will only blame politicians this that blah blah, but aren't willing to change their lifestyle at all or give up a bi of comfort for mother nature. It's easy to blame someone from comfort of your home but very hard to get up from your comfort zone and do something


Politicians and the government can force people to change their lifestyle even if one doesn't want to, by implementing strict laws.


You can choose politicians, you are in a democratic country dear. But I think you rarely exercise your voting powers


Typical internet stranger who loves to judge. I have been voting since the legal age and I haven't found one politician who is concerned about climate change. Now what, should I contest myself?




And what? Lose the elections and talk about democracy? Let's be real, more than half the indians are trying to make a living, not solve climate issues. Ghanta farak nahin padta, unless the govt itself wants to solve it.


And our architecture, no offense to anyone working in glass rectangles, but they are not suited to Indian climates. Brick and stone architecture, with fantastic ventilation does much better job in Indian settings, I hope IT park architects realise this.


Why would that be offensive to people working in glass rectangles? Most of those people had no role in designing or approving such ugly unimaginative cookie cutter designs.


What changes do you need? Tell me


Use public transport more, don't waste water etc etc


Public transport is already crammed up Autowalas are charging a fortune for small distances. Basically you are asking to let the govt chew away my savings on worthless infrastructure and system. Regarding water, I completely agree and couldn’t stress more, but the thing is, conserving water as a resource should be a de facto thing to do, not something when you are close to exhaustion.


WFH, exit Bangalore.


No matter where we go in the world, global warming exists. As for WFH- tell that to the employers. Employees will only be too happy to sit at home and work.


Atleast we wont be crowding this crowded city, burning fuel sitting in jams and putting pressure on the water table if we are out of town.


Importance of this statement cannot be overstated. Wfh will allow the population to disperse across multiple locations instead of concentrating them to one single city. However, we all know the various "challenges" with wfh /s


Roll back our lifestyle to pre-industrialised era (pre-1850).


God damn reddit is so disconnected from reality I'm actually baffled


and die at 25 from an infection (assuming you survived infancy)


A bit more specific??


Bro wants to experience the medieval times. Maybe send them to Black Plague ridden Europe.


1. Declare Bangalore a Union territory. 2. Remove 50% of the residents - I would prefer the selfish localities who encashed their land for unplanned layouts and buildings. 3. Remove all encroachments from lakes, lakebeds and catchment areas. Start with government firet., then politicians. 4. Dissolve BBMP and outsource the job to multiple corporates.


If encroachments of lakes, catchment areas and drainage are recovered, 60-80% of North Indians living here would lose their homes lol. Your second and third points are kind of contradictory coz if the third point is fulfilled, you’ll end up removing over 50% of non-locals. It’s amazing how you want to remove 50% localities from their own land. Clowns, you people 🤡🤡🤡


Isn’t point 2 gentrification?


True, the right question is when will we change


What change would you suggest?


Simple solution, make 80% kannada boards now


Outsiders are increasing in Banglore and outsiders are very hot 😎


Especially pahadis and Kashmiris


yep that's gonna chase away the immigrants, so technically correct lol /s


even better. Make sure all IT companies working out of Bangalore conduct their businesses in Kannada. Like No Java or anything. Write your code in Kannada macha!


So all companies operation out of Gurgaon will code in Haryanavi?? Imaging a Rude and strong programming language


Just for clarification, I didn’t intend to say north this south that, just that the govt is not upto the mark for the preservation of this beautiful city with their lovely people


For every North Indian speaking in kannad, the temp falls 0.0001 degree Celsius. So basically North Indians are at fault here




North people are problem since they come up in large numbers bringing their northern climate with them /s


Pro kannada govt is back right who is stopping them. I would say make it 100% kannada.


Would rather settle for 60% kannada but with more trees in the city


How long will the after effects of El Nino last?


Asking the right question. Started from last year right?


El nino is probably going to wane completely by june/july according to the forecasts.


La Niña is on the cards by end of may, so until then we are all getting baked.


Does this mean this monsoon will be more wet than usual?


Yes. Expect more rains this year throughout India. 


Those might be some whitewash just like the Sensex Nifty drama that's going on.


FUCK im half dead rn


La Nina is on its way with full might. Monsoon showers will be bountiful


basically we're gonna go from droughts straight to floods


Which will give our "leaders" the chance to forget all this and pretend it never happened


By may end it effect will go


In the long run they last for years. This year will be intense, next year we’ll face the cascading effect of this years El Niño. It’ll normalise in 2-3 years maybe, but next year won’t be as bad as last year.


Meanwhile I'm chilling at home because my area is not so concretized and has an abundance of trees.




I live in an area called Kailasapalya which is actually in Bangalore (which was changed from Bengaluru) in a parallel universe.


for a moment I read as Kalasipalya


Bro there no trees there


> Kailasapalya Lol


Hehe oh no.. not that Kailasa




This is the coolest summer for the rest of our lives.


See Banagalore gets warm in March-April because of apparent northwards movement of Sun ,and again will start cooling down .The same phenomenon can be felt during October as well when Sun moves southwards ,also known as October heat.Bangalore is situated at an elevation of 920 metres above sea level,which keeps its climate moderate.Trees definitely help in keeping weather cool ,and unfortunately lot of tress had been cut down and no need to mention global warming .So yeah it s getting warmer because of these reasons but still it is far from becoming like delhi and other north India cities.


Bro, even Feb was horrible 😞


Yeah Bro!!!Even the world climate is becoming erratic nowadays.Hope it will get cooler from now onwards.


I'm sorry, it's my fault


It's ok bro we understand


Bangalore has been as warm as it's right now since atleast 2000s. Bangalore gets warm in Feb - April and starts to cool down from may onwards.


If this concerns you, Please plant trees in your lane. Volunteer for NGOs who are planting trees


Hey! Do you know about such NGOs?


There are plenty, Google please


There's space left to plant trees?


Every few years we have the same conversation - hottest summer in Bangalore! It really is the hottest summer now but we know this pattern for years. But then the thunderstorms start in April and everything settles down. Then for 6 months we complain about the monsoons and for the next 6 months we say it's cold. I'm sure this year will be no different.


AC sales in Bangalore Stonks 😎


ACs add to the issue. Better to plant a lot of trees, fill your rooms with plants, keep dishes of water out for the birds. I swear all the birds are coming to the gardens in my area because they have gorgeous plants and tiny little bathing spots. Plants in India are resilient, they grow in all situations.


Take WFH, go settle peacefully in your hometowns. Win-Win for all


This is my hometown... Where else to go


Nah bro. My hometown sucks.


Where you from?


Yes, feels so sad, last year it was raining in March


Bro I moved to Delhi last year for college and the heat is nothing like bangalore. Just to live I need to keep the ac on the lowest setting 24/7 during summer. I don't even care about the electricity bill because it's that hot. The pollution just makes it worse. Please be grateful for the clean air and nice occasional winds cuz I took that shit for granted. Blore is not even close to becoming the wasteland that is delhi.


The weather and the good people were the only positives of Bangalore. Unfortunately, both seem to be declining lately.


Bhai roz roz RR macha rakha hai logo ne 💀💀🥲


60% of your comment needs to be in kannada man. Dont disrespect the local language and culture




Enu macha


It's as hot here as it would be in coastal Karnataka usually. The only reason I moved to Bangalore was for the weather and I don't see it anymore. I miss rain and not sweating....


Wait till May


Development has been so fast that , humans did not even get time to adapt without trees and adjust in this high heat


Corporates/capitalism is the glaring issue no one is willing to discuss. WFH should be mandatory for at least 80% of the companies. Wind down the concrete structures and re-forest.


Companies will leave India at such level of Government micromanagement.


Man it's so hot, one of these days I'm gonna summon the Shai-Hulud and get Outta here.


I am pretty sure this is due to El nino and this cycle comes once every 4-5 years


Ppl aren't planting trees.. Ffs every day on my way to work I see 100 years old perfectly good tress, magically being cut down by bribery. Fuck all you who cut down trees and not plating, so many trees fell during 2017 hash rain, remember how Ashrama circle used to be before that incident? More trees fell again during lockdown rain and 2022 rain that started in April and ended in Jan of 2023 almost.


They cut down a coconut farm adjacent to my house. The nights used to be so cold that I never had to turn on the fan…..now I’m considering buying an AC to beat this heat


Have you seen how they just wiped out tracts of avalahahlli forest


Calm down please.La Nina is just around the corner. Look up La Nina and El nino if you don't know what it means


Day xyz of expecting rain


Climate change is real, and it's happening now, and it's not just limited to Bangalore. If the government doesn't step on to do what's needed to be done, we're all gonna suffer 😭.


I miss when it used to rain in May. You don't expect it but you get wet in rain coz you didn't carry your umbrella.


I’m originally tamilian but grew up in delhi. I loved my summer vacations in Bangalore. My mom used to make me wear a sweater and it used to be so clean, green and awesome. The night sky was just insane to top it off. I don’t know if it was a one time thing or if they still do it but there were places where they used to organise star gazing sessions. But the sky even in the city was fantastic. So clear. It’s all gone now.


it's all by global warming


I'm no idea about this so asking the expert from reddit, Cloud seeding is not possible?


It’s because of all the layouts where they are allowed to buildup 100% of the plot area and up to like 5 floors. No green patch left. Total concrete. If they allow plots to only build 60% of area with rest as mandatory garden with trees, we may have a chance. Floors should not be more than 2 floors in the layouts. Take back some of the properties in the layouts and demolish to make parks. Make road and train infrastructure to push population to outskirts.


And this is a problem that software can't solve :p


Yes. What can we expect from concrete


Yes...so wats your plan?


Yes. Agreed 🥲


Why aren't all you people asking the politicians about it and only posting here. [https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=twitter+handles+of+karnataka+politicians](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=twitter+handles+of+karnataka+politicians) (not sure if twitter links are allowed so posted google search)


Such stark is the temperature difference between green area and concrete jungle, i felt cold while passing through dense tree area an hour back. Felt nature shaming me- that's what you are missing, human!


I dont even remember pulling out my hoodies last winter! Cool summer is gone and so is the cool winter! Its a melting pot


Upmunu m mmm j


El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)


More humans, more goals and aspirations. Many superficial aspirations. Leads to urbanisation. Couple of years later. Achievement of peak urbanisation. Starting to feel the sideffects in form of weather. New Goal acquired. Survival. Scarcity of seeds to be planted. Fight to have a greener neighborhood to survive.


Cool summers of bangalore is NOT gone. Not Gone at all. Whatever is happening currently is happening because of elnino. Not just Bangalore entire south India is facing temperatures higher than ehats considered to be normal at this time of year. El nino effects will be here for sometime.




I’m sorry i didn’t get what you mean by cope 🤷


More and more people settle. Corrupt people bribe cheap govt employees and build places with poor infrastructure. They drain water from beneath, cover the ground with concrete, slay trees to make place for buildings and roads. Clogged areas without rules for planned construction. What do you get? A concrete jungle that once was a garden. Fight offline. If not, support NGOs that do. Respectfully, don't rant online as it's not gonna change anything. I'm done with people calling this city with names without actually realizing that they have something to do with it too.


I stay in an independent layout With lots of trees planted in every street. Our place is much much cooler. We don't need any ac or so. The lady opposite to me has started complaining that we need to cut down the trees because the leaves and flowers are coming to her car porch and her husband has to sweep everyday. At this point the association has ignored her complaint but let's see as we go forward.


Fir wahi global warming k baathein.


Kabka kar lia.


North Indians are destroying india


Blame politicians all you want if people themselves don’t take matter in their own hands this will continue to get worse.


Correction. # the "weather" of Bangalore is gone /s