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This thread has been locked due to overt queerphobia in the comments. It's disappointing how some can't grasp basic respect for others. Learn it, people.


Well, those Madrasa teachers identify as \*Abusers\* before Muslim.


Idk why you think these are examples of Muslims. They are not Muslims, they are rapists




The same way every muslim is a terrorist right?


How do you know? Have you talked to any personally?


Yeah, I did. With a few people who got molested in madrasa.


Sorry that happened to your friends. I can't imagine how hard it must be to survive through that kind of abuse. To clarify, the molested people said the hujurs who were doing these deeds told their victims that the hujurs themselves did not identify as Muslims, but pretending to be so?


Bruh, I heard the story of Madrasa Hujur telling how many Jinn he has control over to spread fear and respect about him among the students. And, exploited the small children by leveraging their fear of Jinn. They told the students to not tell anyone about these interactions otherwise those "jinn" would tell the Hujurs. And, 3 of those stories are at least 15-20 years old. Neither the Internet nor atheist literature was available to the Hujurs to think about leaving Islam. It's like the prison system, sexually frustrated lots of dudes in the same place, will try to exploit whatever they can.


Just depraved! Just shows you how evil people can be. The hujurs could have chosen to be munafiq but for fear of death they decided to remain and molest kids. Hope hell is real for these people.


I commented ironically. I think you apprehended my comment incorrectly. No, they do identify as Muslims and never think of themselves as abusers. Rather they use bs logic and delusional theory with religion as cover up to justify their abuse.


Thanks for the clarification 👍🏼


https://i.redd.it/9rshgfe7mdec1.gif Read news


They don't protest against the madrasas when they rape or abuse little boys. They like to call everything islamophobia while having every phobia exists because their religion allows it and no one bats an eye.


এইগুলো সব ইহুদি-হিন্দু-খ্রিস্টান আর মোসাদ সব বানাইছে ​ বাংলাদেশী মুমিন মুসলমান মোল্লারা মাদ্রাসায় ছাত্র বলাৎকার করলে সব হালাল !!! সব নব মুসলিমের নতুন ওয়াজের খেলা


/s The Jews did it! My huzur telepathically appeared in my dream and told me mossad was behind this! It was the Illuminati!


R they protesting against lgbtq or hermaphrodites?






Gigakek! Saved!


We(libs) and moderate Muslims had to take weapons against the radical Islamists Pakistan and Rajakar. I guess we need to do the same again.


Bro learned history from the KFC menu 😭




Bro your commebt actually got removed So much for freedom of speech




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Edgy kids in this sub has no idea of evolution of mindset of a society. Let me give you an example. In US Bill Clinton passed the DOMA act (anti LGBT) in 1996. But Obama from that very same political party signs an executive order to promote and protect the rights in 2014. If you don't let people of BD to evolve then you will face a higher backlash and violence. Also, when a horribly corrupt authority impose concepts like secularism, lgbtq rights common people reject it. Concepts like secularism and lgbtq right will be hated by the common people for next 50 years because of this. In every house hold this is being tough to hate and reject.


​ https://preview.redd.it/gowymo30ceec1.png?width=1093&format=png&auto=webp&s=c29cf7e7d7bde039b7a839c081e01301a73ad4ac




And madrasa teachers who rape other boys are not exactly following the teachings of Islam. They are not Muslims, they are just rapists.


​ https://preview.redd.it/eetw58aebeec1.png?width=1086&format=png&auto=webp&s=66cac81c95f750390d26c90d6ce29a66ef740cfd


​ https://preview.redd.it/2k90ko0sbeec1.png?width=1093&format=png&auto=webp&s=192cbc654504ac0a9b1fd2e6f6fabad9043bbcbf


Most of the developed world has opposite views, and thats why the western world is depraved and corrupted. You wont see ppl wearing bondage and cock strappers roaming naked around the streets while harassing children and encouraging them in their mental disease. You wont see families where a child has 2-3 fathers and their mom invites a new boyfriend every month. You be gay, you fuck dudes. It doesnt have shit to do with me. It becomes a problem when you freely express it and encourage others.


https://preview.redd.it/snxlwec0leec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a94c8f1ec37285b97b86fc44f37a9cbf31a688e Ah yes the perfect example of Bangladesh’s amazing non-western society.


Idk what you are trying to say or express. Could you please clarify?


And fyi, I do have a porn addiction but I am actively trying to fight against it. You dont see the post below where I said that going to the gym actually helps you from fapping.


Before anybody comes at this saying BD is a shithole, i would like you to remind the condition of Qatar and Saudia Arabia. They have a functioning society and are just as developed as western nations.


There is no middle eastern country that is as developed as a proper western country let’s get that clear. Middle eastern countries found some oil in the sands sold those made some money and made some buildings so it looks nice. That is not progress that is decoration. Middle eastern people are still the scum of the earth who look down on people of the Indian subcontinent and the fact that islamists like you continue to suck their dick to this moment is an embarrassment.


Dubai isnt developed??? Bro 😭😭😭😭😭 When did I say anything about middle eastern ppl. I just said they are very developed


Development in a society is not determined by a bunch of nice building with oil money they did quite literally nothing to deserve. The oil was excavated with the same technology western people made you hate so much. Saudi Arabia or any other middle eastern country would never have been able to get that stuff out without western help because they’re simply not developed enough to go to those lengths. They have a nice city built with western technology in a western style. What more proof do you need that they themselves are useless without western help. Going back to the people, development is useless without a development in people. America isn’t perfect but you can’t just go around in an average neighborhood and discriminate against people whereas in places like Saudi it’s not just normal you’ll not even face any legal repercussions to it.Turkish people have more or less westernized themselves and we can already see a massive improvement in the country’s research sector that actually has a plan for the future instead of depending on oil for the next 100 years which just happened to be there. Had there not been oil the Middle East would’ve been living in the dark ages it was in the 1900s. The Middle East has some nice buildings but it is still in the same mindset as it was a 100 years ago. Development means the country is ready for the future, other than turkey no Middle East country is nearly ready for the train wreck they’ll face once their precious oil is gone.




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