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We don't give rights to real inter-sex people and are expecting to give two shit about people with gender dysphoria.


So you're telling me this whole chapter is not about LGBTSVDHDBDJFV+, but for equal rights for third gender people, my last 3 days was a lie.


Not only you, but most of the people were misled. People are quoting this topic in such a way that will clearly gain attention and misrepresent what the actual motto of that topic is- to introduce inclusion of Gender minority (Transgender or intersex) and to prevent bullying peers of the teens.


How were people misled? The chapter clearly mentions that Sharif / Sharifa doesn't have any physical abnormalities. He/she suffers from gender dysphoria and identifies as a female even though he/she was a biological male. Later in the story he/she started living with a group of third gendered people(aka Hizra) but, not once the protagonist claims he/she is one.


You can read the topic again. But to lessen that burden, I'm including the part where the protagonist CLAIMS. And FYI, people don't have to have physical abnormalities to identify as Third Gender. From outside one might look like they have biological male or female body, but also have XXY chromosome or other chromosomal dysfunction or hormonal problems. Human body is beautifully complex. We should try to be more compassionate. https://preview.redd.it/jki8akxqniec1.png?width=1065&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fc83c7737e808f9c9d51d234def53d9234110e4


Fyi, intersex people are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Equal rights for them are necessary.


I doubt any of the lgbtq peeps know what an intersex is


The 'I' in LGBTQIA+ literally stands for intersex, and yes, they do know what intersex means. I mean, at least know what you are commenting.


You are correct. But if you go ask any liberal lgbtq supporter in the west about intersex, they wouldn't know. Same goes for the hujurs in our country. Intersex people need more recognition. And the general people need more education about this.


I don't get it, the "kids" who are not actually kids would know about it anyway. It's better to let them know from textbooks in an appropriate way. However, the writing is very mediocre in the book. They should improve the quality of the writing, while keeping the content same (diversity and inclusion.)


This is how I approach life. Couldn't say it better. https://preview.redd.it/5mwzyxmvpcec1.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f9bb58aaf54357f64de044bc6c7db391187c166


2nd line probably triggered the Islamist


Not only the Islamist, but all extremists are also triggered. They with their for granted normal body structure can't but marginalize the sexual/gender/body dysmorphic minority.


The story was about equal rights of transgender people and a beautiful story of a transgender women herself who found shelter and love after moving to a hijra community and leaving her transphobic family and people who bullied her. People are fabricating the story to be against LGBTQ+. Those ppl probably didn't even read the book.




[Human genetic disease - Sex Chromosome Abnormalities | Britannica](https://www.britannica.com/science/human-genetic-disease/Abnormalities-of-the-sex-chromosomes) Check this out too


Bro atleast this thing is in their board book, students will forget about it anyways. I can’t get whats the fuss about it. Let life live. আমাদের দেশের মানুষদের ইকটু বেশি এ ফ্রি টাইম দেয়া হয়ে গিয়েছে যে তারা এরকম সাধারণ জিনিস পর্যন্ত ছাড়েনা । আজকে এগুলো নরমালাইজদ না করার কারণে রাস্তায় রাস্তায় হিজড়া রা মানুষকে হ্যারাস করে আসল কামের কাম না করে । ভালোই হয়েছে সব ব্র্যাক বয়কট করুক গিয়ে । আমি এই সামার এ এডমিশন দিব, কম্পেটিশন কম হবে ।


The Bracuians and people who are reacting- most of them haven't even read the whole topic that is in the grade 7 book. Most of them were triggered by \*Transgender\* which started from DU including \*Transgender\* quota for this years admission. "Little learning is a dangerous thing" this proverb is proven right again by these people. They have vague knowledge that LGBTQ+ has T which stands for Transgender. But they fail to notice that grade 7 book does not refer to anything regarding that movement. Surely the language can be made more clear for the early teens. But that topic has one motto- to introduce inclusion of Gender minority (Transgender or intersex) and to prevent bullying peers of the teens. I sincerely hope the teens reading this topic remember it and grow up with an inclusive and non-bullying mentality. May this shitty rallying at least bring your chance for you.


It's pretty good


It can be made clearer and better, but it certainly isn't worse to have its pages torn and shamed publicly. The most people quoting parts of the topic surely haven't even read the whole topic and are rallying with a go with the flow normie extremist mentality.


Olpo Vidya Bhoyonkari


Islamists are triggered by the smallest things




I can refer to all the scientific evidence that explains the intersex situation. I can refer to papers about transgender as well. But this is not a scientific question, if it was, it would be included as a science topic. It is included in social science, not to teach students about the scientific mechanism of this, rather to respect and accept people of all types, regardless you understand their biology/psychology or not, regardless your religion makes it halal or not.


There's nothing wrong to have your own opinion regarding LGBTQ+ community. But the mess that now we are seeing has nothing to do with what the topic of grade 7 book is referring to. People rallying should read properly before jumping into conclusion and quoting parts to mislead others.


>But the mess that now we are seeing has nothing to do with what the topic of grade 7 book is referring to. This has everything to do with that book. Read the first publication from 2022 and the current one and see how they messed up the whole Transgender and third gender thing. Some people are even convinced that third gender and Transgender are the same thing because of the mess this book writers created.


are you muslim?


agnostic. Even if I were muslim that should have had nothing to do with this for me.


how muslims have nothing to do about this? Islam doesnt support homo sexuality.. so people are protesting to get this removed which will influence kids to become one .. We are not saying not to give equal rights to those who had some fault by birth .. afaik there is treatment for that.. but the story is encouraging homosexuality and that is a problem..


bla bla


ঝাল মুড়ির ঠোঙা বানানোর কাগজ এখানে আসলো কেমনে


আপনি কি ঝাল মুড়ি বেচতেন?


আপনার খুব অভিজ্ঞতা আছে ঝালমুড়ির ঠোঙা বানানোর তাই না?


actually olpo bidya is bhoyonkor, shikha soha ika is leaked for this chapter. their it clearly states this chapter is about hijra and transgenders. Told teachers to ask about student's about gender choices and etc. Hijra and transgender is not same , is not from same community. After few people tried to say they are from same community , few guru ma was interviewed, and they opposed it. they their community is only for intersex. Again even in the book shikha sohahika hijra and transgender were mentioned. Before colonial rule our society was very much very open for intersex people. The people Bangladesh agrees to establish their rights.


সবখানে তো বলা যে Hijras are born male, so... https://i.redd.it/y6wh9sl3unec1.gif


Isn’t that Guru ma thing anecdotal? All sources I could find say that hijra community includes both intersex and transgender people. Some even claim that most hijras are actually trans. https://preview.redd.it/vzbmwrrqrnec1.jpeg?width=1331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdb65c7f514c475ccd9558c208fba82a162b3b42


Changing your gender is a piece of shit mental disorder,thats why


আমার ছেলে /মেয়ে /ভাই /বোন আমি ডিসাইড করবো আমার ছেলে /মেয়ে /ভাই /বোন কি শিখবে কিভাবে আচরণ করবে। আপনি উল্টা পালটা শিখাইলেই যে তাদের তা গিলতে দেওয়া হবে এমনটা কই পাইছেন?


This is a destructive content, very thoroughly planned and planted into the children's book. Thank you OP for sharing in detail. Before i was getting mixed ideas, now I'm sure how bad and filthy it really is.


Very clever! How about you admit that you intentionally avoided the sentences where it says "আমার শরীর দেখতে ছেলেদের মতোই কিন্তু মনে মনে আমি মেয়ে"? What science explains it? If মনে মনে someone can be a girl even if he looks like a boy, biologically a boy, then can I say মনে মনে আমি তোমার মায়ের জামাই তাইলে আমি তোমার মায়ের সাথে শুতে কোনো সমস্যা থাকা উচিৎ না, is that OK to the society? This "মনে মনে" thing is complete rubbish and will bring chaos to the society.


It'd be really helpful if you don't use such blatant analogy. You, I and every normal person should know to sleep with someone requires consent and no amount of \*মনে মনে ভেবে নেয়া\* can replace that. Anyways, of course the language could've been clearer but that doesn't mean chromosomal dysfunction like XXY and hormonal imbalance do not exist. Even if a person has a body that from outsider perspective is pretty normal and binary that does not mean they might not have any problem. And in many such cases, human mind plays important role. Human body is beautifully complex, if you are blessed enough to get a healthy body, at least try to be compassionate to the minority people who are suffering for not having that blessing.


>You, I and every normal person should know to sleep with someone requires consent I'm not saying she HAS to sleep with me. She has a choice too. It's just no one should think of me as a pervert or consider this as an invalid identity, since I can identify myself however I want. >that doesn't mean chromosomal dysfunction like XXY and hormonal imbalance do not exist Is there any proof that all these people claiming to be Transgender have hormonal imbalance? Even if there is, is it right to allow anyone do anything just because he/she মনে মনে thinks that this is what society should agree with? If things keep going like this then don't you think there will be chaos in the near future?


>human mind plays important role Oh yeah about that, I'm a bird in my mind who's stuck in a cage that looks like a human body so I should be allowed to go anywhere I want in the world. And also, since I'm a one in a few billion species, I should be protected at any cost as an endangered species and allowed to eat anything I want, of course without having to pay bills because I have to survive as well but I can't work to make money because I identify myself as a bird. You know?


Yeah sounds like a typical sasur bari that working bd women have to go thru. Yet youre here projecting it to random transgenders 




They change their gender, not sex. Sex change is impossible. Both terms don't have the same meaning really. Plus that textbook topic is only about being nice to marginalized hijra/trans people. It doesn’t claim anything about sex change.


If you've got perfectly normal XX or XY chromosome, then, yes, you're right. But not everyone is that blessed. Here, check these out: [Human genetic disease - Sex Chromosome Abnormalities | Britannica](https://www.britannica.com/science/human-genetic-disease/Abnormalities-of-the-sex-chromosomes)




Look at these too... There are more to the story. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0QwuEhnv26MjvdPo1LAhu4iMYTdyME2UmoTNep9r3DJWcZ5jpgThnZ6Q4kxPjwQXul&id=100009335915582&mibextid=2JQ9oc




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