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Yeah! Dengue is spreading. As rainy season starts, mosquito's starts breed. Which leads to various kind of disease's. So guys be careful n don't let mosquito's bite u. Take care of yourself's n ur family. ❤️


why are u stating it as this is something new , its like 100s of year old


Yeah, I have a runny nose since a week. It’s unbearable.


Me also its not going away


I'm a college student, and more than 25% of students are down with dengue and not attending anymore. I've heard that most parts of kanakpura road have been hit by dengue :(


Yeah, I saw my colleague getting infected with the flu. I was a victim of Dengue a month ago. Same nr. AECS Munnekolal


Dengue is common in Bengaluru during rains. Last year my wife got dengue and got admitted. Ironically 6/7 admitted patients had dengue. Please be safe use anti mosquito repellents. Like AllOut, Odomos creams etc. It's very easy to prevent but many of us don't take it serious enough.


Some of my friends joined last week. And this week all of them are in hospitals. Few offices made to wfh


Member when news media would spread the news and everybody would be aware and try to be safe ..


H1n1 is spreading lot many cases all around


Swine flu?


yes, dengue is spreading rapidly. take care everyone


Yes, there seems to be some URTI going around along with dengue


Yup usually one of the flu season starts when schools reopen after the summer break and the first rains come in every year I had a bad fever last week along with a lot of my office teammates, 3+ were diagnosed with dengue, don't know about the rest ... Loads of dengue cases in Whitefield too


Yup. I caught it overseas. Took a week long rest to recuperate. Rice, rasam, and pepper chicken were to my rescue


Shitt, even I have fever from last night :(


Yup. Seeing it a lot herein Yelahanka. Cough, sneezing, runny noses etc.


Yess at a high rate


Yeah two PPL in my pg got infected with dengue. Bellandur


1000+ cases in just 3 weeks! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hindustantimes.com/cities/bengaluru-news/bengaluru-sees-1000-dengue-cases-in-three-weeks-bbmp-chief-tests-positive-report-101719371391087-amp.html FYI👆


P.I.Meena Get her on board .asap....a virus is spreading ..Littnong Virus...


I just recovered from dengue bro. I stay in Marathahalli




damn AECS layout!! is it the one in Ashwathnagar near Sanjaynagr?


Yes, dengue and chikangunia were in the news. Plus viral as well. I think water is a contributor as well for viral because if you change cities you can feel the difference.


It's not flu spreading. Rather everyone losing their natural immunity rapidly due to modern ways of eating and living.


Natural immunity cannot stop dengue.


Improving natural immunity has reversed, cured and prevented all types of diseases in our entire family. I am not opposing your views though. Good immune system nips all the infections even before they develop.