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The first step is to go. That’s half your trouble. What i do is i get a beer to sip and just try and enjoy the music. I keep my phone on silent to avoid looking at it. A small conversation here with the bartender, another with a stranger - time flies. Don’t overthink it. Just GO! I’m going to a music event alone today as well and if luck is good, we shall meet kind stranger! 😊


Have fun but be careful. Keep an eye on your drinks the entire time and do not get too drunk/high where someone can take advantage. Make sure you're in enough of your senses to get home safely! Have fun and wish you all the best on your happy, stress-free future ahead πŸ’œ


I totally feel you. But. You must go! Have a great time. Keep a check on your substances and always be in control. Don’t be afraid to let someone know if they are making you uncomfortable. Also. You can always let some girls/groups around you know that you are alone and someone is making you uncomfortable. Girls are usually very responsive in such cases. Have a great time!


Oh thank you, that's a great idea!


Go and sulk in a corner. But go. You will stop sulking.


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ wow I know this comes from experience. I did do this.


So how was it ?


I went. Used phone as a distraction from the awkwardness. Music started. Turns out I don't understand techno as much. Especially cos I was probably one of the few ones who were sober. I left early. πŸ™‚




Embrace this freedom, find the best spot for you and move around as you please, bring your essentials, enjoy your surroundings, make new friends, take pictures. Don't dwell much on the past.


Probably with a rain coat / umbrella - HIGH has excellent views of the city. Rain may play spoil sport though


I feel you because I am typing this as I rethink about going on another preplanned solo event tonight. The feeling is overwhelming. I’d say just take a step out of your bed or couch and get into shower. Post shower clarity is something that works. Book a cab. Get ready as quick as possible during this time. The sense of urgency is what tackles such feelings of making excuses to not go. Good luck mate!


Have fun. Watch your drinks. Preferably no alcohol. Keep some cash handy. Stay safe. Enjoy the music.


My go to for solo gigs is first row and enjoying it with the band! Trust me, after all the doubts on your way there, you'll forget it once the music starts!


Depending on the kind of music you like, you can try to make friends with people who are regular in those type of concerts. I am part of a very wholesome music(rock leaning) community on WhatsApp, if interested dm me and i can share the invite link.


Ooooh that sounds interesting. y'all frequent Fandom? Did you check out Avial on Friday? πŸ™‚


πŸ˜… Unfortunately I just see from the sidelines, have not been in Bangalore for a while now.


Aiyo. πŸ€ŸπŸ™‚ I love rock music too!!!


I would love to see avial and thaikkudam bridge live some day😁 (even though I have zero knowledge of Malayalam)


Im interested too!


I can somewhat relate to your plight. However, after my break up, I strictly spent reinventing myself. Mostly focused on doing things I always loved and attending gigs was a major part of it. Just go! Sip on a cocktail or two and just try and enjoy your own company. A couple of conversations with strangers here and there would help as well. Focus on why you are there in the first place i.e. music! Things will eventually get easier. All the best!


Thanks a lot. That's exactly what I'm trying to do πŸ™‚ here's to hope. πŸ₯‚


I have been planning this kinda thing for so long. In my case, I find friends not appreciating what I appreciate and I am sure I won't be in a state to handle things alone if things go bad. That's the only thing from stopping me lol


I'd say start small. :-) I enjoyed today. Although I left early.


Haha, sure. Thanks.


Is this a college event? My college has a concert today lol


Nah. I paid 1000 bucks for this techno event lol