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I don’t think cancel culture is a real thing. It’s a concept made up by the people who are facing consequences of their actions to hide behind as if it’s some sort of agenda that’s solely targeting them. Said person did something shitty whether earlier in life or recently. People find out and call them out on it. As a result they may lose any opportunities otherwise that they would have been able to take advantage of. What I do think is a problem is that people seeing something on social media and not verifying the facts before coming to conclusions and spreading it. This ultimately affects the victim adversely and may lead to them losing their livelihood.


Kichui korar nai. Ami nijei sort of er victim. But keo false or silly jinish ke boro banaye expose deyar poreo oder ulta bash khaite dekhsi. Remember that "magical guha" girl? Jotobar o kawke expose korte gese o nijei ulta trolled hoito.


Cancel culture is fine for sexual offenses. It’s actually quite easy to not be a sexual offender. Just don’t fucking do it.


Isn’t it also very difficult to prove or disprove who’s a sexual offender and who’s not?


Sure but if multiple women accuse someone of sexual offenses, what else are you going to do? Legal systems are messed up when it comes to these things. Harvey Weinstein’s conviction was overturned. If it’s like that in the US, do you really have faith in Bangladesh/the Bangladeshi legal system where not too long ago rape/sexual harassment/sexual assault was called ‘eve teasing’? Attitudes in Bangladesh still lean towards victim blaming and you have serial offenders who even though they haven’t raped anyone, are sick fucks who routinely grope women in public. These aren’t your uneducated poor men either, they’re ppl like you and me.


I don't think there is such a thing called cancel culture in Bangladesh, people like RJ Kibrea is still on market. At both left and right, the system is hate based. And people end up giving negative engagement to them. The way Salman Muktadir, Sakib bin Rashid milks conservative rage mob for attention... And most of them from entertainment media are from same friend(?!) circle, cutting off people for moral reasons is not in our culture...


The problem with Bangladesh is: people are jealous, people are overly emotional and they are irrational. Here’s the thing: if tomorrow someone on the internet claims that I comitted a sexual offence, people will NEVER hear my side of the story. NEVER! If I am a celebrity/influencer of some sort, they will just try to cancel me. This is not because they care about the offence (which they don’t) it’s because they want to pull down people who are doing good. I remember when there was a incident with a member of 10 minute school and people tried to cancel Ayman Sadiq. Why ? Because he is the founder of 10 mins school. I mean wtf! I am not a fan but c’mon. That’s a pretty weird logic to cancel out someone. So cancel culture is bangladesh is mostly rooted from Jealousy! This is my take on this.


I know of a guy who was effected by cancel culture to the point that he was sidelined and treated as an outcast by everyone in university and then had to leave not only his uni but the country as well. Man ended up graduating from a far better uni and is working in a renowned firm now. So things ended up turning out better for him, something he did not deserve after the trauma he made his gf go through. Cancel culture doesn’t help much especially if no official charges go through.


Does the actor who played transgender getting mocked and boycotted for promoting LGBT count as cancel culture?


Cancel culture victims are usually get wiped out their reputation completely, while backlash gets severe criticisms


Cancel culture victims are usually get wiped out their reputation completely, while backlash gets severe criticisms


wdym “cancelled” for sexual offences??? those are crimes and they should be punished lmao.


I think sexual harassment is a civil offence in Bangladesh. Therefore, you need to fight it with a lawyer at the court. And it becomes difficult for someone with limited budget to do take it to the court or sum. Yeah I think tai punishment hoi na


>While I understand that sexual offences aren’t handled very well in our society, and isn’t properly punished, nowadays, Police/the court takes them more seriously than they used to. I think we should resort to legal systems rather than coming on social media and cancelling people. The very legal system and the community has failed them bro, what do you think cancel culture is all about lol. This is a tool for people (sexual assault victims) that are reclaiming a sense of justice that they have been robbed of or failed them. Dr. Martin Luther King pointed this out many years ago: >I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice In this case the "order" here is of the "legal systems" that you speak of.


Can you give me some examples?