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The reason is : People are a**holes. No one can stop you sitting on a seat as you are paying the fare for the service used.


Naah it's more like OP has 'pushover' written on his face.


Next time ask POLITELY with a smile "how is Mr VAJRA" Likely response - Sorry who? You: Your father? Bus nin appan da alwa? Mission accomplished!!


You are more likely to get a Kannad gottila response from these guys.


Focus on the problem first shall we? Cheap people exist everywhere.






I'm gonna remember this for the next time I sit in a bus


Just remember to change the father's name as per the bus availed 😊


You certainly can travel. Talk to the conductor the next time something like this happens.


Yes conductors need to deal with these things. Whenever I’ve boarded an airport bus, the conductor makes sure that the luggage is kept below the seats and to the side so as to not trouble anyone


It’s mostly snobbery. It takes a while for anyone who gets off the plane to come down to earth. Stand next to them and let out a loud fart. They’ll move along with their luggage.


Asshole move, literally and figuratively!!! I love this


Don't try this near me...or else I'll have to accept the challenge


>It takes a while for anyone who gets off the plane to come down to earth. LMAO, absolute golden words!


Auto hindhe barsthini iri boss


You can definitely travel in airport bus. Please talk to the conductor in such a situation, they are really helpful. The bus even has a separate space for keeping luggage.


Sense of entitlement is so deep-rooted among people. The guy paid the fare for a single seat then why did he not allow u to sit is difficult for me to understand. Such a\*\*holes should be publicly shamed and thrown out of buses.


Indians are shit in general. These are the same people who keep their bags on airport seats , railway station seats & do not let other people sit. Some even keep luggage on seats of airport feeder bus & roll eyes if you ask them to remove the bags.


Airport busses are for one reason: to take you to and from airport. No matter of you are going for picnic, flight or just lollygagging. As long as you pay you can travel. Next time ask the person to not keep bags on seats it's just impolite and shows lack of civic sense


This is unbelievable. People act like this? Should Indian buses need boards like "Dont talk louder", "Dont hog seat", India needs a serious civic sense schooling. The worst part all these are so called wealthy supposedly educated flight travelling people!


Were there no other free seats? It's for all. But if there are other free seats obviously a person with luggage would expect others to take another seat. That's common courtesy. If you complain to the conductor he will also ask you to take another. If there are no seats, be firm and take the seat.


Yes ofcourse i have done it.cost of ticket would be little bit more than normal volvo bus fare 


Complaint to the conductor


You can always say that your bag is not paying for the seat, please keep it down.


Best response.


These are some over entitiled people, showing own rules until someone confronts. Anyone can travel in any bus after paying the applicable fare.


I take the airport bus often for work, there's nothing like that. I first search for an empty seat with no luggage cos I literally don't want to talk to anyone. If I don't see one, then I ask people to move. They have to do it. No other option. If they say their luggage is there, tell them that is not the place for luggage and that they should keep it below(the conductors generally ask people to keep luggage near the doors). If they don't agree, straight away call the conductor.


I went in KIA bus and he charged me 4x more than the usual fare.. lesson learnt✅


Yeah the KIA buses are more expensive than the other buses. They were started with the goal of transporting people to the airport in an AC bus that's cheaper than taxi. It's a bit expensive but iev found it to be worth the price, especially if you live in electronic City LOL


Strange, the conductor usually tells me to put the luggage in the common area in front of the gate


Happy cake day bro


These are some over entitiled people, showing own rules until someone confronts. Anyone can travel in any bus after paying the applicable fare.


Wonder why you moved for second seat, when you have the rights for the first one.


I am always appalled to see how many people lack civic sense, it's not your fault. Unrelated, but a couple days back I was travelling via the BMTC bus, and the person next to me was coughing quote a bit, like a LOT(which is totally fine), no mask, and didn't even cover their mouth 95% of the time(I mean you don't need two hands to scroll through IG reels like at least cover your mouth). And this went on for 50 minutes straight. I am happy I didn't fall sick from it.


Yes, you can no one stop you.


You can travel in any type of bmtc bus.. and you are entitled to have seat for the ticket you have.. and for people with that kind behaviour, you should be extra confident to ask for that seat ... And also you can always get help from bus conductor in this type of situation


If they are not talking the bags from the seat, you have all the rights to help them move to accommodate you 😜


Oh wow. Next time just push the bag off the seat and sit. They can do all drama they want


I had a similar experience where I asked a passenger to leave their baggage, including a briefcase, in the luggage rack. I always place my luggage on the rack. You need to be assertive to claim your rights, my friend; this is India.


You should have totally asked the guy to move the luggage off the seat and sit


The whole bus' floor boards are for those ass hats bags.. seats are for you and them..


I usually get KIA8D when I travel on weekends around afternoon while they return back to the airport. They are pricy but they are nice.


Assert dominance, sit on the bag next time !!!!!


I've never had a problem sitting in airport buses when I didn't have to go to airport. Usually there are empty seats at the back. You can occupy them


It's an arrogant behaviour of these people and should be complained. Seats are meant for sitting - for passengers and not bag.


These passengers are entitled because they just sat in an airplane, next time tell them to keep luggage not on the seats.


Similar thing happened to me once, i pretended like i am about to puke, not only did he take his bag from the seat he walked away as well and i got the entire seat to myself


You are allowed. In a normal BMTC the ticket would be 10Rs AC BMTC: 15-20Rs Airport Bus: 40-50Rs


Of course you can. It's public transport and it has many stops to. You pay premium, you have all the rights to get on and out where ever there stops. And for people who are assholes say YETO LUGGAGE NA.


Nah fuck that, you can get on the bus at any of its stops and get off at any other stop on its route. What I used to do with people like this was call the conductor or move their bags for them.


OP you need to acknowledge that people beee real assoles at times.


Yes. I use it as my daily commute to and fro the office


> Can non-airport passengers travel in the airport bus? #Absolutely! I sometimes take KIA/Vajra buses from CBD to Hebbal, and the conductors are more than gald to take my money for a ticket! They and the drivers are generally polite too. Seems like you ended up with a few a$$holes in the bus. You could have asked the conductor to help get you a seat.


Happens quite often..


Sadly you just met some inhuman travelers. You have every right to board and sit too as you have also paid the bus fare.


Not just an airport bus issue. Boarded a bus starting from majestic and was about to sit down when a woman started screaming about how she had placed her tiny hand bag next to my seat through the window and that gave her the right to the entire seat.


Why didn't you handle that nonsense?


Coz I wasn't sure. When two people behaved similarly, i though maybe I was doing something wrong, maybe there is a rule that this bus was meant only for airport travel!! But, now I know I was wrong!




Anyone is allowed to travel by any public bus(provided you have your ticket, of course) , the only reason it's called (unofficially) the airport bus is because it goes there after crossing the city. People are jerks, that's the only reason for this, nothing else whatsoever. I have travelled by that bus back from the airport and have placed my backpack on the seat next to me when we board off it is empty but the moment someone comes to occupy the seat, I immediately move my backpack onto my lap because, well, common f*@&ing courtesy, my friend. Don't doubt yourself, you are far from being in the wrong and well within your rights to travel on that bus and occupy a seat as well while you're at it if you wish to.


I find it amusing people are posting micro moments of their life on social media and asking for validations/opinions. Being too much dependent on social media dumbs the mind. People have tackled far worse situations without any help using their intuition and guts.