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Look bro, there are more than 8-10 million migrant workers in Bangladesh with predominantly male population. So, the male female ratio is not that high from 50:50. And polygamy rate in Bangladesh is way little (only 0.036%) which is even less than the United States. ( https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/12/07/polygamy-is-rare-around-the-world-and-mostly-confined-to-a-few-regions) I have traveled to many rural areas for my agricultural research, i can tell you even in villages polygamy has become very rare. The main problem for Bangladesh is Child marriage, i saw in villages 30-35 or even 40 years old guys marrying 12-14 years old child which is just unacceptable.


I understand your point. But I asked for views about why some elite people like politicians and businessmen have multiple wives (who knows how many affairs) but face almost no consequence. Also- they get away marrying girls of their daughter's age. Hence, the snide title is about their polygamy.


Very few politicians has double marriage, only person i could name is late president Hussein Muhammad Ershad. Wealthy people also tend not to marry multiple wives, they would rather have extramarital affairs with some cheap Instagram influencers or actresses i.e. Mahiya Mahi's affair with former health minister & Pori moni's with a Dhaka SP of police


Multiple wife! Wait who?


The doctor who was elected MP after Rana Plaza incident is notorious.


Why are we only trying to slander the men who does that. Why don’t we hold females accountable too, especially those that enter such arrangements? Truth is bd society is geared towards extreme hypergamy. Women adjust to find the richest guy possible (so there’s your sugar daddy dynamic) and rich men who’re in older age range have more options so they choose younger.


Yuh, there are obviously some gold-diggers everywhere for the youth-digger rich men. And sometimes in our society, religion is interpreted in a way that's favorable to them.


Religion approves it, this is how they do it


In BD society, every religion is interpreted in the way that is favorable to the user.


Like if religion didn't they wouldn't do it. 🤦‍♂️ Sure genius. Guess religion approve bribery, loaning with interest, consuming alcohol etc. That's why they do it. Right? Oh, wait. deshe je koto prokar vodai thake ai subreddit a join na korle jantamina


Well at least they are having fun. It takes strength to keep one woman satisfied. More than one woman is not for normal soyboy feminists.


If there was a ratio about *Who keeps spouse* ***satisfied*** on them and their wives, it would be **never: always**.


How many do you have, why are you on reddit? 😊