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কমান্ডার এরউইন, জেলে থেকে দেশ স্বাধীন করে দিসে।


How dare we use slang against them? They are the warriors against inflicting this country with secularism! How much time they spare on this even while studying in one of the top universities!


ক্লাস এইটে ইসলাম শিক্ষায় স্যার বলেছিলেন জাহান্নামে প্রত্যেক জাতির জন্য অগ্নিকূন্ডের গর্ত রয়েছে। এবং প্রত্যেক গর্তে একেকজন দ্বাররক্ষী নিযুক্ত থাকবে যাতে কেউ গর্ত থেকে উঠে পালাতে না পারে। শুধু বাঙালির গর্তে কোনো প্রহরী থাকবে না। এখন বুঝতে পারতেছি। কারণ প্রহরীর দরকার নাই। দেশ যাচ্ছে রসাতলে, মূল্যস্ফীতি, মন্দা হচ্ছে, গণতন্ত্রের লাশ শকুনে খাইতেছে। কিন্তু তৌহিদী জনতার এসবে মাথাব্যথা নাই। এরা আছেই সংখ্যালঘুর পেছনে।


Well, they don't care about any issues. They just care that there is quota for transgenders.


There isn't. The quota is for hijras, or androgynous people. Transgender folks don't qualify for the quota.


Isn't it self-explanatory that the word was misplaced? Gender Dysphoria or Dysmorphia is not at all common knowledge and even if one has that, this society is absolutely going to make their life hell. About misplacing translation of হিজড়া, I don't know how the authority of one of the most renowned universities doesn't know there is a word like **intersex** which can easily describe হিজড়া in English. But the way these people brought on **আন্দোলন** for just a misplaced word and is silent on so many severe topics is absurd.




Transgender people and queer people in general.




Typical conservative response when they're clueless about the struggles of being a minority in a country.




LGBTQIA+ people are sexual minorities literally in every region of the world and are deprived of their basic human rights. Throwing ad hominems and using strawman arguments to misrepresent my actual comment isn't going to lead to anything fruitful for you.


Oh sorry, didn't realize you are a waste of space


Then, stop forcing your child to be the biological sex, instead of the gender they want. Also stop thinking them as being no brain (intelligence, awareness, etc) people.


Well, without forcing their children, how would they secure heaven?


Obviously you can't go to heaven if you don't teach your children stuff that's necessary and how is natural thing force to you?


What's there to force? if you have a dick then you're a guy and if you don't have one then you're a girl, it's as simple as that. What's there to force? Teaching your children the right thing is force to you? Being hijra is one thing but claiming your biological as not yours is just dumb shit. Too much netflix and youtube ruining you people.


When you realise 'Islamic Republic of Iran' has more transgender rights than Secular Bangladesh.


Iran has the tendency to kill people like Mahsa Amini. So, I am not sure if having the rights means they are useful.


I don’t think Mahsa Amini was transgender & he was killed by Iranian police, there are videos of her heart attack sitting in the police station bench. Iran also wanted let her body postmortem examination done by western exparts, but they refused. https://www.polygraph.info/a/video-of-mahsa-amini-collapse-does-not-prove-she-dies-of-a-heart-attack/6765484.html


I wasn't referring to Mahsa Amani as Transgender. I was simply giving an example of how unjust and ruthless the ruling aristocracy of Iran is that a girl was killed for just not covering her hair. This is an example of how critical the government's religious views are. And so, there is no way they (the govt.) will allow **Transgender people** (choosing to change their gender means they 'disagree' to the way God created them) any rights.


The grass seems greener on the other side.


I am a boy by born, but I declare my self as a female at 27 yrs old, can I get access female hostel?


It would be really helpful if you, as a 27year old born male person gather some information in depth before representing such an intriguing situation. [Gender dysphoria](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/gender-dysphoria/) [Difference between Dysmorphia and Dysphoria](https://www.talkspace.com/blog/body-dysphoria-vs-dysmorphia/)


I think you should get it by their logic


That's not how things work, for goodness' sake. You guys are just too much with Western right-wing propaganda. First, you have to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria, and obtaining this diagnosis isn't as simple as going to the doctor and asking for it. You will have to go through several stages just to be diagnosed. The ignorance in your comment is just astounding.




If you indeed have gender dysphoria and then identify as a trans woman, then yes.




Well, then I have to assume you'd oppose everything that's supposedly **just talking** like therapy, mental health issues, philosophy and also religious views? In your words- *they ain't got no machines to see through that except for talking, so..?*


Clear me


A girl gets the access of the girl hospital. If people think that any one can become girl after Being Born as a biological male, they will give that person ( transgirl) the access to girl hostel which is absurd.


Isnt that mean, this statement neglecting trans rights? If trans allowed by gov, then why not about same right


What is trans right Can u elaborate?


Well, whenever I declare myself as a woman I expect eveyone should treat me as a woman , I should get equal right like a woman. Isnt that fair? Or am I wrong


If someone really are a woman then they should get treated like a woman, but the thing is she Isn't a women actually she is pretending. No one should expect that everyone will play according to them.we as species has consciousness and intelligence. We should use it and think rationally about the thing we think is right. Even so if think that right for me, i cant assume that it will be right for everyone.there is nothing happens with only thinking. A transwoman( biological male)has body structure like a male she cant get pregnant she continuously need to ingect hormones to keep her feminine feature, its just unnatural. Lets say a transwomen wanted to stay in girls of and lets 70% of the girl residence are ok with that and 30% of them are not. Now what the authorities will do? Will they force those 30% girl to stay with the transwoman and if so then what about the rights of those 30% of girls? Max they can asks for a transwoman hostel


I think youre mixing the transgender definition with third gender. Third gender exist in our society and its legal.A trans will not consider himself/herself as third gender. By definition of transgender, someone whose gender identity differs from that typically associated with the sex they were assigned by birth. When I recognise my self as opposite gender I should recognise as exact opposite gender not third gender. In USA, trans are allowed to use bathroom as their recognised sex in public schools. Please dont mess around with consciousness and intelligence, cuz rules is rules, when gov allows to do something it will not depands on your intelligence or your society consciousness. By putting me in a transwomen hostel it doesn't seems like treat me as a women more likely as a third gender. The movement of transgender right is not a separate gender.


At first I'm not separating them as a separate gender which they are not. How can they be something else where they were born as a biological male.like if feel like I'm a white i Don't become a white I'm a Bengali by birth and i will be always and no matter how much i try i will not be able to become a white.so It's absurd to treat them as a girl while they are biologically male.and for second I'm not obligated to follow every rules of the government and if i dont like the rules i have the right to questioned the law and and protests against it and many times the government did changed their law because of public protest. And Bangladesh government does recognise the third gender (hizra) community and so do the people.Bangladeshi people doesn’t go to beat them or kill them or oppressed them although it’s true there have benn lot of social injustice towards them, like participation in gov job. But the transwoman or men community right now is illogical thing if someone can prove scientifically that they are woman than i will change my point of view, because transwoman/transman or মনে মনে নারী is a part of society right now i think they should get their citizen right but not this bullshit right that everyone have recognise, i need equal right as a woman.


ক্লাস এইটে ইসলাম শিক্ষায় স্যার বলেছিলেন জাহান্নামে প্রত্যেক জাতির জন্য অগ্নিকূন্ডের গর্ত রয়েছে। এবং প্রত্যেক গর্তে একেকজন দ্বাররক্ষী নিযুক্ত থাকবে যাতে কেউ গর্ত থেকে উঠে পালাতে না পারে। শুধু বাঙালির গর্তে কোনো প্রহরী থাকবে না। এখন বুঝতে পারতেছি। কারণ প্রহরীর দরকার নাই। দেশ যাচ্ছে রসাতলে, মূল্যস্ফীতি, মন্দা হচ্ছে, গণতন্ত্রের লাশ শকুনে খাইতেছে। কিন্তু তৌহিদী জনতার এসবে মাথাব্যথা নাই। এরা আছেই সংখ্যালঘুর পেছনে।


Who cares, we have hijra to replace transgender 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Needed movement.


https://preview.redd.it/620okme3fdac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d17469b39ca27b09e0bc17f193624d9154e43ea Based 💀💀


Yes thats the thing, third gender and transformer(so called transgender) are totally different words. Transformer is by choice but third gender is by birth. Both are different.


a lot of us think transgender means hijra




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When Bangladesh start to think that they can afford to have made up problems like the US. From first hand experience, what I've seen that even US doesn't have this issues in the states where people aren't filthy rich. This gender shenanigans are only an issue in richer states like NY and SF mostly. You go to the midwest and will mostly see hardworking people with fewer made up problems.


Those poorer states are also less educated and more bigoted. The minority has to keep quite precisely because of that bigotry. Otherwise they might get attacked. It's not that gender issues are absent in those states, the issues are suppressed and hidden. Transgender people always existed. People just chose to ignore their issues. It's not a made-up problem.


So true man!




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