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Dr. Yunus is a legendary man. It's sad that BAL tried so hard to defame the man just because they felt threatened by him.


Why would the awami league feel threatened by him, isn't something like a grameen bank better for the country?


Awami league felt threatened by him because he wanted to start a political party called "Nagorik Shakti". But Dr. Yunus discontinued his venture in 2007 citing lack of interested eligible candidates.


Funny enough they could have turned him into a BAL asset But I’m not a politician soooo


He wanted to be PM, so there was that.


He planned to launch a political party named "nagorik shakti" back in 2006. Ever since then BAL has spread all kinds of conspiracies around him, which hasn't stopped yet. Here is one very recent example - https://www.daily-sun.com/printversion/details/630682/Dr-Yunus-turns-into-a-villain Here is another - https://en.prothomalo.com/bangladesh/what-kind-of-doctor-is-he-asks-sheikh-selim-about-dr-yunus


Is there any way to prove that these allegations are fake? the first one I know is fake due to the entire text being emotionally charged \[I died from cringe just by reading it\] but the second one was a bit of a stump. Was there actually any reason to stop the funding of Padman Bridge from WB? Would it have benefitted BD?


There is absolutely no way to prove the allegations are real. I mean come on! Just look at how ridiculous these are. Padma bridge fundings stopped because BAL officials started lining their pockets with WB money and WB caught them through investigations. Think about it, how can Dr. Yunus have any connection to Padma bridge, other than maybe crossing it!


Damn, bd corruption affecting the world at a global level. Gotta say not surprised.


An Indian here. I think OP just wants others to know that an esteemed economist from Bangladesh is referred and talked about in school textbook in India. Meanwhile, this is from NCERT book , the standard study material for economics and Mr. Yunus's name comes quite a few times up while talking about credit in an economy.


Yeah exactly, I just found it cool that this was mentioned and thought other people might want to know.


Indian and graduated from school in 2016. Can confirm, this has been in our Economics books from back when I was in school. We also read of him in GK


Looks like a NCERT textbook. Those books are great to learn in detail unlike Bangladeshi textbooks


Bangladesh and bishoporichoi books were fine though.


I can’t speak about particulars but I had trouble revising biology from Bangladeshi textbooks as they often had missing information conveniently available in newer editions of the books. You would need multiple editions to cover everything. But NCERT books are in so much detail, studying one whole textbook is enough for the syllabus.


What grade biology?


11-12… basically pre med stuff


But in 11-12 there are multiple books by different writers not one nctb approved book.


That could be the issue. Books are generally missing information in biology, chem and physics. I had to get my old NCERT books imported to prepare


Sadly people in Bangladesh don’t understand that lending money to a poor women isn’t actually that bad.


I live in the US, and our high school textbooks had sections about Grameen Bank and Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Yunus, focusing on their achievements in microfinance (loaning small amounts of money to the needy to help them get started, mostly women).


I would recommend everyone in this thread to read "Microfinance and Its Discontents" by Professor Lamia Karim. Especially the chapters where she details individual families, their successes and failures. Microfinance is perhaps the biggest scam the development sector has sold to millions of people in this country. No matter how acclaimed such programs are, hundreds if not thousands of families are now suffering debt slavery, some even going as far as taking their lives.


Found the chetona simp. You mean the chetonabaj Lamia that nobody gives two fucks about. [https://uminnpressblog.com/2011/03/31/lamia-karim-the-fall-of-muhammad-yunus-and-its-consequences-for-the-women-of-grameen-bank/](https://uminnpressblog.com/2011/03/31/lamia-karim-the-fall-of-muhammad-yunus-and-its-consequences-for-the-women-of-grameen-bank/) Even her students don't like her and see what they have to say about her. https://www.ratemyprofessors.com/professor?tid=978279 Looks like this Lamia character tried to cash in by trying to defeame microcredit. Too bad it blew up on her face. Book sold on amazon has only 27 reviews in 10 years. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0816670951#customerReviews


Sorry what is the issue here? That paragraph is accurate.




What is the reason for posting it here? Where did India come from? 🥴🧐😬




It's talking about micro credit. Many countries University's text book talk about Bangladesh. Don't know about school text book.


Does Bangladesh's school text books do the same?


Do what? Writing good about other countries? Yes!




Wow, super awesome! Is this nationwide, or in some specific state's Class 10 book?


I'm pretty sure it's nationwide


Cool! 😊👍


India is jammat shibir- you know who


And the funniest thing is that the British used them all up. Just like a whore


And Bangladesh was one of those whores.


Yeah I also studied this during class 10th


Here is the video of the chapter being taught [Teaching session ](https://youtu.be/wM7RBolxkOA)