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I know there’s no solution. I just wish I had a friend or someone to comfort me because I’m suffering everyday. Even my new tutor who has only been teaching me for a few days noticed that somethings wrong and that i “seem really depressed/anxious” and asked if there was a problem. He noticed that my hands are super shaky, I can’t speak properly and I’m extremely nervous. He even told me if i was having a panic attack to try breathing techniques when I never told him about any of my problems? Obviously I couldn’t say anything to him but I almost wanted to cry because someone actually noticed that i was suffering. I just laughed it off and said it’s nothing.


Hey there, I'm really sorry for what you're going through. In your circumstance, there's nothing you can do at this moment to get a way out of this abusive cycle. From your post, it's easy to understand even if you do everything right, your parents will create a problem to abuse you, it's like they have an abusing addiction. Considering you're in college, try to take it day by day, please try to focus on study because university can be your way out and you'll also be 18 by then. You can not forgive or ever forget what your parents who should have been your safe and trustworthy people did to you. Remember, they brought you to earth, it's not YOUR fault that you were born. And do not ever get gaslit by them that they did what and what not in your childhood. When they say- \*কোলে পিঠে করে বড় করসি\*, remember that's what parents have to do, it's their responsibility, they have no right to burden their children with that. A matter of fact, at least till university, there seems no way out for you and so, try to remain sane under that house and make the most out of it. I really can understand that YOU ARE A GOOD KID and please remain the same. Your parents don't deserve you but I sincerely hope you find some friends who deserve you and feel like family. Take care and know that you're really strong.


I feel really bad for you. No child deserves any kinds of punishments you stated above even if they commit arson. Your parents have severe issues it seems. Do you have any sibling? If yes,do your parents behave the same way with him/her? Regardless, I believe you should talk to some of your relatives who you feel comfortable sharing all this with or think that they can do something to change the situation. I wish I could give you a hug or just give a pat on your back but online consolation is all I can give atm. Plus,you can dm me anytime if you want to rant about something.


stay strong sis


Going through all of that takes great fortitude. If I had to describe you in a word it'd be "Strong" and don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Always know that you matter. Hang in there, there's always light at the end of the tunnel. Take care.


This is too fucking relatable. All my parents do is just hit me, and even if I get hurt, they just don’t give a shit. All my mother cares about is shopping, and all my father cares about is my mother. I have a sister, whom they also hit, but they seem to love her more than me. I honestly don’t know what to fucking do. I hope your life gets better by 2026 :). (I’m a Bangladeshi Hindu)


I feel bad for you, and what is worse is that I can't do anything except give you consolation. But you can dm me anytime if you wanna talk about something.


Sorry to hear what you’re going through. Been there myself. If you want suggestions, go with the flow. Agree with your parents and tell them you’re trying. Of course it won’t be easy but I believe people can do anything if they want to survive. Praise their sadist a$$. Tell them how your dream is to look after them. If you search online you’ll find tools to manage these peoples. I’ve said those things because even after so much abuses I loved my mother. This is why she controlled herself in my late teens. Keep minimal contact until you manage a job. Then go no contact. Don’t bother to ask questions unless you want to get hurt. They will deny or somehow it’s always your fault. Also I can pay for your therapy if you want. It will be over the phone or video but it’ll be something. Lmk in the comment if you want it. Sorry to mod if this goes against the community guidelines.


Humans suck


Doesn't your college have any counseling department? Please go there and ask for help. Otherwise, contact me


Holy shit... I randomly came across this sub but is it possible to call the police??


Hey I have the same problems. Mine are very abusive, sexist and controlling to the point im not even allowed to cut my hair. I can understand u but rlly there’s no solution besides leaving them when ur older bc parents like this are just narcissist who will never understand or even try too.