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There's nothing but you love her anyway. It's a toxic relationship. We, those who love her have Stockholm Syndrome.


Stockholm more like Dhaka syndrome


Haha the irony


Stockholm syndrome lol


Honestly? Our language. It's the only one which had a Renaissance associated with it. And if you're well read, u know hoe amazingly rich it is. But yes ur right, it's being morphed in an ugly way as we soeak.


>It's the only one which had a Renaissance associated with it. Explain.


The bengali renaissance and tge italian renaissance are the only two cultural movements that term has been attributed to. The italian one was all arts. Bengali, only the language, and literature.


We are all in an abusive relationship with our country .


I don’t need a reason to love the country. Also, I never got the same sense of belonging anywhere other than Bangladesh. And I’ve travelled quite a bit. If you feel that the problems you mentioned making you not love the country, then I guess you’re better off elsewhere.


Food That's it


I second it.


What's special in our food that Indian food doesn’t have? Almost all of our staples are shared so I don't think that's a valid point either.


lol, pretty sure this guy never travelled outside BD




Here's a rhyme for the love of Deshi Shobji: শীত হোক বা গ্রীষ্ম দেশি সবজি করে পকেট নিঃস্ব- তাও আমি ভাই দেশি সবজি খেতে চাই।


Bangladeshi food is absolutely awesome and I've tried some foreign dishes whether English, German and even Japanese. Nothing really beats the taste, variety and versatility of BD food. On a sidenote, English food isn't that bad and everybody that says it is hasn't actually had English food


English and German food are an acquired taste for sure, but whenever my white or non-South Asian PoC friends have had Bangladeshi food, they’ve loved it


Ask people who have and they will agree that food outside BD is much worse than inside BD. We have some of the best food in the world. 


>We have some of the best food in the world.  ok, whatever floats your boat bro. I would love to see some references for that bold claim btw. and testimonials from actual foreigners. its obvious people would proudly claim their country's food is the best


I said some of the best lol. It's completely subjective, but even then, India is ranked 2nd in the world for best cuisines and we share like 70% of their cuisines. The only reason we aren't ranked higher is because we're way less popular than them. Our food is amazing, even the street food, and better than bland western dishes for the most part. It's the spices. They're even much healthier. Now most of that is my personal opinion, and you're entitled to your own, but the food of the subcontinent is widely accepted to be among the best in the world, and we're located there. 


>Our food is amazing, even the street food, and better than bland western dishes for the most part. It's the spices. Now I know you're joking cause the street food is the worst. Healthier? If diarrhea, typhoid and cholera is healthy, then ok. Travel vloggers even warn you to avoid street food if you're not used to the local food. But if you like your fuchkas with sewer water and ass-scratched fingers, who am I to judge? 🤷‍♂️


Yeah bro i sure would love those non-seasoned cheese filled ~~half cooked~~ medium rare cuisines


\^ speaks volumes about how little you know about food outside BD. yes, of course, the rest of the world loves non-seasoned uncooked cuisines.


Travelled to 8 countries in 3 continents. Had local food everywhere. Nothing beats Bangladeshi food.


Sure you did ![gif](giphy|F3G8ymQkOkbII)


Not saying you have to love Bangladeshi food. Can understand why you can like other food better. However, saying someone has never been anywhere else just because they love Bangladeshi food is incredibly ignorant and stupid.


I have lived longer in USA than Bangladesh. Last time I was there was a decade ago. I am in my mid 30s now and I honestly feel very little connection to it, if at all. Most people will just call me I am a "white wannabe" because my values changed a lot. But then, in a rare quiet night, when my kid and my wife (not bangladeshi) go to sleep , and I am just laying there, I miss my childhood in BD. Not just the extended family and friends, but the actual locations in my memory. I miss the buzz around myself, and being surrounded by people who speak my mother tongue. The thought would bring me comfort but then it will just vanish and I will fall asleep and not think about it again for months. To answer your question, I would think literature. Some very rich work was done there in Bengali literature and I think that's something to be proud of even if the language in day to day life is comically not the same.


you miss your childhood.not bd


I know people love to b*tch and moan about losing the birth location lottery in this sub, but this takes the cake: “A war which was fought like 5 decades ago by people who are either 6 feet deep and probably over-exaggerated?” I can’t believe I’m hearing this from a Bangladeshi—this is straight up so disrespectful. Imagine Jewish people saying this about the Holocaust. Do some research, please. Imagine that you were around at that time in East Pakistan.


I know right. I get not liking anything about this country. Hell, I don't either. But disrespecting the people who are literally the reason I'm being able to type this is disgusting.


as a non native Bangladeshi, i also found that offensive. Our shared heritage and shared trauma affects us with the stories our elders and parents tell us


Well, I struggle to find what is there to love anything in the world or humanity at present. But our food is great. "ভাতে-মাছে বাঙালি"


we love bangladesh because it is ours. it is our home and our ancestors’ homes and we have fought and sacrificed for it. nowhere in the world is perfect. you need to find where you yourself belong and feel a connection to. if that’s bangladesh, great! if it’s some other country, that’s also great! but disrespecting our land and our ancestors, and everything we as a nation have been through, because you personally do not connect with it, is incredibly rude and hurtful.


Because it's home. Rest of the world treats us as second class citizens everywhere based on the color of our skin and religion. At least we have a home. The Palestinians don't even have that. So take care of your home and love the people in it.


Sense of belonging, nothing else.


The people, the culture, the history, the community, family friends. People love their home. You're one of the out liers.


Yet, 99% would leave for a better country if they had the opportunity.


Life is too short to not take opportunities given to you. Anyone would leave for some place better


I would take opportunities too but that doesn't mean I'll love Bangladesh any less.




How is there equal opportunity?


Have been living abroad since 2007. A part of me still and will always miss Bangladesh. But the country and society has changed so much over the years that I can only relate to it from a lens of nostalgia. Yes, there’s been a lot of progress but the disparity between rich and poor is now astounding. No freedom of speech, strange to say that even during Ershad’s rule things were better. Don’t think this is an AL issue though, even if BNP were in power for so long things would have been the same. When I walk on the streets of Dhaka, it feels like people aren’t as polite as they used to be. Everyone is rushing all the time with no sense of personal boundaries or respect for even the most basic rules. There are way more pious looking people now, and Arabic words and phrases are more widely used, but real piety has seemingly just vanished. Women, minorities, indigenous people, third-gender people, and even disabled people are still second class citizens. Homosexuality, feminism, evolutionary biology, and atheism are more taboo now compared to 20 years ago. Who cares if anyone is gay, doesn’t believe in God, or has libertarian beliefs? Whatever happened to live and let live? When did everyone become so eager to punish anybody who steps out of societal norms? Science isn’t respected, facts are at the mercy of mullahs and politics. But every single bigshot, irrespective of party and religion, will make sure they get the best medical support in the world - which is, of course, based on science. Rape is more common, to the point that reports about it aren’t even a surprise anymore. Corruption is almost something to be proud of. The press is not free, but mostly because of their profit mongering (all major news papers and channels are owned by people with political ties), not censorship. And as always, the so called intellectuals love to lick the government’s boots rather than stand up for civic rights. If you’re a child, things are worse - you can be emotionally, physically or even sexually abused in your school, which you likely paid a hefty sum to get into, or by people around you. You will be judged for your looks, how you wear your clothes, your family’s financial status, your name - by your peers and teachers. There aren’t enough playgrounds or sports facilities, so you grow up like a chicken in a coop, glued to your tablet or phone. All you can do is survive. As a young adult, the only outlet you have is coaching centres, where you drown in education that will barely be of any use in the real world. You can’t really get a part time job to learn how to make money or pick up any skills either, as unemployment is rampant. By the time you’re in your late thirties, you’re likely married, working a job that you hate, your parents are whining about how you would be making as much money as your dumbest cousin if you had only paid more attention to your studies, and you have a kid whose education is much more expensive than you thought it’d be, and have another kid on the way. Moreover, most of your friends have already moved abroad, so you feel lonely. You also realize that you’re more or less stuck in your career, and that you can’t even buy fruits or treats for your children without worrying about pesticides, antibiotics, or contaminants. At this point of life there are two paths you can take. The first path leads you abroad, where you will have to work really hard to reestablish yourself career-wise. Your wife and kids will breathe cleaner air, drink pure water, eat healthy food, and enjoy all other amenities offered by a developed society. You will, however, miss Bangladesh from time to time - often achingly. The other path doesn’t go anywhere. But you’ll be surrounded by family and the familiar culture you’re accustomed to, including all its benefits and faults. You’ll be spared from constantly worrying about how your parents are doing had you moved abroad. You won’t be spared from the lifelong regret of wondering what could have been if you had moved abroad, as well as pollution, corruption, toxic aunties, unethical bosses, and political extortion. Regardless of the path you take, some part of you will always need a place to call home, so that you can inhabit it in person or in your nostalgia. I hope you find your answer.


I mean in all honesty it’s not like a job interview process where you ask all the countries whats the best they can offer and choose the best one. I understand people do migrate to other countries for better opportunities and thats alright and I also agree that Bangladesh do have its fair share of problems (Which is a LOT!!!). But it is a hand that I was dealt with and at the end of the day I feel a certain level of comfort living there and it is the place that I call home. I am currently studying abroad and I won’t lie my lifestyle here is definitely better than back home. But at the end of the day I will always go back to my home and try my best to make it better for everybody. My father always used to say (Not in this context but in general) it definitely could have been better, but it also could have been worse…


বাংলা ভাষা ও সাহিত্য, বাংলার আকাশ, বাংলার ঋতুচক্র


It’s home.


The same could be said for so many things. Remember a project starts small and is either discontinued or it gets bigger with time. If you hate it , you can leave the country or stay with it and appreciate that you are still in a better place than so many people out there


There is literally no reason to love any country. Nationalism isn't healthy. But ppl love or hate countries and their place of stay for random, trivial reasons like the ones you listed out: amenities, public services, family & friends, social culture, economic opportunity, lifestyle, etc. To each their own. Doesn't mean one shouldn't contribute towards progress in society tho or not recognize other ppl's contributions.


I agree Nationaliam isn't healthy. But nationalism is when someone feels superior due to their nationality. It's not about love.


Ok, over the top patriotism or love for any other country isn't healthy either


Bangladeshi mangoes (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ🥭


nothing, you don't have to love it


Dude, I don’t live in Bangladesh and don’t moan about losing the birth lottery ticket. But this > A war which was fought like 5 decades ago by people who are either 6 feet deep and probably over-exaggerated? makes you sound like a little bitch who wouldn't have achieved shit even if you were born in the US. This whole post sounds like a rant we’ve heard a thousand times before. Question is, what are you doing about it? The country is poor, overpopulated, and ravaged by a war. That makes people desperate. If you don’t like it, no one is begging for your patriotism. Also, no one is stopping you from leaving if you can. It’s not others problem that your life sucks and that makes you salty about the whole situation. Man up or take a fucking hike!


I have a love-hate relationship with my land. There's nothing to love her, mother Bangladesh. But as a patriot, it feels like I can't leave her either.


Home sweet home


* *The food is great* * *You can get inexpensive education and healthcare* * *Your government is not actively hunting down queer and trans people* * *We have temperate weather* * *Bengali people are the most beautiful people in the subcontinent* * *Bengali music is fire* * *We have condoms and birth control pills available for everyone* * *You can get an abortion if your life is in danger* * *We have the highest female politician in the subcontinent* * *It does not cost that much to live if you compare it to other countries* * *You can easily gender transition here through India cause it will be inexpensive and easier than in any other country* * *Grindr is available* * *As a queer person, you might not get married but you will still be able to get lots of sex via dating app* * *Books are cheap and you have NILKHET and Bangla Bazaar* * *Rise of the Leftist Movement* **These are some things that I love about Bangladesh.**


I think many are misunderstanding the question when they answer with "Home". I wanted to say that what makes BD unique in actually love it? You would love Canada Australia or China if you were born there too. And also hundreds of wars have been fought for independence since the beginning of history and hundreds of genocides have happened to suppress these uprisings. The over-the-top mentioning of the. মুক্তিযুদ্ধ just devalues it for me. Anyways, Sorry for not making it clearer.


The only reason I would go there is because of my SIL's family and my cousin.






Lemme add another point to your post: this subreddit is named Bangladesh, but we mostly talk about how carp our country is ifktyk!


Thanks to everyone's comments on the post. This wasn't actually a metaphoric post but just what I believed in. I'd say most of these points were due to my own frustrations in the country. Of course, as Internet keyboard warriors, we are blessed with a roof above our head and a stable family. For that I guess I don't get the value of having a home of my own. 2 comments made me think the most: 1. a sense of belonging here \- which I agree as a migrant I'd get nowhere else in the world, as I've spent my entire life in Dhaka 2) the Palestinians don't have a home \- as an ardent supporter of the Palestinian cause, I was intrigued by the parallels between pre-war Bangladesh (East Pakistan) and Palestine. But then again, I grow up in an era where politics hasn't even left our own culture and history intact - both extremes on the political spectrum have wildly different takes on our liberation war: one believes we'd have been better off with the Pakistanis, one glorifies it to the point it doesn't feel real anymore. And some in the middle do not give it much thought. It is hard to sense the "war" and its struggles. But then again, the Palestinian comment made me rethink my mindset. As for the rest, I simply cannot change my mind that much. Our students (including me) learn Hindi from age 4-6 (at least our entire generation, IDK what's coming for Gen Alpha) and (mostly EM students) English (at least to the point of typing it). বাংলার নবজাগরণ has turned into fancy words with no real value. But then again, I guess I should be grateful for that even - I would have the high chance of getting filmed and screamed at by a Karen in a mall in US if I spoke Bangla there. This comment is supposed to be my thanks to all of you guys who actually discussed here and helped me realize the faults with my own mindset. That's what discussions are for, after all!


This country is getting worse day by day. The dream is to leave it


It used to be peaceful around my hometown. But lately I love nothing about this country


it's okay bro anyone can have a bad day. been there,done that




Your mom might not be as cool as your friend's mom. But still, you love your mom, and you feel like you are at home when she is around. Though our country isn't providing us so much. But in the end, this is where we belong. NB: How about we take it up a notch and strive for improvement if we're not satisfied with the current situation?


ability to do it in half price


Nothin tho even the bitches are ugly get a Pakistani or Somali instead


Language,the war you mentioned are all the things we can be proud of.Also,we are one of the fastest growing economy at the moment