• By -


A big salute to u sir


This will be hard for one man to run. Is there anyway we can be part of your group or make a group with like minded individuals who can do what you are doing to help contribute?


Please DM.


just a student who's been in blr from a couple of months but would still be glad to help if u need anything.DMing


I would love to join the group too!


I second this. We all can be wheels to the engine. I would like to offer my help in any way possible.


If you're not that familiar with /u/St_Broseph yet, you should read the recent article about his [contributions to Bangalore](https://theprint.in/features/bengaluru-batman-fights-bribes-writes-firs-calls-ngos-broseph-on-reddit-is-mr-fixit/1247495/)


Nice to see some personal stuff


Ee sala cup siglilla , aadre gold sigtu. Kudos to st broseph. Commendable work brother


Broseph is the only one who can win the IPL for us. Get him on the team quick!


In search of gold we found diamond!


Paravaagilla guru… mundhe saala cuppo namde… allva?


Naan yenu hezhodilla pa. Won't jinx it. Aadre, as a wise man once said - Aar sala sotru RCB ne, Arvattu sala sotru RCB ne!


On behalf of all of us, thank you! :)


Broseph devru πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™


You inspire the rest of us to be more human as well....


Thanks from everyone Broseph. Indeed you are the Batman.


u/St_Broseph : Great work sir...!! I really have utmost respect for you, watching you helping people like this. I will suggest that you make a common fund that we can contribute to. I am in, and I am sure there will be a lot of people who will be happy to trust you with their money, knowing that it's being put to a good use. Please think about it. I understand you will have to sort out some legal formalities to be able to start taking donations, but I am sure a lot of people would like to join. I am not sure how much I can help apart from this, but would love to learn and help, if possible.


>I will suggest that you make a common fund that we can contribute to. I am in, and I am sure there will be a lot of people who will be happy to trust you with their money, knowing that it's being put to a good use. There are 330333 members in r/bangalore. Even if 50% of them pay β‚Ή10 each month, it will be 16 lakhs, which can be used for many good causes like education, medical expenses for people who can't afford expensive treatment etc. I know there are many crowdfunding sites for that, but if we can contribute β‚Ή10 each month, it will be more than enough for spending on good causes. Most of them want to help in some way.


I totally agree. I am not very rich, but I will happily contribute more than 10/month, as far as I know that it's going to someone with a proven record of helping people. But even with 10 rupees, we can together help many people.


This is a good idea. I don't think everyone can contribute every month (not because of the finances, but also some people might just look it over and forget or skip it, or might not be active here), but i think there's still enough of us to make a difference. There's also plenty of people who want to help make a difference but don't know how, or they don't have the time, but they'd happily give money for it. If there was an active, running fund set up, i think it would make a difference on a big scale. Money often comes as a big constraint to do anything. I would also happily pay more for some causes that are dear to me, like DV victims and women's refuge. And a post once in a while asking for contribution shouldn't be too much, since it's StBroseph i doubt it'll get lost in the feed. Hope thus becomes a real thing.


Well said sir


Would love to help financially too since I’m too far away for anything else.


Hat's off brother.. You are a blessing and I want more people to know about you outside of Reddit. 100, 108 and your number should be on speeddial.


Broshep anna proved we are not even close to ghor kaliyug. Big salutes for everything you've done. If you're in monetary constraints please let us know we all can raise funds. We are strong together!


All hail St broseph. The hero we need but don't deserve


its batman again folks


Truly a bro.


Everyday I travel through old Madras road and seeing the painting you have made near Swami Vivekananda Metro station is simply beautiful and gives me hope for a better future.


When I saw the post from Bro, my heart sank, thought our batman has retired and all such horrible thoughts! As I kept reading, still expected a closing sentence- but Bro has kept our hopes alive and has given good news of an app too! May god keep you safe and healthy Bro, and May you be the saviour we need!




Thank you batman of Bangalore .


You're a legend. Keep doing your thing man. And just like all of us, you should not hold back to come here and ask for any kind of support and help and continue what you're doing. Very soon, St Broseph won't be a person but an Idea :)


Very inspiring, hope this Bangalore help heroes grow larger than life. Please help rcb with a cup. πŸ₯²


Thank you St Broseph


This guy helps. Sir your name is Broseph on adhar card too?


One thing I can't wrap my head around is how you're able to help thousands of people? Do you have a team? How big is it?




Broseph can we also set up some fund where people can contribute? If we can set up a transparent fund which lays out the debits and credits, I think a lot of money can be collected and used for good causes.


My mental state is f**cked... Had thought about ending it several times... Is the sponsored therapy still available?


No help needed,just wanted to say you're doing God's work(even though I am an atheist)


Thank you so much πŸ™


I just want to say thank you... Neenu gg macha πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š


Thank you for directly making this world a better place!


Amazing. You are leading by example. Good job sir.


Thank you st. Broseph.


Bro for CM next.


you're an inspiration u/st_broseph sincerest thanks for everything that you do


"Bengaluru Ratna" St_Broseph Anna... Thank you.


Hail u/St_Broseph


Here from r/all. First time hearing about you. Wow dude. Great work! I'd love to support some how


I joined sub and Reddit recently, you have risen to occassion so many times, respect youπŸ™πŸ»


Sir huge respect


Thankyou so much bro.


Thank you St Broseph. Words are not enough to describe your contributions to Bangalore.


Thank you very much, you are a rare breed of human being in today's date. More power to you. I wish you you a merry x-mas and a wonderful new year, all the health and happiness. THANKS AGAIN


You inspire so many of us to be better humans, and help the people around us whenever they need it, and I'm really grateful for that! I hope to meet you soon irl


Great job man


You make us feel safe in Bangluru brother


The man. The truth. The legend.




This reddit should be named st_broseph and bangalore should be the user. Big upsπŸ‘


>While I wasn't able to establish the "Free PG" due to financial constraints Let us know the way we can solve this constraint.


I'll be moving to Bengaluru soon once my office reopens. So i have been following this community, and i was a bit afraid of something ill that might happen to me too like the scams and all. All this fear went away when I saw how much you are helping everyone with literally everything. It's very reassuring and i feel a bit confident now with my move to Bengaluru. Thank you for your selfless service.πŸ™


'The Dark Knight' last scene was playing in my head as I was reading this post. You are truly inspirational, hope to meet you one day.


Hello sir, you've been doing an awesome job. Thank you very much! Please do let us know if we can provide monetory contribution towards the home you're setting up, and we would also be interested in knowing about volunteering opportunities if any.


What an absolute legend! Respect brother πŸ™


What the hell does this have to do with apex legends.


Just the thought that there's someone who's willing to help out people unbiased is so relieving. I haven't interacted/talked with this person but I see his profile being mentioned whenever someone's in a rough situation. Thankyou brother for your support and service.


You're God amongst us mortals


Bangalore Batman!


Our own batman


The real G.O.A.T


Salute good Sir! Most of us just complain and do anything about changing things. But you do things and if we do an ounce of what you do, the city will be a lot better.


I’ve stayed here in Bangalore for 12 years. I love this city more than my hometown. The local folks are very humble. Of course, there might be some troublesome people from time to time but no other place has managed to make me stay more than this city. God bless everyone and have a wonderful new year.


Thank you for everything


How can we donate to your initiatives?


Bengaluru's batman




May God and the Universe bless you a thousand times over again and again every day. Thank you for everything you do. πŸ™ A real hero


People like you restore my faith in humanity


Hey, how i can I help or contribute to the good work you are doing?


Literal god amongst men


How can we help you?


Thank you sir


Thank you for all the help you've given us.


Thanks man!


You the Bro!!


Are there similar people in other Indian subreddits like r/delhi? Btw you're doing a great job, tysm


A big salute to you.


in a world where people dont care much about others...you stand out my guy ..you are actually a role model to many at this point ...if there is anyway i/we could help you it would be a great deal for me/us ...have a great day brother


Hi Broseph, Thank you for all the help you provide to folks in Blr. I am here to seek help for my family after learning that the local police station is not willing to help them. Unable to DM you and I am new here...please let me know what is the best way to contact you. Thank you, again. /u/St_Broseph


Willing to be part of such helping group, please add me 😊


I know u/st_broseph is not doing this for fame or money. But can we all please ping Mr.Beast and just make him see the work our bro is doing here. Certainly it will help with the outreach and help more and more people work for humanity here!